Waiting Upon You

: Act Six Gossip

When Feng Hao heard these two words and wanted to turn his head to look at them, he was stopped by Ling Lang.

"Don't look back," he said.

Feng Hao immediately understood, and he looked back through the rearview mirror, and sure enough he saw a car following closely.

"It is indeed a senior, so alert," Feng Hao did not forget to praise him at this time.

"In another half year, your vigilance will be so high," Ling Lang said, driving speed is not slow but fast, passing a remote alley, turning in without warning. When Feng Hao lamented that every famous artist is a master of drag racing, he found that the paparazzi behind him were not vegetarian, so they could keep up with it.

Ling Lang drove all the way. Feng Hao watched the roadside scene more and more familiar, and found that this was the direction to Ling Lang's home.

He immediately understood Ling Lang's intentions. For a long time, no paparazzi found that there was a reason for Ling Lang's real address, because he had a high-end community for cover, and all foreign vehicles had to be confirmed by the owner before entering.

Sure enough, Ling Lang brought Feng Hao to the entrance of the community. When the gatekeeper saw Ling Lang's car, he opened the door to let him in, and stopped the paparazzi's car outside the courtyard.

This is the “home” of Ling Lang generally recognized by the media. However, Ling Lang actually does not live here. When he entered the community, his speed slowed down and he drove straight into the underground parking lot. The partial door drove out.

Driving on the road again, there was no shadow of the tracker behind him. Feng Hao looked back generously this time, "Actually, the area where I live is also a closed community, and he cannot enter."

"Then the media will know where you live," Ling Lang said in a sentence, and immediately hesitated. Will Feng Hao's address be exposed to him? Moreover, it is normal for two male friends to travel in the same car. However, what kind of cramps did he take to make such a conspicuous move.

Feng Hao didn't think so much, "Poor that paparazzi has to wait at the gate of the community for a while."

Ling Lang helped the bottom line. He can already foresee the headline of the front page of tomorrow's newspaper. Perhaps it is a good choice to drag the agent's phone to the blacklist.

"Be careful!" Feng Hao whispered, Ling Lang conditionedly stepped on the accelerator, and both of them flung forward due to inertia.

A lost dog standing in front of the car seemed to be frightened, wondering whether to move forward or back.

The dog's owner hurried over and held the dog away, embarrassingly gesturing to Ling Lang repeatedly.

"It's so careless," Feng Hao blame, Ling Lang said nothing, and started the car again after they left.

"Does the senior like dogs?" Feng Hao suddenly said.

Ling Lang asked this question only when he saw the dog, and replied, "OK."

"I especially like dogs, especially large dogs," Feng Hao stared at him intently. "I always wanted to raise one myself."

The red light ahead, Ling Lang stopped the car, only to realize that the other party's unobtrusive sight was a bit rude.

"You just said you want ...?"

"Keep a dog," Feng Hao answered without thinking, without blinking.

"... but why do you keep staring at me?"

"Well?" Feng Hao laughed abruptly. "Isn't it polite to look at the other person when talking?"

He said this, and Ling Lang also went to see him subconsciously. After the four eyes met, Ling Lang quickly glanced away. He found that he couldn't even meet him. Appeared silently again.

"Have I seen you at school before?" Ling Lang was forced to look at the red light in front of him for a few seconds, and finally asked the confusion that had always been in her heart.

"I'm afraid I can't answer this question," Feng Hao answered with a smile. "Does the senior think I'm familiar?"

It's not familiar, it's another sense of familiarity, and Ling Lang can't describe it.

"Maybe I remember it wrong," Ling Lang whispered.

"There are probably few people who are fortunate to be remembered by the senior," Feng Hao teased him, and Ling Lang pretended not to hear.

Ling Lang sent Feng Hao to the place, rejected the other party's invitation to sit in the house, turned the car head back to the community, this time entered the main door from the side door, and sure enough, the paparazzi was still waiting there. When Ling Lang's car came out, he quickly followed on.

Ling Lang shook off his tail by taking advantage of the dim sky and turning around, taking a glance at the time, it took about an hour from "take Feng Hao home" to "Feng Hao left", what did this time do in the media rendering? It was enough, he sighed, and finally chose to add the agent to the blacklist, at least it could be cleaned for a while.

Ling Lang's ostrich plan did not succeed. The next morning, he was awakened by the phone as usual. After watching the caller ID, he realized that it was a mistake to fail to black the assistant phone.

Sure enough, on the other end of the phone was an agent who called with an assistant's mobile phone. After seeing such a hot news in the Morning Post that "the film king first heard a scandal ten years after his debut", he found that he had been hacked by Ling Lang, one by one It just made him thunder.

"I just didn't follow you for a day, why did you make such a big noise, and even took everyone home? In the past, you would never go to other people's homes, let alone take people home. You don't think you are in Fenghao Have you made too many exceptions? Hey, you speak! "

After hearing a few words, Ling Lang knew that the next thing waiting for him would be a long story. He opened a toy hamster on the bedside, which was given to him by the assistant, and could be recorded and played in a loop.

