Chapter 6 06 – Real Existence

“That one just now was… Gunshot! ”

Miss Asinsha’s face turned pale, and the sudden sound of gunfire outside provoked her sensitive nerves heavily.

Even her tone just now began to tremble.

Stull put the spoon in his hand back into the fish soup bowl, in this world, the country he is currently in is not like the great red country of his previous life, and the inhabitants have a high level of security.

The sudden sound of gunfire did not alarm Stuel, everything was playing out as described in his script.

The sound of gunfire meant they were coming.

There is also the ‘alien demon’ created by consuming a huge amount of faith energy on the mystery book!

It seems that Father Pete must have died, killed by the demon he created in the mystery book, and later he will show sadness in front of others.

For the sake of that disgusting fat priest, Stull felt that it was not worth thinking about it.

“Wait, don’t go out, I’ll go out and see.” ”

Asinsa saw that Stuart was about to go out, so she immediately stopped her, and said with a shallow smile at the other side: “Or don’t you go together, it’s safer for you to follow me.” ”

Asinsa was stunned, and then thought that Stur’s identity was the Holy Son.

He is a person recognized by the Holy Lord on earth, a child of the Holy Lord.

The other party has also performed many miracles without hesitation on those poor people in need.

During this morning’s service, two townspeople were restored to health under the miracle of the Son.

Asinsa also longed for the miracles of the Son to be bestowed on her, but the Son had promised that now was not the time, perhaps because her piety was not enough, or for some other reason.

But following Stuhl at this moment did give her a great sense of security.

Stull opened the restaurant door, and outside was a bright light, the lights of the police car facing the direction of the restaurant.

And there were four people standing outside.

“Officer Thurman! ”

Among the policemen in the town, Thurman was one of the few people Asinza knew.

The Gannon Town Police Department has long been funded by the Barry Liquor Group’s fund.

In the past, if Asinsha was speeding, even if he was drunk and was encountered by the police in the town, he would turn a blind eye and let it go.

She would even become Asinsha’s substitute driver, driving her home in her Dingma sports car.

The foundation of Barry Liquor gives funding to the local police department, and the local police department will also give the members of the Barry family exclusive privileges in the town.

Even newcomers to the police in Gannon receive the benefits of the Barry family.

In the past, Asin Sana was quite a headache for the local police.

In fact, the Barry family in this Gannon town is like the royal family here.

Since Ashinsha’s illness, the other party’s domineering has relented.

And since the arrival of Son Sture and Father Pitt, Asinsa has become a devout believer in the Lord.

“Miss Asinsha, are you here too? Then Thurman remembered that their situation was not safe.

“Get in the car, let’s get out of here, it’s not safe here!” There are monsters! ”

After Thurman finished speaking, the air was a little colder.

Asinsa immediately figured it out, and the gunfire just now was made by Thurman.

And the other party just said that there was a monster, which made Axinsha’s originally relaxed mood panic again.

“If there are monsters, you better not leave, it is safer to stay with me.” Stull said to the crowd.

Looking at the four people in front of him, two priests who had come here this morning to trouble Father Pitt, and two policemen who Stuhl didn’t know.

From the communication between Miss Asinsa and the other party just now, Stur learned that the name of the middle-aged police officer at the head was Thurman.

After all, Stull can’t know everyone in the town, even if he is a frequent visitor to the church, if the other party does not take the initiative, Stull is familiar at most.

The door of the church was opened by Stull and the others, and Asinsa looked at the four people who had just arrived here.

Officer Thurman appeared the calmest, but a fine bead of sweat appeared on his forehead.

The young policeman was pretending to be calm, and the two priests, Rust and Leyden, who were followed by him, were pale, their bodies trembling, and they seemed to have suffered a great panic.

A scream suddenly sounded in the darkness, like the mournful roar of a mythical banshee.

Everyone quickened their pace to enter the church, and then closed the heavy wooden door, and under the gaze of the statue of the Holy Lord in front of the church, the mood of these people was much more stable.

“The voice just now? Asinsa asked fearfully.

“It’s that monster that makes me go soft just by looking at it. Officer Richard on the side said.

They all looked at the wooden door of the church, hoping that the monster would not offend the Lord in front of the Holy Lord’s territory.

And this has become a psychological safety barrier for them.

But in fact, a car can be used as a monster like a paper shell, and the other party really wants to rush in, and this wooden door will definitely not be able to stop it.

