Chapter 23 23 Faith Sadness

Stull took a deep breath, he had been standing here talking for a long time.

Even if the believers listened intently, he could not have spoken all day, and now almost an hour later, Stull felt dry mouth.

Looking at the scene of the holy light in front of them and the gospel like a hymn, all believers seem to be enjoying a divine comedy.

‘It’s over! He thought to himself.

“Yesterday there was a terrible case where I prayed for the souls of those who died to be accepted by the Lord.

The Holy Lord shapes everything in the world, and the ‘human beings’ created under the light of the Holy Lord are all created equal.

We share a common belief, just as we are brothers and sisters who are not related by blood but are spiritually connected. ”

Stuhl goes on to say, “The world is not perfect, and God cannot mold everything into the ideal state of man.

But God is there, far away, standing, watching, listening, existing in every way, omnipresent and omniscient.

The great Lord never interferes in the operation of the earthly order, which is the equal freedom He gives us. ”

“If you are confused and fall into darkness, please stand firm in your faith and not waver in your loyalty to the Holy Lord.

Even if you go through any detours, trust that the Lord will re-accept you when you are reformed and repentant.

The Holy Lord is the only righteous god that exists in the world, and the rest of the sects, doctrines, organizations, and any gods worshiped are pseudo-gods that cannot be compared with the Holy Lord.

They are like fireflies, and the Holy Lord is the most dazzling pure light in the world! ”

Burris, who was outside, shrunk his neck, and the words of the Holy Son were equivalent to directly denying the beliefs held by all the sects outside.

But at this moment, Burris had decided to become a qualified believer in the holy bishop, and since the Son said so, then everyone outside must be a false god.

That gang of goods also deserves to share the name ‘God’ with the Holy Lord?

Stur went on to say, “The Holy Lord will not let believers give anything.

The gods who accept sacrifices, receive offerings, and devotees please them with all kinds of evil rituals, they are all evil and alien.

The Holy Lord has always been selfless in his faithful and never asks, remember! ”

He finally decided to say a brief goodbye to the townspeople: “When I first came to Gannon with Father Pete.

I fell in love with the land, and I re-solidified my faith here.

Rediscovered what his mission was to carry miracles.

The Lord’s arrangement of my destiny takes this as a starting point.

Although I am very reluctant, I still want to say goodbye to you, and tomorrow I will leave the town of Gannon for St. Neil’s Church in the city of Monte. ”

The two priests on the side immediately became excited, and this was the first time that the Holy Son had definitely said that he would go to St. Neil’s Church.

“I hope you can take care of your good health, and in the end, parting is for a better goodbye.” ”

Finally, Stuhl’s finger tapped on his chest: “Praise the Lord!” ”

A loud cry of praise erupted inside and outside the church: “Praise to the Lord! ”

The holy light slowly receded, and the chant in his ears gradually dissipated.

The trance-like spirit of the believers is reawakened, and the sense of emptiness like the heart of an infant, the purest sense of transcendental, is refilled by reality.

It was as if they had performed an ultimate spiritual release and enjoyment, and everything they saw in their eyes was miraculous.

Many people were already in tears, and even the older devout disciples were crying even more at this moment.

How much they had just enjoyed their spirits, how sad they would have been when they heard the news that Stuart had said goodbye to them and was leaving here.

Some people can’t tell whether their tears are flowing with excitement because they witnessed and experienced miracles.

Or is the Son going to leave here and make them feel sad and shed down.

Or after witnessing the miracle, these devout believers knew that the faith they had held on to all their lives was right, that the Lord existed, and that they were finally confirmed after meeting the Son.

All kinds of emotions are around the heart, and the emotions originally affected by the serial murder case have long been left behind.

Although the mental state is good, it is also true that the heart is uncomfortable.

But no one would say anything to Stuhl, no matter how reluctant they were.

The believers in Gannon cannot do without the Son, so the believers of more than a billion holy bishops around the world need the Son even more.

Go to the city of Montt, go to the great places, and in the future the Son will go to the Holy See to spread the gospel to believers all over the world.

At this moment, everyone realized that the parting of dependence in the original faith made people feel so uncomfortable, and almost everyone was crying.

Ashinsha in the front row was lying down with her head bowed, she was annoyed why she didn’t come out with a tissue, and now her delicate makeup was crying.

‘Alas… I seem to be fooling too far. Stull turned and left first, and he came to his room in the attic of the church.

Originally infected by the emotions of the believers, even Stull was a little sad, but seeing that there were ten more golden threads of faith in the consciousness space, it suddenly made Stuhl want to go down again to the believers to fool again.

These ten wisps of faith power are enough for Stull to perform a big scene of consummation in Monte City, and the popular point is to pretend to be a big *.

Even in his own room in the attic, he could not stop the heart-wrenching cries of the believers below.

Stull sighed helplessly: “Keep the faith to yourself, leave the pain to the believers, how can I …”

“It’s so cute! ”

In contrast, the only emotions that were not shaken and were quite happy in their hearts were Rust and Leyden, two priests from St. Neil’s Church.

