You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System ("!When Oscar heard that Ye Zhiqiu asked him to show his soul skills, he suddenly became a little bit awkward. He looked at Ye Zhiqiu bitterly and said, "Boss Qiu, should we go back and talk about this?"

When Ma Hongjun heard this, he suddenly showed a wretched smile. He squeezed Oscar's arm with his hand and joked: "Old Ao, your soul ability spell is not more wretched than the first two, is it? No, no~ No. ~" Before he finished speaking, Ma Hongjun himself laughed happily.

Oscar's face turned black, and there was an urge to strangle the fat man directly on the spot.

"Well, don't make trouble, Xiao Ao quickly introduce your new spirit ability." Ye Zhiqiu said with a serious face.

"Um..." Oscar nodded helplessly, "Then say it first, you must not laugh after listening to my soul curse."

Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyelids, "Don't talk nonsense, hurry up, we are all professionally trained, with our concentration, can you still be laughed at by your soul curse?"

After hearing Ye Zhiqiu's words, the other seven monsters nodded one after another with serious expressions, but the corners of everyone's mouths were all raised slightly.

Oscar curled his lips, raised his hands, closed his eyes with an expression of risk, and said the spell of his third soul ability: "I have a mushroom intestine."

"Puff~hahaha!" Hearing his words, everyone burst into laughter almost at the same time, even Tang San who was meditating grinned, and the inner strength of the Xuan Tian Gong in his body was almost lost.

Oscar's eyes widened and looked at the crowd.

Unexpectedly, as soon as Oscar said this, everyone laughed more happily. Even Zhu Zhuqing, who had always been cold and cold, bent over and shook his chest.

Ning Rongrong and Xiao Wu both held their stomachs, both laughing and hurting.

"Ahem..." Ye Zhiqiu laughed for a while before stopping first.Although he knew the plot for a long time, he still didn't hold back his laughter when he watched Oscar's deity chanting the soul curse seriously.

When the Oscar's soul curse was finished, a weird sausage with light blue light appeared in his right hand. It looked light blue. One end of the sausage had the shape of a mushroom head, like an enlarged version of enoki mushroom. , The name of this mushroom sausage really deserves its name.

"Hmph, just laugh. From now on, I won’t be able to eat my mushroom intestines except for the mistress who has never laughed at me." Oscar is like a grieved little woman, making a pair of things that don’t treat you well. attitude,

"See if you can." Ye Zhiqiu snatched the blue sausage in his hand and stuffed it directly into Ma Hongjun's mouth, who was laughing next to him.

"Um..." Ma Hongjun stared, as if he was stuck in his throat by the sausage. Fortunately, this sausage was formed by the condensed soul power, and it melted away in an instant.

At this moment, behind Ma Hongjun, two light-blue translucent wings suddenly popped out. Ma Hongjun, who had not yet reacted, subconsciously flapped his wings, and finally rushed into the sky with a "swish"...

Dai Mubai and the others all watched the scene that happened suddenly, dumbfounded.Only Oscar had a triumphant expression on his face, and he smiled and said: "The third spirit ability, flying, can fly at the speed of the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb for a minute, how about it?"

"Good stuff." Ye Zhiqiu sighed with satisfaction. It seems that he can fly and play in the future.

In this Douluo Continent, even a titled Douluo has many incapable of flying.Oscar can obtain flying spirit ability at level 30, which is definitely the best martial spirit.

"The flying spirit ability can only fly for one minute, but it can fly at the speed of the Phoenix-tailed Cockscomb, so at least it can fly more than 2,000 meters in this minute." Dai Mubai paired light blue weights. In his pupils, there was also an amazing look, and he murmured.

"Congratulations, Oscar." Mengsheng Novel

"The future is boundless..."

The others in Shrek didn't have the thought of smiling anymore, and congratulated Oscar.

At this time, Tang San, who was not paying attention, suddenly opened his eyes, and a faint light flashed across his eyes.

"Xiao Ao, congratulations." Tang San smiled and walked over. Although he was meditating just now, he knew a little bit about what happened outside.

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at Tang San, with a satisfied expression on the corner of his mouth, "It seems that there is more than one happy event today, Xiao San, have you exceeded level 30?"

"Um..." Tang San was taken aback for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "Aqiu, your eyes are too poisonous, you can see this."

"Call me Boss Qiu." Ye Zhiqiu joked dissatisfiedly.

Tang San showed a speechless expression and rolled his eyes at Ye Zhiqiu.

The rest of the Seven Monsters did not pay attention to the ridicule of the two of them. They were all startled by Ye Zhiqiu's words just now.

Tang San...Level 30?He's only 12 years old, has Shrek another evildoer born?

"Little San, you're really level 30? You haven't reached thirteen years old yet?" Dai Mubai lost his voice.

"Yeah." Tang San smiled and nodded, "I don't know what's going on. When he meditated just now to recover his spirit power, he suddenly broke through..."

"..." Everyone.

We want this sudden breakthrough too!

Fortunately, the seven monsters had been shocked by the more enchanting Ye Zhiqiu, and they had some adaptability to Tang San's sudden level 30, but they soon calmed down.

But Chaotianxiang didn’t think so. The Shrek Seven Devils gave her one after another in a short period of time, whether it was the third Oscar flying spirit ability or the twelve-year-old 30-level Tang San. Anyone who put it out is a top genius.Moreover, this young man who seems to be the leader of this group of geniuses is even more amazing?

Chao Tianxiang couldn't help it. These young people were too genius, she made a lot of money if they were drawn to any one of them. After all, the eight of them seemed to be very close.This is a no-profit business of wooing one person and giving seven people away.

Chao Tianxiang set his gaze on Oscar, and said slightly hoarsely: "Little guy, can we talk alone?"

As the voice of Chaotianxiang came over, the seven monsters became quiet.Oscar cast a questioning look at Ye Zhiqiu, and after seeing Ye Zhiqiu nodding, he walked out.

The two of them probably walked more than ten meters away, and they talked and discussed in a low voice. Ye Zhiqiu had no habit of eavesdropping, so he didn't bother to talk to them.

How to choose Oscar is his own business, he has done everything he can do.

Now Ye Zhiqiu is more concerned about when the Titan Great Ape will take Xiao Wu away.He has some ideas and wants to try to implement them.

This is about whether he can obtain a spirit ring of more than one hundred thousand years. Although it is seventy to eighty thousand years old, the nine-tailed beast in his body can also push the threshold of 100,000 years for the spirit ring, but it is truly one hundred thousand years. Soul beasts will still lose soul bones, those seventy to eighty thousand years old are not necessarily so, all depends on the face.

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