Chapter 117: 117 Square Convocation

“There are really a lot of people coming, I heard that His Majesty is going to screen out 10,000 priests this time!” A cardinal dressed in a cardinal robe sits in a coffee shop in the city of Enfa.

The location is very nice, next to a clean window with a view from the inside to the top of the towering St. Peter’s Church.

And sitting across from him was also a cardinal.

“In my eyes, this is just a great mass hosted by His Majesty himself. Enrique said, and instead of drinking the cup of coffee in front of him, he looked out with an expression written on his face.

Glenn looked at the other side and seemed not interested in coffee and said: “Actually, the earliest origin of coffee is not in Joshu.

It’s just that South Manchester’s craft of processing coffee to make drinks is too crude.

And the explorers who went to sea at that time, after bringing coffee back to Jozhou, could not use such a crude process to process coffee and offered coffee to the royal family.

The royal family wants something different than ordinary people, they want superior products, so when the coffee production begins to become delicate, then after it is dedicated to the royal family, it will naturally receive its love.

In the end, the nobles pursued the love of the royal family, and the people went after the nobles.

People are always like this, and they will turn the enjoyment of those high-ranking guys into what they want in their hearts! ”

Enrique looked sideways at him, and if it was Sture sitting in this place, he would definitely ask the other to shut up.

It was as if the teacher of liturgical culture that the Ministry of Sacraments had found for him was driven away by Stuhl.

Whether it’s coffee or Ceylon Heights black tea, he just wants to taste it quietly.

As for the story, history, and culture behind this thing, he was not interested in understanding it so deeply.

Glenn saw Enrique looking at him and continued with a smile: “And now coffee has developed a unique culture and various styles in Joshu.

But when people arrived in South Manchester, where coffee originated, they found that people were still using the crudest methods to process it.

I’ve seen coffee beans crushed with a stone the thickness of an adult’s arm! ”

Enrique really wanted to shut up Cardinal Glenn, so he leaned the spoon into the coffee cup in front of him and kept stirring.

Glenn’s face changed, and he pointed to Enrique’s cup of coffee and said, “That’s a cup of latte!” ”

“Yes, I know, but we in South Manchester like that, not so much fussy.

It’s like drinking coffee, if the bean residue in the pot floats up, just wait, let it settle, there is no need for filter paper at all! ”

Glenn shut up briefly, but after a while he said directly to Enrique, “I’ve seen the latest version of the Bible!”

There is also content about the holy road, and everyone’s understanding of the holy road is different.

It wasn’t until the news about the city of Sesensu came to light that I figured out what His Majesty’s purpose was in summoning 10,000 priests to the Holy See. ”

Glenn tapped his fingers on the table: “Holy road! Holy Road! ”

He went on to say: “The church is going to have a great reform, not a struggle between conservatives and reformers!

This reform came from the will of His Majesty.

Think of the Holy Road and this great mass hosted by His Majesty himself!

In the future, if the mediocre priest wants to ascend to the throne, hehe, there will be an additional standard of measurement, after all, the new version of the Bible says that after stepping into the holy road, the farther you go, the more blessings you receive from the Lord and the more blessings of the Holy Spirit.

Closer to the Lord’s side. ”

The more he spoke, the more excited he became, and even leaned forward, getting very close to Enrique.

Enrique could feel the heat blowing from the opposite breath, but they were two older old men.

“I think it’s long overdue! Glenn repeated, then sat back down.

Enrique breathed a sigh of relief, he loosened his neckline, and said to Glenn: “Ten thousand, how many do you think will step into the holy road.” ”

He added: “After reading the new version of the Bible, I never suspected that there was an element of falsehood in it.

After all, it was written by His Majesty himself, and we have all seen miracles.

When you rejoice in unison, there is also a testimony of the coming of the Holy Spirit! ”

He paused and continued, “When the world is stable and peaceful, God exists only in sacred texts and oral stories.

Perhaps only when true calamity strikes will miracles appear in this world. ”

Glenn took a sip of coffee: “I know what you’re worried about, your face is too obvious.”

