Chapter 120: 120 • Invite

“What it looks like after birth? ”

Father José pondered what the other party had just said.

Soon his eyes began to become serious, and then silently said his guess: “Liplet! ”


It’s an unfamiliar name, but it’s your Pope, a title for me, and to be honest, I have nothing to do with the Liplet who existed in the past.

He is him, and I am me. ”

“So… Are you the same species? ”


This statement is really discriminatory! ”

The chair never turned, and Jose had no idea what the other party looked like, only hearing the other party’s voice, which should have been the voice of a man in his thirties and forties.

And the tone is very frivolous!

After a few seconds of silence in the air, the person sitting in the chair continued to speak: “Since the moment I was born!

Everything I have come into contact with is very hazy, and I need to learn little by little about the outside world, to understand the intelligent race of you humans. ”

The corners of Father José’s mouth curled into a sneer, and he said: “To think of us humans as ants is real discrimination and arrogance!” ”

“This is by comparison! The other party defended.

It then continued: “When I existed, I was growing, and the Liplet you know now, that is, me, was a being that was not fully born. ”

Father José covered his chest, but the stone pebble inside still floated out of his clothes, and José wanted to hold it in his hand.

The strength in his body seemed to be drained in an instant.

“Just like this stone egg, my existence is like an egg that is still gestational, and the life form in it is not yet fully mature.

I haven’t really been born yet, but my consciousness is already forming inside the egg.

And be able to influence the outside world, understand what is happening outside. ”

“Your spirit is very special, I was able to peek into the secrets beneath your spirit, and to be honest, when I learned about the existence of the Holy Lord… That really surprised me.

And after I am born, I will also become a god like the Holy Lord.

You can think of an existence like mine as an egg conceived by the gods in the early days.

As soon as I am born, then the world will usher in a new god. ”

Father José opened his mouth in surprise, and when he reacted, he immediately shouted angrily: “Evil, heretic!

Something like you deserves to be called a god! ”

“Hahahaha! The other’s laughter made Father José’s eardrums tingle.

It was like a demon’s sneer in the abyss.

“You simply don’t know… You don’t know…… What is a true god! ”

The tone of the other person’s speech began to become maniac, but then he returned to his composure.

“Gods acquire the power of order, so they can become gods!

And I… Only after gaining the power of order can the birth in the true sense be achieved.

The world will welcome new gods. ”

The other party then added: “Rules are a manifestation of order!” ”

Jose was a little confused at first, but he quickly remembered Liplet’s ability to influence the rules around him.

Then you understand the meaning and purpose of the other party’s expression.

“So… By changing the rules around you, you want to achieve the goal of gaining the power of order, so that you can become a newly born god? ”

“Not entirely accurate.

To be precise, I will definitely become a new god!

This is like the hatching of life, the life form conceived in the egg will eventually reach the full maturity of the life form. ”

Jose quipped: “It’s like the egg’s ultimate growth goal, which will become a chicken.” ”

“I hate this way of exemplifying you, but… That’s right, that’s how it is. ”

After touching his chin and pondering seriously, Jose uttered his speculation: “But in my eyes you have never really changed the rules around you!” ”

“What do you mean? I want to hear what you think! ”

“You simply don’t have the ability to change the rules around you, all you can change is people’s perception!” ”

Father Jose nodded his mind.

“You separate an area and then change people’s perceptions in that area to make them think that the rules have changed.

Whether it’s resisters, those who submit, or those you’re observing! ”


Jose did not get an immediate response, but waited quietly.

“The rules established by man are also a phenomenon of order! ”

Such an interpretation is tantamount to admitting that José’s statement is correct.

“You want to be a god?

But is there a need to rely on the rules established by man to gain power from order? ”

“That’s why I said you don’t understand what a true god is!

God is empowered as part of the order, and at the same time…

When the influencing person changes the rules of an established cognition… I can add a new rule of existence that depends on human cognition out of thin air.

At the same time, this new rule can be integrated into the order, and I will gain the power of order in this regard.

Maybe I can explain it another way… Faith! ”

Jose was stunned, he felt that the person in front of him was instilling a very blasphemous message into himself.

“I know that in the teachings of your Church, the Holy Lord is identified as the only god in the world, the supreme being, the founder of the origin of the world, the creator of the operation of order!

You regard the gods of other religions as false gods! Demon!

You regard these as heretics, but the holy bishops are extremely large, so this also leads to the great murder of the priests of your church during the glorious period of the holy bishops. ”

The other party paused and continued, “I don’t really want to provoke a dispute with you.

When I peeked into your spiritual world, the terrifying aura that was hidden made me very resistant, I was not fully born yet, and I was even worried about what the image should look like after birth.

When my consciousness gradually covered the entire city, there was only one place that made me dare not venture in! ”

The other party pondered for a while and continued: “It’s like a lion, approaching a territory that doesn’t belong to it, and the smell of the periphery is a threat and a warning. ”

“San Godomin Park! ”

“Yes, that’s the place, so the bastards who still don’t bend to my rules in my eyes are all gathered there.

When my consciousness was still hazy, I even thought that there was a place like mine, bred there.

That force made me feel strange, but at the same time it made me sense a threat, so I just wanted to grow up safely and didn’t pay attention to the place. ”

José felt that what he had thought was right, that the park of San Godomin, because of the presence of the power of the Holy Spirit, threatened it and let it use its instinct to avoid the place.

