Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 110: Did the Emperor Transform into a Human? Or the mother?

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!The darkness under the lake of life is like never ending.

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help scolding his mother secretly, what soul-breaking beast would like to stay in this kind of environment, wouldn't it really be Ditian's black dragon?

It is estimated that only the dark one can like this kind of broken place, can it blend with the darkness?Grinning and showing big white teeth?

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but look at the sky green bull python next to him, and asked aloud: "Da Ming, you have been staying in the lake of life, have you noticed anything unusual inside?"

"Abnormal?" Daming's green eyes flickered, "No, there is nothing else in the lake except that there is more energy than the outside world..."

"Is that so..."

Ye Zhiqiu raised his eyebrows, this azure bull python is not honest.

As the saying goes, the eyes are the windows of the soul. Before you lied, close your lantern-big eyes. I might really believe it...

Ye Zhiqiu's relationship with Daming couldn't be said to be so good, after all, I met for the first time today.But because of Xiao Wu, they are destined not to become enemies between one person and one beast.

There were some things that Da Ming was looking at Xiao Wu's face, and he wouldn't hide Ye Zhiqiu from it.

But this time it concealed something under the lake.This shows that the things under the lake are very important in Daming's heart.

At least it didn't want an outsider like Ye Zhiqiu to know.

Since Daming didn’t want to say anything, Ye Zhiqiu didn’t bother to continue to ask questions. Ye Zhiqiu, who planned to stop now and come to explore after level 50, was hooked by Daming’s curiosity. If you want to hide it, I just want to see if it is. What the hell.

When the thought fell, Ye Zhiqiu's spiritual consciousness continued to poke toward the bottom of the lake of life.

The more divine mind explores downward, the smaller the space inside, the bottom of the lake of life is actually shaped like a funnel, big and small?

Ye Zhiqiu doubted whether there was any genius at the bottom of the lake of life, or why the lake of life contained more energy than the outside world?

The escaping air currents can form energy mist near the lake surface.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiqiu's eyes lit up, and his divine consciousness continued to spread downward.

At this time, his spiritual consciousness had penetrated more than ten miles under the lake of life.The divine consciousness spread in the lake, and the resistance it received was more than ten times greater than in the outside air.

For more than ten li, it was almost Ye Zhiqiu's limit, and the consciousness in his mind already had a faint sense of fatigue.

give up?


Ye Zhiqiu was stubborn, and the eternal kaleidoscope in his pupils instantly appeared. His pupil power had already recovered a little at this time, and opening his eyes was not a big problem.

At this moment, among the four spirit rings of purple, black, red and red that were slowly rotating around Ye Zhiqiu, the outermost spirit ring flashed a dazzling red glow.

The fourth spirit ability, Kagura, was used by Ye Zhiqiu for the first time.

At the bottom of the lake of life, the divine consciousness that was already unable to go down, at this moment seemed to be doping, suddenly condensed into an arrow-like shape, breaking through the calm lake, rushing all the way down.

In the blink of an eye, he crossed a distance of five or six miles, and his castration remained unabated.

Ye Zhiqiu knew a little bit about the ability of his fourth spirit ability, Kagura's mind, at this moment, this thing was similar to his own spiritual sense.

After using it, it can instantly increase the intensity of one's divine consciousness in a special way. Its only shortcoming is probably that the picture you watch is black and white, but now this only shortcoming is also compensated by the effect of your divine consciousness.

Divine consciousness is clearer than the eyes can see most of the time.

As the divine consciousness spread downward, a fork appeared at the bottom of the lake of life.

Two swarthy, deep underwater holes that seemed to be able to choose people to eat appeared in front of them.

Ye Zhiqiu just felt it a little bit. On the other side, there didn't seem to be any aura fluctuations. Of course, it might be deeper that he couldn't perceive it.

Without thinking about it, Ye Zhiqiu continued to dive quickly in the direction he perceived with divine consciousness.

After the divine consciousness spread downward for a distance of about 19 miles, a small soft light suddenly lit up in the seemingly endless darkness.

Ye Zhiqiu was overjoyed and seemed to be coming soon.

Today, he wants to see what Ditian looks like. If it’s cool, he will find a chance to catch it as a mount. If he looks ugly, he will come back at level 50 and put a few more Amaterasu to burn it to death. The million-year spirit ring is also very fragrant.

Shennian continued to dive for a while, the soft white light was getting brighter and brighter, and it was possible to see the appearance of the thing faintly, like a rectangular crystal coffin?There seems to be a...person lying inside?

Ye Zhiqiu's spiritual thoughts condensed into his own appearance, slowly falling and stepping on the crystal coffin, the lake of life... to the end.

The space here is about the size of a room, about ten meters in length and width, surrounded by dark rocks of unknown texture, which seems to have some light-absorbing effect.

