Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 107: Fighting One Hundred Thousand Years Evil Dragon

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!The pair of blue eyes of the sky green cow python suddenly became erratic, and Ye Zhiqiu guessed his thoughts as soon as he turned his mind.

The erratic expression of ordinary people's eyes means that he is hesitating, and this principle also works on soul beasts.

Ye Zhiqiu pondered for a while, and said: "Da Ming, I personally don't like killing. The peaceful coexistence of soul beasts with humans is what I want to see most."

The eyes of the sky blue cow python suddenly showed contempt, and only thought that this human kid was very hypocritical, "Do you treat our soul beasts as fools? If this is really what you want to see, then you still come to us to help you hunt. Kill 100,000 year spirit ring?"

Ye Zhiqiu shook his head and said in denial, "Soul beasts are just like humans. Some evil people deserve to die, and some evil beasts deserve to die. I just took their spirit rings by the way to improve my strength. Xeon will definitely use its own means to change the embarrassing situation of humans and soul beasts. But now, I can't do this kind of thing, I have to go further on the road to become stronger, and this road is destined to be blood. In the blue sky, some sacrifices are inevitable. Those who make big things do not stick to the trivial, and one magical skill will make thousands of bones. Do you understand?"

After listening to Ye Zhiqiu's words, the sky green cow python was silent. There was a voice in its heart telling it that this kid was talking big, just trying to lie to himself and Er Ming as a thug.

But when it saw Ye Zhiqiu saying these things, those proud eyes that did not succumb to the rules of heaven and earth would always involuntarily try to believe in his ideas, even though this human being is still weak in his own view.

The sky green bull python hesitated for a long time before slowly saying: "Forty miles away in the east, there is a black forest. There is a one-horned evil dragon hidden there. It was making waves in the Star Dou Great Forest a long time ago. Ming was injured and ran away. Later, it relied on its ability to fly and often troubled Er Ming, who often went out to play alone. I can't go with you on this trip, otherwise it will escape."

"40 li..." Ye Zhiqiu raised his brows, and he came to the door of Daming Erming's house because of his ability to fly.

For the soul beast, 40 li is really not far, and it will not take long to arrive.

Had it not been for the two hundred thousand-year-old soul beasts that lived in the lake of life, Ming Erming, this one-horned evil dragon would have to grab the territory directly.

"Just it." Ye Zhiqiu hardly hesitated. Although being able to fly makes him feel a bit tricky, it's not that he can't fight.

"Oh~Oh!" At this moment, Er Ming suddenly yelled a few times in excitement, and after he put Xiao Wu on his shoulders carrying clothes and collar on the ground, he turned around and jumped for a distance of tens of meters. In the blink of an eye, Ye Zhiqiu disappeared into the mist.

Xiao Wu stood there and stomped her feet angrily. This little brother was really too much and actually threw her down.

"Da Ming, hurry... take me over." Xiao Wu hurriedly urged.

However, Daming did not listen to her this time, shook his head and whispered: "Sister Xiao Wu, your strength is too weak after being transformed into a human, and you can't bear the aftermath of a hundred thousand years of soul beast fighting. If I take you there, then The cunning evil unicorn dragon sensed the aura of the two hundred thousand year old soul beasts and ran away. Speaking of which, I don't think the two of them can gain anything in the past. The evil unicorn dragon is not so easy to deal with."

Daming stared at the direction where Ye Zhiqiu and the Titan Great Ape were leaving, and shook his head helplessly.

In fact, it also knew the location of some other hundred thousand year soul beasts, and it was much easier to deal with than the unicorn evil dragon.It's just that those soul beasts, from Da Ming's point of view, are very peaceful, just staying in their own lair and practicing silently, looking for trouble for nothing, Da Ming can't do it.




On the other side, the Titan Great Ape is moving at high speed. Its way of driving is a little special, like a frog jump. It is nearly a hundred meters away in one leap. The speed is very fast, and the endless green quickly passes under it.

Ye Zhiqiu used the Flying Thunder God to come to the top of the Titan Great Ape. From this position, he could see farther. Even if the Titan Great Ape landed, he could maintain his height above the tree top.

The endless sea of ​​trees is creeping under your feet, and only occasionally a few more prominent ones can slightly block the view.