Anyway, tomorrow they will return to Monte City with the Holy Son, as for how uncomfortable the local believers are…

The two priests of Monte City couldn’t handle it either.

Gradually, the mood of the believers began to stabilize, and at this time, it was already noon, and people had begun to evacuate one after another, even if they were reluctant to leave.

Asinsa borrowed the church bathroom from Priest Rust, and not only her, but almost all the young girls had to go to the bathroom to wash their faces again.

But Mr. Barry and Miss Asinsa stayed until the end.

“Priest Rust, Priest Leydon, invite you to my estate tonight. Mr. Barry handed them both invitations.

And they both understood that being invited by a rich man like Mr. Barry was completely rubbing the face of the Son.

The two of them did not refuse, and took it with a smile, after all, the Holy Son will also go tonight, so of course the two of them will follow.

“Isn’t Mr. Barry ready at home? Rust asked, tonight is Mr. Barry’s birthday party, as the rich other party should invite many people.

Normally, Mr. Barry should have arranged for someone in the manor to prepare for the decoration.

Barry smiled and said: “I hired a professional celebration company to prepare for me, after all, my family is very large, it is impossible for me to completely command, I have managed the enterprise for so many years, one of the most important things I have learned is that professional things should be done by professional people.”

Rust was resisted by the other party’s simple trench gas.

Barry went on to say, “And the Son is my most important guest, and I have to come and greet him personally.”

Rust and Lyden were relatively speechless, did they personally greet each other at each other’s doors?

After a while Stull came down from the attic, because the believers had already left, there was no need for him to stay there, and the power of faith received was satisfactory to Stuel, at least enough for the city of Monte.

“Son, today’s Mass made me feel miracles in person, this is simply a godsend, and I really envy the believers in Monte City, who will be able to witness miracles immediately. ”

“Oh… Aren’t you busy today? ”

“Having professional people do it, giving me time to listen to your Mass, and still staying to welcome you to my estate.” ”

“Oooh, okay. ”

Stuhl did not refuse, and he was hungry now, most people here did not eat at noon, after all, so many believers wept bitterly, how could they still have an appetite.

At this time, in a hotel in Gannon Township, Burris had just finished writing the evening newspaper and emailed it to the editor-in-chief.

Because in addition to the morning newspaper, the City Window newspaper also has an evening newspaper, but there are very few people who subscribe to the evening newspaper.

The editor-in-chief asked Burris to keep track of the press releases that wrote the case, and the morning and evening newspapers had to report uninterruptedly.

And Burris’s news keeps making headlines in order to keep it hot.

But this time Burris’s press release, in addition to describing the progress of the police inquiry on the day of the case, he also described the crowded scene at the church in Gannon Town, when the priest had mass.

He did not deliberately mention the title of Son, because Stuart certainly did not like him to do so.

He only mentioned that Stull was a very young priest who was very beloved by the local believers.

In today’s scene, Burris used a relatively high-profile phrase ‘witness to miracles’.

It is indeed appropriate to match the crowded scene in the photo.

As long as he thought of the scene of the Holy Light waving and the Divine Comedy surrounding, Burris felt excited.

Today’s scene is destined to be unforgettable for him.

The only thing that upset him was that when the miracle appeared, he was so surprised that he didn’t leave a picture.

Shaking his head, he kept his regrets in his heart.

The editor-in-chief had previously said that no matter what Burris wrote, the newspaper would send it word for word, but not long after the email was sent, Burris received a phone call from the editor-in-chief.

“What’s wrong Editor-in-Chief? Is there something wrong with my manuscript? Burris asked slightly apprehensively, he has not yet made the transition from intern to big reporter with heavy news.

“Oh… A little problem, the key depends on whether you decide whether to continue sending it out or not. ”

The editor-in-chief on the other side of the phone was slightly silent, and then continued: “Reporters from other newspapers also arrived at the scene today, and they interviewed an agent named Gemma Fran. ”

“I know him. Burris thought of the agent who looked very arrogant, and he hated the guy a little from the bottom of his heart.

And that man was too disrespectful to the Son.

The editor-in-chief continued: “The content of your press release is generally no different from the progress made by other journalists interviewing Agent Gemma.

But in the last paragraph the content is very different? ”

“What? ”

“The last paragraph in your manuscript is highly praised by the young priest in the church in Gannon Township.

But in the evening newspapers of other newspapers, Agent Jema told reporters that the people of Gannon were being seduced by a young priest who was good at brainwashing and bad conduct.

Moreover, he said that the murder of Wittero was probably related to the Holy Bishop’s theory of calamity.

In short, if your report is a positive compliment to the Holy Bishop.

The reports sent out by other newspapers to interview Agent Gemma were all disparaging the Holy Bishop. ”

The editor-in-chief continued to ask: “Depending on your choice, do you insist on sending the manuscript directly without changing it, or follow the mainstream of the outside world to step on the holy bishop.”

Or do you say… Do not post the following content, only the progress of the case. ”

Burris was stunned.

Then he gritted his teeth.

Word by word, he said: “Editor-in-chief, I don’t want to change!” ”

(End of chapter)

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