Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 108 One Hundred Thousand Years Soul Ring and Soul Bone

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Flying Lei Shen can instantly record and engrave within 50 meters. At this time, Er Ming and the unicorn evil dragon are together 100 meters away, so they cannot be teleported.

But this is difficult for Ye Zhiqiu, he can even close the distance between the two sides without using anything, because... his passiveness of Flying Thunder God is-instant recording and engraving.

Erming, who was a little confused about how Ye Zhiqiu would send himself to heaven, at the moment when Ye Zhiqiu's third one hundred thousand year spirit ring flickered, it suddenly discovered...that he was really in heaven...

At a height of 50 meters above the ground, Er Ming's huge body suddenly appeared, and the next flash disappeared in an instant. When Er Ming recovered, he was already facing the unicorn evil dragon.

Both beasts were a little stunned, staring at them with big eyes.

But Er Ming didn't have wings to fly like a unicorn evil dragon. After a dazed effort, his body began to fall along gravity.

"Are you stupid, punch it?" Ye Zhiqiu reminded loudly, and once again moved Er Ming up with Fei Lei Shen.

This time, Er Ming suddenly discovered that he was riding on the back of the unicorn evil dragon.

"Wow~!" A joyous yell came from Er Ming's throat. It never thought that one day he could be a dragon-riding ape. This feeling is really novel.

The unicorn evil dragon has been cultivating for so many years. Wherever he has been ridden by a beast, he immediately became angry. The dragon head turned back and wanted to give Er Ming, who was presumptuous on his back, a breath of black flame dragon.

Unexpectedly, its dragon's mouth just opened. Er Ming, a clever student, took the first step and slammed its uppercut, hitting it on its chin, and immediately slammed the unicorn evil dragon's head upwards. The dragon's breath that was about to be ejected was held back alive.

It was as uncomfortable as a drunk person who was about to vomit, and what he vomited into his throat suddenly swallowed back into his stomach. The unicorn evil dragon suddenly felt a sudden turn in his stomach.


Er Ming's reluctant body leaned forward, his legs wrapped around the body of the unicorn evil dragon, one palm clung to its neck and pulled back vigorously, the other hand grasped the fist like iron, punching and punching. He went straight to the forehead of the unicorn evil dragon without interruption.

The sound of "pop" rang to the sky.

The one-horned evil dragon was a little stunned by Er Ming's serial old fist. It flew into the sky without any resistance, and its short legs and short hands could not reach Er Ming on its back.

At this time, the unicorn evil dragon looked a bit miserable. Its neck was almost broken by Erming's ribs, and the flesh on it was deeply sunken. The black crystal-like dragon scales broke apart one by one. Regarding strength, where is it? It was Er Ming's opponent, not to mention the fatal weakness of Er Ming's neck.

The scales on the head of the unicorn evil dragon cracked, black blood flowed down, and it was contaminated on the palm of Erming that was holding its neck, making a "sizzling" sound, and the palm of Erming was simply covered with amethyst coat. , The silky touch made the black blood fall directly, which did not cause any harm to Er Ming.

Some groggy consciousness caused the unicorn evil dragon to flap its wings numbly. It could not fall. Once it fell to the ground, it would be even worse if it was hammered. At that time, this monkey can hammer not only both hands, but also legs. He also had to greet him, if the evil dragon with a single horn wanted to turn defeat into victory, he could only try to get it down.

The unconscious evil dragon flew around for a while, and it didn't know where it flew...


At the lake of life, when Da Ming and Xiao Wu watched Er Ming riding a one-horned evil dragon flying over them, their triumphant expressions were a bit daunting.

Er Ming also took the time to wave his palms to greet them.

Xiao Wu: ...

Ming dynasty:......

Daming was confused and his green eyes were round.How did your second brother go to heaven?How did you ride on the head of the evil dragon?What is the amethyst-like armor that wraps it?

Until Er Ming beat the unicorn evil dragon "boom" away, neither of them recovered.

This night, the Star Dou Great Forest was not peaceful. Countless soul beasts saw a great ape wearing amethyst armor, riding a black dragon flying over him, occasionally accompanied by a low "bang". Percussion.

Even Tang San, who was still looking for spirit beasts in the middle of the Star Dou Great Forest, saw one person and two beasts flying high in the distance. A group of them were petrified on the spot...

Er Ming has a deep grievance with the Evil Unicorn Dragon. The two beasts have fought dozens of times, each winning or losing. However, because the Evil Unicorn Dragon can fly, Er Ming suffers more often, and he is often ashamed.

Seizing the opportunity this time, Er Ming naturally wanted to retaliate against it. Whenever the evil unicorn dragon was about to fly out of the Star Dou Great Forest, Er Ming would touch its neck and change the flight of the evil unicorn dragon. Direction, and then once again rode it back to the Star Dou Great Forest to show off its might.

