Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 112 The Martial Spirit Hall sets up a son! First Order

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Can you not pant so much when you speak, can you finish talking in one breath...

Everyone looked at Xiao Wu speechless for a while.

"Okay, Xiao Wu also got the third spirit ring, which is a good thing. Ma Hongjun, Ning Rongrong, Zhu Zhuqing, you three must cheer, don't leave the main force." Flender pushed his glasses, although it was The tone of the lesson urged a few people, but the boss was grinning. This group of students really gave him the dean one surprise after another.

Yours is the best one I have ever brought.

After Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing heard what Flanders said, their expressions were relatively calm, but they nodded solemnly. Among the seven monsters, they are the youngest. They are now at level 27 and level 28. Not bad.

Only Ma Hongjun's expression was a little distressed, he was about the same age as Tang San, and he was only level 28 at this time, and he was almost the tail of the crane among the seven monsters.

Ma Hongjun couldn't help but whispered: "Dean, it's not that we don't work hard, it's really that they are more perverted..."

Flender glared at him, and cursed angrily: "If you can spend the time to go to the bar to practice, you are 30 level earlier."

Ma Hongjun: "..."

Is that what I want to go?Obviously my little brother can't hold it back anymore, he wants to go.I'm not worried that it will go alone, so I will go with it, okay?

I am responsible for my little brother!

When everyone was about to return to the academy, Ye Zhiqiu smiled and said, "I think flying back is more labor-saving than running back. Let's hold hands together..."


Shrek Academy, the originally empty playground, after a gentle breeze, thirteen figures suddenly appeared silently.

Looking at the familiar environment around them, Flanders and the others, who had never experienced the ability of the Thunder God's teleportation, were shocked and took a breath.

They all knew that Ye Zhiqiu had teleporting spirit skills, but he teleported directly from the middle of the Star Dou Great Forest to the Shrek Academy more than 1,200 miles away. The center spanned 700 kilometers outside of the Star Dou Great Forest, and there were 500 li academy and Star Dou Great Forest. The distance between the forests, and Ye Zhiqiu also brought so many people...

What kind of soul skill is this?

If it wasn't for personal experience, I guess someone would tell it to myself, and I would just listen to it as a joke, right?

They knew for the first time that Ye Zhiqiu was hiding so deeply.

"A enchanting character, in the Douluo Continent ten years later, there must be a place for this son... It's a pity... was one step ahead by the Seven Treasures and Seven Treasures Glazed Glass Sect, eh..." Long Gong Meng Shu looked a little dull, and muttered in shock Muttered to himself.

Meng Shu looked at Ye Zhiqiu and shook his head with some regret, then looked at Flander and said, "Dean F, I will still trouble you. You don’t need to take into account my affection. Just train you to make arrangements. In the family There are still many things, we will leave first."

Flender nodded and said with a smile: "Senior Long Duke can rest assured and dare not preach, but there is absolutely no problem with safety."

"Yeah." Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang both nodded, and walked slowly outside the academy.

Looking at the two people who left, Ye Zhiqiu turned his mind and looked at the crowd and said, "I'll send off the two seniors."

Afterwards, Ye Zhiqiu chased after the two of them.

The teachers and students of Shrek Academy are all at a loss. When did Ye Zhiqiu be so polite?

At the gate of Shrek Academy, Ye Zhiqiu caught up with the two dragons and snakes.

"The two seniors stay."

Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang turned their heads and smiled at Ye Zhiqiu who was trotting over, and asked, "Is there anything wrong with Vice President Qiu?"

Ye Zhiqiu nodded, "It's not a big deal, it's the fact that my spirit ring still has an identity. I hope that the two seniors will not spread it out, just as if they haven't seen me in Shrek Academy."

Meng Shu and Chao Tianxiang looked at each other, a little strange.

