Chapter 22: 22 – The Gospel of God

The content of the Bible is divided into two parts.

The first book tells of God, the Holy Lord, who created the world, prescribed order, and ruled over all beings.

The whole upper scroll is a celebration of the greatness of the Lord, the omnipotence of the Lord, and what a blessing it is to believe in the Lord.

It can be said that the entire upper volume is a mythological storybook with a strong religious style in Stuhl’s eyes.

It also contains the story of the origin of mankind.

In the next volume, the content becomes the story of the Holy Bishop from his founding to his missionary from generation to generation.

If the Holy Bishop is regarded as a nation, then the next book of the Bible is like this country, and the history since the founding of the country will be recorded in detail with particularly large historical events that are particularly important to the Holy Bishop.

For example, which generation of popes launched holy wars against other religions, a great and devout missionary went to the New World to preach, performed miracles to make the locals believe in the Holy Lord, a certain bishop did very noble things that moved angels to descend, and so on.

Basically, in the next book of the Bible, every account revolves around a famous figure in the history of the Holy Bishop.

And the last change to the Bible was more than 70 years ago, recording the story of a bishop who rescued refugees and wounded soldiers on both sides during the Great War.

The bishop was canonized by the Holy See after his death the following year, and the international community awarded him many awards for ‘peace’.

He is an extremely positive figure among the holy bishops in modern times.

These two books are the entire Bible of the Holy Bishop.

It didn’t seem interesting, and when I used to look at the Bible, Stull used to read it as a storybook.

Every holy bishop, or higher priest, chooses a story from the Bible at Mass, whether it is the first or the next.

Use this story to get to the point, and then add the priest’s own deep understanding to tell the believers to hear.

This is the main content of what the priest preached above throughout the Mass.

Any story must deviate from the moral sensibility of human nature, reflect the greatness of the Holy Lord, abide by the faith of the Holy Lord, and finally become a good person.

Since the current pope began to promote the theory of calamity, those priests who wanted to attract the attention of the upper echelons of the church would deliberately select the stories of calamity in the Bible to be preached at Mass.

This time, Stull plans to take his own Mass route.

It can be said that every story in the Bible, whether it is the first book or the second book, is about to be spoiled by the priest.

Even priests would go to the Holy Bishop for some of the Gospels of the Holy Bishop for Mass.

Since this was Stur’s first Mass, he planned to take a different style and content.

The holy light spell he created in the mystery book allows Stuhl to appear before people, which is a great weapon that Stuart uses to harvest the power of faith of believers.

And this time Stull entered his consciousness space, and a golden thread of faith gathered was wrapped around Stuel’s index finger.

The power of faith is still too little, and the alien incident has exhausted the power of faith he has accumulated in Gannon Town, and this point wrapped around his index finger is still after the case broke out yesterday.

The small-town believers panicked and deepened their faith dependence on Stuhl to collect this.

It is necessary to use it all now, so that I can gather more power of faith and prepare for tomorrow’s trip to Monte City.

In his previous life, Stuhl was born in the ancient red country of the East, and the origin philosophy in traditional culture has strong characteristics of Eastern civilization.

Stuhl decided to copy some of the Eastern theories of the previous life, and add elements of the Holy Lord’s faith to it, which would definitely bring enough freshness to all those who came to hear his mass.

All this will be unheard of for them.

In the space of consciousness, Stuhl’s hand touched the mystery book in front of him.

The wisp of faith power wrapped around the index finger did not enter it, and could only write a very brief little bit of content.

“When the Mass begins, there will be a grace of the Holy Light turned into a gan lin, surrounded by music in the ears, soothing people’s hearts, giving them hints to their hearts, and eliminating stress and fear! ”

Stull looked at what had just been written in the mystery book.

At his mass, a special effect was turned on to the environment around the church, and it was a one-off.

Today, when he first Masses, this effect will be seen in this church.

If you leave Gannon Town Church and go to another place, it will not take effect.

It is not enough to want a permanent special effect, to be at any time, to appear in front of people at mass, this is not enough.

At nine o’clock in the morning, Stull came down from the church attic and stood where Father Pitt had preached.

In the past, Father Pitt rarely gave Stuart a chance to speak to the faithful, until he crossed over and began to actively cooperate with Father Pitt.

The other party asked him to occasionally say a few words to make an end after the preaching, but what he said was told to him in advance.