The soft light emerging from the crystal coffin disappeared after a few hundred meters, otherwise it would surely be able to spread farther in this complete darkness.

When he fully saw the scene before him, Ye Zhiqiu, who was sitting on top of Er Ming's head and returning slowly, was a little dazed. At the same time, under the lake, he was condensed with divine consciousness and looked like he was dazed.

The deity and divine consciousness are completely synchronized.

Ditian... is actually a mother...?

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the figure in the crystal coffin, a little shocked, is this a soul beast?Obviously a person, right?A beast-like human like Xiao Wu?

The woman in the crystal coffin looks like she is about seventeen or eighteen years old. The silver hair on her head is not prominent, but it adds a bit of coldness to her, her eyes are slightly closed, she seems to be in a state of deep sleep, a pair of beautiful eyebrows As if it has been carefully modified, it has been bent into a nice arc, and the skin is white and ruddy, and it looks very smooth and tender.

At this moment, her thin red lips were pursing slightly, only looking at her face, Ye Zhiqiu could feel a coldness similar to Zhu Zhuqing from her, but her face was more delicate, and the person in the crystal coffin was like no one. Fairy who cannibalize fireworks.

"If Di Tian Chang is like this, I would not be willing to use her as a soul ring if I kill him..." Ye Zhiqiu muttered to himself unconsciously.

In his previous life, Ye Zhiqiu had only watched the first part of Douluo, but hadn't watched the latter ones at all. He didn't know much about Di Tian. He only heard that it was the top ten fierce beasts.

As for the other ten fierce beasts, he didn't even know their names.

But this trip to the bottom of the Lake of Life gave Ye Zhiqiu a refreshed understanding.

After Di Tian was transformed into such a cold young lady?Shouldn't the soul beast like the black dragon be black after transforming, and only the teeth on top and bottom are white?


Say that she is not an emperor, Ye Zhiqiu himself didn't believe it, the aura that radiated from this woman now fluctuated and was terrifying.Ye Zhiqiu couldn't think of any other soul beast in Douluo Continent with such a strong aura fluctuation.

Maybe the 990,000-year-old deep-sea monster whale in the ocean is fine, but this woman is obviously not it.

How?I originally thought there was a baby at the bottom of the lake, but now there is only such a sleeping beauty. When I come back after level 50, I want to kill and become a spirit ring.

When Ye Zhiqiu was thinking about it, the silver-haired woman's breath fluctuated, which frightened Ye Zhiqiu, thinking she was about to wake up.

As a result, the terrifying aura on the woman's body weakened in an instant, and her complexion was a little pale.

But her original cold temperament has become soft and gentle, elegant and quiet.

Two completely different temperaments appeared in her.

"This is mental illness? Bah... split personality?" Ye Zhiqiu frowned, thinking secretly.

After walking around the crystal coffin twice, Ye Zhiqiu tried to touch it everywhere with his spiritual sense, and found that the crystal coffin was actually made of a special material, which could actually isolate his spiritual sense.

Want to touch the person inside, unless his deity comes down and violently removes the coffin.

It seems that today is doomed to nothing.

I can only wait for myself to be level 50, come back again, and decide whether to use her as a spirit ring.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiqiu slowly withdrew his spiritual consciousness.

When Ye Zhiqiu's spiritual consciousness left, the place became silent again.

The figure in the crystal coffin, but the eyelashes trembled lightly at this time, and slowly opened his eyes, revealing deep purple pupils.

She looked at the direction where Ye Zhiqiu's divine consciousness was leaving, and soon fell asleep again.

If Ye Zhiqiu saw this scene, he would be stunned. This woman could actually find her own divine sense prying.


Ye Zhiqiu, who had returned to the lake of life, sat cross-legged by the lake, meditating to recover with the rich heaven and earth vitality here.

In the battle with the unicorn evil dragon, his pupil power and soul power were consumed very much, basically exhausted.

The spirit power is okay, there are nine tail beasts whose origins are directly tuned and supplemented.It is a little troublesome to restore pupil power, this can only be done slowly, waiting for it to recover by itself.

Meditation with closed eyes can only slightly increase the speed of recovery.

During Ye Zhiqiu's sitting meditation, Xiao Wu and Er Ming had a lot of fun.Daming, the sky green bull python, was hiding in the lake of life, with only his big head exposed, staring at Ye Zhiqiu not far away. It looked like an anti-thief.

Although Ye Zhiqiu was meditating, he could still perceive what was happening outside.

For Daming's second behavior, he just smiled helplessly in his heart.

Not to mention that I have been to the bottom of the lake, even if I have not been, isn't this place without silver three hundred taels if you make this gesture?Not a fool can guess that there is something at the bottom of this lake, right?Qiqi Chinese Website www.qiqizw.com

If I were you, I would pretend to be nothing.

