Chapter 5 05 • Monsters Gunshots

“Damn, what kind of monster is that? Lyden stepped on the gas pedal for a distance, until he couldn’t see the lights of the car behind Father Pete, and slowed down slightly.

But the whole person’s nerves are still tense, and his eyes are constantly looking at the rear mirror.

And just as he was driving to speed up, he seemed to hear the screams of women.

Rust’s face turned pale, he subconsciously made a prayer action, just now the mood was panicked, and now the car was driven by Lyden for a long distance.

Rust was terrified for a while, but as it stands, their position is not safe at this time, unless they drive into the town of Gannon .

It’s best to run to the police station in Gannon to take shelter.

“Two priests from the church of St. Neil in the city of Monte. ”

A police car also appeared on the road, and he was looking in the direction of the two priests Leyden and Rust driving away from Gannon Town.

The male police officer driving muttered, then turned to look at a young policeman next to him and said, “Richard, please go out with me today.” ”

“Officer Thurman, don’t say that, I came voluntarily to cooperate with you, after all, those two shit priests dared to slander the Holy Son. ”

The young police officer’s name Richard’s eyes became fierce, like a young fierce wolf.

Officer Thurman exhaled and said, “I haven’t gone to service today, after all, I’m on duty today.”

Did you know that I was really happy when my brother called me to tell me that his eyes were healed by the Son?

I even wanted to run to the church right away, kneel down to thank the Son, and then let my brother take a good look at me.

Look at his younger brother and not much changed from ten years ago. ”

Officer Thurman’s tone became serious: “Originally, I planned to go directly to my brother’s house for dinner after work.

However, he had just called to tell me that two priests of St. Neil’s Church had come from Monte City to get in trouble with the Son and Father Pitt.

He also questioned them as liars, and said that his brother was pretending to be blind in order to defraud the government of welfare subsidies. ”

Officer Thurman sneered: “Hehe, do you know how uncomfortable our family was when my brother had an accident ten years ago?”

At that time, I had just gone to work in the police station, but I was just a rookie policeman, and many things could not be done.

And the life of my brother and his family has been really difficult for ten years.

I am truly grateful to the Holy Son who helped my brother heal his eyes.

So if those two priests are caught up by me, or if they haven’t left Gannon Town now, and I stop them, I must detain them for a while.

Even at the risk of being fired. ”

Richard nodded and said, “Officer Thurman, you know that the Holy Son saved my life!” ”

Thurman looked at Richard, who had only entered the Gannon Police Department two months earlier and had dealt with a robbery case last month.

The young and heroic rookie rushed directly to fight the gangsters, and as a result, he was shot in the chest.

At that time, in the hospital, doctors showed that people could not be saved, after all, Gannon Town is a small place with limited medical resources.

If you transfer to a major hospital now, most people will die halfway.

At that time, thanks to Richard’s girlfriend, a devout believer in the Holy Bishop, ran to the church to ask Stuart for help.

Stull came to the hospital and miraculously revived Richard, and his injuries healed immediately.

Except for Richard’s weak health at the time, there was no other bad state.

Richard, who did not originally believe in the Holy Bishop, began to believe in the Holy Lord after that incident, and became more religious than his girlfriend.

So when Thurman answered the phone call from his brother Ponyov to explain the situation.

Richard, who was sitting next to Thurman, volunteered to help.

Richard’s reason for this is to help Officer Thurman go out and arrest two fake priests of St. Neil’s Church.

“There’s a car ahead! But if they leave Gannon Town, there should be little reason to return. ”

Richard said, pointing to the lights that lit up in front of him.

Officer Thurman shook his head: “Not necessarily.

It would take seven hours to drive from here to Monte, and on the phone, Ponyov told me that he had beaten the two priests.

If the two of them leave Gannon in a panic, and wait until they calm down, there is still a good chance that they will turn back and spend the night in town.

Departure tomorrow morning. ”

Thurman continued: “And the two of them arrived at the town church this morning.

It shows that last night, it is possible that they had already set off from Monte City in the early hours of the morning, and of course it is not ruled out that they were transferred from a nearby place.

But I don’t think they’re going to continue the night drive back to Monte. ”

Richard nodded.