I am worried that this time, if there are not many priests who can successfully step into the holy path, how the church, believers, and other ordinary people will save when the era of calamity comes. ”

Enrique didn’t speak, he was indeed worried about this, and after being singled out by Glenn, he felt a little relaxed.

“I always felt that God, free to arrange, the Bible God predicted calamity, but did not say that we were alone.

Some things are useless even if you are worried, but it is better to go step by step and look at it quietly.

You are just a small cardinal, and even if you are a great big man in the world, politicians need to coerce you.

But within the church, there are many great beings above us, the Holy Spirit, angels, too many.

So, in some ways we’re just little people. ”

Glenn went on to say: “His Majesty had the Ministry of Priesthood elect a large list of 10,000 priests, including bishops, monks, priests, nuns, all ranks.

Your Majesty only needs to be the most religious.

It may be to increase the chances of the priests stepping into the holy path.

But guess how many bishops there are?

How many cardinals plus red clothes are there in total? ”

The wrinkles at the corners of Enrique’s eyes trembled.

He picked up his coffee cup and took a sip.

But he was waiting for Glenn to explain the quantity directly, there was no need to sell the pass at such a time, if he really sold the pass, let Enrique guess.

Then Enrique would definitely not pay attention to him.

“Nineteen people! ”

The air was only quiet for two or three seconds, and Glenn eagerly informed Enrique of the exact number of people.

Enrique’s eyes widened, the number was simply frighteningly low.

“Your Majesty is furious, this time the Ministry of Priesthood has done things too badly.

Even ordinary bishops can come in less than a hundred. ”

He continued: “But the Ministry of the Priesthood is also very difficult, and Karlov, as the Minister of the Priesthood, knows very well that old thing in his heart, once the Mass is held.

There must not be many priests who can successfully step into the holy path, because the priests of the church are like this, all of them are too rotten.

Everyone has fallen and used the Holy Lord as a tool to keep on their lips and use to amass wealth! ”

“Cautious words! Enrique raised his hand, they were priests, not theological critics, and what Glenn had just said should not have been something that a cardinal could have said.

“Hmph! Ministry of the Priesthood!

What do their gangs understand!

The selection of this large list of 10,000 people is all screened according to the written clergy files, judging by their achievements, and their merits in local dioceses and parishes.

Look at what some believers say about the priests.

But these contents can be beautified and modified, and these old men in the Holy See who sit in the Holy See now only need to sign and seal the personnel transfer of the high-level of the church.

The personnel transfer at the bottom of the diocese has long been delegated.

They are like a large warehouse where the archives of all the clergy are stored! ”

Glenn was chattering again.

Enrique lowered his head and sighed: “Your Majesty should be very angry this time.” ”

Glenn also sighed: “When screening cardinals and cardinals, Karloff contacted them one by one.

I promised to go to mass, and everyone else wasn’t fools, they all understood what it meant.

If we are in our position, but we do not step into the holy path when His Majesty presides over Mass.


Some words do not need to be said very bluntly, they are also cardinals, it is not easy to climb to the current position, at least enthusiasm alone is not enough.

“I really envy Rama! Enrique said, and he drank the coffee in the cup directly, making Glenn frown.

But he also answered: “Yes, His Majesty rose from St. Neil’s Church, and even the deputy priests around Rama became the papal chamberlain.

However, Rama and they seem to have taken the priests from St. Neil’s Church to the city of Seisensu on a mission.

This task is troublesome, and it has also attracted the attention of people all over the world. ”

He took a deep breath and continued, “Obviously, even our church was disgusted with public opinion about disasters before, but now everyone is thinking about how to change how to survive disasters.

The diocese I am in charge of has recently been eager to be baptized and enrolled.

Hehe, I’ve never seen such a scene. ”

Enrique said: “I’m still a little worried that Rama’s mission doesn’t know if it will go well. ”

“With the protection of His Majesty, and Rama is a descendant of saints, the creatures who come when they cheer in unison are Rama’s ancestors.

