You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System ("!"If this is the case, the kid won't let it. Take the first step." Ye Zhiqiu grinned, showing a mouthful of white teeth, looking like a three-good boy with no scheming.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Zhiqiu's originally black pupils suddenly turned slowly, and in the blink of an eye the scarlet hexagonal windmill suddenly appeared.

At the same time, the purple, black and red spirit rings quickly fell from the top of the head one by one. Before Chao Tianxiang and the girl called still could see clearly, the figure of Ye Zhiqiu in the same place suddenly disappeared silently without taking it away. The slightest disturbance.

Chao Tianxiang and the girl next to her are a little confused, what's the situation?

They seemed to... saw the black ten thousand years and the red one hundred thousand years spirit ring?Is it wrong?

Will such a twelve or thirteen-year-old little guy have a hundred thousand year spirit ring?You must be wrong!

The Shrek Seven Devils had a calm and relaxed appearance, as if they had already taken care of them.

Oscar even joked: "This senior, our boss Qiu has already set off. Are you still not leaving?"

Oscar's voice made Chaotianxiang regain his senses, and his mind suddenly became sober a lot. I suffered...that kid has teleport spirit ability!

As soon as Chao Tianxiang thought of this, she couldn't wait to chase the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb to where she had escaped. However...she had just taken the first step, and the next moment she was completely petrified in place.

In front of her, Ye Zhiqiu appeared silently again, just like when he had gone. There were three purple, black and red spirit rings all over her body that were moving slightly, but they were quickly closed by Ye Zhiqiu, his eyes Once again, the pupils became the deep black that they had before.

The bucket-thick body of the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb snake was caught under the armpit by Ye Zhiqiu, and it was knocked out again.

"Yeah, senior hasn't left yet? It seems that we won this competition. Haha~ Accept it." Ye Zhiqiu smiled faintly, threw the Phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake in front of Oscar, and said calmly: "Xiaoao, this soul The ring is yours."

Oscar was overjoyed, turning around the spirit ring and finally returned to his hand.

Even the words of thanks were too late to say, Oscar was afraid that something would happen again, so he took his dagger and strode to the head of the cockscomb snake. The dagger pierced the gap between the fleshy crown of its head and the skull. Here is The key position of the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb snake can directly destroy its brain.

The Phoenix-tailed cockscomb snake was struck to the point, and the vitality in the body was fast. Although in a coma, the body of the snake was constantly twisting. Oscar was shocked thinking that the cockscomb snake was awake and immediately slipped aside.

It didn't take long for the snake's body to move completely, and Oscar walked to it and sat down cross-legged, summoned his sausage martial spirit, and began to pull a light purple thousand-year-old spirit ring that emerged from the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb.

During this period of time, Chao Tianxiang hadn’t moved, but stared at Ye Zhiqiu blankly. Her eyes were shocked and confused. She saw it clearly when Ye Zhiqiu came back, even though Ye Zhiqiu’s martial spirit was closed. It was very fast, but how could she not pay attention to spirit rings like the black ten thousand years and the red one hundred thousand years? Chao Tianxiang was sure that she was absolutely right.

"Your spirit ring..." Chao Tianxiang seemed to want to say something.

Ye Zhiqiu interrupted her: "Senior, some things are personal secrets, and you may not tell me if you ask them. As for the things you want to solicit them, this is inconvenient for me. I can only remind you, they seven Among the people, two of them have a higher status than the next four. Two of them are from the top of the imperial royal family. That fat man is a disciple of our Dean Shrek. You can only recruit Oscars. As for whether he is willing to join you Zongmen, have to wait until he has absorbed the spirit ring and then watch it." Qiumo TXT

After Ye Zhiqiu gave a faint confession, he looked at the other seven monsters and said: "Resume on the spot and wait for Oscar to absorb the spirit ring."

The seven monsters nodded their heads, and found a place to sit down cross-legged to recover the spirit power that was used in the fight with the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb. Although the spirit power used is not much, it is guaranteed at any time in this Star Dou Great Forest. Enrichment is still necessary.

As for the security issue, isn't there still Ye Zhiqiu? The Qiwei isn't worried at all.

However, both Dai Mubai and Zhu Zhuqing, who are recovering their spirit power, are a little depressed. They seem to have never revealed their identity and background, but how did Ye Zhiqiu know?

As for Tang San, he didn’t know that one of the two people Ye Zhiqiu said would be him who had a higher status than the next four sects. Although he had met Tang Hao, Tang Hao had not told him many things. Three has always been kept in the dark.

Seeing that the seven monsters were in a state of meditation, Ye Zhiqiu walked and found a place to sit down, as if Chao Tianxiang was not worried about making any small movements while the seven monsters were meditating.

He had a good attitude towards Chao Tianxiang and he just wanted to try to match Oscar and Meng. After all, he robbed the wife of Oscar's original work. Ye Zhiqiu still felt uncomfortable in his heart. He wanted to make some compensation. Did the innocent Oscar follow the fat man?

But Ye Zhiqiu's good attitude does not mean that his temper is good.If Chaotianxiang dared to make a sneak attack at this time, Ye Zhiqiu wouldn't mind killing them both here.

He stepped aside and directly exposed the seven monsters who were meditating and cultivating. In fact, he also had the meaning of tempting Chaotianxiang's attitude.

Simply, Chao Tianxiang had no intention of doing anything.It was just after Ye Zhiqiu had spoken to her, that his face changed indefinitely, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Until Ye Zhiqiu walked to the side and sat down, Chao Tianxiang took a deep look at him, and took Meng still to find a place to sit quietly.

It seems that she has not given up on soliciting a group of people, or at least she has not given up on soliciting Oscars.

Time passed by one minute and one second, and about an hour later, Oscar hurriedly opened his eyes, and three spirit rings of yellow, yellow and purple slowly rose under his feet.

As soon as the absorption state was over, Oscar jumped in excitement, and laughed a few times with his hands on his hips to vent the joy in his heart.

His laughter suddenly awakened the rest of the people who were meditating and cultivating. Only Tang San was still sitting cross-legged, entering a state of deep concentration.

"Oscar, are you going to die? Why are you crazy? A third spirit ring will please you." Dai Mubai cursed angrily.

Oscar chuckled, "Dai Er, treat me better in the future, otherwise I won't give you the sausage of my third spirit ability."

Dai Mubai rolled his eyes silently, who really wanted to eat your sausage.

"Okay, let's talk about your third spirit ability effect." Ye Zhiqiu walked over with a look of expectation.

At this time, the few people who Shrek woke up all gathered around, wanting to see Oscar's third spirit ability, even Chao Tianxiang and the girl curiously got up and leaned over.

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