Looking at the world in the woods and looking at the world outside the woods are completely two concepts, as if sitting in the clouds, giving people the illusion of having a panoramic view of everything in the world.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu's clothing robe was being hunted and hunted by the high winds brought by Erming's high-speed movement. His long hair was dancing randomly behind him, and the strong wind blowing with the fragrance of vegetation hit his face, not only did not hurt. On the contrary, it is very refreshing.

At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu suddenly thought of a whole mount.It's a pity... he didn't find the ninjutsu of spiritism in the system store, and Ye Zhiqiu was a little regretful about it.

But think about it carefully, spiritism involves going somewhere to sign a contract with the beast there before it can be summoned.

Douluo's spirit beasts didn't seem to conform to this rule.

It’s strange to say that, apart from the impossibility of psychic techniques, Ye Zhiqiu has not seen other powerful ninjutsu for the time being. These should also belong to the ninjutsu of the Naruto system, right?

However, the system is not sold?Ye Zhiqiu doesn't think that this kind of technique will be too strong for the system to record, so there are only two possibilities...

One is that my system is too hot, and the other is that my system may be upgraded, but I don't know when it will be upgraded.

Ye Zhiqiu himself is more inclined to the second kind of guessing. After all, the source of something like a system is mysterious and impossible to guess.

Time passed slowly in Ye Zhiqiu's thoughts.

It didn't take long for Ye Zhiqiu to notice the changes in the woods in a distant area.

The original endless green dense forest seemed to have been spotted with a piece of ink, and the giant trees were completely changed. The leaves of the stems turned into a dark color, and there was a faint black mist on them. Revealing the slightest weirdness.

If Ye Zhiqiu gets down to the ground, he will find that the surface here is escaping black air. If he shoots a horror movie here, he will save money for special effects.

The area covered by this black forest is about a few kilometers in diameter and is circular.The black and green on the margins formed a sharp contrast. One side symbolized the vitality, and the other side was a dead place, and there was no sound quietly.

Seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help frowning. The soul beast that can directly affect the surrounding environment is definitely a powerful existence. Such changes in the environment are likely to be related to the characteristics of that soul beast.

If it hadn't been for Da Ming to say that he and Er Ming could fight this soul beast directly, Ye Zhiqiu would have doubted whether the old Di Tian was hiding here.

Erming didn't think as much as Ye Zhiqiu. When he came to the border of the black forest, he didn't mean to stop at all. He rushed towards the center of the black forest in a light car. Seeing its appearance, it seemed that he did not come here to fight less?

At this time, Er Ming yelled with excitement all the way, for fear that the owner here didn't know it was coming.


At the center of the Black Forest, a dull roar shook the sky, and black air waves escaped with the roar, seeming to respond to Er Ming's provocation.

After a while, a black shadow no smaller than Er Ming suddenly rose into the sky and flew at high speed in the direction where Ye Zhiqiu and Er Ming were.

Even though it was late at night, Ye Zhiqiu could still see clearly with his eyesight. It was a tyrannosaurus-style soul beast, a bit like those western dragons in Ye Zhiqiu's previous life.

The most conspicuous thing is the single horn of its head. The roots have the thickness of thighs and are dark in color. The tip is full of cold light under the moonlight. It is more than two meters long. If this is topped, I am afraid that it will go directly to the west. Now, even if it is a giant beast of the size of the Titan Great Ape, it is probably a hole in the flesh.

Behind it, there is a pair of equally black fleshy wings, exuding a metallic luster, and fist-sized black scales gleaming all over the body.

This is a sub-dragon soul beast whose whole body is pitch black, with a faint black mist lingering around its body, and a long black mist trail is drawn behind it during the flight.

"Is this the Unicorn Evil Dragon? It looks pretty cool." Ye Zhiqiu watched the soul beast's eyes brighten. If this can be caught as a mount, it's a pity that he lacks a spirit ring now, so he will catch it later. Ditian, I believe that the appearance of Ditian should be more handsome than it!

The one-horned evil dragon landed on the ground dozens of meters in front of the giant giant ape. Its black eyes looked at the giant giant ape, and then glanced at Ye Zhiqiu on its head. When it saw Ye Zhiqiu's outermost When the red one-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring circled, he couldn't help but was stunned.Happy novel www.kaixinxs.com

"Roar~!" The unicorn evil dragon looked at the Titan Great Ape and roared. It looked like it was questioning. Ye Zhiqiu heard its anger from its roar.

