Chapter 125: 125 – Loyal Holy Light

Just an hour before the parachuting of the executive regiment.

Father José, who fled from the director’s office, knelt on the ground in a state of desolation and prayed.

“Pray for the protection of the Son, the Pope! ”

He prays to Stull that the zoo is like an abyss of black terror, and Father José feels like he is in the quagmire of the abyss, and no matter how hard he tries, he can’t climb out.

The zoo is like a cage without a fence, trapping not only the roaring animals inside, but also ‘people’ like Jose.

“Your Majesty, Your Majesty!

I may not be able to do it!

My will is about to be destroyed!

I’m going to die here, Your Majesty!” ”

The panic almost destroyed Jose’s last tense sanity, and Stuart Griffin was the name he had firmly memorized.

When he was conscious, he was already in this zoo, and he didn’t know how he appeared here.

Just like the dream scene where the fandom dreams but does not know how to come in, everything is real as if the past has become blank, and the present is a new starting point.

In the vague impression, it seemed that he was carrying out a very important task, a task assigned to him by His Majesty.

At this moment, His Majesty Sture has become the spiritual pillar of Father José.

And the last thing that squeezed Father José was a fox walking on the ground, which walked only on two hind legs and held a small fox on its right hand.

Jose was stunned, why do foxes walk like people, or do they say that they are people themselves, but they are foxes in their own eyes.

So if they are people, what have they become?

Isn’t he also walking standing up?

What’s the difference with those foxes?

Still is…… The fox should have stood on the ground and walked, did he become a fox himself?

Jose is so confused that he has forgotten the most important rule in the rule circle, “Always remember that you are human.”

When he forgot this, Jose fell into a strong cognitive impairment.

Suddenly the fox noticed a noise in the bush, and the big fox left the little fox in place, and he walked cautiously.

The fox’s two slender front paws gently spread the half-human-tall bushes.

Suddenly, a huge black shadow burst out from inside.

The fox hissed, but Jose listened to it in his ears like a human exclamation.

In a trance, he seemed to see a woman pointing at him, calling out to the people around him in horror, and the frightened look like looking at a beast running out of a cage surprised Jose.

What the hell is yourself?

Soon Jose felt a crisis coming, he immediately rushed out, and ran farther, and when he ran out for some distance, he suddenly felt as if the strength of his legs was being drained.

Jose tried to stand up, but he felt a moment of wonder how he could get up and walk.

He forgot the normal way of walking and running, like a child still climbing.

Knowing that danger was coming, José began to flee with his hands and feet and limbs.

He suddenly felt that this was also good.

After escaping that range, José hid behind a building bunker and looked at the location where the fox was originally located.

Two zoo staff members dressed in black overalls appeared there.

The big fox was like a complaint to them.

The black overalls looked like they were stained with pus and blood in Jose’s eyes.

The fear came from the two men, making Jose’s body tremble violently, and he hid in the shadows of the night to peek at the two black-clad employees who gradually walked in.

They had not yet discovered where Jose was hiding, but the distance was getting closer, and his bloody eyes made Jose crack.

The two black-clad employees searched around, but the roar from the other caught their attention.

That roar was made by some kind of ferocious beast, and there was an unyielding emotion in it, and when Jose heard that roar, he inexplicably felt a sense of relief…

The two black-clothed employees diverged direction, and the fox standing and walking in the distance also hurriedly picked up the little fox and hurriedly left, the roar was intensifying, as if the ferocious beast had come out of the cage and was approaching here.

When he saw that the black-clad employee had moved away, Jose immediately ran in the direction of the beast roar, he stumbled, his legs interlaced like noodles for a while, and after falling, he crawled with hands and feet.

Then there is like a snake, and the body crawls forward squirming on the ground.

His speed was not slow at all, repeating over and over again, running on two legs, crawling on all fours, squirming and crawling.

Finally, he heard the roar of the beast, which really came from a park in front of him.

Jose looked up at the sign hanging outside the gate of the park, it was a majestic beast, Jose seemed to know, but he felt that it seemed to be his appearance.

The roar of the beast came from inside again, which made Jose’s heart tremble, that voice was full of emotions of resistance, who was he fighting against, and what was he fighting against?

He felt so depressed, as if he was secretly stared at by an extremely evil being, and the roar of the beast came out again, as if asking if José had the audacity to come in and fight them.

“I can! Jose shouted loudly, and the words he uttered turned into a long roar, and the urgent thoughts in his heart seemed to be conveyed with this long roar.

The air suddenly fell silent, no more sounds came from inside the park, and the dark and open gate of the park seemed to invite Jose in.

“Jose! ”

Suddenly he was stopped by someone, José had forgotten his name, he just felt that the voice of someone shouting just now made him feel familiar.

It was a zoo employee in red overalls.

He wore a black robe underneath his red overalls jacket and vest.

Jose really felt very familiar, tears welled up from his eyes, and he seemed to see a very intimate presence.

The red overalls made him feel at ease.

He regarded the old man in front of him as his own kind.

Red is safe and can be trusted.

This is a feeling deep in José’s heart, not a memory, but a thought by the heart.

The old man leaned down and looked at Jose, who was crouched on the ground with his limbs touching the ground, and looked up at him.

“Even with the blessing of the Holy Spirit, has your sanity been reduced to this level?

I’ve been following the group of aliens who brought you here.

The zoo is the key place, right? ”

The old man was talking to him, but also finalizing his guess.

He continued, not caring if Jose could understand it: “You must have seen the source of all this, right, there is a reason why those aliens brought over.”

I couldn’t follow me any longer when I entered the zoo, which is probably the most dangerous place in the city. ”

The old man took out from his arms something wrapped in red silk cloth, took it apart in part and tied it to Father José’s body.