Many people in Douluo Continent wanted to be famous, but those soul masters who fought hard to fight the soul in the Great Fighting Soul Arena basically held this mentality. Once they were famous and valued by the big forces, they have since become famous.

It's good for this kid, just don't want to be famous, but still want to hide?However, Ye Zhiqiu's request was not easy for Meng Shu to refuse, so he nodded and said, "Don't worry, our husband and wife are not long-tongued people. If you propose, naturally you won't talk nonsense."

"Thank you for the two seniors, then." Ye Zhiqiu smiled lightly and hugged his fists. After sending them out of the Shrek Academy's small break, he turned and returned.

He came up specifically for this.

He had ordered everyone in Shrek Academy, so naturally they wouldn't disclose it, but Duke Long and Snake Pos are all outsiders, so he had to pay more attention.

So that after hearing it, the caring person will cause any trouble to himself or his clone.

As for Duke Long and Snake Po promised him, whether he would turn his head and forget about it. Ye Zhiqiu felt that the possibility was still relatively small, as the world knew about it the next day.

You should have a face at such an old age, right?

After returning to Shrek Academy, Ye Zhiqiu went directly to the cafeteria. It was morning. When he was in the Star Dou Great Forest, he was eating dry food every day. There was no time to eat some game. A bird had already faded from his mouth.

Ye Zhiqiu, who came to the cafeteria, was startled. Everyone was there, no one was missing.

And there is one more...

"Hey, Master, when did you come?" Ye Zhiqiu walked up quickly.

Next to Flanders, sat a man with a little facial paralysis, his expression seemed to never change, it was the master Yu Xiaogang.

After seeing Ye Zhiqiu, Yu Xiaogang twitched at the corner of his mouth and smiled stiffly: "You arrived yesterday, but you all went to the Star Dou Great Forest and you didn't meet it. Xiao Qiu, I just heard about you about Flanders. Having said that, your talent is extraordinary, and the future is limitless. Giving you time to become a Title Douluo is almost a certainty."

"Emmm...Master, I think you have a very unique vision, and your eyes are like a torch, which means it may be a little bit lower." Ye Zhiqiu gave a thumbs up, not humble at all. Instead, he smiled and sat next to Ning Rongrong. Come down, grab a chicken leg and gnaw.


Fuck, really shameless, Title Douluo is a little bit low, are you going to go up to the sky side by side with the sun?

Even Yu Xiaogang's stiff face twitched after hearing Ye Zhiqiu's words.

He found that this Qiu boy seemed to have a more temperament than before...

Is it cheap?Is it Sao?neither!

He is cheap and capable...

But the master is a master after all, and his temperament is still very calm, and he quickly adjusted his mentality.

Yu Xiaogang slowly said, "You have been to the Star Dou Great Forest these days, and some news may not have been received. On the way to the academy, I heard some news. Wuhun Hall, a holy child was established!"

Everyone's movements were all for a while, even Ye Zhiqiu was stunned, the Spirit Hall had set up a saint?

Does the original story have this plot?Doesn't it seem?

Ya'eryou, in Douluo Continent, besides himself and Tang San, another traverser, right?

As Yu Xiaogang was talking, his eyes suddenly looked at Ye Zhiqiu, and he said in a deep voice, "You may not believe it. When I heard the news, I was shocked for a long time, the name of the son. Called... Ye~Zhi~Autumn!"


Ye Zhiqiu:???

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, everyone present looked at Ye Zhiqiu with weird eyes, a group of people with different expressions.

"Boss Qiu, when did you go to the Martial Soul Hall to become a saint?" Ma Hongjun's expression was exaggerated, and he couldn't help asking aloud.

The others also looked at Ye Zhiqiu silently, waiting for him to reply.

Ning Rongrong, who was sitting next to Ye Zhiqiu, stared at him angrily, cheeks bulging.When did you become the Son of Wuhun Hall?Shouldn't you be a member of my Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School?