In addition to those low-level spirit beasts, several hundred thousand year old spirit beasts sensed their aura, and couldn't help but look around.

Erming and the unicorn evil dragon are both famous beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest. One occupies the best habitat area, the lake of life.The other one is completely famous for its evil. In the Star Dou Great Forest, the bad things are clean and the geographical environment is destroyed. Wherever it is, the forest is dead.

These two beasts have fought a lot of thieves, and other 100,000-year soul beasts are also used to seeing them, but it is the first time for them to ride a husky in the sky like tonight. see...

After flying back to the central area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but say: "Er Ming, are you about to play? Send it down, lest night long dreams."

"Wow..." Er Ming looked at the unicorn black dragon that carried him for most of the night with a bit of dismay. It's a pity that such a good mount was killed.

The next moment, Er Ming squeezed his right palm without hesitation, and his right shoulder tilted back slightly. On the iron fist like an obsidian, black soul power gathered like a whirlpool.

In order to strengthen the power of his fist, Er Ming even imposed his own gravity field on his fist.

"Boom!" A sonic boom was punched, breaking the speed of sound.

Er Ming's fist carried a sonic boom all the way to the back of the unicorn evil dragon's head.

Ye Zhiqiu seemed to hear the cracking of bones in the loud noise, and he couldn't help but feel anxious. This stupid big man, Er Ming, wouldn't be able to punch this one-horned evil dragon to death?

Sister, this is my soul ring!

The one-horned evil dragon, who was already dizzy with his head, suffered a blow, stiffened, and passed out completely.

He pulled his wings straight and fell straight down like a meteorite.

"Ohhhh~~~~~!" Er Ming banged his chest with his hands a few times, exclaimed with excitement, and his complexion was refreshing. For the first time, he completely defeated his rival, and at most he beat him away before. That's it, this time is different, it stunned the unicorn evil dragon.

Running away and stunned are completely two concepts.

As for the one-horned evil dragon that was falling at this time, the height of more than 100 meters above the ground, Er Ming didn't care at all.

It can jump a hundred meters away by itself, and if it falls like this, it will probably only shake, which is similar to a punch of the same kind, with a surge of blood at most.

Titan great ape, growing up in battle.Injuries are just like everyday meals, they are soul beast races that enjoy fighting.

Ye Zhiqiu frowned. He was afraid that this unicorn evil dragon that had lost the power of resistance would just plant it down and die. Does this count as his own killing?

I'm grass, definitely not count.

Ye Zhiqiu, who was pressing Er Ming's forehead with one hand, stared at the head of the unicorn evil dragon, and the hexagonal windmill in his right eye turned.

In an instant, a scorching black flame emerged from the void and stuck to the head of the unicorn evil dragon.

Right eye!

Amaterasu!Xixi Novel Network www.xixixiaoshuo.com

In the next instant, Ye Zhiqiu, who was on the back of the Evil Dragon with a single horn, activated God of Thunder and disappeared with Er Ming.

The one-horned evil dragon originally fell with its forehead downwards, and the black inflammation was attached to its head. The falling wind-blown black inflammation of the sky spread backwards, and within a short time, it covered the whole body of the one-horned black dragon.

At this moment, its huge body really looked like a meteorite falling from the sky, and then it slammed into the dense forest below.

This place, as if bombed by more than a dozen missiles, a large pit appeared.

The skylight black flame spreads everywhere, if Ye Zhiqiu ignores it, with the skylight's adhesion, I am afraid that the entire Star Dou Forest will be gone in two days.

"Roar~" The intense pain of the flame burning body caused the unicorn evil dragon to wake up, tumbling and roaring, trying to extinguish the flame.

It never thought that one day, he would actually taste the taste of black flame burning.

It's just that this black inflammation is pure flame, and its black inflammation is a flowing object like magma.

It's a pity that no matter how the one-horned evil dragon struggles in the flames, the skylight and black fire on its body does not mean to weaken at all.

The skylight black fire, unless you avoid it at the moment the caster casts it, otherwise, as long as it is contaminated, it can only cut the limbs and cut the flesh. If you don't burn everything, it will not go out.

I heard that even mud and rocks can burn, and the only thing that can resist it is probably an object that is as high as its temperature and will not burn.

The unicorn dragon is obviously not such an object.

Therefore, it looks a bit miserable at this time. The first thing that hurts was its most vulnerable eyes, and it was blind almost instantaneously. Then, it was the weak parts of the body, such as chicken...

Whenever the unicorn evil dragon roared in agony, black fire would pour back into its dragon's mouth, which in turn made it more painful, and its body was also burning, bearing the black fire.

It is instinct to yell in pain, but this forms a vicious circle.

Fifty meters away from the evil dragon, Ye Zhiqiu and Er Ming were standing here.