Being able to send Rama and others must have His Majesty’s scrutiny.

And this time we must let the task be completed, and we must give the panic people around the world a little confidence, even if the era of calamity begins, there is something our church can choose to rely on.

If Rama and others fail, it also shows that our church has failed.

I don’t think the rest of the world wants that to happen, when people will panic and go crazy. ”

“Ooooh! ”

A papal deacon in a priest’s robe knocked on the glass of the café, and the two looked sideways at the priest standing outside, then looked at each other and got up to check out and leave the café.

It was Glenn who invited Enrique to come here for coffee, so it was he who came to pay for it.

“It’s about to begin, Lord Bishop. ”

After coming out, Enrique and Glenn were stunned at the same time, and then they asked puzzled: “What is about to begin?” ”

“The Great Mass hosted by His Majesty is about to begin? ”

The two looked at each other again, and generally Mass was held in the morning or evening, and it was not yet noon, not at the usual time.

“It may be that there have been exceptional circumstances, which are orders from the Holy See that the Great Mass be held in time for noon.

All the manpower in the Holy See was mobilized. ”

“Well, it seems that something big has really happened! Enrique put on his purple bishop’s round hat.

They all wear cardinal robes, and the Holy See has rules, but all priests entering the Holy See need to wear the corresponding position’s robes.

After leaving the family, you can change into casual clothes.

But after all, the Holy See is an area embedded in the city of Enfa, and many priests have come to the Holy See, but their place of residence is in the hotel of Infa City outside.

Frequently changing civilian clothes, they also find it inconvenient, so they simply wear divine robes all the time to go in and out.

Even if you hang out in the city of Enfa in a divine robe, you will not receive too much attention, after all, the Holy See is located in this city, and the citizens are used to it.

Recently, the residents of Enfa City are still lamenting that there have been more priests who can be seen recently.

After all, summoning 10,000 priests to attend the Great Mass is an internal matter of the church, and although the news has been revealed, some people are unaware.

In their eyes, even at the funeral of the previous pope, there could not be so many priests.

In order to return to the Holy See as soon as possible, the two cardinals also took a special car.

Although the top of St. Peter’s Church can already be seen from this street, it takes more than half an hour to walk through the surrounding complex streets to get back to the Holy See as soon as possible.

After entering the Holy See, the entire peripheral area has been sealed off, tourists have been banned from entering, and the Genni police are maintaining order at the outer entrances and exits.

Because it is a vehicle of the Holy See, it can be entered very smoothly.

The level of security forces of the Holy See began to rise, and when they arrived in St. Peter’s Square, they could already see that all the priests who had been summoned had gathered in one phase.

This St. Peter’s Square, which can accommodate more than 100,000 people, was suddenly occupied by the black of the divine robes, and everyone was standing in a very scattered position.

Attending Mass only, Stull didn’t ask them to stand up for the same atmosphere.

“This happens because His Majesty can’t wait, and he is in a hurry to convene a great mass… Probably…” Glenn looked down in thought.

Speaking to Enrique next to him: “There is a problem with Rama. ”

“Well, I have that guess too.

After all, it is impossible for Xiesenersu City to let Rama take more than twenty priests to solve it directly, they just go to collect intelligence first.

What can really play a role in solving the problem depends on how many transcendent people who have stepped into the road of life at this Great Mass. ”

“Lord Bishop, please come here. ”

The papal deacons led them to the very front of St. Peter’s Square.

There are seats, with three chairs at the front and a square violet carpet underneath.

Seventeen more chairs were in the back, and a rectangular ordinary red carpet was laid on the floor.

Dozens of chairs were still placed behind the red carpet, but there were only square tiles on the ground, and Enrique and Glenn looked at each other.

They are going to sit in two of the first three chairs.

The villain is also a cardinal, and although the number of people who come is relatively small, he certainly cannot stand in the square to listen to His Majesty’s Mass like everyone else.

After the two of them sat down, another cardinal sat in the last chair.

I wish all readers good work, family harmony and good health!

I hope you all get what you want.

(End of chapter)

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