Now Stull is standing here alone.

The two priests, Rust and Leyden, stood in the corner of the left wall below, each holding a shorthand notebook to record every word and sentence that Stuart would say.

As Stull stood here, he felt everyone’s eyes fall on him.

If the focus of the eye brings temperature, then Stull should be in a huge furnace at this moment.

The microphone at the lectern is on, and whenever he says a word, it will be played through a megaphone hanging from the chalk wall of the church, so that the crowded believers outside can also hear the ‘gospel’!

“My name is Stull Griffin.

Today is my first Mass. ”

Stull took a deep breath, he looked at the familiar faces in the front row, well… Without Director Yasin and the others, they would not be able to spare time today, and they really feel sorry for them, and they could not see the miracle of their hearts.

Inside and outside the church was quiet, no one would make a sound, and the Son’s opening remarks were very crisp and direct, but they were eager to record every word Stuart said.

“I grew up in a church orphanage, and an old nun found me abandoned at the door of the orphanage.

Life in the orphanage and family life are two different worlds, and the children in the orphanage, including me, always feel that the world outside the walls of the orphanage is against us.

Just as my parents abandoned me, was I born a sin of others? ”

Stull turned over the memory of the original owner of this body and told it in front of everyone, which can be regarded as a real introduction to the original owner of this body.

After all, after being taken away from the orphanage by Father Pete, the original owner of this body was packaged as a holy son and put on a mask.

No one knows, the real him.

And now Stull wants to reintroduce him, the growth of the original owner of this body before crossing, can also be regarded as using his body to make an end.

All believers were contemplative, and they never imagined that the revered Son would use such merciful thoughts as a child.

Asinsha’s eyes even had tears in them.

“It wasn’t until I grew up and became faithful to my faith in the Holy Lord, that I could feel through my blood the despair that my parents had abandoned me.

They must have been faithful to the faith, failed in a battle against some evil force, and left me alone before dying.

I don’t know where I came from, let alone whose blood runs through my body, but I believe that this feeling given to me by faithful faith is correct.

This made me understand more after carrying the miracle that my parents were definitely not ordinary people. ”

Stull sneered in his heart and turned on the big flicker mode, anyway, he is an orphan, he can’t find out who his parents are, he can say whatever he wants.

Rust and Lyden, who were standing at the edge of the wall, looked at each other, and they thought at the same time that Withro had shouted loudly before he died, and the blood of God flowed in the body of the Holy Son.

Who are the parents of the Son?

They must not be ordinary people, and what is the evil force that can fight them?

The two of them began to make up their brains frantically, as if they had lifted the fog and could see the sacred life of the Holy Son.

Then Stull began to tell the philosophy of life he discovered when he grew up, in fact, most of the content came from the culture of the ancient eastern red country in the previous life.

For example, the Tao Te Ching, the content in the Analects, Stull will pick out the memory that feels good, directly put on the outside of the holy lord belief, and dare to tell the believers directly.

And the believers were fascinated to hear it.

Stull did not choose a single passage in the Bible, he seemed to tell the insights of life slowly in faithful faith, bathed in the light of the Holy Lord.

Clear holy light poured inside and outside the church, and the ears of everyone seemed to sound a pure and flowing song.

Stull looked at the special effects of his own mass, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised.

A miracle occurred in this small area.

The whole church is holy surrounded by holy light.

The people outside the church opened their mouths and watched in amazement as the holy light enveloped everyone present, and the holy song seemed to be using a holy word to praise the majesty of the Holy Lord.

“Have an attitude toward learning to pray for a fruitful harvest, and the Lord molds everything He does not give you because of your faith to grow and learn.

Even with three friends, at least one of them has the knowledge to be your teacher and teach you something different. ”

Stull kept telling that believers were listening to the gospel.

The holy light was like a gurgling rain, bathing everyone, and the chant in the ears began to become clear, mixed with the sound of the Son Mass, which was mesmerizing.

The haze in my heart, the pressure of the past seems to be swept away.

They realized that when they were first born, they were like babies in infancy, with a pure and empty heart, without a trace of distractions!

Burris stood outside, and he was also wrapped in the holy light, but at this time, he had forgotten to press the shutter in his hand and burst into tears, muttering: “Heaven send the gospel!” ”

He was not a holy bishop, but since then he has become a devout believer.

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There’s another chapter at six o’clock this evening.

(End of chapter)

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