Chapter 124: 124 Airborne

From far to near, this Y-series transport aircraft is like a steel giant lying on the ground, it is the real air supremacy of the mechanical age.

Carrying their nearly three hundred priests was a small task, designed to transport tanks, stations, vehicles, and heavy mechanized modern weapons on the battlefield.

The Aerial Rex flies past and sees multiple tank fighting vehicles and heavy artillery dragged by giant parachutes descending from the sky.

When the Holy See’s convoy drove into the military airport of the Michaelian Republic, these priests immediately felt the power of human beings to create titan-like creations in the era of mechanical torrents.

“The clock is ticking to land you in San Godomín’s Park in the city of Seisensu. ”

The papal chamberlain arrived all the way here, and he sent them on their behalf on behalf of the pope, which moved the three cardinals.

“We will definitely complete this mission. Cardinal Federson told Phil that he was the head of the mission, and that two cardinals, Glenn and Enrique, served as deputy members.

The remaining sixteen cardinals serve as group leaders, and all members are divided into sixteen executive groups, with ordinary bishops serving as assistant group leaders.

Each group has between ten and twenty members.

Depending on the status of the priests in the church, order can be established in the executive group in a very short time.

The transport plane opened the hatch to enter the interior in the evening darkness.

The huge lifting platform, like the gate of a castle, slowly descended.

The priests of the executive regiment entered it in an orderly manner.

Captain Federson was the last to enter, and before leaving, Phil solemnly handed over a wooden box carved with the holy emblem to Federson.

“This is? ”

Federson took the wooden box with his wrinkled hands, and the elderly man felt a sense of heaviness after touching the wooden box with his hands.

It was not the weight of the wooden box itself that made him difficult, but Phil’s performance, which let Federson know that the wooden box must be an important item of the Holy See.

Even within the Holy See, it is a treasure that is well kept.

“The original manuscript of the new version of the Bible! Phil said solemnly.

“Isn’t that…”

“That’s right, Your Majesty’s manuscript, it is a sacred relic that plays an indispensable role in eradicating the pollution of Azira’s evil god beliefs in Monte City. ”

Phil’s solemn expression felt that he was entrusted to Bishop Federson: “Originally, this holy relic should be stored forever in the holy relic depository of the Holy See.

Even if it is not a holy relic, it is of great importance to the church as the original manuscript of the new version of the Bible.

As His Majesty said, the church is now like an old man.

To deal with such an incident in the city of Xiesensu, the means available to the Holy See must be used. ”

Federson took a deep breath and held the wooden box in his arms, he would use his life to protect this holy relic.

When he finally boarded the transport plane, the falling hatch began to slowly close.

In his line of sight, the young papal chamberlain disappeared from his eyes along with the raised horizontal line of the hatch.

However, the Lord Chamberlain, the trust in his eyes in the end, touched Federson very much.

When the mysterious events that could not be handled broke out in the city of Sesenersu, the Fatan government first thought of the Holy See, but when the previous pope promoted the theory of calamity, the Fatan State did not belittle the Holy See in international public opinion.

The Holy See took action to solve the incident in the city of Seisensu this time for the sake of the believers there, for the poor civilians there, and the troubles of this group of powerful lords at the top of the government had nothing to do with the church.

As for the grudges with the Fatan Kingdom in the future, they will naturally clean up one by one after the Holy See recovers its strength.

Now that the Fatan Kingdom is selling well, it does not mean that the Holy See has forgotten when they fell into the hole before.

As the Pope said, the current church is like an old man, and as a result, it was heavily stepped on by all walks of life during the previous pope.

Thinking of His Majesty’s youth, and the trusting eyes of the Pope’s chamberlain, Federson realized in his heart that the future church needs younger strength to be bloodshot after all.

These old people are great enough not to be frightened when the catastrophe comes.

The roar of huge engines rolled up the airport, and when the Y-series transport plane started, the surrounding ground crew rushed away with headwearers.

The Pope’s chamberlain did not withdraw, he still stood in place, watching the steel behemoth in front of him slide forward.

The fluorescent fluorescence in his ears was blocked with holy light magic, which was definitely better than any earbuds.

He opened his mouth to say to himself, he was saying to himself: “The emotion of watching others go to the battlefield is like watching the song insects of summer flowers falling.” ”

He became the only one who remained where he was, watching them rise into the air, the black robes of the night seemed to blend in with their surroundings.