“You have been lost, it was His Majesty who woke you up, such a calamity you have encountered Jose, do not give up.



You are the strongest believer in our parish, and Your Majesty will shelter you.

The Holy Lord is watching you.

Even if you can’t remember, I believe the last hope is in you. ”

The old man reached out and touched Jose’s head, and the warmth of his palm was transmitted to make Jose feel very comfortable.

He burst into tears, not knowing why he was crying, but he felt that the old man in front of him made him feel close.

And at this moment, they saw a flash of holy light in the distant sky, and that light touched them.

At the same time, it is like watching the starlight descend on the earth.

“Here they are!

Here our companions came. ”

The old man gestured in front of Jose, and then said praise to the Holy Lord.

Jose also wanted to respond, but he ended up doing nothing.

In the dark night, there was a rush of Si Si Soso.

There were some red dots, which were the eyes of a group of rabbits.

“Come inside!

Even if Liplet in the zoo gets smarter, the aliens here still only know how to follow the rules like fools.

I don’t think it can be distracted to pay attention to this place right now.

Go first, just hold on for a while, and our companions will come back to rescue you and destroy the source of evil mystery. ”

There was a hurried roar from inside the park again, as if urging Jose to hurry in.

Jose looked at the old man in front of him with reluctant eyes, but still followed the call of the roar and ran into the park in front of him.

Rama watched Jose’s figure disappear, and the sign hanging on it proved that this park was a ‘Lion Park’!

The rabbits behind him began to rush towards the lion park, the gate of the park.

Rama looked at the rabbits rushing away in front of him, and he concluded that the zoo must have changed the rules a little to keep the rabbits on José’s movements.

And it must be in an unstable state, unable to be distracted now, Rama is quietly following the aliens who took Jose into here.

Saint-Godomín’s Park, sheltered by the power of the Holy Spirit, was suddenly invaded by demons last night, most likely related to their holding of the Sacrament of Confirmations in the camp.

The demons took Jose, presumably following the modified rules, Jose was carrying the Holy Spirit inheritance, so the demons may be carrying people related to the power of the Holy Spirit.

In addition, the alien demons who invaded the camp last night were from different circles, but in the end they brought Father José to the zoo.

The zoo must be the most central area of this pollution.

The corners of Rama’s mouth curled into a smile, and it all made sense.

He took off his zoo staff vest, revealing the cardinal’s robes underneath.

When Jose is brought in by a demon, Rama disappears, and he can only fumble for the rules of the zoo while looking for a place where Jose might exist.

And now he doesn’t need the rules of the red-clad employees.

In the eyes of Bishop Rama, this group of rabbits who rushed over turned into a group of ‘people’ with hideous faces and red eyes.


To influence the rules, in fact, what changes is people’s cognition.

Evils like it should be eradicated.

O my Lord!

My soul will soon arrive at your side to serve you. ”

Rama suddenly firmed his eyes, and the holy light bloomed on him.

Shouting at the rabbit that pounced, “Who do you think I am?

I am a cardinal of the Church.

It is a descendant of Saint Neil!

Your Majesty! Please accept my loyalty! ”

The holy light bloomed into a polar light.

Violent shaking and roaring sounds resounded inside the zoo.

The members of the executive team who had just landed looked to the west of the city of Xiesenersu, where the zoo was located, but they did not know it at the moment.

I just felt that a divine power suddenly erupted in that direction, as if condensing the holy light into a bomb and then being suddenly detonated.


I feel divine power, which is very unusual, who will it be? ”

Federson gasped, he lived to his age and even lived through the Great War.

But it was the first time to skydive from a high altitude, and his heart was still beating violently, and if he hadn’t stepped into the holy road to become an extraordinary, he had just skydived into a box at this moment.

“Ordinary priests can’t do this to this extent. ”

Although Glenn is a cardinal, he has a more cheerful personality.

But at this moment, he showed rare seriousness.

The Française Elders are explaining to Cardinal Enrique what has happened recently and what information they currently know.

After feeling the violent divine power fluctuation just now, he was immediately stunned, but this divine power fluctuation was fleeting.

Elder Fran immediately looked sad.

“Lord! Please shelter his poor soul. ”

Who does Enrique want to ask?

But he also bowed his head and prayed.

Sadness pervaded the camp, and all members of the executive regiment prayed.

They all knew what the fleeting divine power fluctuation represented.

Sister Elsa had tears in her eyes.

Nina was a little wooden, and she hadn’t figured it out yet.

She also had her own job to look at Burris next to her, a guy who, since he was awake, had wanted to get out of here and go outside the camp as if something outside was attracting this fool.

“It’s yours! If it’s not honest, I’ll smash it! Nina said viciously, holding Burris’s camera in her hand.

But this directly made Burris cry.

“Nina! Elsa immediately came over to reprimand her, and at the same time took Burris’s camera and handed it to Burris’s hand.

Nina pouted aggrievedly, her eyes red and about to cry.

At the moment, her intelligence is like that of a small child.

And Burris, after getting the camera, was like an infant child getting a favorite toy.

He instinctively raised his camera and took a picture of Elsa.

Then he showed that stunned look.

In the zoo’s lion park, there are a total of six white lions, and tonight there is one more, and the lions have a new companion, which now becomes seven.

And the extra one, with a red silk bag hanging around its neck, looks particularly different.

At this moment, it was looking at the door of the lion park, which was where the holy light bloomed just now, but now everything was gone, and there was a special silence.

The lion’s eyes were filled with tears, and then it roared, as if to vent its emotions to fight to the end, to the being who peeped everything.

(End of chapter)

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