Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 104 Going to the Core Circle

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Tang San stared at Ye Zhiqiu dumbly with some speechlessness. Everyone's high-ranking Contras had a solemn expression. Do you think I'm like the kind of fool who can go up and provoke that unknown powerful soul beast?

"In short, remember what I said." Ye Zhiqiu glared at Tang San, and now he has no time to explain anything.

Tang San spread his hands helplessly, "Okay."

Almost at the moment when Tang San's voice fell, in the direction where Mengshu Flander and the others were gazing, a shocking scene suddenly happened.

Two dense trees over 20 meters high suddenly separated to each side, and a black shadow as large as a hill came out silently.

Seeing this big guy, everyone's breathing seemed to have stopped, and many Shrek students finally knew why Meng Shu's strong Contra would show a solemn or even horrified expression.

It was a spirit beast like a chimpanzee, but it was too big and strong. When it was on all fours, it was nearly 15 meters high. If it stood upright, it might be more than 20 meters high.

The whole body of this soul beast is covered with exaggerated muscles like diamonds, and its dark hair is like steel needles. It exudes a little bit of brilliance in the dark, and its strong body is covered with golden lines. A pair of yellow pupils, like a lantern, were staring at the crowd, or rather, staring at Xiao Wu among the crowd.

It's just that its eyes are too big, as if it has no focus, so it looks like it's staring at everyone.

Such a huge soul beast did not make any noise during the action, it was simply bizarre.

"It turned out to be... the king of the forest, the Titan Great Ape." Tang San lost his voice a little, his voice hoarse.Ye Zhiqiu told him not to do this kind of soul beast. Do I dare to do it?I dare not move at all!

When Ye Zhiqiu saw this soul beast, he also felt an oppressive force. He felt that this oppressive force was stronger than the original Sword Douluo. Of course, it could also be because Sword Douluo didn't express its aura specially at that time.

"Xiao Wu!" Ye Zhiqiu whispered backwards.

Xiao Wu just hesitated for a moment, then ran forward and stood beside Ye Zhiqiu. Tang San was anxious in this scene. Now Ye Zhiqiu and Xiao Wu are standing at the forefront of the team, which is directly exposed to this giant giant. In front of the ape, Tang San was really afraid of the Titan Giant Ape's sudden trouble, and suddenly punched them both.

Simply, the Titan Great Ape only moved his pupils, without any extra movements.

Ye Zhiqiu turned his head and looked at the crowd, "I will take Xiao Wu to deal with some things. You don't have to wait for the two of us. You will go back to the college when you are done. I will definitely bring Xiao Wu back in three days."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Zhiqiu pulled Xiao Wu's hand, and the third red one-hundred-thousand-year-old spirit ring flashed, and the two of them disappeared instantly.

The next moment, at the shoulder of the Titan Great Ape, Ye Zhiqiu and Xiao Wu appeared silently as if they had crossed the space.

When the Titan Great Ape saw that his Xiao Wu sister suddenly reached his shoulder, he felt joy.However, after seeing a human kid standing next to her, the Titan Great Ape suddenly opened his mouth a little irritably and roared.

"Oh~" As the Titan Great Ape roared, a black wave of air suddenly spread to the surroundings at high altitude, pressing and bending the tips of the surrounding trees as if they were about to break directly, and the sky was full of green leaves rolling.

How could it be so arrogant that a human would stand on it like a mount.The Titan Great Ape immediately wanted to raise his hand to kill this little bug.

Not far away, Flanders Tang San and the others squeezed a cold sweat for Ye Zhiqiu and Xiao Wu, but they still remembered what Ye Zhiqiu said before.

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At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu's faint voice sounded, "Er Ming!"

The Titan Great Ape's big hand paused in mid-air, with a humanized look in his eyes.

Xiao Wu also looked at Ye Zhiqiu in shock, and in the pink pupils, like the Titan Great Ape, she was a little confused and confused.

How did Brother Qiu know the name Er Ming?I didn't seem to tell him...

Ye Zhiqiu smiled faintly: "Don't be stunned, go first."

Xiao Wu also suddenly woke up, this is not a place to talk, and immediately winked at the Titan Great Ape.

"Woo~Wow~?" The Titan Great Ape scratched the back of his head like a silly, until Xiao Wu winked at it again before he understood it.

Tang San and the others only saw the big head of the giant giant ape facing Ye Zhiqiu and Xiao Wu in a daze, and they cried out strangely.After that, he slapped his butt, turned around, and suddenly rose up, with only one ups and downs, and disappeared into the dense forest 100 meters away.

"..." Everyone.

what's going on?Is this a happy run together?

Ma Hongjun sighed stupefiedly: "Turtle, Boss Qiu is so terrifying, Boss Qiu dares to pick up the tiger's whiskers too."

"That's not a gorilla, it's the king of the forest among the spirit beasts, the Titan Great Ape. A hundred-year-old Titan Great Ape can compete with the ordinary Ten Thousand Years Soul Beast, and the one just now looks at least seventy to eighty thousand years old. A Qiu took Xiao Wu and went with him. I was a little worried..." Tang San shook his head, feeling a little irritable.

"I'm also a little worried..." Ning Rongrong muttered looking at the direction Ye Zhiqiu was leaving.

Oscar came over to comfort him with a look of indifferent expression: "If you are worried, you will be confused. Don't you fail to hear that Boss Qiu just called the soul beast Erming? What does this mean, it shows that they know. And Boss Qiu has teleported. Spirit ability, I guess that even if our group of people are wiped out in the Star Dou Great Forest, he will still be alive and kicking. Therefore, your worry is not necessary at all." Finally, Oscar spread his hands.

"I don't think there is anything wrong with Xiaoao's reasoning. You are really confused when you are concerned." After Dai Mubai said to play, he suddenly leaned next to a few people and whispered, "Actually, I have a guess. Is it a soul beast? His body is the kind of gorilla, otherwise why doesn't the gorilla attack him?"

"..." Tang San was speechless, even Zhu Zhuqing couldn't help rolling his eyes.

"You are a gorilla, and your whole family is a gorilla." Ning Rongrong glared at Dai Mubai and said in a bad mood.

At this time, Flander spoke.

"Okay, don't make any noise. Believe you, Deputy Dean Qiu, he is not such an unscrupulous person. We will continue to find the spirit ring for Xiao San, and we will go back to the college and wait for them.


On the other side, the Titan Great Ape was rushing all the way towards the core circle of the Star Dou Great Forest. Seeing its appearance, the dark face was full of joy.

Bring Sister Xiao Wu back, Daming will definitely praise me!This is what the Titan Great Ape thinks now, it even forgot the other person on its shoulders.

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