VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 167 - Over Powered

Cheng Xiu struggled against the hold of the water arms that held on to her legs, and kept her pinned to the concrete floor.

A second blue geometrical pattern appeared under San Zhe's feet. The water arms that emerged from it pulled him to the ground next to her.

Cheng Xiu looked at Yaksha who stood leaning against the dungeon wall. She was upset that he was not attacked. She guessed that unless Yaksha takes the first step, these NPCs would not attack him at all.

She felt a bit of jealousy at that moment but still endured. She had other things to focus on at that moment. Like how to escape from the water arms that held her down.

Cheng Xiu looked at her sword copies that were floating near the ceiling of the dingy dungeon without her control. She knew how she could escape.

Cheng Xiu commanded the sword copies to attack the two women in green to distract them. It was not easy to control them. Cheng Xiu at Level 10 while fighting the Experts had a better control of the skills but now, she was not able to use the skills to the potential that she had been able to use before.

The Qi in her body kept struggling against her. They were not as obedient and the flow seemed to be far rougher than it was before.

Cheng Xiu created another sword copy while the first two attacked the NPC witches.

She aimed the new sword copies towards the center of the geometrical circle that was under her and let the swords stab into the area. Though it was just a speculation of hers that if she could damage the geometrical pattern she would be able to break the spell, she wanted to try if she could.

The reason for this specualation was that the witches could not be too advanced. It would be setting her up for failure when the system seemed to want the players to fight in dungeons that were meant for their level.

The swords cracked the ground that she lay on, only a few centimeters away from where she laid.

The two NPCs looked towards her, and screamed.


"How dare you!"

Cheng Xiu blinked. Didn't she just attack one of the patterns, why were both of them reacting to it like she had destroyed both their hard works?

Cheng Xiu looked and conformed that she had only destroyed the work of the first NPC. San Zhe was still stuck struggling against the water arms that held him down.

Cheng Xiu frowned and looked towards the two NPCs. A theory formed in her mind.

"Why are you both reacting?" Cheng Xiu asked as she slowly dusted off the debris on her hair.

The swords braking the spell circle so close to her had sent chunks of concrete chips and shards at her. She had avoided her eyes getting hurt but there were a few scratches that decorated her face. She did not care about it much though. After all, this was a game world and these kinds of injuries left no traces.

"Didn't only one of you attack me?" Cheng Xiu continued. "With the way that the two of you were acting before, the other should not care whether the first attacker's spell is broken…in fact, the second attacker should even feel delighted…so why did both of you feel so pained?"

The NPCs glared at her, but did not answer her.

"Not going to comment?" Cheng Xiu mocked. "Weren't the two of you screeching at each other before? What happened now? Did somebody stuff your mouth with rags?"

The NPCs continued to glare.

San Zhe at her side looked at her in confusion as he struggled against the hold of the water arms. Why were these arms so tangeable? Water, unless it was in ice form, should not have this kind of ability to hold onto him. It was unscientific.

If Cheng Xiu heard his thoughts at that moment she would have kicked him in the head for his stupidity. They lived in world that was filled with people who used Qi to accomplish great feats of miracles. How could he still argue if something is scientific or not?

"I do have a question though," Cheng Xiu said to the two women. "I don't know if I should ask it…"

The two NPCs looked at each other and then at Cheng Xiu.

The NPC that had attacked her nodded. "What?"

Cheng Xiu smiled. "Which one of you failed at capturing me?"

"What?" the second NPC asked her.

"Well, you see," Cheng Xiu said to her in a fake regretful voice, "Due to the sudden nature of the spell attack at the moment I did not clearly see who had attacked me. Since there are two of you, I am now confused. Do you know which one of you attacked me?"

Yaksha smiled behind his mask. It would seem that she had realised the truth of this Dungeon.

