VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 216 - The Teachers Are Too Opinionated

A sigh broke the intense atmosphere a bit by taking away the aggro between the teacher and the student.

Miss Bo looked at Cheng Xiu and then at Teacher Yin.

"I do not know the capabilities of Miss Cheng," the woman told Teacher Yin. The rotund teacher was about to speak but Miss Bo cut off her words by raising her hand in a stop sign. "But what I do know, is that learning a subject like Detoxification of Qi and its machinery construction is something that not everyone can learn. Let me explain. Miss Cheng has to have the capabilty to withstand a 4% Qi Wave to be able to learn things at the speed that you want her to learn. And let us not forget, that Miss Cheng, despite her genius status, is an Eighteen Year Old."

Teacher Yin huffed. "I am only looking out for her!"

"I understand," Miss Bo said to her. "But there are students out there who will not that. There are always people who don't want others to give advice to them."

Cheng Xiu frowned. In Miss Bo's words, she was being painted as an ungrateful brat.

"There are consequences-"

Cheng Xiu was cut off in the middle of her explanation by a raise of Miss Bo's hand.

"Did I speak to you?"

Cheng Xiu gritted her teeth. "No Ma'am."

"Then do not disturb when your teachers are talking."

Cheng Xiu sighed. She was not sure what she should do at this point. One was a teacher who was pushing her to do something that she did not want to do because she thought it would be better for her career. The other was a literal racist.

And both their reactions were because she was a Qiless.

She just did not have luck with teachers.

"But that being said," Miss Bo said, "I would like to talk to Miss Cheng about the Seminar Events. If you do not mind, Miss Yin?"

Teacher Yin looked at Ms Bo and then at Cheng Xiu who did not have much of an opinion on what was going on.

"Then teacher Bo, please do try to make her understand the importance of the project!" Teacher Yin said to her colleague. "With her Qiless status it will give her the necessary edge when they are recruiting her."

Miss Bo just looked Teacher Yin and the woman withdrew slowly.

There was an awkward silence between Cheng Xiu and Miss Bo after that.

The two stared at each other.

"I will not advice you on what you should do on your project," the teacher said at last.

Cheng Xiu frowned in confusion.

"I am not your Homeroom teacher, I am not your guardian and I am not even from your department. I don't have that authority. If I did, you would not be handling any part of the events."

Cheng Xiu relaxed a bit.

Miss Bo stared at her lose posture for a moment and then sighed. "I did not see you at the meeting right now and that was the reason why I personally came to fetch you. I wanted to see what was keeping you so long. I wanted to make an example out of you but now think it won't be necessary."

"Meeting?" Cheng Xiu frowned. "I am still the Representative?"

The woman scoffed. "Were you not expecting this?"

Cheng Xiu shook her head. "I have been out of school due to the health issues for more than two weeks now. I was expecting someone else to have take my place."

"And they have," the woman said to her.

Cheng Xiu cocked her head to the side.

"But as the reason was a medical condition, your HOD has not removed you from the Representative position. You will just not have the responsibilities that the title brings."

Cheng Xiu sighed. She had feared something like this might have happened. After all, there were many people who would be eyeing her spot and this was the perfect excuse to insert in a Qi user.

"I understand," Cheng Xiu said.

"Your initial duties will be performed by Zhang Yui from the fourth year."

Cheng Xiu blinked. "That is…the most appropriate thing to do."

The woman snorted at her ambiguous words. "So come on then, we will make the placements official and then we will arrange for the Debate that will take place at 2."

Cheng Xiu nodded and followed after the woman as she turned away.

"Can I ask you something?" Cheng Xiu said.

"Mmm," the woman sounded.

"Why did you come directly to say this to me though? I mean, you could have just sent a memo or something like that."

Miss Bo stopped walking.

Cheng Xiu barely stopped in time to prevent herself from crashing into the woman.

Miss Bo did not turn around. "I believe that is simple. Because, it is discourteous to do so. And your HOD kept emphasising that point to me all week."

Cheng Xiu understood. The HOD forced her to do this.

She was not sure she liked that though. Sure, in one perspective, it was an arrogant woman being forced to compromise her ego but on the other hand, it was a teacher and an elder who was being made to show this side of theirs to a student.

And that was what irritated her.

She was sure that this would look even worse on her.

A Qi user being made to be humble in front of a Qiless. People would not care about the fact that it was another Qi user who made it happen. She would be the one to gain the hate comments.

Because in the end, it was the Qiless Faction that treated the Qi users as abominations and monsters in the beginning. And she was not sure she would ever be able to escape from the clutches of that stigma.

Perhaps in another lifetime.


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