Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 109 Aura fluctuations under the lake of life

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!The moment Ye Zhiqiu's consciousness was connected with the spirit ring, the nine-tailed beast phantom in the Qi Sea of ​​Dantian suddenly opened his eyes.

Looking up to the sky and staring upwards, the direction they looked was exactly where the one-horned evil dragon's 100,000-year spirit ring was.

"Here is coming..." Ye Zhiqiu was excited in his heart, can it be millions of years!

Can or can't?

As for absorbing spirit rings?It wouldn't take him to do it at all, and the nine free labors would automatically handle it for him.

At this moment, Origin of the Nine Tails opened their mouths at the same time...

The one-horned evil dragon spirit ring of one hundred thousand years suspended in the air was swallowed into the body by them in the blink of an eye. It was divided into nine, and the swallowed up was completely clean, leaving no hair.

After the spirit ring was swallowed, the nine-tailed beasts were essentially silent.

Ye Zhiqiu was excited and started to flip through the system store. Once he bought Ninjutsu and the Nine Tailed Beasts returned to feed back, he would most likely have his first million-year spirit ring. is fake.

A-level ninjutsu: spiral pill (price 3000 negative emotion value)

Super S Grade Ninjutsu: Immortal Law·True Thousands of Hands·Top of the Buddha (price of 100000 negative emotion value)

Special ninjutsu no level: Kagura Xinyan (price of 10000 negative emotion value)

Ye Zhiqiu went through the system store for a long time and found three ninjutsu that he liked more.

Originally, there was also an S-class forbidden technique Ye Zhiqiu had considered. But when he thought of going to dig up the rotting corpse and taking a living person as a sacrifice, he was directly dropped by PS.

Needless to say, the several techniques selected now, the Helix Pill, although the basics are a little bit worse, the urinary nature added by the 100,000-year spirit ring will inevitably change in nature. Ye Zhiqiu has no doubt that it can perform S-level or even The power of Super S Grade Ninjutsu, and when combined with his own Flying Thunder God, it will almost certainly hit.

If Helix Pill let Ye Zhiqiu use it, with his almost inexhaustible spirit power, he might be able to condense a big killer move like the Monkey King's vitality bullet in Dragon Ball.

As for the second ninjutsu, this is known as Naruto’s ninja god Senjujutsu's ultimate move, which can sling the nine tails.

When Ye Zhiqiu saw this technique, a scene always appeared in his mind involuntarily.

Senjujuma: "Kyuubi, you are so powerful, I can't let you be outside."

Then, the Buddha at the top of the Qianshouzhu room stretched out a hand and pinched Kyuubi's eyes on the palm of his hand like a little chicken... He belched directly between them.

And behind the Senjujuan, emmm... there are still nine hundred and ninety-nine hands that are useless...

This... is the top of the Buddha, even in the final battle of Naruto World, it is also a ninjutsu that can shine.

As for the third Kagura Xinyan, this is a kind of functional ninjutsu. There is also a perception ninjutsu that appeared in the second generation of Naruto Senjutsu.

It has a lot of perceptual and probing ability that is stronger than a blank eye.Even if it is a ninja that is better than a ninja, it can perceive the wind and grass in a radius of tens of miles with this technique.

You know, this is not an ordinary perception. This technique is like a person watching a black and white animation from the perspective of God. This is a magical skill in auxiliary ninjutsu.

If Ye Zhiqiu used it by himself, he felt that it would not be a big problem to perceive a hundred kilometers with his mental power, and the additional effect of the 100,000-year spirit ring would not be too bad.

These three ninjutsu are very good, Ye Zhiqiu fell into a tangled state for a while, this... which one to choose?

All three look pretty good.

After hesitating for a long time, Ye Zhiqiu pointed to the top of the Buddha. Without him, he could say loudly: Spicy chicken, I will give you two hands!

Then I used the thousand hands of the Buddha on the top to teach the other person to be a human.

However, the next moment...

