Chapter 66 66 Come to life

“O miracle! This is a miracle! ”

A large number of believers of the Holy Bishop gathered inside and outside the temple of Tasmu.

In recent years, due to the influence of the Holy Bishop’s Pope’s advocate of calamity, the Holy Bishop’s Church has been deliberately excluded from all countries in the world.

The influence of holy bishops in the world plummeted, and even some believers began to abandon their faith or convert to other religions.

In some places, believers lead very depressed lives, as if mentioning their faith would be shameful and would be discriminated against by the outside world.

But now this is happening at the temple of Tasmu, when the holy light is seen shrouding the temple, and the holy voice is reciting the contents of the Bible manuscript written by Stuhl himself.

More and more holy bishops began to gather here.

They cheered, they ran wildly, they knelt and covered their faces and wept.

Nothing is more proof that their faith is infallible than a miracle coming before their eyes.

“The riots outside are not completely over, what is going on here at the Temple of Tasim! ”

The Monte City Police Department, the stocky chief ‘Pox’, got out of the car very impatiently, and the sudden disturbance outside today kept him busy.

In the end, the police department was short of manpower and had to ask the Federal Police for help.

It is clear that they are two departments of different systems, but they are made like a partnership.

But when Chief Pox got out of the car, he looked at the temple of Tasm not far away, shrouded in holy light, and the huge shadow of Stull maintained the ban.

Suddenly, his mouth grew, and after a long time he didn’t know what to say.

“Chief Pox, aren’t you shocked, at first when my agents reported this to me, I told her to get out! ”

Federal Police Minister ‘Yevhen’, stationed in Monte City, said to Pox from the side.

And Chief Pox did not find out that the head of the Federal Police was also here.

“Uh…” Pox hadn’t recovered from his shock, just glanced back at the other person.

Yevheng nodded, and the two of them were considered to have said hello.

Director Liangjiu Pox took a deep breath, pointed in the direction of the Tasm Temple and said, “That young man, I have seen it!” ”

He smiled bitterly and said, “I was still in the guard room of our police station last night!” ”

“Then you are really amazing, dare to arrest the Holy Bishop’s Holy Son in your police station, if my words will definitely keep my mouth shut and not say anything outside, so as not to let the Holy Bishop believers smash the police station!” ”

Yevheng quipped from the sidelines.

Pox glared at him, yesterday he captured the deputy priest of St. Neil’s Church, as well as the elders and others…

In the end, these people were locked up in the Monte City Police Station, and it was your police detectives who deliberately dug holes for the local police to jump into.

Now at this time, there is still a face to ridicule in front of his director, if it were not for the wrong timing, Director Polx would not want to deal with the other party.

But in what the other party said just now, it reminded Polks that when the young man insisted on staying in the police station last night, the deputy priest and elder of St. Neil’s Church really did not want him to do this, and called the young man the Holy Son.

At that time, Polkes only thought that the people in St. Neil’s Church had done something strange again.

Now that you think about it, Pox really should have pumped his own mouth.

The significance of the Holy Son in the Holy Bishop is very significant, and the one who condenses the shadow on the temple of Tams in front of him has only appeared in the history of the Holy Bishop.

The first Son ‘Yaga’ a thousand years ago, and the current one…

Pox scratched his hair, he forgot the young man’s name.

Yevhen on the side lit a cigarette for himself and handed it to Polx.

Yevheng took a deep breath, slowly exhaled the white smoke, and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion: “If only all the troubles and depressions in my heart could be spit out like this smoke.” ”

Yevheng said directly to him: “Almost all the people who disappeared this time are followers of the Okyum Cult.

And this scene is happening right now, Ling said…”

Pox slapped his hands heavily, and he cursed angrily: “Damn Holy Lord, even if the case is clear, how should we explain it to the outside world!” ”

“You really have the guts, you have seen miracles with your own eyes, and you dare to scold the Holy Lord, worthy of being a person who can catch the Holy Son. ”

“Shut up! At this time, Pox had not completely changed from an atheist mentality to a theist, but being reminded by Yefhen at the moment also made him feel a moment of fear.

After all, the priests of holy bishops often say that their Lord is an all-knowing and all-powerful God.

At the moment, the riots in various parts of Monte City are still continuing, and the reason why they are here is because the situation in front of them can no longer be explained by man.

“See! This is the punishment of the current mayor, a miracle sent by the Holy Lord.

Think about it, how can a person who has betrayed his faith be entitled to sit in the mayor’s office and do things for the citizens?

He dares to betray even God, the electorate, the citizens, what is it in the eyes of such people! ”

Underneath the temple of Tasmu, a makeshift platform was erected, and a tall man in a suit and tie gushed on the high platform, angrily denouncing the crimes of the current mayor.

Yevhen threw the cigarette butt at his foot and then crushed it.

“This is the candidate for the new mayor, the current mayor’s opponent, gee!

Listening to him is like burning the current mayor at the stake. ”

Pox sighed: “Politicians have turned this place into a stage for show.”

If a miracle occurs in Monte, the influence of the church will surely become overwhelming.

Those depressed believers can be released to their heart’s content, and it is estimated that a large number of people will turn to the arms of the Holy Lord and become believers in the Holy Episcopal.

I want to go to St. Neil’s Church for baptism! ”

Yevheng gave him a blank look, this kid is also a politician, who climbed up to become the chief of the police by relying on office politics.

Originally, he wanted to complain, but he saw several black cars driving over, and before the car stopped, the current mayor rushed down from above, shouting “Lord!

O my Lord! “While running forward.

When it was about to reach the crowd, he changed to kneeling down and crawling forward.

“I have never betrayed my faith in the Lord, even when I said those things against my will in public, so that I could better do the Lord’s things and serve the citizens of Monttage after becoming mayor. ”

Yevheng raised his eyebrows, and the mayor acted a little too showy.


Apostasy! ”

“If I really betrayed the Holy Lord from my heart, how could the Lord let me succeed in the election and become mayor! ”

“Shame, you are a shameful person, everything that happened in Monte City now is all your responsibility, those who are missing, those who have died, it is all because of you”

The mayor wanted to say a few words to the opponent in front of him, but was stopped by a monk who squeezed out of the crowd.

“Mayor Brauli? ”

“Well, I am. “Even if he is the mayor, he must give face to the priest of the Foot Saint Bishop now, even if the other party is a monk.”

“The vice-priest please come over. ”

“Okay, okay, I’m going, it’s my honor to be the host. ”

Looking at the back of the mayor’s departure, and the campaign opponent cursing in the back, he became a little anxious.

At this moment, the mayor was invited by the Holy Bishop priest, which brought him a lot of pressure.

Pox and Yevhen, on the other hand, looked at each other, and they saw the meaning in each other’s eyes.

“It’s coming to life! ”

(End of chapter)

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