Chapter 118: 118 Great Mass


The last cardinal sat down and let out a long breath.

This was an old man in his seventies, and at this moment, he pressed his head sideways to Glenn and Enrique, who had already been seated on the side, and took the initiative to say: “You came earlier than me.”

In fact, when I learned that my name was on the list, I was puzzled! ”

Glenn smiled, “How? Is Lord Federson unfirm in his faith? ”

Federson gave him a blank look, but he didn’t argue with Glenn about anything, believing in this thing is only clear to himself, and if he argues with others, it really seems that he is very weak-hearted.

“I came to this position, and after sitting down, it was very difficult, even after I stepped on the holy road, what can this body do?

Far less energetic than young people, perhaps they can only pray on the sidelines, hoping that our Lord will pay more attention… It’s just a little bit of work. ”

Enrique leaned forward to look at Bishop Federson and said, “This time, when Rama went to the city of Sesenlsu on a mission, he also had an older parish elder in his team.

Maybe after stepping into the holy road, even the physical fitness will be further improved. ”


Sitting in the position of cardinal, you are able to set some of the rules of the church.

They are a group of big figures in the church second only to the pope, and all cardinals are not stupid little characters.

And the newly appointed pope has not yet been able to completely dominate all aspects of the church, and these cardinals can easily inquire about some of the recent events.

Especially after the issuance of a joint statement by the Holy See and the Fatan.

The matter of the city of Seisensu has been thoroughly disclosed.

There are even many who have taken the initiative to go to the city of Xiesenersu to find out the truth, after all, this is the first time that a national government plus the Holy See has disclosed to the outside world that there is really a mysterious event.

Even some conspiracy theorists, people who believe in the existence of mysterious events, feel the clouds in their minds when they see this statement.

But in the end, all of them, that curious nerve, were all provoked.

Even if the Fatan government did not allow them to go to the city of Xiesenersu, it could not resist the enthusiasm of this group of people.

Even recently, the government of the Fatan State is strictly screening passengers entering the country, and even people from other countries have begun to be attracted by this mysterious curiosity.

But entering the city of Seisensu is like entering a murderous place.

At this time, the number of reports of missing persons received in the State of Fatan is soaring.

Behind the three cardinals, cardinals also arrived to take their seats.

The atmosphere of St. Peter’s Square began to become somewhat silent from the beginning of the crowd.

They were prepared priests, and even the most ordinary monks and nuns would be instructed by the bishops when they left the diocese.

All eyes were on the top window of St. Peter’s Church, waiting for the pope to appear from there.

With the help of his attendants, Stull changed into a white papal robe and a white papal hat embroidered with the holy emblem of the Holy See.

“That’s enough! When he saw that someone next to him was going to put a red strap on him, Stull waved his hand.

Presidencing Mass does not need to dress up so bloated, and previous popes were covered in gold and precious stones.

Nor does it necessarily trigger the coming of a miracle at Mass.

All this is mundane, even some high-ranking priests in order to satisfy their own unique vanity.

When Stuhl entered the Imperial Court, he was struck by the luxury.

He didn’t like it, but he wasn’t in a hurry to change.

The door in front of the window balcony is opened, and there is also a layer of light transparent white tulle in front.

Stuhl walked slowly over and stood on the balcony outside the window, where he could overlook St. Peter’s Square and see 10,000 priests in black robes.

In front of Stull was a row of amplified equipment, and the holy light flowed on him, but only a few people around him could clearly see it.

Except for the Pope’s chamberlain, Phil, the rest of the priests bowed down to Stuhl’s back.

When cheering in unison, all the bishops claimed to have seen miracles with their own eyes, but the ordinary priests in the Holy See did not.

People will always have doubts about things they haven’t seen with their own eyes.

Even after Stuhl became the Holy See and became Pope, many priests in the Holy See doubted him.

Because Stull is really too young.

And the last time the bishops cheered in unison, making one person the new pope, recorded only in the annals of history from a long time ago.

So this time, when they saw the holy light circulating in Stuhl, they would kneel down and worship the miracle in front of them.

Phil, on the other hand, had seen it too many times, and even got used to it, and he himself had already stepped into the holy path, and he was even able to use the holy light technique.

Stuhl looked down at the rows of amplification equipment in front of him, black microphones standing vertically.

In fact, even without these amplification devices, Stull can ensure that his voice can be clearly heard by anyone in St. Peter’s Square.

The priests in St. Peter’s Square could only see a man appear at the window, and walking in front was a man in a white divine robe.

They couldn’t see Stuhl’s face clearly, but they could tell it was a young man.

Then a layer of light bloomed in the young man, and even in the daytime it could be felt that the light was holy and different.

The nineteen cardinals sitting at the front, the cardinals, had eager eyes.

Unlike the priests who had not witnessed miracles, they firmly believed that the one standing there at this moment was the true Son.

They believe that in the history of the Church, the first Son created the Church, and the second Son had the divine mission of leading the Church through the past in the Age of Calamity.

“My brothers and sisters! ”

Stuhl stood there and uttered his first words.

The divine aura began to condense in St. Peter’s Square, even from a long distance, but every priest standing in St. Peter’s Square could clearly see Stur’s face.

Even people with poor eyesight can clearly see Stuhl’s appearance at this moment, as if the other party is standing in front of him.

“It is the Holy Lord who helps all our brothers and sisters present to be faithful to the vocation.

Have the courage to take up the burden of pastoral work that should not exist and gather here.