The two of them expertly pulled the police car aside, then got out of the car to stop the opposite car.

Officer Thurman had already reached out, and the car passed by them like a bullet.

Thurman and Richard were stunned, is this a break-in?

“I saw the people inside, both dressed in divine robes, priests of the holy bishop. ”

Richard shouted excitedly to Thurman.

Moreover, these two priests were too arrogant, and they dared to rush the card directly, without putting the two of them in their eyes.

No matter what the reason, the two of them must be stopped, and tonight there is a legitimate and appropriate reason to let the two priests spend the night in the police station.

Sirens sounded behind the car that Leyden and Rust were driving.

“Damn, didn’t you see the police stopping us just now? Rust said anxiously.

Lydon took a deep breath, glanced in the rearview mirror and said, “I was still scared just now, where can I see what is ahead.”

And even if the police tell me to stop, I won’t stop until I enter Gannon Town, so you can make sure that the monster behind me doesn’t continue chasing us!” ”

After speaking, Priest Leyden prayed again: “Poor Father Pete, may the Holy Lord soothe your soul.” ”

In the eyes of Rust and Leyden, Father Pitt is dead.

As we approached Gannon Town, the police car behind suddenly accelerated past Leiden’s car, and then a sharp brake forced Leydon’s car to stop.

But Lydon was too late even to apply the brakes, and his car directly rear-ended the police car and pasted it forward.

“I should have shot you! You two give me down. ”

Officer Thurman roared angrily, even pulling out his matching gun.

“We can explain that there were monsters chasing us just behind. Officer Lyden shouted as soon as he got out of the car.

“Are you on drugs! Richard shouted, after all, it was the police car that had just chased them behind.

The two men buckled Rust and Lyden on their backs to the car door and then handcuffed them directly.

“Defiant of us, refusal to stop, and ramming police cars, I’m going to take you back to the police station, shut up for me now!” ”

“You guys… Wait a minute! ”

Ignoring the arguments of Rust and Leyden, Richard and Thurman pressed their heads and shoved them into the back seat of the police car.

Anyway, they have been handcuffed, no matter how much they resist, it will not help, even if they run, they can easily be recaptured.

And if they really dared to run, then Thurman had a more reasonable reason to shoot these two guys on the spot.

“Two priests who pretended to be from St. Neil’s Church, two liars dared to slander the Holy Son! Richard muttered angrily.

And Priest Rust immediately understood that these two policemen should be in order to stand up for Father Pitt and Son Sture, so they came to them on purpose.

If that’s the case, then they’re bound to spend the night at the police station tonight.

If you don’t get it right, you will have to be beaten again.

Rust suddenly shouted, “Wait! Father Putter is still to come.

That monster killed Father Pete, don’t you care about it? ”

Richard and Thurman froze and looked at each other.

Thurman asked, “Father Pete is in the back?” What do you mean by monsters? ”

At this time, all four people were sitting in the police car, and the car of Lyden and Rust could no longer be driven, and the entire front of the car had been severely deformed, and the back of the police car was slightly deformed, but it did not prevent it from continuing to drive.

Lyden and Rust explained to them what had just happened.

Although what they both said was true, they saw the monster in the car’s rearview mirror and heard the screams in Father Pete’s car.

But what the specific situation was, the two of them patronized and fled for their lives, and did not know.

“It’s like it’s made up! Richard glared at them.

But Thurman decided to turn around and drive back to the place Leyden and Rust had mentioned.

After all, it was in the place where the Gannon town sign, it was not too far away, and it was possible to rush there in ten minutes.

If the two priests lied to them, then Thurman wouldn’t mind teaching them a lesson on the spot.

When the car actually turned around, Lyden whispered to Rust, “I’d rather spend the night in the police station now than go back.”

And do you think they can believe what we say? ”

Rust sighed, “It’s all the truth, and I always find something strange.”

The influence of the Holy Son is a bit high in this town and scary!

It is unreasonable that even the police can come out and arrest us. ”

Richard glared back at them, “Shut up! ”

The police car arrived at the place where the priests and Father Pitt first met.

Only the wreckage of a car remained there.

