VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 92 - Second Blood

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Frost jumped forward, excitement bubbling in her heart as she got closer to Cheng Xiu.

At the last moment, the white-robed woman spun away.

Frost ducked as she felt a sensation of heat come from above her.

The Black Flame hit the place that she stood minutes ago, burning the grass there.

Frost glared at the girl who stood on the tree branch, her long black hair fluttering in the wind as she looked down at the blue-clad woman.

Cheng Xiu smirked and broke off a tree branch that hang above her. She used the Ghost Flame to burn the branch and threw it at Frost.

Frost stepped away, observing the way the flames kept burning, not burning away despite the fact that the branch had turned into ashes.

Frost looked up at the rookie, her mind working in full force to find a solution to the new development.

Cheng Xiu looked down at Frost with golden eyes, her entire demeanour that of a predator waiting for her prey to make her move.

Cheng Xiu jumped away seconds before the branch that she stood on was impaled by a long ice spear.

Cheng Xiu observed the woman as she descended from the air and landed on the ground. There was a purposeful glint in Frost's eyes that showed the satisfaction at having brought cheng Xiu to the ground.

Cheng Xiu's mind had two thoughts at that moment. One, Frost wanted to get close to Cheng Xiu's person for the reason that Cheng Xiu had guessed. And two, the AI system was really so advanced that it could show the intensions of the people in their eyes, despite the fact that they were in a VR world. Cheng Xiu wondered about the intricate code that the game had to make this a possibilty.

Frost sent an Ice Blast towards her.

Cheng Xiu raised her hand and created the Ghost Flame.

Both elements once again met in the air, and created an explotion sending their creators far away.

The trees around them got bent and battered. The leaves of many burned away. Some trees caught fire and spread it out while many other trees turned into icicles and broke into pieces.

The spectators of the match gawked in awe at the destruction that the two women left behind.

In the Long City, Gu Shu looked at the fight with awe and envy.

"Aren't they supposed to be at level 10?" Lion complained. "Why is the aftereffects of their attacks so devastating?"

Bear nodded. "I am at Level 30, and I can't do that much damage."

"They are so powerful," Chu Ying whispered.

"How can they have so much of Qi capacity?" Gu Shu asked.

Rin sighed in admiration. "That is the difference between those who are great and those who are not."

Fin sighed. "Sister."

Rin snorted. "Fine. I'll explain. Frost is a Ice Manifestation in real life. This means that she can control ice better than anyone in the Other World, because she knows how to do those things already. As for the Qi capacity...there are stored Qi available in the market for those who want it in the form of talismans, items, herbs, and beasts. It makes sense for them to be able to fight like that."

"They could also have Cultivation methods or skills that focus on Qi storage," Ro said. "And the efficiency at which you learnt your cultivation method also matters. Like that girl, Selafia. 100% completion means that her ability to retain Qi, store Qi, and utilise Qi is far greater than anyone else who uses that Cultivation technique."

"So the power behind their attacks are...normal?" Gu Shu asked.

Rin laughed. "For experts? Definitely. Even at Level 10, they will be able to cause far more havoc than we could even dream of."

"Oh My God!" Chu Ying shouted, gaining everyone's attention. "Sister Xiu! Watch out!"

Everyone turned towards the screen to find Cheng Xiu impaled by multiple ice blades.

Gu Shu gasped in horror. "A'Xiu!"

The others jumped to their feet in excitement.

In the Viridian Forest, a few seconds back.

Cheng Xiu got up to her feet, trying to stabalize herself from the impact that explosion had.

She felt more than saw Frost coming towards her.

Cheng Xiu readied her fire.

Their elements met again, creating another explosion, sending the two women off.

Frost raised her hand and created an ice slide below her.

She slid dwon to the ground.

Cheng Xiu landed on a tree that was half burnt.

She lauched herself to the ground.

Frost created another longsword.

She raised her hand and released more ice blades at the part that the Qi Root circled.

Cheng Xiu splayed her hand out and created a burst of flame, burning away ice blades.

Frost used her moment of distraction to thrust her longsword towards Cheng Xiu.

Cheng Xiu spun around, and used the ice shield as a barrier, she also coated the hand that held the ice shield with a small layer of Ghost Flame, making it melt fast.

Frost's longsword thrust into the ice shield and created a dent.

Frost smirked.

The ice shield and the longsword made of ice transformed into many sickle blades and embedded themselves into Cheng Xiu's skin making her gasp in pain and cry out.

Cheng Xiu fell to her knees, and gasped as blood spluttered out of her many wounds on the black floor, glowing an eerie red.

Cheng Xiu's golden eyes flickered, and the silver of her skin lost a bit of its luster.

Frost raised her hand, and created more ice blades to impale Cheng Xiu with them.

Cheng Xiu spit the blood out of her mouth and jumped to her feet, using the momentum to create waves upon waves of fire.

Frost looked on in shock, unable to understand how Cheng Xiu was able to withstand the amount of pain her wounds would be causing.

Cheng Xiu dashed towards her, creating sword copies as she went.

Frost raised her hand, ready to create more ice blades.

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