Chapter 119: 119 Mural Painting

Nina lay on the ground and met the Sister Elsa’s head.

“Where is Father José? Nina asked in a low voice, also worried about getting bad news from Sister Elsa.

“I don’t know, last night was horrible. Sister Elsa swallowed, her body still trembling.

“You are the first normal person I met when I woke up, and all I came into contact with was corpses.

There are resisters, and even other priests. ”

Mother Elsa’s expression was very sad, she had seen the bodies of many priests, these were her colleagues in St. Neil’s Church.

Although everyone knows that coming to the city of Xiesensu to carry out the mission, they will face great danger, which is completely different from the evil god pollution that occurred in Monte City.

But at first, whether from the plane to the final arrival at this safe place, none of them lost a single one.

But last night, they finally learned how terrible this place was.

More than twenty priests, most of them turned into cold corpses on the ground, with expressions of fear of death on their faces.

Just now, Sister Elsa was praying, hoping that the Holy Lord would soothe the frightened souls of these companions.

That’s all she can do.

“They’ve already started to evacuate, what are we going to do? Nina no longer had her own opinion at this time, and just now she even thought of seeking death.

“When they are all gone, I want to collect the bodies of my companions, and if the bodies of Father José and Bishop Rama and others are not found, it means that they have fled. ”

Nina’s eyes lit up, indeed as long as their bodies could not be found, then it was very likely that Father José and Bishop Rama were out of danger.

Unfortunately, she couldn’t remember exactly what happened before she fell into a coma last night, only remembering that Father José shouted loudly.

“I think Father José has a better chance of surviving, after all, he has received more attention from the Pope.”

And among you priests, only Father José can receive a response from the Pope during prayer, and that Pope is the new Son. ”

Sister Aisha explained: “When His Majesty was in St. Neil’s Church, he had a good relationship with Father José. ”

Nina pouted and said, “So the Pope is really quite a partial person. ”

Sister Aisha was relatively speechless, she was not qualified to judge what kind of person the Pope was, she had been in the same church as Stour, and the Pope had always been holy in her eyes.

The two of them lay quietly on the ground for a while.

After confirming that the surrounding demons had evacuated the camp, he quietly got up from the ground.

They moved cautiously, looking through the corpses on the ground to confirm the identities of the demons who had been killed.

The vast majority of them are resisters, even old people and children, and the alien demon will not be soft on the age of the target.

They will only follow the rules, come and act, and torture is a normal rule to follow in their serious cases, without any psychological burden.

Such a monster can no longer be called a human.

“What a bunch of fucking bastards! ”

Nina looked at a corpse on the ground, a little girl whose face still had the horror of death.

In the tarnished eyes, there is a gray and desperate color.

She slowly soothed the girl’s wide-eyed eyes soothingly.

Sister Elsa took the shotgun and looked at the bodies on the ground, hoping to find the living in it.

“Elder Fran! ”

Finally, from the pile of dead people, Elsa found the Fran elder who still had breath.

“Hmm! ”

The other party’s weak response made Elsa feel that there was still hope, at least she did not see a very obvious injury from Elder Fran.

Aisha called Nina, and the two worked together to drag Elder Fran out from under the victims’ bodies.

Elsa also helped him sit up from the ground, and then the other party stabilized his emotions before saying to Elsa: “When my consciousness is in darkness, I know that I may not be dead yet.”

Because I don’t see the light of the Lord, that means my soul has not ascended into the kingdom of heaven. ”

Elder Fran showed a wry smile: “It is conceivable that when a pious priest dies and opens his eyes and sees that it is not the kingdom of heaven, then it means that he is not dead yet!” ”

Nina squatted on the ground and looked at Elder Fran seriously and said, “Then have you ever thought that Ling is actually not qualified to ascend to heaven after death.

Because you are not religious at all, the Holy Lord cannot look at an ungodly priest like you. ”

Elder Fran looked sideways at Nina, his expression was very entangled, and then the other party let out a long sigh, stretched out his hand and touched Nina’s head and said: “You don’t have any reason to descend.”

So it’s okay, you can say whatever you want, I won’t be real with a fool. ”

Nina pouted, although she lost her sanity at this time, it did not mean that she did not have a temper.

“I just searched around here and didn’t find the body of Lord Bishop, or Father Jose!

Does this mean that they are actually alive, and even fled last night? ”

“Hmm… It is possible that to be honest, I am really blessed by the Pope of the Son of the Son, Bishop Rama is a descendant of Saint Neil, and Father José has received the inheritance of the living Godomin.

They won’t die so easily. ”

Elder Fran paused, then asked, “What about the others?” ”

Elsa’s expression was very sad, and Elder Fran immediately understood what was going on, and he breathed heavily, suddenly feeling that he had become the extra living person in this operation.

How good it would be to survive if it could be left to other young priests, he did not have the luxury of living for a while longer at his age.

Have witnessed miracles, regained their faith, and even… If he could fulfill his divine mission and die gloriously, this would be perfect in the eyes of the Fran elders.

“What do we do now? ”

Sister Elsa and Nina looked at Elder Fran.

Elder Fran touched his chin and said, “I’d better try praying to see if I can get His Majesty’s response like Father José.” ”

The Fran elder knelt on the ground and began to pray.

Nina looked at Elsa thoughtfully and asked, “Why don’t you give it a try?” ”

“I am just an ordinary nun, and although I have set foot on the holy path, my rank in the church is very low. ”

“No… You didn’t understand me. ”

Nina said solemnly: “You are a nun, maybe you can arouse the Pope’s interest when praying.”