[System prompt: No fairy body, insufficient conditions]

Ye Zhiqiu: ...

I feel like you are playing with me again?

Did you finally make up your mind?


If the conditions for the top-up Buddha are not enough, you can only choose one between Helix Maru and Kagura.

Ye Zhiqiu thought about it for a long time, but decided to buy Shenle Xinyan.He at least knew how to develop the helix pill technique by himself. Naruto is a very good teacher. Maybe he can try to research it out by himself later?

After all, Dou Luoli also had a lot of self-made spirit abilities, and his idea of ​​independently developing spiral pills should be feasible.

As for Kagura's eyes, he didn't know the principle of this thing at all, and there was no way he could create it himself. This technique was very useful, and Ye Zhiqiu didn't want to just give up.

In fact, according to Ye Zhiqiu's own thoughts, he felt that he did not lack powerful killer moves. Before, he wanted to buy the Buddha on top of it as a pretense.

After all, he has the pupil technique of eternal kaleidoscope and reincarnation eyes. If he wants to, he can basically grasp all kinds of big kills.

Now he needs more functional ninjutsu like his first three spirit abilities.

Such attacking ninjutsu like water escape and fire escape may be gorgeous when bought in the early stage, but as you become stronger in the future, you may be eliminated, and these functional ninjutsu won’t, they will always be effective. .

Ye Zhiqiu, who thought about everything, didn't hesitate to spend 10,000 points of negative emotion value to buy Kagura Xinyan.

At this moment, the spirit power of the nine-tailed beasts began to feed back, and the spirit power that spit out first strengthened Ye Zhiqiu's flesh again before it began to escape from the body and condense the spirit ring.

During this process, Ye Zhiqiu's complexion was not very good.

Because, he discovered that, except for the spirit power that Nine Tails vomited for almost 100,000 years, the other soul beasts, each of them only vomited for about 50,000 years...

And after the vomiting, except for the fact that Yaoyuan looks better, the first one to Nanao seem to have shrunk in a circle, revealing a somewhat slumped posture, it is estimated that it will take a long time to slowly recover.

"Damn... why are you cooking like this? Why can't you learn from the nine lamas and give some strength." Ye Zhiqiu looked at the origin of the nine-tailed beasts in the dantian qi sea, and couldn't help cursing with a black face, his own millions of years. Is the spirit ring directly bathed?


White looking forward to it.

But after thinking about it, it is estimated that the soul power reserves of the first few tail beasts are probably a little more than the ordinary one hundred thousand year soul beasts.

They only absorbed one-tenth of the spirit ring energy of the evil unicorn dragon, which is about ten thousand years.In the end, I vomited the amount of 50,000 years. Thinking about it this way, it seems to be pretty good. Ye Zhiqiu will complain. It is just a kind of desire and dissatisfaction that humans have, and they always want more.


Outside of Ye Zhiqiu, who was sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed, a scarlet spirit ring slowly condensed out of the other three spirit rings. The color of this spirit ring was much darker than the third one hundred thousand year spirit ring. , Red dazzling.

The fourth spirit ring, six hundred thousand years!

A unique coercion spread from this fourth ring to the surroundings. The nearest Da Ming and Er Ming were throbbing in their hearts. There was an illusion that the subjects had seen the king.

Xiao Wu almost couldn't stabilize her body, staggering and supporting Daming before standing back.At this moment, she was a little bit afraid to look directly at Ye Zhiqiu's figure, turning her head slightly, only in this way, the coercion she suffered would be much smaller.

At this time, everywhere in the Star Dou Great Forest, all soul beasts more than 100,000 years old have sensed this unique pressure coming down. They put aside the things at hand and looked at the direction where Ye Zhiqiu was. dignified.61 Pen Fun Pavilion www.61zd.com

Ye Zhiqiu, who had condensed the spirit ring, did not rush out of the state of concentration, but first checked the effect of the fourth spirit ability.

