VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 217 - Arguments And Debates

Zhang Yui was declared as the new Co-ordinator of the Debate and the Seminar Events.

Cheng Xiu was declared as a First Year Main Representative as compensation.

Nobody was shocked.

And in fact, many were even gloating over the fact that the Qiless had lost the position.

Ren Yin was the happiest of them all.

And then a new person came in.

Cheng Xiu forced herself not to tense up in the newcomer's presence.

Black hair and cold brown eyes looked over at the students in the room.

Cheng Xiu felt the eyes linger on her figure more than it did on anyone else.

"She is Xiu Xue," Miss Bo said with an excited voice. "She belongs to the Xiu Family of Gyana, of the AS45 Galaxy and she is here as the Student Teacher Representative of GateKeep Academy."

There were murmurs all around after that introduction.

Their reaction was not surprising though.

Any of the information that the woman said would in and of itself make of the headline, let alone all of them together.

The power of the Xiu family was known to almost all the Human societies in the universe. That alone was enough to make everyone breath in surprise.

The family had multiple branches in almost all the planets of course, but the Main Family of the Xiu were from Gyana, an Earth-like planet that had even more of landmass than the Earth. The fact that she was form the Main Family Branch was even more of a shocker. And then there was the name of her academy.

GateKeep Academy. Hard to get into and a highly sofisticated College.

It was the only Gyana Represented College on Earth from where students could go in an exchange programme to the planet. Situated in the UK, it was the symbol of corporation between the powerhouses of Gyana and the powerhouses of Earth.

In fact, all the human occupied Planets had their Represented College on Earth.

GateKeep was Gyana's.

"Wow," one of the boys said.

Wow indeed, Cheng Xiu thought.

She raised her hand.

Miss Bo saw it and wanted to sigh. Of course the Qiless girl would have a question.

"Yes? Student Cheng?" Miss Bo said in a weak voice.

She did not want to pay attention to the girl. And she wouldn't have, had it not been for the fact that the GateKeep Representative was with them.

She could not show a bias against the Qiless in front of her because it would look bad for the school.

If Cheng Xiu could here her thoughts, she would have mocked the woman already. So you do know that what you have expressed is a distasteful and horrible opinion and that it was something that would even affect the reputation of the college.


As Cheng Xiu did not, her attention was completely on Xiu Xue or Immortal Frost as she is known as.

"Why is the representative present already?" she asked the teacher. "There is a month left for the Seminar to begin and even then, GateKeep is only 3rd in the Itinerary. Which means they have a further two weeks to prepare. What is the intention of the College to send the Representative, and that too the Student Teacher Representative, to the Venue so early?"

Miss Bo blinked. Her first thought was, this girl was extremely paranoid, thought everyone was out to get her, was too full of herself and that she would need to be punished to not have a repeat of this scene. And her next thought was, the girl was right. Why was the representative here already?

She turned to the woman next to her in confusion.

Xiu Xue stared at Cheng Xiu for a few moments and then let out a sweet smile.

Many of the boys and few girls whistled. Really, beautiful!

"My Paternal Uncle came to Earth for some business related issues, I came with him," the woman said in an even tone. "And then I talked to the Principal of the College and was given the okay to observe the classes and practices of the students here."

Cheng Xiu stared at her for a moment and then nodded.

If even the authorities are not worried about it, why should she, a student who will leave the college after a few years care?

She let the matter go.

Miss Bo saw that Cheng Xiu had settled down and had the students arrange the props for the debate immediately.

With the help of the Qi Users and the two Auto Robos that were assigned by Miss Bo, the arrangements were complete Five minutes before the 2 O'Clock gathering.

The doors to the auditorium was opened and students started to trickle in.

It was actually 2: 20 PM when the last of the teachers and students came in.

The Debate began with the First Year Mathematics Department and there were only two of them participating.

There were no representatives for the Botany and Zoology in the first years.

There were 5 students from the Chemistry department and a whopping 10 from the Physics Department.

By then, the students from the Mathematics Department were eliminated because the students of the other departments were able to give better performances.

Cheng Xiu stayed as a Voluntary Monitor of the Venue, making sure that there was no students that were trying to take off school grounds while the event was going on.

Or she should, but she was mostly busy listening to the debates. They were each amazing and she gained insight on subjects that were different from hers in a way that she would not have otherwise.

Gu Shu actually called her during the time but she was not allowed to take out her Fold unless it was an emergency and after reading the text that she sent a second later, it was not an emergency.

[My Guest is a Jackass who keeps praising his Niece. Help me kill him.]

Cheng Xiu rolled her eyes. She would not touch that issue if she did not need to.

The debate was postponed after the Physics Department had their debate though as the schedule was off as it was already 4:30PM by then.

The debate competition would continue from 8:45 AM the next day.


This work is being serialized in Webnovel. If you are not reading it there, then please know that you are reading stolen work.. Please don't support theft.

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