Chapter 67: 67 Rama

Bishop Rama returned to Montt at ten o’clock in the morning on a flight that could reach the ‘Mesa Federation’ and landed in the city of Monte.

This time he went to the country of Genni, where the Holy See is located, and walked for more than two weeks, and this time he returned with a very mixed anger.

The reason for the complication is that the deputy priest has followed him for nearly ten years, is very steady in the direction, and rarely makes mistakes in the work of the church, why did he do this time!

Moreover, Bishop Rama remembered that a few hours ago, he called the deputy priest, but was ignored by the other party, and that tone made Rama suspicious.

It was as if the other party was the real bishop, and he became a minor friar.

If he hadn’t heard that it was indeed Phil’s voice on the other side of the phone, Rama thought that someone else had made a little joke with him.

Retrieve your luggage, which contains the robes of the church bishopric hierarchy, from the robes, linings, shoes, collars, hats!

These are very different from ordinary robes, and there is even a red shawl inside, and the red robe outside the robe.

This represents Bishop Rama’s status and status as a cardinal to be able to wear such a church uniform.

He was wearing a casual dress at this moment, and from the point of view of his appearance, he gave the impression of an ordinary, tough, sixty-year-old man.

But this old man, indeed an ambitious cardinal, even if he can manage a large diocese, is still not satisfied, and wants to enter the top of the Holy See in the new papal election and become one of the real decision-makers of the church.

“Why can’t you go out? Bishop Rama, who was about to walk to the exit, found a crowd of people with luggage just getting off the plane in front of him, and he asked an airport worker in charge of security.

“Outside the departure hall, there are members of extreme animal protection organizations protesting, and we are a little short of manpower to maintain this kind of order, so.”

Bishop Rama nodded, he could only find a secluded place to sit down first and wait quietly.

Elderly people and children are treated favorably on such occasions, and an airport officer brings him a cup of hot coffee.

Rama took it and thanked the other party, then asked: “Can you give me a copy of the local newspaper in the last few days, any newspaper can be?” ”

The other party smiled and said yes, and soon brought a newspaper of City Window to Rama.

He estimated that he would have to wait a while before he could go out, but he might as well read the newspaper to pass the time, and he also had to think in his heart how to reprimand the other party when he saw Phil.

Let him understand the seriousness of this trouble.

Bishop Rama took a deep breath, unfolded the newspaper in his hand, and carefully read the contents of each line on it.

After watching for a while, Rama found that the newspaper had an extremely positive report on the Holy Bishop.

Under the influence of the catastrophe, the image of the church was degraded by all sides, and even the Evangelical newspaper owned by St. Neil’s Church was forbidden to publish news.

There are very few newspapers that can report positively on their church.

But looking further down, Rama’s brows began to furrow tightly.

“What’s going on!

Did Phil that guy buy the entire newspaper office!

When did the Patient Fu Fat Sacrament become so efficient and all-powerful!

Does the Lord really exist? ”

After saying the last sentence, Rama was dumbfounded.

His laughter is a kind of self-deprecation.

As the bishop of the Church, who should have been the most devout priest, he now began to question the existence of the Holy Lord.

He is also a descendant of the church saint Neil.

Bishop Rama bowed his head and remained silent, a man like him who had embraced the faith of the church since childhood, and when he was old and saw the essence of some things, he would question theology.

However, the descendants of the saints, as well as their current status as bishops, will rise a strong sense of guilt in their hearts whenever they question the Holy Lord.

After a while, he felt a little better, and the newspaper in his hand was put aside, and he couldn’t stand it.

Churches everywhere in the church now hardly use the sacrament of sick anointing for believers, because it does not work at all.

To no avail, even if the sacrament of the patient’s anointing is to be used, it is to be used as the final sacrament at the strong request of the believer and his family.

Now it was reported in the newspapers that the priests in St. Neil’s Church could use the sacrament of the Fountain Anointing to treat the sick with the plague.

Bishop Rama felt his head grow big.

He just wanted to return to St. Neil’s Church at once to see what Vice Priest Phil was doing.

If the other person is not suitable to continue the church work in this position, then Rama will replace him with another person to serve as his secondary priest.

At this time, he began to involve his dissatisfaction with the elders in the church, after all, the elders in the church also had two elders and a grandmother who was responsible for managing the nuns.

Why didn’t the three of them stand up at the critical moment to stop the Phil Priest.

Bishop Rama sat here and waited for more than an hour.

It wasn’t until the police arrived that they brought the protesters in the hall outside under control.

Bishop Rama followed the flow of people anxiously waiting to go out and left the departure hall together.

But when passing by the police officers maintaining order, Bishop Rama heard the other party whispering, ‘Over there at the temple of Tasmu… There are miracles! ’

Bishop Rama’s pace slowed slightly, wondering what had happened to the city during his two weeks on his visit to the Holy See.

When he arrived outside the airport, he suddenly felt that he was abandoned and lonely old man.

He had already told the deputy priest in advance that he would return to Monte City today, but the other party did not arrange a special car to pick him up in advance.

He is the bishop in charge of running a large diocese, a cardinal!

Helpless, Rama can only choose to take a taxi back to St. Neil’s Church.

After getting into a taxi, Rama tells the driver where he is going.

“Please send me to St. Neil’s Church, thank you! ”

“You’re going to St. Neil’s Church! ”

“Yes. ”

Rama was embarrassed to introduce himself to a cardinal, because the trip was so faceless.

“Are you going to worship the Son? ”

“Holy Son? ”

In this era, taxi drivers are always the most widespread and fastest group in the local city.

Rama talks to Rama on the other side, saying along the way that the followers of the Okyum cult have been punished by God and contracted by the plague, and that only the priests in St. Neil’s Church can save them.

The reason for this is the emergence of a Son in the church of St. Neil, a new Son who came to earth after the Son Jega two thousand years ago.

I came to a spacious section of the road, but because there were crowds gathering in front of me protesting, the water was blocked.

The taxi driver was cursing and complaining.

Bishop Rama kept wiping the cold sweat from his forehead.

‘Launching a false Son, a crime unimaginable in the Church, Phil, how dare you do it! ’

(End of chapter)

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