Waiting Upon You

: Act No. 7 Depression

The moment reporters appeared at the scene, they were like chicken blood. After all, this is the first man in ten years to have a gossip with the film emperor. Just a few vague photos, a plausible report, just The media was fired for half a month, and the party ended with no response at all.

However, this blockbuster news has just cooled down for more than ten days, and the two actually performed the same opponent's play again on the same stage. The brain supplement of the "hidden rules" of the predecessors could not be more vivid.

The reporters still have three points of scruples about Ling Lang. They don't dare to ask too much questions, but they have no taboos about Feng Hao. At the same time, all kinds of * questions are continuous. The host initially rejected a few sentences. Later, it became increasingly difficult to control the overall situation. .

The agent clucked his teeth under the stage, and the assistant brushed Weibo calmly.

"What the heck is Feng Hao? Every time I say change, I change professionally for 30 years, and I am not afraid to pinch my feet," the agent cried, after mixing in the circle for so many years, he could no longer see behind Feng Hao. The background is not simple. He is an idiot, knowing that he can't afford to offend.

"Ah, here it is," the assistant found what she wanted. "Actor Wu Guanfeng accidentally fell off the horse while shooting, causing a slight bone fracture in his left knee. The doctor said he needed to stay in bed for a month."

"It was him who fell from Waia last time, and it was also him who fell off the horse this time. Did gravity attract him?"

The assistant put away his mobile phone. "Now know that Feng Hao didn't borrow the hype from Ling Lang?"

The agent was silent, the assistant was telling the truth, and he couldn't refute it. From Feng Hao's backstage view, he didn't have to rely on Linglang's qualifications to make a splash.

"Linglang is thirty-two. I haven't even talked about love until now. Don't you think you're overdoing it?"

The agent's eyes darkened, and I didn't know what I thought of.

The assistant sighed, she followed the hair on the agent's back, and said gravely, "Daughter is always going to marry, and father should let go."

The agent turned his head and glared. "Even if I am a father, I will be a father-in-law. Which side do you stand on?"

"Stand your side, stand your side," the assistant comforted him, "I absolutely support you as father-in-law with both hands and feet."

The agent was relieved now, and after a quarter of an hour it didn't reflect what was wrong, he said resentfully, "Sun!"

"I am honored to have the opportunity to cooperate with the senior again so soon, and I would like to ask for more advice in the future."

After the start-up ceremony, Feng Hao said to Ling Lang cheerfully at once. The bombardment by the reporter just now seemed to have no effect on him.

Ling Lang nodded expressionlessly, unable to see his emotions. When I saw Feng Hao this time, he didn't have the feeling of nervousness before, but it was normal. Only others were nervous before him. How could he be in awe of a junior.

As for the previous illusion, it is probably the sequel to the role of filming.

"By the way, the last recorded TV show was broadcast. I wonder if the seniors watched it?"

Ling Lang has no habit of watching such programs, but this time he rarely hesitated, "No."

Feng Hao had already prepared for this. "If the senior is interested, I will have a memory."

Ling Lang suddenly stopped, looking at the other person's eyes a little puzzled and surprised, "Why do you write everything?"

"I'm afraid I don't think that the senior is on TV every day," Feng Hao rubbed his nose embarrassingly. "I'm a newcomer. It's a rare TV ... I'm sorry to make you laugh."

Ling Lang realized that Feng Hao had only made his debut less than half a year ago. At the time of his debut, he probably wished that a piece of news in the newspaper had been cut off and collected. For too long, he had forgotten his mood at that time.

Thinking of this, Ling Lang was relieved, and the alert in his eyes was reduced a lot. Only for a moment, he even suspected the motive of the other party. The private NG lens was to improve acting skills, the magic was to perform talents, and the video was just to remember ... Do you really think too much?

"If you don't like it," Feng Hao tentatively cautioned, "I'll erase it when I go back."

"No need," Ling Lang said coldly, after a pause, he said again, "you don't have to say honorifics all the time."

Feng Hao's expression had a short-term surprise, but then he laughed again quickly, "Then respectful is worse than obeying."

"That video," Ling Lang hesitated again. "Let me check it out."

Feng Hao nodded excitedly, "Wait for my house to see?"

"No, just lend me the plate," Ling Lang said in a sigh of relief.

"Okay," Feng Hao scratched his head, "I'll take it to the studio tomorrow."

The two avoided the reporter all the way and came to the underground parking lot. When Ling Lang took out the car key, Feng Hao asked curiously, "What about the senior's nanny car?"

"at the door."

Feng Hao responded at once, "Jin Chan peeling off the shell? Good plan."

"Is your car not broken today?"

Feng Hao shook his head embarrassedly, "No ... then, see you tomorrow?"

Ling Lang didn't say anything. Pressing the switch of the car key, the car not far away murmured as a reply.


Ling Lang walked towards his car unsuspectingly, and suddenly someone came out from behind and covered his mouth. Ling Lang, who was frightened, struck with a whimper.

"Shut up!" The man behind said fiercely.

"Woohoo," Ling Lang struggled even harder, the cold blade sticking to his neck, Ling Lang suddenly snoring, his eyes full of panic, he tried desperately to see the robber's face, but only saw the other side's face Black cloth covered.

Ling Lang was forcibly dragged into the corner of the underground parking lot by the robbers, and felt that the other's hand had left his mouth. Just when he wanted to call for help, a group of cloths that he didn't know what was plugged in, then his mouth was sealed with tape Hold, both hands and feet were quickly fixed by tape.

The robber opened the back of the car and threw the bundled Ling Lang into the trunk. Ling Lang began to twist and struggle again, but the robber was tied tightly, and no matter how he struggled, it would not help.