He’s a man! ”

“Nina! You can’t be disrespectful to Your Majesty! ”

Sister Elsa was stunned for a moment, then quickly understood the meaning of Nina’s words and reprimanded her.

Nina immediately waved her hand and said, “Just like this old priest said, don’t blame me, my brain is not normal.” ”

Elder Fran ended his prayer and shook his head at Sister Elsa’s expectant look.

“I didn’t get a response from His Majesty…”

Elder Fran paused, then said, “But I feel a very strong mysterious aura, and perhaps this can be regarded as a response. ”

“So what do we do next?

Going out to find the whereabouts of Father José and others? ”

“I feel that we can continue to stay here, and yesterday José prayed to His Majesty after receiving the inheritance of Holy Spirit Godomin.

His Majesty’s response to him was to stay here for two to three days, waiting for reinforcements from the Holy See. ”

Elder Fran took a deep breath and continued, “Our group of people is equivalent to an advance party in the city of Xiesenersu.

The important thing is intelligence!

We want to provide reliable and useful information for the priests of the Holy See who will enter the city of Sesenersu next. ”

Sister Elsa and Nina looked at each other, and Elsa clutched the handle of the shotgun in her hand and said, “But this can no longer be regarded as a safe camp.

Even last night, a large number of alien demons from various rule circles invaded here, causing this scene of purgatory on earth. ”

Elsa swallowed, and Nina’s body next to her trembled slightly.

She continued: “Even if the demons have been withdrawn now, if there will still be demons here in the next time.

Then we will be in a dangerous situation. ”

Elder Fran told her his speculation == thoughts: “But what can be concluded at the moment is that it is the Liplits, and it is still impossible to pay attention here.

Their contamination is not yet able to affect this area.

If their pollution has started to spread here. ”

Elder Fran reached out and nodded his brain.

“The rate of sanity will decline very quickly. ”

He continued: “The aliens who appear in the camp follow the modified rules to kill, and the alive ones that can make a sound are the targets they want to kill.

If Father José is dead, this is the last message he sent us with his life. ”

“Therefore, if we continue to stay here, we need to take turns to guard and choose a more hidden position.”

San Stepomin Park is a place that His Majesty the Pope has known through the prayers of Father José.

Then the helpers sent by the Holy See will inevitably come here to support according to the order of the Pope. ”

Elder Fran took a breath and continued: “Leaving here, we are like headless flies flying around, but at the moment there are many circles outside where we don’t understand the rules.

It’s like covering different cobwebs one by one.

If we fly inadvertently, it will be firmly glued to it, turning it into Liplet’s meal. ”

Nina pointed to Elder Fran and said, “I don’t like you using me as an example. ”

Elder Fran gave her a blank look, not wanting to argue anything with the other party at all, if he began to explain to Nina seriously, it meant that his sanity had also been reduced to the same level as Nina.

“All in all, it’s just as dangerous here as it is outside, but the hope here hasn’t faded yet.” ”

Mother Aisha made a sacrament on her chest and prayed: “Holy Lord, bless Father José and Bishop Rama.” ”

At the same time, in the zoo in the city of Seisensu, in the director’s office.

Jose opened his very heavy eyelids.

The divine power was like an alarm bell in his body, constantly sending him very dangerous signals.

But at this time, the spirituality of his whole body seemed to turn into thick and sticky mud, and the process of transforming into divine power became very slow.

The room is very bright, with picture frames of different sizes hanging on the walls on all four sides.

The photos in the frame are of zoo employees in black overalls and various animals.

José pressed his palms to the floor, braced his arms and slowly stood up from the ground.

He began to make a rational judgment of his surroundings, the office-like décor, the picture frames hanging on the walls and the photos inside.

There is a sticky fishy smell in the air.

Before he could figure out where he was, he began to recall the last memories before waking up, but it was a blur.

Not long after he stood firm, a tearing pain came from his spirit, causing him to lie on the ground in pain again.

“Being … Followed! ”

The pain was so intense that it far exceeded the pain of being on an airplane and being paid attention to.

After receiving the inheritance of the Holy Spirit Goddomin.

The trace that he was spiritually stitched up by Pope Stull was covered up by the power of the Holy Spirit.

It was equivalent to installing a defensive force at his weakest spiritual gap.

And now this defensive force has been pried open by this concern.

“I’m sorry… Your mental state is different! ”

Father José’s mental torment soon disappeared, or the other removed his attention from José’s body.

He searched for the source of the sound and looked at the black office chair behind the large desk.

Jose could only see the back of the chair because the other person was facing away from him.

And directly in front of the chair is a mural of an entire wall.

In the mural is a portrait of a demon, an evil god, a terrifying being.

A humanoid body with a huge mouth with vertical teeth split on its stomach, and a sticky slender tongue protruded from it.

The face is two eyes that are not symmetrical at all, and there is a separate eyeball without eyelids at the position of the nose.

On the skin, exposed blood vessels form various irregular ornamentations.

On the back there is also a ring wheel made of various bones and bloody muscle tissue.

Father José took a deep breath, it was actually a terrible portrait of a giant, in which under the giant’s feet were a group of worshippers.

Densely packed throughout the ground floor of the fresco.

The terrifying-looking giant seemed to be suspended in the air, but the huge body of the other party made the heaven and earth particularly narrow.

Is this a portrait of an ‘evil god’?

So that terrible ring wheel!

I want to use it in place of God’s light phase!

The one sitting in the chair said, “I painted a portrait of myself in the future.”

But I still feel that there are some shortcomings, in fact, I have modified it many times! ”

“Portrait of the future? ”

“Yes, because I’m thinking about it, when I’m born… What should it look like! ”

(End of chapter)

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