San Zhe looked at her in confusion. Even he knew which one had attacked him and which one had not attacked him and he wasn't that observant a person. The two NPCs had not changed their places since the beginning. Even when they were attacked by Cheng Xiu's sword copies, the NPCs dealt with them using water barriers and water arms to swat them away. The two did not move from their position.

Cheng Xiu was an S-ranked Genius. How could she not know that kind of stuff? Don't people of her level have great memories?

"I did," the NPC that had attacked San Zhe said.

San Zhe looked at the green robed woman in confusion. Dear NPC sister, was he the one who was wrong all along? Did the NPCs change their positions when he was not looking? When did he not look though? Was it when he fell to the ground?

"Oh?" Cheng Xiu asked in wonder. "It is you? Dear Sister, I thought it was you! You are so beautiful! How can I not be attacked by a beautiful person! I always knew that the only person who could defeat me was someone who was completely beautiful!"

San Zhe looked at Cheng Xiu's profile in a daze. He did not seem to know this script…since when was beauty a factor in such things? Then again, the people who always attacked her until now were people with great face value, it would not be too far fetched for Cheng Xiu to misunderstand that having a good face value was a requirement or something…although…did all geniuses have such delusions of grandeur or was Cheng Xiu special in that regard?

Hearing Cheng Xiu's shameless words of self-praise the NPC that had attacked San Zhe glared at Cheng Xiu with murder in her eyes.

The NPC on the left, the NPC that had actually attacked her smiled proudly. "That is right! You were captured by a great beauty."

Cheng Xiu nodded, playing along. "Right! Right! A great beauty! Only a great beauty who was at the level of the Queen can defeat me!"

The NPC on the right scoffed. "What great beauty! Surely you are mistaken! You were captured by an ugly woman! Queen?" The woman spit on the ground. "You mean a mere mistress without any value!"

The left NPC glared. "How dare you! Who are you calling a mistress! You are the mistress!"

The two NPC women were back at bickering towards each other.

Cheng Xiu used their distracted state to release San Zhe from his Spell binding as well.

San Zhe gave her a grateful bow, and then looked towards the two women who bickered over who was the real mistress and Queen.

San Zhe was confused. He felt like he was stupid, but he really could not understand what was going on.

"Do you want to know?" Cheng Xiu asked in a whisper as she nodded her head in the direction of the two NPCs.

"Yeah," San Zhe whispered back.

"They are two disgraced mistresses," Cheng Xiu whispered.

San Zhe looked at her with a blank look.

"Don't you read?" Cheng Xiu asked impatiently.

San Zhe nodded.

"Novels? Or textbooks?"

"Textbooks," San Zhe said.

Cheng Xiu gave him a disdained look. "Why do these 'queens' not have servants that attack in their stead? Isn't that how these scenarios work? The Boss NPCs send out minions to do their work."

"Didn't they already do that?"

"Did they?"

"Didn't they?"


San Zhe was officially confused. In fact, he felt that after this conversation he would have to open a club for the confused and become its president just for how confused he was. "The hammer wielding NPCs though…"

"Did you get the 'Killed the Rat Counsellor' announcement?" Cheng Xiu asked him.

He shook his head.

"Me niether," Cheng Xiu said, "Since we haven't met the counsellors, how can we meet the queens?"

San Zhe's eyes widened. "Then these…"

Cheng Xiu smiled. "Exactly what they are accusing each other of. Mistresses."

San Zhe's eyes widened.

"They are here to distract us," Cheng Xiu explained. "They are sort of like hidden bosses…or sub plots of the dungeon. They are there to give the players a more thorough understanding of the NPC power-levels and their skill sets. Also, maybe defeating them might help the players in killing the counselors and the actual Queens, who might also be twins like these two. It might be the fetish of the King to have twins as his women."

San Zhe gaped at her. Were they playing the same game? When did Cheng Xiu gain such a detailed analysis of the dungeon rules? He did not say anything about sub-plots or Quests like that…how did she figure these things out without playing the dungeons at least a few times?

Was this the power of the Logical Minds? So Over Powered!

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