VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 215 - For Your Future

"Think about all the benefits that this could bring to you as well," the woman continued. "You will have a practical project already in place and in the future, when you are looking for a job, this will be a part of your credentials. It will show the interviewers how talented and valuable you are."

Cheng Xiu shook her head and smiled. "Thank you ma'am but I think it is better for the project not to be put forwards in its present format."

The woman thought for a moment. Her eyes lit up as she thought of something.

"Do you have a solution to the Detoxing plant?" she asked in excitement. The student had said Present Format! That meant that she was planning on modifying the current format to include the Detoxification Unit!

"I don't," she said with a sigh. "I tried to but my understanding of the subject is not deep enough for it, ma'am. And I think that the current plan can not be modified to the extent that it needs to be to add a Detoxification Unit without the entire system collapsing on the workers."

The teacher frowned. "Can't you try some more?"

Cheng Xiu stared at the teacher for a moment. "Teacher…I don't have enough knowledge about it."

"Then read into the subject ahead," the woman said with a tone that indicated that the answer was so obvious. "The Project approval should be done by October 10th. I am sure that you will be able to make it to the deadline if you try hard enough.

Cheng Xiu's brows twitched. It was the 1st of October that day. She only had 9 more days to modify a Level F project to include a Detoxification Unit that is at least a high-Level G for it to run smoothly. As the current plan was too unstable, she would have to design an entirely new plan to include the new Unit and that too in 9 days.

She might be a genius but she was not some kind of a robot. She did not enough familiarity with the Qi Detoxification theories or the plans involved in it to make sure that she would not get accused of plagiarism when she submitted it.

9 days to do learn a new subject, understand its fundamentals and advanced concepts, knew the inside and outside of the machines involved and evoled by that theory and to create an entirely new theory and a practical plan based on that.

She looked at the teacher before her. This woman was overestimating the power of a S Rank.

But she could not tell that to her. Because the woman would just use that as a clue that it was because she was a Qiless that she couldn't do it. Nevermind that she was still a student herself.

"But I still have my year's assignments and projects to look into," she said instead. "I also have the Seminar debate to prepare for. I will not have the time until december at the latest."

"The seminar debate? Why would you need to prepare for that?" the woman asked.

Cheng Xiu looked at her in disbelief. What did she mean by that?

"The debate is a chance to represent the College in the Alliance Seminar that will take place the next month," Cheng Xiu tried to explain. She was a teacher, she should know the importance of it. "Though I don't think I would win the debate, it would be a great learning experience, so-"

"Since you already know you can't win, why bother," the woman said instead.

Cheng Xiu frowned. "Teacher Yin, it is a chance to participate in-"

"This project is more important to you right now," the woman argued.

Cheng Xiu tried to suppress the sharp words she wanted to say at that moment to the woman's face. But she knew the woman was a teacher and someone who had a say in her future, she needed to control her words…but…

She could not control it at all.

"I decide what is important to me," Cheng Xiu said to the woman. That had teacher step back in shock. "I appreciate you thinking of my future for me but please refrain from doing so in the future. I would rather not have to-"

"Miss Cheng," A voice called from outside.

Cheng Xiu cringed at the familiar voice. Of all the people to hear those words…it had to be the painted devil.

The clicking of the heels made her sigh.

"Teacher Bo!" Teacher Yin said with a sigh. "Thank you for being here. I was trying to make Student Cheng Xiu understand that she should submit her approval for the Qi Utilization in the Testing Center."

Miss Bo, with her red dress, red heels and red lipstick stood between the teacher and Cheng Xiu and looked between the two. There was something in her eyes that Cheng Xiu was not able to decipher faster.

"Her plan was selected?" Miss Bo asked in shock. "I hadn't realised…"

There was a pause.

Cheng Xiu frowned. Didn't realise what?

"It was," Teacher Yin said. "And the reward is 5 Million. But she is not approving."

Miss Bo raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Why is that?"

"Silliness," Teacher Yin complained.

Cheng Xiu frowned. "The plan needs a Detoxification Unit. I need to modify it or make a new one. There is not enough time and I don't have enough knowledge on the subject. 9 days is not enough for me to reach the level I need to remake the plan. And I have other obligations that for the time being I am unwilling to compromise on."

"I mean well," Teacher Yin said with a frown. "This is important for your future, considering your situation."

Cheng Xiu glared. "I know better than you what my situation is. There is no need for you to interfere in it."

"Watch your tone!" Teacher Yin scolded.

Miss Bo looked between the teacher and student in a daze. She seemed to be realising something.


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