"Oh~Oh~!" The Titan Great Ape patted his chest with both hands and made a loud "dongdong" noise. Then, it made a move that made Ye Zhiqiu stunned. The Titan Great Ape suddenly turned around and lifted his butt. Get up, sway from side to side towards the evil dragon...

This is asking for grass... Bah... This is a naked provocation. It seems that Er Ming should have a deep resentment for this guy, but doing this kind of action will really not affect your 100,000-year soul beast's reputation. Well?

Ye Zhiqiu, standing on Erming's head, felt a little embarrassed. What kind of strange provocation is this?

However, the one-horned evil dragon on the opposite side was furious in an instant, and two long black airs spouted from his nostrils.

"Roar~" The one-horned evil dragon rushed along with its two strong and exaggerated short legs "booming" all the way, the big tree blocking it was either broken or slapped by its wings. Fly, the dense forest was plowed out a long track, this corner of the forest seemed to be licked by a dog.

There was a smug look in Er Ming's eyes with his back to it. Er Ming was afraid that this girl would fly up. Every time it flew, Er Ming had nothing to do with it. Instead, it was Er Ming's best hand-to-hand combat. like.

Seeing that the one-horned evil dragon rushed up recklessly as if he had lost his mind, Er Ming turned around flexibly, and also roared, the grinning boss rushed up excitedly.

The two behemoths blinked close, their bodies collided fiercely.

A muffled sound mixed with transparent air waves spread to the surroundings, spreading far away.

Simply this is the territory of a one hundred thousand year soul beast, other soul beasts dare not approach, otherwise the battle of two hundred thousand year soul beasts will very likely cause the fleeing soul beast to form a beast wave.

The two beasts fought close, their palms and claws fought against each other, and the battlefield became white-hot at the beginning.

The horn on top of the evil dragon's head is the hardest part of its body. At this time, when both claws are restricted by the other side, it does not hesitate to lower its head slightly, and the horn is aimed at the top of Er Ming's throat. Go up.

Er Ming's actions are much simpler, it is more inclined to human attack methods, but more violent.

"Oh~!" Er Ming roared excitedly, slightly to the side of his head, avoiding the single horn that had pierced his throat.Leaning his head back slightly, he suddenly slammed his forehead towards the back of the unicorn evil dragon whose head was slightly lowered.

The heads of the two giant beasts collided, and the sound was like beating a drum, spreading far away.One horned evil dragon was staggered, and Er Ming’s yellow pupils suddenly showed a touch of color. Taking advantage of the unsteady shape of the evil dragon, Er Ming used his strength to stabilize his figure. Suddenly one of his legs lifted up and stamped on the toes of the unicorn evil dragon.

At this moment, the black pupils of the unicorn evil dragon widened, and Ye Zhiqiu even saw tears in his eyes. Needless to say, this foot must be very painful...

However, this is not over yet. After Er Ming stamped his first foot, his foot was raised again, and his second foot was chopped...

"Roar~~~" The unicorn evil dragon's eyes were tearful, showing resentment. If you look at its feet now, you can find that the toe of one of its feet has been squashed.

The angry one-horned evil dragon opened his mouth, and a mouthful of black inflammation sprayed towards Er Ming's head. Before he could get closer, Ye Zhiqiu noticed a scorching stinking smell on his face, and there was a faint tingling on his skin. sense.

"Oh?" Er Ming was stunned. Why can't this beast be able to play with it, saying that you would use dragon's breath to fight melee.

At this time, Erming wanted to evade his claws on the spot. After all, being spit by the dragon's breath is not a joke. It can't die because of its thick and thick skin, but it is estimated that it has to burn all the hair. However, Erming He slammed his palms hard and found... unable to twitch.

Its palm was firmly grasped by the claws of the Evil Unicorn Dragon, and the eyes of the Evil Unicorn Dragon at this time showed a sense of revenge.

If you can step on your toes, isn't it too much for me to spit?

Just when Er Ming "Aoao" yelled and wanted to carry it down, Ye Zhiqiu, who was standing on top of it, put his hands flat on his chest, and the hexagonal windmill in his pupils turned crazily, and the tingling sensation came, and the two acted like tears. Blood stains spilled from the corner of his eyes and slipped.


Ye Zhiqiu's face lightly snorted, as his voice fell, the faint purple awns twisted and escaped, spreading rapidly from the junction of his feet and Er Ming's head, and the speed of the spread was extremely fast, every time the purple awns spread. At one point, pieces of dark purple mustard coats will be quickly covered.