“So… Why did you arrange for so many demons to invade there last night? ”

“For the power of that place last night stimulated me, and it can be said that curiosity prevailed over my fear of the sanity of that place.

And after that power stirred, I could feel that the power of that place was constantly fading and decreasing! ”

Jose gritted his teeth, and it seemed that he was awakening the coming of the Holy Spirit Godomin through a strengthening ritual.

And through the divine power left by His Majesty the Pope, let the Holy Spirit pass on to himself.

As a result, the source of the power of the Holy Spirit in the camp was transferred to him, and the protection of the Holy Spirit began to weaken or even gradually disappear.

Coupled with the sacrament of revitalization, it is stimulated by the stirring of divine power caused when the Holy Spirit is induced.

That’s why it moved.

Jose’s eyes widened, he never thought that the source of the invasion of the alien demon last night was actually on him.

“You are very special and have three powers, and I’m sorry I peeked into your memory and learned something about your church.

I have to say that this guy of yours is really lucky, and there are three powerful figures in the church who have left strength in you.

I also got a complete power inheritance from one of the guys. ”

In Jose’s line of sight, the black chair that had been facing away from him, the back of the chair suddenly trembled violently.

Then it slowly leveled off.

Its voice began to gradually become hoarse, sounding like the sound of wind blowing out of the abyss.

“Are you wondering why I’m talking to you for a while?

Instead of directly killing you?

I satisfy this curiosity of yours. ”

Jose suddenly felt that he was too talkative on the other side, and at this time he was talking to himself there.

“The power of the Holy Spirit in your body is too strong and complete, and I am not sure whether the power of the Holy Spirit will suddenly jump out and cause harm to me when I kill you.

To be honest, I’m not sure I can defeat the Holy Spirit! ”

“Second, I said I didn’t want to completely offend the power of the church.

Especially your Pope, the Holy Son of the Church, the remnants of the power he left in your body make me feel longing.

And He can force the Holy Spirit to pass on directly to you.

Your relationship with that pope is very unusual.

I wanted to peek into his response to you when you prayed to him!

Hope to get a plan for the follow-up church!


The voice was silent for a while, and then almost broke Jose’s eardrums!

The photo albums around them were trembling violently.

“I peeked into your memory, but I was punished!

Hahahahaha… This may have been a punishment for my excessive curiosity, and my risk at the moment increased.

Your Holy Son, who is far away in the Holy See, must have sensed something.

To be honest, I took the initiative to push myself into a more dangerous situation! ”

“So I’m less likely to kill you, but I’d love to see you surrender to the rules I’ve set and become a loyal servant of mine.”

Unlike those numb guys, you will witness the birth of the new god and become a saint who serves the new god! ”

Jose really wanted to rip off both of his ears.

It’s not that his sound has damaged José’s hearing.

It is Jose himself who is very resistant to what he has just said, very profane.

Jose felt his piety, and even deliberately splashed dirty water by the other party.

“You think too much!

Disgusting heresy! ”

“Uh-huh… I have anticipated your reaction, and I do not expect you to tell me about the church’s future plans.

To be honest, it didn’t take long for me to really have the wisdom I have now.

Last night I went to change the rules that some servants obeyed out of helplessness… But I also managed to kill the hand.

I brought you here because I added a separate article to the servant’s rule.

If you meet someone with the same source of power as that place, bring it to me!”

This is equivalent to you being my invited guest!


So you go, you can take a good stroll around the zoo.

The inheritance of the Holy Spirit is in you, so although I will not kill you, I want to see how the three forces and the inheritance of the Holy Spirit will be in your body when your cognition changes.

You may be crazier than the kids.

I can’t wait to see that. ”

The office door was opened, and Jose looked in the direction of the exit behind him, as if inviting him to leave now.

“I think your groping of the so-called circle is quite accurate.

With a purpose, enter a circle, either successfully get out of the circle, or stay in it forever.

So…… Now is the time to test whether your faith is devout and either walk out of this zoo or stay here forever.

If you turn into a rabbit like this, you will definitely be the cutest one in the zoo. ”

Father José stood up, looked at the back of the chair that had never turned, and then turned and walked in the direction of the gate.

Finally, as he was about to walk out, his voice came again: “Oh… Finally, I want to say sorry.

I was so rude in what I had just behaved, even turning my back to you all the time.

But in this room, even in the zoo, I’m actually everywhere.

The reason why I didn’t turn around was because I was worried that you would go crazy here directly after seeing my true appearance.

Hahaha… The pregnant me is too terrifying for you humans.

It will even be beyond your understanding!

Just went straight away… What a … Stupid guy. ”

The holy light stirred above the heavenly dome.

St. Peter’s Square sounded holy.

The divine atmosphere has become more and more intense in this square.

It was the first time Stuart held a mass on a large scale.

There are even 10,000 people who are there.

In order to allow more transcendent beings to step into the holy path among these people.

Stull consumed a huge amount of faith power.

He dictated a new passage in the new version of the Bible that he had written with his own hands.

Everyone in St. Peter’s Square was immersed in a sacred comedy.

Everyone’s expression is different from the action in progress.

Devotion manifests itself in different ways in different people.

Man Jianghong is really good-looking, so good-looking, and the stamina is so great.

(End of chapter)

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