That’s right, the car was like a cardboard box, which was abruptly disassembled, and the parts of the surrounding car were scattered all over the place.

Thurman and Richard got out of the car and could smell the thick smell of blood in the air.

“What is this encountered? ”

Richard swallowed his spit, and the two of them each took out their respective matching guns and held them up in their hands.

“Or, open the handcuffs for both of us, and we can help out in case of a situation.” Lyden shouted from behind.

But the two policemen ignored him.

When I got around the front of the car, I saw that the entire driver’s seat and co-pilot of the car were stained with blood.

Rao is two people with strong psychology, and they dare not imagine the scene that happened here.

This is far from the scene of the car accident, more like a terrible monster, after destroying the car, it directly tore the two people in the car.

But the point was that the remains of Father Pitt and the man sitting in the co-pilot were not seen.

“Things are troublesome, in this way, Father Pete should have been killed, Holy Lord bless!” ”

Thurman lit a cross on his chest, and Richard on the side turned a little pale.

They then sat back in the car and first used the vehicle’s walkie-talkie to communicate with the police station, explaining the location and circumstances of the accident.

But Thurman did not name the so-called monster mentioned by the two priests, but kept asking the police department to gather all the police returning home from work to this place to deal with special situations.

Then he turned off the intercom system, held his hands on the steering wheel, and used too much force and even his knuckles were a little white.

Rust and Leyden looked at each other, then he swallowed and asked, “Are we going to stay here?”

Maybe that monster hasn’t gone too far yet.

And I suggest you’d better turn off the lights, maybe the monster will see it. ”

The two policemen ignored him.

And Richard suddenly remembered something, and said to Thurman anxiously: “Father Pete is dead, so is there only Stuart Holy Son in the church now!” ”

Thurman didn’t speak, but he started the police car, then turned back and turned into another fork in the road.

The location of Gannon Town Church is just outside Gannon Township.

If you put the location of the church and the location of Father Pitt’s murder in a straight line, the distance is only three kilometers at most.

If that monster really existed, it wouldn’t have chosen to take the road, directly through the dense forest and hillside, and the church was the closest inhabited place in the range.

Thurman’s expression became serious as he realized that after Father Pitt’s death, Stoar Stuhl’s situation had become dangerous.

The point is that this unknown danger is like the devil watching under the black curtain.

Chills down his spine.

The piercing headlights were like a sharp sword, splitting the night and sticking towards the church.

Soon a car was parked outside, it was a red ‘Ding Ma’ sports car.

Asinsa Barry got out of the car with a thermal bag on her hand.

“Huh? Asinsa looked around, always feeling as if something was peeking at her in the dark.

But in front of the church, Asinsa walked to the door of the church, and then turned a corner to the side door, usually Father Pete and Stuhl walked to the side door.

If you walk through the gate, you have to walk through the empty auditorium.

Asinsa rang the doorbell, and then Stuart opened the door to look at each other.

“Miss Asinsha, is there something wrong with you coming when it’s dark? ”

“I’ll bring you and Father Pete dinner, which I made myself. ”

“Great, I haven’t eaten yet, but Father Pete went out and I was alone at home. ”

Stur invited Asinsha, who lived in the attic of the church, but the church had a small dining room for priests and monks separately.

Asinsa opened the thermal bag and took out the food from it and placed it on the table.

It was the fish soup she made herself, and the meat maki.

“Father Pete is out? Is it because of the two priests who came today? ”

“It’s not! Stull took a sip of the fish soup and smacked his lips, which tasted particularly delicious.

He explained to Asinsha: “Father Pete and those two priests are not so close.

How to say, those two priests thought that Father Pitt and I were liars.

Father Pete went out tonight for something else. ”

Stull took another sip of fish soup, he would not tell Father Asin Sapiet that he would go out tonight and wander with the good woman.

This damaged the image and made Stuhl feel disgraced.

“So, will Father Pete be back tonight?” ”

“He…” Before Stull could finish, several piercing gunshots suddenly sounded outside.

Asinsha’s face changed suddenly, because the gunfire was very close to the location of the church, and it seemed to be sounded at the door of the church.

(End of chapter)

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