"Be honest, baby," the robber patted his face and snapped the back cover of the car with a bang.

"Yes!" The director was satisfied. "Another hostage perspective."

Ling Lang's hands and feet were tied. The robber stretched out Ling Lang and hugged it out of the trunk, and placed it gently on the ground.

The assistant rushed over and tied Ling Langsong, and the two retreated out of the field to watch the staff put the camera into the car and continue to take the first perspective of the hostage.

"That guy changed the script privately, but fortunately the director has passed," the assistant grunted.

"Is it."

"Look, this line should have been‘ give me some truth! ’What baby is there,” the assistant showed him the script that Ling Lang had long remembered.

Ling Lang didn't express any opinions, stood quietly on the sidelines and watched the man repeat the honest baby to the camera.

The robber took off his towel and walked towards Ling Lang.

"Senior, I'm sorry, I offended again today."

Ling Lang shook his head. "Just filming."

"Did I not hurt you?"

"No," Ling Lang paused. "This is work. You don't have to be so polite."

Feng Hao smiled and heard, "Well, if there is something offending next, I'm sorry."

Movies in the city have been filmed for a whole month. After filming this out of the parking lot, they will enter the mountain.

In this season, the mountain also brought the chill of early spring. Ling Lang wore a thin costume and felt cold in the car.

The back cover of the car was finally opened, and Ling Lang showed an expression that was difficult to adapt as if he had not seen the light for a long time. Feng Hao rudely knocked him out and fell to the ground. The cold and wet touch of the mud made Ling Lang take a nap.

Feng Hao walked to the side and called angrily, Ling Lang twisted his body on the ground, trying to find an opportunity to escape.

Feng Hao came back from the phone call, and was already angry. Seeing Ling Lang was not honest, he kicked him up.

"You're not the one I want to catch?"

Ling Lang shook his head desperately.

"Then why didn't you say it earlier?"

Ling Lang was so speechless that Feng Hao tore off the adhesive tape stuck to his mouth.

Ling Lang spit out the cloth in his mouth, "You never gave me a chance to say it!"

"You're still tough," Feng Hao gave him another kick. "Don't let you say that you can't compare your eyes?"

Ling Lang stared at him angrily.

"Are you glaring again?" Feng Hao held his hair and pulled him up.

The deputy director ducked his head back, as if the two slaps were slapped on his face. He reached into the director's ears, "There doesn't seem to be a paragraph in the script ..."

The director was looking excited. He glared at him, "What do you know? This is improvisation!"

The associate director shook, and the director was still a ghost.

Ling Lang lowered his head, his shoulders shivered irresistibly. Everyone present felt that the mood of this angry but dare not show was vivid, and the camera took the opportunity to push him a close-up.

Feng Hao's character this time is a kidnapper who kidnapped the wrong hostage. He should have kidnapped the son of a rich man.

The boss refused to spend the money to redeem the assistant, and the assistant saw the robber's face again. The robber who did not retreat decided to do it or not, and took the assistant to the mountain to solve him.

The road in the mountains is not easy. Although Ling Lang's feet were untied, his hands were tied back, and he walked up and down, and Feng Hao shoved him from time to time and scolded him.

"Hurry up!"

Ling Lang talked to Feng Hao to distract his attention while observing the terrain and waiting to escape.

A small **** appeared in front of the right. Ling Lang gritted his teeth and leapt off and rolled down the slope.

"Fuck!" Feng Hao quickly slid down the **** and chased after him. Ling Lang suffered a lot of bruises as he rolled down the slope, stomped his feet, and got up and limped forward.

Feng Hao quickly caught up with Ling Lang and kicked him from the back, "Run? Then run?"

Feng Hao, who was furious, punched and kicked Ling Lang. In order to reduce the damage, Ling Lang could only clump as much as possible to reduce the abdominal injuries.

Feng Hao was tired, stopped, looked around, and found that the place was empty and remote, but a good place to kill and abandon the dead.

"It turned out that you had chosen a geomantic treasure for yourself. OK, I will complete you."

Feng Hao tied Ling Lang to the tree, turned back, took the tool kit that had just dropped to the bottom of the slope, and pulled out the combination shovel from the inside.

The staff had already prepared well in advance. Feng Hao just did what he did, and a big pit was dug.

Feng Hao threw a shovel and walked in the direction of Ling Lang, "I have been waiting for my baby."

The assistant fangs, "Tamper with the lines again!"

Deputy director: "Will it be a bit broken if I change it?"

The director waved with a big hand, "This role was originally a metamorphosis of personality, so I see it in this way."

Feng Hao unleashed Ling Lang from the tree and dragged it to the pit. He was about to throw him down. Unexpectedly, Ling Lang exerted his strength and squeezed Feng Hao. He also fell on the other side because of inertia, and the two started The tear bucket inside the pit.

Where is Feng Lang's opponent bound by his hands, Feng Hao turned over and pressed Ling Lang under his body, and only put his hand on the opponent's neck, the tiger's mouth tightened.

"OK! Go!"

Ling Lang felt that the strength restraining his throat disappeared, relieved, relaxed his limbs and fell to the ground, and Feng Hao rode on him. The scene of this scene was not finished, and the two were still waiting for the staff to arrange. The bottom of the pit was small, and the two could only continue to maintain this awkward posture.

Feng Hao gave way later, unconsciously, intentionally or unintentionally, his hand gently brushed Ling's * part, Ling Lang who had been relaxed suddenly tightened his muscles.

Feeling the momentary unnaturalness of the people below him, Feng Hao smiled with an unknown meaning. He leaned down and said in his ear with a voice that only Ling Lang could hear:

"Senior, you will show the stuff like this."

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