Kagura Minyan: A super-wide range of perception ninjutsu, the stronger the mental power, the larger the range of perception.

Six hundred thousand year spirit ring additional effects: (Passive: spiritual power is transformed and slowly increases independently)

(Passive barriers to the gods: the sea of ​​consciousness forms barriers to the gods, which can resist up to three times the mental attack of the super deity)

Introduction: Under the divine mind, everything is invisible.

After seeing this spirit ability, Ye Zhiqiu's originally dark face because the spirit ring hadn't reached a million years, slowly recovered his ruddy.

People are really refreshed in happy events.

Seeing the two passive abilities of his fourth spirit ability, Ye Zhiqiu was agitated. It is worthy of being an additional effect of the 600,000-year spirit ring. Kagura's eyes are biased towards spiritual ninjutsu, and its passiveness is all based on mental power. .

These two passives can be used as magical skills if you take out one of them at random!

Because of the continuous upgrading of the writing wheel, his spiritual power is already strong, and now that he has this spirit ability, I am afraid that no one in Douluo Continent can use the spiritual power to make himself suffer, right?

As for the spiritual transformation, Ye Zhiqiu also knew a little bit, and he had read a lot of novels about cultivating immortals in his previous life.

Does this mean that he can only watch black-and-white movies with Kagura's eyes, and can now watch color movies?

emmm...Watching movies is not the main point. It is mainly because of the spiritual knowledge, which is of great help to the battle. With his writing round eyes, absolutely no one in Douluo mainland can make small moves in front of him without being discovered.

If you compare mental power to water, then the spiritual consciousness is hard ice, or ten thousand years of ice, the two are not comparable.

Just as Ye Zhiqiu was thinking, a voice suddenly rang in his mind.

[The host reaches level 40, and the Naruto Negative Emotional God System begins to upgrade. It takes...three days.During the upgrade, the store is closed.

Ye Zhiqiu: ...

I thought that my system might be upgraded before, but I didn't expect it to come so soon.

Ye Zhiqiu is still looking forward to things like system upgrades.Although there are a lot of ninjutsu in the store now, he doesn't like it. If there is no more useful ninjutsu, his fifth spirit ring may only be blindly picked.

All in all, the system upgrade is good news and a surprise.

When everything was over, Ye Zhiqiu, who was sitting cross-legged, slowly opened his eyes, a glimmer of light in his eyes flashed away.

After slowly getting up and stretching, Ye Zhiqiu withdrew his martial spirit, and the coercion of the 600,000-year spirit ring that filled the Star Dou Great Forest suddenly dissipated.

Out of curiosity about the role of divine consciousness, Ye Zhiqiu tried to spread out his divine consciousness, and then Ye Zhiqiu was a little confused.

In the blink of an eye, the divine sense spread out dozens of miles with Ye Zhiqiu as the center, and it continued to extend.

60 miles.

80 miles.

It wasn't until it had spread for more than 110 miles that it slowly stopped and continued to spread. Ye Zhiqiu sensed that there would be a trace of mental exhaustion, and he stopped decisively.

The range of 110 miles is already pretty good.This is still using himself as the center of the circle, if he directly expands his spiritual consciousness in one direction, it is estimated that he can see farther.

Moreover, he does not use spirit abilities now, that is to say, he has not used Kagura's heart and eyes. This is just a passive incident of Kagura's heart and eyes, and the coverage is already so large. If this is using the ability of Kagura's heart and eyes, it can How far does it extend?

Ye Zhiqiu didn't know, but it was definitely not less than 150 miles away.

As for the effect, it is indeed like the introduction, in the land covered by the divine consciousness, everything is invisible.

This 110-mile range with oneself as the center of the circle, everything is in sight, as if transparent, a small world-like scene is constructed in one's mind, as large as the soul beasts outside, and the leaves of grass trembling. , The actions of the small world formed in the sea of ​​knowledge will instantly synchronize.

Ye Zhiqiu even saw the scene where Xiao Wu didn't wear any clothes. The clothes she wore outside seemed to be of no use to her divine consciousness.

