You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System ("!On the night two days later, thirteen figures were sitting in a circle somewhere in the middle of the Star Dou Great Forest.

In addition to the ten members of Shrek Academy, Long Gong Meng Shu, Snake Po Chaotianxiang and their granddaughter Meng were still present.

Two days ago, Oscar agreed to Chaotianxiang’s invitation and promised to join their family after Shrek graduated. As for the conditions, Oscar didn’t say anything, but he has always been courteous in front of Meng still recently, and Chaotianxiang has no intention of stopping. , From this we can see one or two.

The moment Oscar agreed, Chao Tianxiang naturally regarded him as his own.So I stayed, planning to go back with Shrek's students.

That night, Duke Long Meng Shu came over, and was persuaded by Chao Tianxiang to stay as well.

Flanders and Zao Wou-ki were also picked up by Duke Long Meng Shu. Their soul power was nearly 10 levels worse than others, so naturally they couldn't keep track of them.

From then on, a powerful team was formed.

In the past two days, the seven Shrek and one Meng still have to go through dozens of battles every day. With nature becoming more and more tacit, Meng’s third spirit ring has also been hunted down. It is a 1700 year old. Mandala snake, very suitable for her.

It was a pity that even though he encountered a lot of spirit beasts, Tang San had never found his favorite spirit beast, and everyone had entered the central area from the periphery of the Star Dou Great Forest to search for it.

From the moment a group of people stepped into the central area, Ye Zhiqiu began to secretly notice in his heart, he estimated that the Titan Great Ape should be on the way over.

Don't think too much, Ye Zhiqiu didn't mean to hunt the Titan Giant Ape, he just wanted to use Xiao Wu's hand to try to deal with the Titan Giant Ape and Sky Blue Bull Python.

Let's not talk about the naive criticism of the Titan Great Ape, the Azure Bull Python should know a lot, right?For example, the remaining 100,000-year soul beast hiding place.

As for whether they would help Ye Zhiqiu, a human being, Ye Zhiqiu just wanted to try Xiao Wu's relationship.After all, it's impossible for all 100,000-year soul beasts to guard themselves, right? Da Ming Erming might have enemies in the soul beasts. How about getting rid of them and then quickly?

If this is the case, then Ye Zhiqiu's opportunity will come, and he might be able to have two more one hundred thousand year soul beasts as helpers.

A place for everyone to rest.

"Brother Fu, what do you think of my previous proposal? Although the still talent is not as good as these little guys, but it is considered to be the best in the whole continent, you have been pondering for a long time, what do you think?"

The voice was an elderly person who looked like 60 or 70 years old, gray hair, wearing a purple-blue robe, very expensive, a large white beard on the chin and meticulous care, although a lot of age, but still Full of energy, this person is Long Gong Meng Shu.

"This..." Flander looked a little embarrassed, but didn't want to refute Meng Shu's meaning, and couldn't help but look at Zao Wou-ki next to him for help.

Zao Wou-ki raised his head to look at the sky, his expression on the moonlight tonight made Flender twitch.

The students of Shrek were even more irrelevant, pretending not to hear them.

In fact, after Meng Shu got to know Shrek Academy, he wanted to keep Meng still inside, and Flanders didn't want to go against his original intention of creating the academy and only accept monsters, the situation would be so deadlocked.

Meng was still 16 years old and level 31, and his talent in Douluo Continent was indeed good, but compared with the Shrek students, he was far worse.Standard Literature

Take Dai Mubai, for example, one year younger than him, with a spirit power of 36, how can he compare?

Seeing that no one was speaking for himself, Flender couldn't help being a little helpless. He could only say: "Although I am the dean of Shrek Academy, the two deputy deans also have a pivotal position. Senior Long, it is better to ask them what they mean. ."

"..." Zao Wou-ki.

"Cough cough, I can do it, you can ask Deputy Dean Qiu!" Zao Wou-ki hit the ball and kicked the ball out.

At this time, everyone present turned their attention to Ye Zhiqiu, and they were waiting for an answer.

Ye Zhiqiu grinned in pain, and said helplessly: "The original intention of Shrek Academy was to accept only monster-level geniuses. Although Meng is still very talented, he obviously hasn't reached this level."

Both Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang frowned, and this kid didn't give them any face.

Meng still looked a little sad, and laughed at himself.She had always thought that she was the proud child of heaven, but she didn't know how short-sighted she was before until she met these students of Shrek.

After two days of getting along, her arrogance had long been blown away, and she didn't expect that now she didn't even have the qualifications to enter an academy.

"But, although she can't join Shrek Academy with talent, she can live there as a family member of a student, and can train anything together. Of course, if she thinks this is charity and hurts her self-esteem, when I don’t Said." Ye Zhiqiu ignored other people's expressions. After expressing his attitude, he closed his eyes and rested against the tree.

The rest of the people frowned, looking at Meng Jing, whose expression changed. Ye Zhiqiu's words could easily dampen a person's self-esteem. This kid really didn't mean anything, it was too direct.

"I am willing." Meng still gritted his teeth and gave Ye Zhiqiu a vicious look before suddenly said.

The Oscar next to her was instantly happy. Meng still joined the academy as a family member of the student, and the family was naturally referring to him. Then there was at least one name between him and Meng, and the relationship instantly became closer.

Oscar couldn't help but secretly thank Ye Zhiqiu in his heart.

Long Gong Meng Shu and Snake Po Chaotianxiang looked at each other, and wanted to say something to Meng.The next moment, Meng Shu's eyes suddenly changed, revealing a solemn expression that he had never had before.

He abruptly got up, and the whole body's spirit power surged, two yellow, two purple, four black and eight spirit rings rose from under his feet, and a bright golden dragon head scepter condensed in his hand.

"Beware, there is a powerful soul beast approaching at high speed." Meng Shu yelled, his eyes fixed on the dense forest in the distance.

Flandre Zao Wou-ki was taken aback by Meng Shu, they were not far from Meng Shu, and they didn't know that the Titan Great Ape was approaching fast.

But seeing Meng Shu's solemn expression, the two of them didn't dare to be careless, and released their martial souls in a hurry, blocking a group of Shrek students behind them.

"Are you here..." Ye Zhiqiu murmured, turning his head and looking at Xiao Wu who was looking nervous, it seemed that it was indeed the Titan Great Ape.

Before he could think about it, Ye Zhiqiu took a few steps forward, came to the front of the group of people, and said quickly: "It's too late to explain. You will not be allowed to attack, no matter what happens, you are not allowed to attack, especially you." Ye Zhiqiu pointed emphatically. Tang San.

Tang San:"......"

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