You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System ("!On the shoulders of the Titan Great Ape, Ye Zhiqiu and Xiao Wu both sat casually.

"Brother Qiu, did you know it a long time ago? When it was at Notting College or..." Xiao Wu's expression was a little worried, and her small hand tightened slightly.

She is not afraid of what Ye Zhiqiu will do to her, but she is a soul beast after all. Although she has been transformed into a human now, she still cannot avoid the fact that she is a soul beast.

Xiao Wu was a little bit afraid that after everyone knew the truth, she would dislike her as not being a human, or deliberately alienate her.

This is something Xiao Wu didn't want to see.

Ye Zhiqiu faintly glanced at Xiao Wu next to him, seeming to see her thoughts, and tapped Xiao Wu's head with a chuckle, "What do you think? How about you are a human? What about a soul beast? In the world, there are more people than beasts."

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the night sky, his eyes were deeply reflecting the stars, and the plain words came out of his mouth, but the strings in Xiao Wu's heart suddenly loosened, and a burst of warmth rose.

"As for your identity, you used to say it when you were sleeping and talking in your dreams." Ye Zhiqiu looked at Xiao Wu, the corners of his mouth suddenly turned up slightly, and said with a smile.

Xiao Wu was stunned for a moment, no way, did she shake the old man when she slept and talked in sleep?

Xiao Wu thought secretly, it seemed that she was only in Notting College, her bed was next to Ye Zhiqiu, could it be that time...

While Xiao Wu was thinking about it, Ye Zhiqiu suddenly put a hand on her shoulder, Xiao Wu was startled and looked at him suspiciously.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu didn't have the kind of casual and indifferent look he used to, but a serious expression. Xiao Wu couldn't help but be more serious in her heart, and her sitting posture was a little more correct. She knew that whenever Brother Qiu made this expression When it’s time, it’s about business.

Ye Zhiqiu pondered for a while, then slowly said, "Xiao Wu, this time I may need the help of you and Da Ming Erming. I hope you can help me persuade them."

"I will." Xiao Wu almost agreed without hesitation.

Ye Zhiqiu shook his head and said, "Don't promise to be so refreshing. After listening to me, you should know what I am doing in the Star Dou Great Forest this time?"

Xiao Wu's originally serious expression with a smile suddenly disappeared, and the pink pupils showed a faint disappointment and sadness.

Isn't it because Brother Qiu wanted...for Daming Erming's spirit ring?

I think of you as my brother, you actually want the spirit ring of our two little brothers?

When Ye Zhiqiu saw Xiao Wu's expression, he knew that this girl wanted to be awkward again, and couldn't help but shudder on her head again. The small head of the knocking Xiao Wu shrank, revealing an aggrieved appearance.

"What do you think? You are my sister, Daming Erming is your friend, and naturally my friend too. Do you think I am like the kind of person who will attack friends?" Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes and said in a bad mood.

"Then Brother Qiu, you said to help...?" Xiao Wu carefully covered her head with her hands, afraid that Ye Zhiqiu would come to her again.But as she could see from her re-bright eyes, the girl's mood suddenly recovered.

"Da Ming Er Ming has stayed in this Star Dou Great Forest for so many years, are there any enemies that can't be solved? Or the trickier guys, the evil spirit beasts can also be." Ye Zhiqiu said slowly, he said more general, but Xiao Wu understood.

What Ye Zhiqiu meant was whether there was a soul beast threatening the status of Ming Erming. If there was, that soul beast could be regarded as a hunting target.

This would not only clear the opponents of Ming Erming in the spirit beast world, but also allow Ye Zhiqiu to obtain a one hundred thousand year spirit ring, which was a happy ending for both parties.

"This...I've been away for too long, I don't know, I have to ask Daming about this. Although Erming is great, but it has been dumb since childhood. Nothing but fights." Xiao Wu said.


When Er Ming heard Sister Xiao Wu say that her brain is not working well, she suddenly roared in dissatisfaction.Although it thinks it is staying, it is not stupid at all.59 Book Bank

You say that is too much, save me some face!Aow~?

Ye Zhiqiu smiled faintly, this giant giant ape has a character.




The core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest is shrouded by a faint mist all year round. These mists are not ordinary mists, but condensed into a substantive aura of heaven and earth.

The vegetation here is much lusher than the outside, with exotic flowers and plants everywhere, and even the air has a fragrance of vegetation that is much stronger than the outside world.

If ordinary spirit masters can cultivate in this environment, their cultivation speed can at least be increased several times.

Such a marvelous sight can appear in this area entirely because of a large lake in the center of the area. It is called the lake of life and is the true core of the entire Star Dou Forest.

At this time, in the lake, a huge black shadow was standing upright with his head up.

This is a huge strange creature with a bull-headed snake body. The two corners on the top of the head look larger than the head, and they are shining with a dark light like obsidian.

The thick body of the water tank is covered with dense blue scales the size of a fist. The upper body that is exposed to the surface of the water is nearly ten meters in length, and the dark shadows under the surface of the water extend far away.

A pair of large lantern pupils that exuded a faint green glow in the night, were staring at a certain direction in the dense forest. It sensed that besides the breath of Er Ming and Xiao Wu, there was also a strange human breath?


The Titan Great Ape's figure was still far away, and the excited roar did come first.

After a while, the Titan Great Ape brought Ye Zhiqiu and Xiao Wu to the sky in front of the sky blue cow python.

When he saw the sky green cow python, Rao was also taken aback by Ye Zhiqiu's disposition.

It's really too big.

Only the part of the body that is exposed to the surface of the water is almost as tall as the Titan Great Ape. If the whole body is exposed, it would be 40 or 50 meters long, right?

This is definitely a huge monster among the spirit beasts, but its appearance makes Ye Zhiqiu a little strange. A big python has a buffalo head?What gene mutation is this product?

Is it a cross between a python and a buffalo?

"Human, this is not where you should be." The sky green bull python opened and closed its jaws, and a thunderous voice swayed in all directions, and a terrifying pressure filled Ye Zhiqiu.

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes narrowed slightly, and just as he was about to move, Xiao Wu stepped forward and stood in front of him.

"Da Ming, Brother Qiu is not malicious. He is different from other humans and is my good friend." Xiao Wu hurriedly said.

"Ohhhh~hhhhh!" The Titan Great Ape also spoke, but Ye Zhiqiu didn't understand what it said.

Along the way, Ye Zhiqiu talked a lot with Xiao Wu.The Titan Great Ape has heard it, and no matter how long it stays, it knows that this human being is not an enemy.

At this time, he also helped Ye Zhiqiu to speak.

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