“By the way, Holy Son, I’m sorry to tell you about this. Officer Thurman sighed and said to Stuel, “Father Pete was killed, I’m sure he was killed by that monster outside.” ”

He thought for a while and added: “There is also a female companion of Father Pitt, we are also worried about your safety, so we drove here, but we didn’t expect that the monster was quietly following us behind.” ”

Hearing the news of Father Pitt’s murder, Asinsa covered his mouth, while Stull on the side nodded twice on his chest and prayed: “May the Holy Lord bless the souls of Father Pitt and Lady Louis.” ”

He pretended to be sad in front of everyone, and then became resolute.

“Bang! Bang! ”

The door of the church was slammed twice, and the wooden door cracked on the first impact.

The second impact, the wooden door began to shatter, and even through the crack, you could see the scarlet red eyes outside, the size of a fist, and looked at several people inside with no wisdom and instinctive fierceness.

Thurman and Richard immediately took out their guns to protect the others behind them, and it seemed that the monsters outside dared to spread wild on the territory of the Holy Lord.

Stull crossed the crowd and blocked him, and Thurman wanted to speak to him, but saw Stull slowly raise his hands with a layer of holy light.

And it was the sudden change inside, the divine aura that exuded from Stuel’s body made the monster outside feel a little jealous, and the third impact was suspended.

But in the end, the door of the church was directly smashed by the other party for the third time.

A disgusting smell like a combination of dirt and rotten fish in the smelly water.


The appearance of the monster was like a strange fish, and the head of the fish was a terrible human face, as if soaked in water, and under the pale skin on the face, there were cyan blood vessels like earthworms.

The huge body was covered with pustules, and creeping tentacles were writhing in the air.

Supporting the monster’s huge body were six slender human legs, but the parts of the feet were replaced by miserable white human palms, and the nails were very sharp.

The other party slowly moved towards the inside of the church, crawling towards Stull and the others, and his claws left scratches on the floor.

The other party opened his mouth, and inside it were layers of oozing fangs.

“Holy Arts, Light of Punishment! ”

Stull shouted these words, and an ethereal echo resounded in the church, like a divine judgment from the gods on land.

He held the light up with both hands, and after raising it above his head, the holy light began to expand rapidly.

The monster in front of him let out a sharp cry like a banshee, and then rushed towards Stull and the others.

The holy light found the target of the attack, and the dazzling light bloomed inside the church.

These people standing behind Stull all closed their eyes, and this punitive light like a god sent down made the souls of these mortals tremble.

Even if you close your eyes, you can feel how dazzling the light outside is from your eyelids.

After a while, they slowly opened their eyes and saw Stuart crouching next to a scorched black monster corpse fiddling.

“Don’t come over yet, even dead demons are polluting to the surrounding environment and living bodies. Stull paused and explained to the people behind him, “I’m going to purify it first.” ”

Stuart whispered softly, and a slight soft light covered the corpse of the alien demon, then slowly spread, until it covered the entire church, and then began to dissipate.

“That’s it! ”

Everyone slowly moved forward, and the monster that originally existed only in movies and horror novels had a shocking effect when its corpse appeared in front of them.

And everyone was even more surprised that such a terrifying monster was solved by Stuhl with divine magic, and that extraordinary means made the faith in their hearts begin to rise sharply.

At the same time, the reverence for Stull rose several points.

Among them, the most prominent were the two priests Rust and Leiden.

When the two of them first looked at Father Pitt and the so-called Son of Sture, they both firmly believed that they were liars.

In the name of the so-called Son, plans are being made to defraud the local population and believers of property.

But what happened just now directly changed their positioning of Stuhl.

Even in the process of communicating with Stuhl in the ensuing process, his attitude was very humble, and he also brought honorifics.

These two were originally priests of the Holy Bishop, even if they initially treated Stuart as a fake holy son who was being used by others.

But once a miracle really appeared in Stuel, it would confirm that the other party’s identity was real.

A vast religion based on faith in gods, when a holy son who has been recognized by the gods and given the gospel of miracles appears before these priests.

Stuhl’s status is second only to the Holy Lord in religion.

Moreover, the appearance of Stull and the confirmation of their identity can also prove that the Holy Lord really exists, and their beliefs are true.

If the news of Stur’s existence had been transmitted back to the Holy See, one could imagine how excited all the priests would be from the Pope to the ordinary monks.

It will even sensationalize the world!

Because God is real.

(End of chapter)

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