He put the hamster and mobile phone together, turned around and went to the bathroom. The agent chattered there for a long time, and there was a message from the other end of the phone every 30 seconds, "Okay, I know," he said only half a day later The response is not right.

"Ji! Ling Lang, you fooled me with hamsters!"

There was still Ling Lang's cold voice on the other end of the phone. "Okay, I know."

The agent knew that the other party was no longer in front of the phone, and it was useless to talk more. He hung up the phone in a hurry, and then saw the newspapers “shopping together”, “going home together”, “getting away from reporters”, “being intimate”, etc. The words are accompanied by a blurry photo that is not known intentionally or unintentionally. The expert of the photo knows the angle of the card at first glance. However, readers can eat this set, and they won't hit it in one shot.

He threw the newspaper **** the table, "I know that Feng Hao is definitely not simple! Ling Lang has never published such a gossip tabloid, and something happened when he came!"

"He didn't want it," the assistant was still helping Feng Hao.

"Nonsense! This shows that it is deliberate speculation. I think that paparazzi was arranged by Feng Hao!"

The mobile phone on the desk of the agent rang, and it turned out that he was a reporter of a certain newspaper and magazine. He answered without asking and said, "Everything in the newspaper is nothing. There is no such thing at all!"

"I went shopping together. Ling Lang also went shopping with me. Why didn't you write me?"

"What's wrong with going home? Do you have to do that when you go home? They're just playing together!"

"The old scene is over, isn't it right for the new scene?"

"What's the new play? Sorry for nothing!"

"Calm," he hanged up, and the assistant waved his hand from side to side. "It hurts the liver."

"Light your head! Want to borrow Ling Lang to take over, first pass my level!"

"Hey," the assistant laughed gleefully, "what next? Do you want to find a new screenplay to lie to you?"

"No need, Ling Lang has finalized the next script and will start filming next month. At that time, it will be fine if Feng Hao is temporarily replaced."

"Ah," the assistant spread his hands, "I think you should pray that Feng Hao is not the one who was temporarily replaced."

When Ling Lang came out of the bathroom, the phone had already been hung up, and the hamster was still tirelessly repeating the same sentence.

He turned off the hamster, disguised himself briefly, and bought a morning newspaper at a nearby newsstand.

Sure enough, as he imagined, yesterday's incident was reported with jealousy. If he was not the party, he would be blinded by these false statements. In particular, those photos were taken at a very good angle. From the store to the car, Feng Hao's eyes always fell on him. There was even a holding hand that constituted a loan. There was no conclusive evidence, but it was because This is even more provocative.

Ling Lang abandoned the newspaper and devoted himself to studying the script of the new play. This script was in his eyes at first sight. The final play was finalized before it was finished, so the start time was extremely tight.

He repeatedly read the episode of interacting with the male No. 2 in the play several times, as if remembering it, dragged the agent from the blacklist and gave him a call.

The agent's anger was not gone, and he asked him angrily after receiving the phone call, "I'm cleaning up the mess for you. Why are you calling again?"

Ling Lang ignored his bad tone and went straight to the theme, "Are the actors of the new male second film determined?"

The agent did not expect that he would ask this, "Ah? It's been finalized."

"who is it?"

"Wu Guanfeng," the agent threw him a name.

Ling Lang thought about it, the name is familiar, but I can't remember who it is.

When he got the answer he wanted, he hung up the phone and learned that the second man was a person he didn't know.

Ling Lang turned on the computer, and wanted to search for Wu Guanfeng. In the end, God sent the ghost to enter the name of Feng Hao.

As a newcomer, Feng Hao's information on the Internet is still scarce. The film that just ended is his screen debut. Otherwise, the performance experience is completely zero, like a mysterious person appearing out of thin air.

Ling Lang originally thought that at least there would be at least Feng Hao's graduation college. After all, Lake Shadow's diploma is equivalent to a golden signboard for an artist. Every brokerage company can't wait to release it as a bargaining chip. All aspects are blank.

After browsing several similar reports, Ling Lang closed the page with a little doubt, completely forgetting the original intention of turning on the computer.

When he thought of the second man that he had overlooked again, it was already the start-up ceremony of the new film. The second man who arrived later than the protagonist came from the background and opened the chair generously and sat beside Ling Lang. Ling Lang smiled and smiled and nodded.

The agent at the stage glared at the assistant fiercely and looked like she was eating her.

"Don't do this," said the assistant with an innocent expression. "I said that at the beginning. Who would have thought it would be a slang word. If I had known my prediction so accurately, I would have bought a lottery ticket this morning."

When the host saw someone coming, he introduced to the reporter, "Although this actor is a newcomer, I don't think you will be unfamiliar. In the film that just ended, he has a remarkable performance and has been well received by the industry. The people and the audience were unanimous praise. This is also the second time he has cooperated with Teacher Ling. I believe the tacit understanding of the two will not disappoint everyone ... let us welcome Feng Hao, the second hero of the film. "

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