Er Ming's eyes were a little unbearable, and he tilted his head slightly. This was a good opponent from the first half of his life. Although the beast was a bit poor, he just left...

Needless to say, the one-horned evil dragon is hopeless.From now on, in this Star Dou Great Forest, Er Ming himself probably won't be able to find another soul beast that can fight against him from time to time.

Ye Zhiqiu's face was calm, not that his heart was as hard as iron, but he felt like killing a soul beast as if he was killing a chicken. It didn't feel much.

If the unicorn evil dragon was replaced by a human type, Ye Zhiqiu's heart might still fluctuate.

Whether it is a past life or this life.Ye Zhiqiu has never killed a person, at most he was killed by severe injuries, such as the old tortoise from Canghui Academy.

As for their shadow clones, they may have killed them, but the memory of the shadow clones will not return until the clones are removed.

Therefore, it can be said that since Ye Zhiqiu came to this Douluo Continent, he has not tried the taste of murder.

Some beliefs in the previous life are still reminding him at all times, and he does not know whether this is good or bad for him.

Ye Zhiqiu and Er Ming stood silently for more than ten minutes, and the one-horned evil dragon finally stopped moving. From this we can see that its vitality is still very tenacious.

[The negative sentiment value from the unicorn evil dragon adds 9660...]

At this time, the sky was shining and the black fire rushed endlessly. The trees in this area were all turned into coke, and the black fire was still spreading far away quickly.

This is definitely not going to work. Ye Zhiqiu's right eye's eternal kaleidoscope turned, and started to extinguish the black fires everywhere. After finally extinguishing the flames on the unicorn black dragon, Ye Zhiqiu sat on the ground with only a feeling. The pain in the right eye is extremely painful. This is a manifestation of excessive pupil power consumption, which I have experienced before.

Without the spirit power, he can directly draw the tail beast's source to replenish it, but the pupil power is not enough, he can only wait for it to recover on its own.

After driving the disguised Suzuo for so long, and using Amaterasu, Ye Zhiqiu didn't faint, he was already strong in spirit and willpower.


Although Ye Zhiqiu could not understand what it said, he could still guess what it was saying.

"Don't worry, I'm fine. Er Ming, you protect me, I'm afraid that other hundred thousand year soul beasts will make trouble while I absorb the spirit ring." Ye Zhiqiu said with solemn eyes.

This worry is not superfluous, he consumes a lot now, and can't use the power of his eyes in a short time.

"Don't worry, you feel relieved to absorb..." At this moment, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in the distance.

Ye Zhiqiu turned his head to take a look, the corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a relieved smile, and Daming brought Xiao Wu over.

At this time, Xiao Wu was standing on top of Daming's head and waving at him.

"Huh..." Ye Zhiqiu let out a long sigh. There are two hundred thousand year soul beasts guarding the law, shouldn't the other hundred thousand year soul beast dare to come?

Glancing at the scarlet one-hundred-thousand-year-old spirit ring condensed on the corpse of the one-horned evil dragon, Ye Zhiqiu walked over quickly with some excitement.

He didn't rush to absorb the spirit ring, but turned around the corpse of the unicorn dragon. When he saw a long black crystal pressed under the unicorn on its head, Ye Zhiqiu's eyes lit up and he quickly bent over. Picked it up.

This object looks like a rectangular crystal block, about one meter long, and it is soft and jade-like.

Ye Zhiqiu scratched the back of his head. This thing should be the soul bone exploded by the unicorn evil dragon, but... which part of the soul bone is this?Why does it have this shape...

The limbs are definitely not, even the torso bones are too long...

I can't even stuff my head in...

With some doubts, Ye Zhiqiu put away the rectangular black soul bone first, planning to go back and study it slowly.

Now, absorbing the spirit ring of this evil unicorn dragon is the most important thing. After all, after the death of the spirit beast, the spirit ring can only exist for an hour, and then it will escape.

I don't know if after absorbing the one-hundred-thousand-year spirit ring, the nine-tailed beasts in his body can sublimate the one-hundred-year-old spirit ring.

After the thousand-year spirit ring is absorbed, a head and tail beast's origin can raise the spirit ring for a thousand years.

After being absorbed by the ten thousand year spirit ring, it can be upgraded for ten thousand years.

What about one hundred thousand years?I have nine tail beast origins. If each tail beast origin can improve the spirit ring by 100,000 years, I am afraid that the age of my fourth spirit ring will exceed one million years...

Thinking about it, I feel incredible.

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes also showed a little look of expectation.

I heard that the Million Years Spirit Ring is golden, and needless to say, the Force Frame is significantly higher than the red one hundred thousand years.

Finding a slightly clean place next to the evil dragon, Ye Zhiqiu began to use his consciousness to establish a connection with this one-hundred-thousand-year-old spirit ring...

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