At this time, the black flame of the unicorn evil dragon finally arrived, and it drowned Er Ming's upper body in the blink of an eye.At this moment, the evil dragon suddenly loosened Er Ming's palm, and his wings soared into the sky as he spread his wings behind his back. The black flames gushed out from its dragon's mouth without interruption, covering a whole area underneath along with the black mist. In the forest, the center of Heiyan is Erming's location, surrounded by black mist, and everything is not real.

Only the piercing sound of "sizzling" can be heard. From the surrounding big trees, these black inflammations not only have a scorching high temperature, but also seem to be corrosive. The stems of the big trees with a trace of black inflammation are all A big hole will be corroded in an instant, and this area is like the end of the world, with countless trees dumped and messy.

At the center of Heiyan, where the Heiyan is like magma piled together, it is constantly flowing to the lower part of a bulging old high place. At that location, the Titan Great Ape was originally standing. But the shadow of the drowned beast was invisible.

The upper and lower jaws of the one-horned evil dragon flying in the air closed, and a trace of doubt appeared in the huge black pupils.

It has never played against this monkey in the past, but every time this monkey hits his black flame, he uses his spirit power to shake the black flame away, never letting black flame stay on his body for more than a second. , What happened this time?Nothing happened for a long time?

Saying that it was burned to death directly, the unicorn evil dragon would definitely not believe it, this old opponent is not so weak, and at most this move made it embarrassed.

At this moment, in the magma formed by the black inflammation, a dazzling purple light suddenly pierced the surface of the slurry, like the first ray of dawn from the sky!

The huge black eyes of the unicorn dragon shrank and hurriedly fluttered its wings and continued to fly high. It felt conspired. The monkey had been soaking in his saliva for so long and had not come out. It must be brewing something that he didn't know. Sure enough, I guessed it. It has fought with Er Ming dozens of times, and I have never seen the Titan Great Ape used a move with purple light.

The evil unicorn dragon has been flying more than 100 meters high before stopping. It feels safe at this position, enough for it to make various responses. After a little peace of mind, the evil unicorn dragon moves towards the position of the giant giant ape. Looking over, there was a touch of color in your eyes. Even if you zoom in, you still won't fly. What's the point if you can't hit me?


At this moment, Er Ming underneath suddenly roared in excitement. With it as the center, a circle of black air waves suddenly spread, and the black flame adhering to it was suddenly shaken into a sky full of foam, like Was evaporated like.

At this moment, Er Ming's figure was completely revealed, and the dazzling purple light suppressed the surrounding darkness, and the originally pitch-black forest was reflected brightly.

At this time, Erming's purple Xuzuo coat covered the whole body, and even the eyes were covered with a translucent coat for protection. Its huge body looked like a giant amethyst, dazzling and dazzling.

Above Er Ming's head, Ye Zhiqiu squatted halfway, his face was a little pale, but the corners of his mouth were filled with joy.

Suzuo-Wei installed Erming!success!

At first Ye Zhiqiu just had the mentality to give it a try, after all, Er Ming was a living thing.Unexpectedly, this idea was successfully tested the first time. It might be the reason for adding external objects. Soul power and pupil power were consumed a bit, which basically emptied the soul power in his body.

Ye Zhiqiu adjusted some of the spirit power of the nine tail beasts in his body before covering Er Ming's whole body.

Not only the one-horned evil dragon in the sky is curious about such things as Suzuo's coat. Even Er Ming, who is covered and protected by it, lifts his forefoot to look and look again, touching it a few times from time to time. He bounced happily on the spot a few times and gave out strange cheers.

In Ye Zhiqiu's opinion, the current Er Ming is probably as happy as the Huskies he raised in his previous life suddenly changed into new clothes, and he couldn't calm down at all.

"Er Ming, I'll send you to the sky, and you are ready to dry it down." Ye Zhiqiu glanced at the one-horned evil dragon flying in the sky and didn't intend to come down, and said faintly.

"Oh?" Er Ming wanted to scratch the back of his head habitually, and suddenly found that the back of his head was covered with Xu Zuo's coat, and he couldn't scratch...

While Erming was thinking about how Ye Zhiqiu would send himself to heaven, Ye Zhiqiu above his head suddenly put a hand on its forehead.

Ye Zhiqiu stared at the one-horned evil dragon flying in the sky and calculated the distance.

Flying Thunder God, launch.

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