Soul beasts don't transform, and their brains lack roots.

One night passed.

Early the next morning, Ye Zhiqiu stood up vigorously.

"Have you recovered?" Xiao Wu stepped forward and asked.

"Yeah." Ye Zhiqiu smiled and nodded, and said: "Enough fun, it's almost time to go back."

"Okay..." Xiao Wu looked reluctantly at Er Ming next to him, as well as Daming who was lying in the lake in the distance with only one head exposed.

"Sister Xiao Wu, remember to go home and see us often." Daming poked his head out, his mouth opened and closed, his tone a little low.

"Wow!" Er Ming also yelled a few times to see Xiao Wu off.

Ye Zhiqiu stretched out his hand and placed it lightly on Xiao Wu's shoulder. The four spirit rings were already revealed.

Xiao Wu's eyes darkened, but she looked at Daming Erming and smiled happily: "You two are really true. You both said that you must not call sister Xiao Wu..."

As soon as her voice fell, there was a flash of red light, and the breeze passed by, and the two people in the same place had disappeared.


Near the center of the forest, 700 miles away from the core circle of the Star Dou Great Forest, next to Ning Rongrong, Ye Zhiqiu suddenly appeared here with Xiao Wu.

Ye Zhiqiu, who had just returned with Fei Lei Shen, put away the martial soul.

"Yeah, they are all here."

Ye Zhiqiu looked around at the scene, chuckled lightly, and stretched out his hand to cover Ning Rongrong's waist next to him.

At this moment, Tang San was absorbing the spirit ring, and beside him was a spider the size of an elephant that was hammered over. It looked a bit miserable. The eight spider legs were basically broken, and the body was sunken, even though it was dead. There is still a faint atmosphere of evil.

The others were protecting Tang San, scattered everywhere, with their backs to this side, carefully watching the surroundings.

Ning Rongrong and Oscar were auxiliary spirit masters, and they were naturally surrounded by a group of people.

Ning Rongrong was taken aback by the sudden appearance of Ye Zhiqiu. After seeing it clearly, he couldn't help but roll his eyes, freed himself from his arms and gently held Ye Zhiqiu's arm, with a calm and natural face, and a faint smile on his eyebrows. .

At this time, the rest of the people also found the two who came back, both of them surrounded by gossips. After all, the scene where Ye Zhiqiu and Erming rode a unicorn evil dragon last night was really eye-catching, according to Long Gong Meng Shu Said, that is a hundred thousand year soul beast.

Ye Zhiqiu unexpectedly joined the giant giant ape to hunt down another one hundred thousand year old soul beast. When everyone saw it, they shouted "Fucking" and dropped their chin without being surprised.

Isn’t it a consensus that soul beasts are hostile to humans?Why did you change this?Can you also hunt down soul beasts in conjunction with soul beasts?

Except for the older generation who was able to calm down a bit, the rest of Shrek's students gathered around and asked in a rush.

"Fuck, Boss Qiu, Dai Er said that you are in the form of a soul beast. I didn't believe it, but now I believe it. Can you tell me what soul beast became?" Ma Hongjun's expression is exaggerated, dancing and dancing, seven monsters Among them, he is the most unreasonable.

Oscar twisted his ass beside him, squeezed Ma Hongjun away, probed over and said with a charming smile: "Boss Qiu, if you don't want to change us into a main body, don't worry, just take a look, we definitely don’t I will tell you that you are a soul beast."

Dai Mubai's face was dark, and the steps he had leaned on back secretly, what happened to these two Shabi?

Just sell it to Lao Tzu?What a pig teammate, even if you sell me, you guys are still booing, aren't you sick? If you do this, will you be able to live better in the future?

Ye Zhiqiu glanced at the two of them playfully, then faintly glanced at Dai Mubai who was sneaking back.

"Oh? Older Dai said that I was in the form of a soul beast? You want to see my main body? Well... When I was fighting with Teacher Zhao that day, it seemed to be my main body. Why? Would you like to see it?" Ye Zhiqiu looked at it. After a few people, although there was a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, Oscar Ma Hongjun heard the coldness in Ye Zhiqiu's tone, and his body stiffened.

The two of them followed Dai Mubai's way, backing back, waving their hands and laughing dryly: "No need... no need..."

Seeing this, Xiao Wu, who was standing behind Ye Zhiqiu, stuck out her tongue mischievously. Originally, she thought she couldn't hide her identity. She didn't expect that the big house would be on Brother Qiu's head. She herself became a little transparent. fair enough.

At this time, Flender walked over and smiled: "Vice President Qiu, come back unexpectedly fast. Seeing you, has the 100,000-year spirit ring hunted successfully?"

Following Flander's questioning, everyone present looked at Ye Zhiqiu, their ears pricked up.