And when the people around them got closer, they saw the tall and dashing back of the Pope’s chamberlain.

“It takes more than four hours to reach the city of Sesenlsu in the southern part of the Fatan country from here, and it is definitely possible to reach the sky over the city of Sesenlsu before midnight. An officer of the Fatan Kingdom stood directly in front of the priests.

There was no direct affiliation between the two sides, and these priests invited from the Holy See were meant to solve thorny matters that none of their Fatanian governments could handle.

Before departure, all military personnel on the transport plane were ordered to unconditionally cooperate with all the needs of the priests of the Holy See.

Therefore, this officer, even in a high position in the Fatan military, showed great respect here, and he would be responsible for explaining everything the priests wanted to know.

“So soon? More than two hours faster than a regular flight. “Cardinal Glenn had previously worked in the Diocese of Fatan, and it took a full six hours to make a regular flight from the southern part of Fatan to the city of Enfa.

The inside of the transport plane is really big, like standing in a warehouse.

All of them stand here, not feeling crowded, more than enough to play a basketball game in a circle.

This super huge transport aircraft, not only the shape is amazing, but even the speed has not been reduced, beyond their imagination.

The officers in front waved their hands, and soon a group of Fatan Army began to intersperse the execution regiment, teaching the surrounding priests how to use the guns in their hands.

Just like before Rama and the others set off last time, when Stull shoots them on a mission, he will equip these people with weapons, and all weapons have been blessed by him, which has a more powerful effect when dealing with all the evil spirits of alien demons.

Even last night, the camp in Saint-Godorne’s Park was invaded by alien demons, and the priests at that time hurriedly counterattacked, relying on the firearms that were blessed by the Pope, and successfully killed a group of alien demons, numbering nearly a hundred.

All members of the executive regiment carefully studied the use of firearms, and each of them had to carry a more threatening rifle or submachine gun in addition to a pistol.

After teaching everyone, the army soldiers retreated, and Federson, as the regiment commander, said to everyone: “Pray to Your Majesty that you can learn more new holy arts under Your Majesty’s gaze.” ”

All members of the executive group began to kneel on the ground and pray.

It would be a very funny scene if you look at it normally, but the officers on the opposite side only had a serious face, and these priests from the Holy See were doing things in areas that the officers did not understand.

Even this realm contains mysteries, touched by the inexplicable that science cannot explain, and God!

Only they have the ability to solve what happened in the city of Seisensu.

After a long time, the officer raised his wrist and looked at the time on the watch, the hour hand pointed to the position between eleven and twelve, there was no need to look at the minute hand, the watch he wore was very accurate.

The mechanical operation inside does not show microsecond deviations.

At half past eleven, the Air Force soldiers on the side ran over to him to pass a message, and after understanding, the officer took a deep breath, perhaps feeling something.

Federson ended the prayer while calling out the prayers of everyone in the execution group, and seeing the excitement on everyone’s faces showed that they had all gained.

Before leaving, His Majesty had said that he would keep a close eye on all the people in the Executive Mission, so that they would be quickly answered when they prayed, and their prayers were about learning the holy arts that existed in the papal scriptures.

Such a request was directly answered by His Majesty, and later when the people of the execution group prayed, a larger and thicker holy book appeared in their consciousness, compared to that papal holy text.

The holy texts they condensed were like several post-it notes, put together in a booklet.

Whether to learn more or learn less depends on the individual’s ability to comprehend, and at present, it is best to gain something.

Seeing that everyone had finished praying, the officer immediately explained in a loud voice: “It’s almost here, ahead is over the city of Seisensu, there are still ten minutes to go, you can leave this transport plane, and we will change course.” ”

The officer is not as calm as he was just now, he is just an ordinary person, and if a real war breaks out, it is his duty to step on the battlefield.

But dealing with the mystery of the city of Xiesensu gave him a sense of unknown panic.

In fact, this transport plane and the surrounding transport aircraft fly at an extremely high altitude, because they are afraid of being paid attention to by it, and whether they can return to the country is not within the scope of consideration of the high-level political leaders of the Fatan State.

They only wanted to get the executive regiment safely, even if they lost six fighters and a Y-series transport aircraft.