This perspective is too powerful, Ye Zhiqiu can only silently say sorry to Tang San for this kind of thing. I didn't mean to look at your future wife's body...

Xiao Wu hadn't noticed Ye Zhiqiu's sight of her body at all, and even Da Ming Erming, who was covered by divine sense, hadn't noticed anything abnormal.

Although they were soul beasts of 100,000 years old, it would be very difficult to perceive Ye Zhiqiu's prying eyes with a level of spiritual power lower than that of God's consciousness.

According to Ye Zhiqiu’s estimation, in the Douluo World, if he wants to upgrade his mental power to divine consciousness, he is afraid that he must be at least level 99 in the ultimate Douluo. This is the kind of ultimate Douluo with strong mental strength. The queen of gods could derive divine consciousness, after all, Douluo Continent didn't cultivate spiritual power.

At this time, Xiao Wu hopped over and looked at Ye Zhiqiu curiously, "Brother Qiu, how about the fourth spirit ability? Isn't it particularly powerful? The pressure just now was too terrifying, and he almost pressed people down. .."

Ye Zhiqiu smiled and said, "Not bad, this time I have to thank you and Da Ming Er Ming."

"Hehe." Xiao Wu smirked. She was still very happy to be able to help Ye Zhiqiu.

But Daming suddenly said "the urn", "In fact, we didn't help much. Er Ming has fought the unicorn evil dragon many times. Everyone knows what methods are there. Without you, it can't damage the unicorn badly. Evil dragon."

"Ohhhhh!" Er Ming grinned, lit his huge head and smiled.

Er Ming was still very happy to be able to kill the Evil Dragon with a single horn in a battle, but regretted that he had lost an opponent.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled indifferently, too lazy to be polite.Soul beasts are much cuter and straightforward than humans.

Just as Ye Zhiqiu was about to take back his spiritual sense and return to the lake of life with Ming Erming, his spiritual sense suddenly felt under the water surface of the lake of life, and he felt a strange wave of fluctuations. This aura fluctuated very unstable, sometimes strong. weak.

In his previous life, Ye Zhiqiu had only watched the first part of the Douluo Continent. He hadn't had time to chase after the next few parts, but he had also heard about the ten major fierce beasts such as Ditian, but he didn't know where they were.

Suddenly under the surface of the lake of life, I noticed a faint fluctuation. When the aura was strong, Ye Zhiqiu had only seen it in his life. The two hundred thousand-year-old soul beasts of Ming Erming are far inferior, but when they are weak, they are like one. Just like an ordinary hundred-year soul beast.

This could not help Ye Zhiqiu's curiosity.

Below, shouldn't it be the sleeping Ditian or the other ten fierce beasts?After all, there should not be many people who can make themselves feel terrifying.

What could it be?

Ye Zhiqiu followed Daming and them back to the lake of life, while spreading and covering the lake with divine consciousness.

Originally, he had never thought that there would be something under the Lake of Life, after all, tomorrow the sky was nested in it, and if there was something, he would have escaped long ago.

Today I encountered a special one.

He probably found one of the ten big beasts, and Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help feeling a little excited.

If a soul beast of hundreds of thousands of years can be slaughtered, his fifth soul ring is likely to exceed the million-year limit.

After Ye Zhiqiu absorbed the spirit ring of the Evil Dragon with a single horn, he was already level 45.

If there was a fierce beast that was hundreds of thousands of years old hidden under the lake of life, Ye Zhiqiu would probably wait until he was level 50 and come back here to kill the fierce beast.

What he needs to do now is to explore what kind of soul beast is hiding under the lake surface, so he can prepare in advance.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help taking back all the divine consciousness that had spread out, and pressed his head under the lake of life, searching for that breath.

The lake is deeper than Ye Zhiqiu expected. I don't know where it leads to, and the divine consciousness spreads downwards until it is pitch black and there is no light...

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