The Holy Lord will continue to sanctify you, to spread the Gospel with all his heart, to save human spirits, to promote unity, and to glorify the Lord with the mission of a holy Lord. ”

Stull raised his right hand, and the sacred aura of St. Peter’s Square was thick to an extremely high standard, and then it was as if it had been ignited.

The entire square bloomed with extremely dazzling holy light.


City of Seisensu, in Saint-Godomín.

The strong smell of blood filled the camp, surrounded by ruins after destruction.

Nina carefully moved away from the ruins, but then her body remained still.

In front of her appeared a man in a black suit, the other party’s hair was very sloppy, and his skin was miserably white.

The eyes are painted with various colors of oil paint and a red nose ball.

A clown in a black suit.

But I don’t know which rule circle in the city of Seisensu is running out again, Nina tries to stand up in slow motion.

She thought of the long roar that Father José had uttered last night: “They only attack those who make the sound!” ”

These are the rules, the rules that these monsters are enforcing them, they are puppets without autonomous thinking, and everything is playing by the rules.

Nina calmed down while observing her surroundings.

There are a large number of corpses of resisters, as well as some corpses of alien demons, mostly rabbits, but also some in human condition.

The expressions on their corpses after their death still had a crazy smirk.

These demons were shot and killed by the priests, but after a night of fighting, the losses of the church priests were also heavy.

Right where Nina was when she was unconscious last night, not far away, there was the body of a priest, his back was torn open, and two lung lobes were pulled out like balloons hanging outside.

That expression of fear of death is fixed on the face.

She couldn’t bear to look at the other party’s body, and didn’t know why the priest died by her side, maybe the other party wanted to come to rescue her.

Her memory is too vague, she can only remember that the camp was invaded by alien demons last night, plus don’t make sounds that attract alien demons.

Other than that, she couldn’t remember anything before she fell into a coma.

She tries to escape the place, but before leaving, a pistol held in the hands of the priest’s body catches Nina’s attention.

She also had the impression that Father José had said that the pistol had been blessed by the Holy Bishop Pope, and that even killing a demon could damage it with just one shot.

Slowly touched the position of the priest’s body next to him, then swung away the other party’s stiff fingers, and picked up the pistol.

After holding this gun in her hand, Nina felt a little more secure.

But the action just now also attracted the attention of the suit clown on the other side, and the other party even took a few steps forward towards Nina’s position.

Nina slowly took a few steps backwards to the back, trying to move away from the suit clown, but soon she felt a heavy breathing sound behind her.

This breathing sound gave her a sticky feeling.

Nina turned her head directly to look back.

A woman in a white housekeeping dress, her lips cut and torn in a hexagonal shape, revealing the horrible teeth inside!

She resisted the urge to shoot the ‘lady’ in front of her in the head, and if she did, the sound of the gun would attract all the demons in the silent camp.

At that time, she will be torn apart by the surrounding demons in an instant.

Nina winked at the other, then carefully moved to the side without making a sound.

And the female alien demon’s gaze has been staring at Nina, moving away a little away.

The demons attacking the camp are not blind, they can see everyone in the camp, but as long as they don’t make any noise, they won’t cause their attacks.

“Damn it! I’m going to escape this place! Nina’s heart was screaming, and she suddenly felt that she had been working as a red-clad flight attendant on the plane.

It’s all safer than the situation we are facing.

Nina didn’t even dare to take a big breath, and the soles of her feet gently rubbed the ground and slowly moved to the side.

Her speed is turtle speed now, but as long as she doesn’t make any sound, she will be safe.

But after moving a few steps, Nina suddenly became confused.

Where should she go?

If you leave this camp, it will not be safe outside.

Even if she accidentally steps into another circle of rules, unless she can clearly know the rules there.

Otherwise, any careless and superfluous behavior could threaten her life.

‘Holy Lord! Save me!

That Son, that His Majesty the Pope, also ask you to come to the miracle again! ’

Nina’s heart was quickly filled with confusion, and she tried to pray to the Holy Lord and the Holy Son Pope in her heart, but to no avail.

She didn’t get any response.

Soon, the inner confusion turned into a despair.

‘Am I not a devout believer?

Holy Lord, why should the people here suffer in this way? ’

Nina gritted her teeth, she thought that she would simply die here.

She couldn’t tell the difference between this and the hell described in mythology.

Raising the pistol in her hand, Nina was hesitating whether to shoot directly through her head or shoot into the sky and make a sound, waiting for the surrounding demons to tear her body to pieces.

The first way can die a little simpler, but will appear to be a coward.

The second way can bring her a kind of psychological comfort of desperate resistance, but it still can’t avoid that she is an evasive.

Nina never thought that when she chose the method of death, she could feel so wronged.

She especially wanted to cry at this time, like a helpless child.

Suddenly, a hand gripped Nina’s ankle, and she immediately looked down, and just now her heart trembled, making her almost scream.

A nun with a gun crawled over the grass, holding out an index finger in front of her lips to keep Nina from making a sound.

Nina nodded heavily, and suddenly felt comforted, at least this meant that she was not the only survivor in the camp.

And she remembered that the nun lying on the ground seemed to be called ‘Elsa’, and she was the only nun with a shotgun among all the priests.

The other party waved a gesture towards Nina, and Nina understood what the other party meant, and also lay on the ground.

“The rules have changed again, you see these aliens are evacuating this camp! Sister Elsa whispered close to Nina’s ear.

Then Aisha stretched out her finger in the other direction, and in Nina’s line of sight, several rabbits were jumping towards the outside of the camp.

As Mother Elsa said, the rules enforced by these demons have indeed changed.

They are like automatic puppets for the countdown, and when the time is up, they start to automatically evacuate.

(End of chapter)

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