This time, the Air Force soldiers came out to give them backpacks with parachutes on their backs, and Cardinal Glenn was very surprised how many people could be accommodated on this transport plane.

The execution group entered the city of Sesensu by airborne landing, and the parachute backpacks they were carrying would open in mid-air to land them in Saint-Godomín’s Park.

The speed of the transport aircraft, the location of the sky over, the wind speed and direction, as well as the jump time, and the time when the parachute backpack is opened must be carefully calculated.

All also wore a portable communication device and had to open the parachute rope whenever they heard the request to open the parachute.

If you miss it, the backpack will automatically open the parachute with the lander inside the device, but it can only be opened if it is lowered to the limit height of the parachute, and it will definitely deviate from the landing position of San Godomin Park.

“Although none of you have received professional training, I believe that if you have the protection of the Holy Lord, you will definitely have great difficulties and death. ”

The members of the executive corps looked at the officer in unison, was the other party telling some kind of dark humor joke?

Ten minutes remained, and when the last member of the executive team had his parachute on his back, they had two minutes left.

The time is tight enough to proceed with a countdown.

“I hope that you will successfully complete your mission, and the people of Fatan will not forget your kindness.

Praise the Lord. ”

The officer performed a non-standard rite that seemed somewhat rusty, and it was obvious that the man had not been a member of the Holy Bishop, but he was now trying to join.

“Praise the Lord! ”

The executive group shouted in unison.

The officers and surrounding soldiers withdrew, leaving a minute left.

In the spacious cabin, only the people of their execution regiment remained.

The officer’s voice came from the amplification device above the cabin.

“In 30 seconds, the cabin door will open, and you have to jump along the landing hatch as soon as possible.

If you delay for more than a second, you will be tens of meters away from the target site of landing. ”

Federson swallowed his spit, such a request is a little difficult for him, an old man, even if after stepping into the holy road, his physical condition returns to about fifty years old, doing this kind of skydiving action, it is also a little difficult for him.

Not only him, but everyone in the executive group was a little frightened, even if they had been prepared for a long time, but at the last moment, the panic was greater than their courage.

Cardinal Enrique whispered prayers from the sidelines, and soon a holy light bloomed like a golden moon season in the middle of the execution group.

This fleeting light calmed down their panic, and suddenly felt that their timidity towards skydiving became less great.

The fear of skydiving becomes similar to the fear of jumping from the balcony on the first floor, which is a cliff-like descent.

“Phew, phew, using spiritual pacification on so many people is a bit of a drain on holy power. ”

Enrique gasped a few times, and Federson on the side asked: “This is the effect of holy art and pacification?”

“Yes. ”

“Why didn’t you just learn an offensive holy art. ”

“Sometimes, the holy arts that I feel unnecessary to master can often play a greater role, the holy arts in His Majesty’s holy texts, the basic ones will not have no meaning, and the higher holy arts are too low in my current strength to learn. ”

Enrique took a deep breath and asked rhetorically: “Commander, how do you feel the effect of pacifying you?”

Federson smashed his mouth and said, “It’s really good.”


Time begins to count down.

Glenn suddenly shouted, “What if any of us are too scared to jump down?”

The officer immediately responded, and his voice sounded in the cabin: “Even if you are too scared to jump down, there will be a way.”

Glenn soon knew what the other party was talking about.

The cabin door descended rapidly, and the huge suction force pulled everyone.

“It’s now! Jump! ”

Some of the members of the executive group had already been prepared, and with firm beliefs, they jumped directly along the pull of the suction force.

The rest of the people also couldn’t hold the suction low, plus they knew in their hearts that they were going to jump at the moment, so they half-pushed.

In a matter of seconds, everyone disappeared into the cabin.

Below in San Stepomin Park.

Elder Fran heard the sound of thunder in the sky, but he could not see any traces of electric flashes, and the roar continued.

He knew it might be the sound of planes flying by.

He raised his hands high and used the Holy Light Technique to shine in the palms of his hands.

As if in response to the light on the ground, all the members of the execution team who opened the parachute in mid-air responded by using holy light magic, and also to inform their companions of their respective locations.

Sister Elsa and Nina followed Elder Fran.

They looked up and saw the scene of the stars descending into the sky.

(End of chapter)

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