"That soul beast is not very useful. It rode for a long time and was killed when it got tired of playing." Ye Zhiqiu nodded and said lightly.


Are you really not a human being?

One hundred thousand year soul beast has become useless in your mouth...

I'm killed when I get bored...

Do you see what you are talking about?

I especially want one of such a useless spirit ring... please give me a chance!

When a group of people were silent, Tang San, who was meditating to absorb the spirit ring, snorted, his expression showing some pain, and his forehead was instantly covered with tiny beads of sweat.

"Little San..." Xiao Wu exclaimed and was about to step forward, but was held back by Ye Zhiqiu.

"Don't go, there is a problem." Ye Zhiqiu faintly frowned, he felt an evil aura in Tang San like that big spider.

If he remembers correctly, this is probably the breath of the Eight Spider Lances attached to the spirit bone.

Although the world has undergone some changes because of his butterfly wing, the wheels of history are rolling forward, and the imprints left along the way are rarely changed.

In other words, Tang San, the son of luck in the world, had already paved his way. He was born in response to the fate of the world, but in the middle, there was a little episode.

At this moment, Tang San still killed the human-faced demon spider, and he still got the external spirit bone.

With Ye Zhiqiu's reminder, several other people who wanted to come forward also took a few steps back.

At this moment, a piece of blue-purple skeletal material suddenly condensed in the spine behind Tang San, who was sitting on the ground.

As Tang San roared in pain, on the bones, eight objects like spider legs stretched out, six long and two short, protecting Tang San's body in them.

These spider legs are purple-blue, like those made of alloy. The tips of the spider legs are extremely sharp at first glance, and there are some green lines on them. Needless to say, this thing is poisonous.

Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads with the people who originally wanted to go around the wall.Fortunately, I didn't go. If I got stuck with this stuff, I guess it would be uncomfortable.

Tang San was already awake at this time, kneeling on one knee, leaning forward, panting violently.

Three spirit rings of Huang, Huang, and Zi surrounded his feet. Judging from the spirit ring, he succeeded in absorbing the third spirit ring.

He should have congratulated everyone, but at the moment he couldn't say it.All because of the six long, two short and eight spider legs that stretched out from behind Tang San, it was really scary.

Everyone was stunned, even Tang San himself was in a stunned state.

"Originally, I thought Boss Qiu was in the form of a soul beast, but I didn't expect you to be Xiaosan..." Ma Hongjun stupefied.

Tang San cast him angrily, this fat man had never passed by.

At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu took a few steps forward, crouched down beside Tang San, and said in deep thought, "Little San, this thing behind you should be an external spirit bone that is more precious than spirit bone. Don't reject it, try to go Perceive its existence and then manipulate it."

"External spirit bone?" Tang San was stunned. He had heard of spirit bone, but he hadn't heard of external spirit bone.

But this was not the time to think about this. After listening to Ye Zhiqiu's words, Tang San sat down again, trying to establish a thought link with the Eight Spider Lances on his back.

On the contrary, Flanders and Meng Shu Chao Tianxiang, their hearts turned upside down, the stormy waves, they didn't recognize what it was for the first time, and only after listening to Ye Zhiqiu's words did they react.

While shocking Ye Zhiqiu's erudition, they secretly envied Tang San's such good luck.

As for Dai Mubai and other Shrek students, they didn't quite understand the meaning of spirit bone attached, they only knew that this thing might be a kind of spirit bone.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't envy Tang San that much, he was a bit repulsive of spirit bones to be honest.

Let the bones of a soul beast enter your body and blend with yourself?Is his blood still pure?Ye Zhiqiu didn't know, and he didn't want to try this kind of behavior.

If the one-horned evil dragon's one-hundred-thousand-year soul bone can only be used after being incorporated into his own body, Ye Zhiqiu is likely to give it directly to others.

Even if he didn't have a soul bone, he still ran across the world, the system was his greatest confidence.

Time passed by, and at a certain moment, the Eight Spider Lance spirit bones behind Tang San began to slowly retract until it disappeared completely before Tang San exhaled and slowly stood up.

"Little San..." Xiao Wu hurried over.

Tang San smiled softly at Xiao Wu, "I'm fine."

"Ahem..." Flander coughed a few times, and after attracting everyone's attention, he smiled with relief: "No one should have broken through level 30 again, right? If not, adjust the formation. Return to the college."

"That... Dean, I'm also level 30." Xiao Wu smiled embarrassedly.


"But when my spirit ring was last night, Brother Qiu helped me hunt it down by the way!" Xiao Wu looked at everyone's speechless expressions, stuck out her tongue mischievously, and blinked at Ye Zhiqiu.

The others immediately looked at Ye Zhiqiu.

"..." Ye Zhiqiu was silent for a while, then nodded and said: "Yes, that's right, that's it."

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