"Ahem..." Ye Zhiqiu gave a light cough, and said silently: "Can you stop looking at me with this kind of eyes? I am also very dazed, okay? I'm with you, when have I left... "Love Literature Network www.23wenxue.com

"Not to mention the Saint Child of Wuhun Hall, maybe he has the same name and surname like that old tortoise from Canghui Academy?"

Ye Zhiqiu spread his hands and said helplessly.

Everyone was slightly taken aback, it seemed...

Ye Zhiqiu really never left?Is it really just the same name and last name?

Yu Xiaogang shook his head at this time, and slowly said, "I went to the Wuhun branch hall of Soto City to testify as soon as I heard the news, and it is estimated that it has already been announced to the world. Saint Coyote of Wuhun Temple, Ye Zhi Qiu, twelve years old, from the Holy Spirit Village of Notting City, recommended by the Deacon Su Yuntao of Notting City, joined the Wuhundian Academy. On the first day of entering the academy, he defeated the youngest seven geniuses in the Wuhundian. The team formed by the trainees was valued by the Pope of Wuhun Temple and was accepted as a disciple, and established the position of saint son that day...

I won't talk about it later. Starting from the awakening of Wuhun at the age of six, various deeds of the Wuhun Temple have been marked in detail, and all the details of the identity can be checked. You can basically see it on the bulletin board of the Wuhun branch in each city."

After Ye Zhiqiu heard what the master said, the chicken legs in his mouth almost squirted out...

Especially, saying that Su Yuntao recommended it, Ye Zhiqiu remembered that his clone who was taken away by Su Yuntao...

What he gave to the clone seemed to be an instruction to go to the Wuhun Palace casually?

Random waves, did not expect you to become the saint son of Wuhun Hall?This is too ridiculous!

Why is it more beautiful than my deity?

"That...I think I need to explain!" Ye Zhiqiu reluctantly opened his martial arts, and the four spirit rings of purple, black and red appeared instantly.

The second black ten thousand year spirit ring lit up slightly. Next to Ye Zhiqiu, after a "bang" smoke passed, another Ye Zhiqiu suddenly appeared. Only looking at his appearance, it was no different from Ye Zhiqiu's deity, and even the clothes were the same.

After observing everyone, Ye Zhiqiu let the clone disarm on its own.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled bitterly: "Rongrong, you should remember that when we left the Holy Soul Village, I was stopped by Su Yuntao and asked me to join the Wuhun Hall, right? I didn't mean to make it easier, and then secretly divide it. I gave him a clone... and... you should be able to guess it too."

Ning Rongrong listened to Ye Zhiqiu's explanation, and he was suddenly stunned.

He had a depressed expression, but he didn't know what he thought of, and suddenly he laughed badly.

The others were staring at the other Ye Zhiqiu who had just disappeared in a daze. They finally knew what other spirit abilities Ye Zhiqiu had never used, and they were actually clones.

Only Ning Rongrong and Jian Douluo knew a little bit about the second spirit ability multi-shadow clone technique, but they didn't know much. They only knew that Ye Zhiqiu could be divided into 10 clones. In fact, Ye Zhiqiu could be divided into several thousand. The bottom line, this is still conservative.

As for Tang San and Xiao Wu, although they spent six years at Notting College with Ye Zhiqiu, Ye Zhiqiu's spirit skills had never been shown to them, neither of them knew about it.

Even when they left the Holy Soul Village, Ye Zhiqiu only said to take Ning Rongrong one step ahead and Su Yuntao took Ye Zhiqiu's clone. Tang San and the others didn't even know it.

Yu Xiaogang frowned, and said with some worry: "Xiao Qiu, do you mean that the newly established Saint Child in the Spirit Hall is just your clone? If this is true, then you may be in trouble. If things are known to them, the spirit hall will lose face, which is equivalent to a tiger beard directly in the spirit hall."

Ye Zhiqiu rubbed his head with a headache, "I didn't expect this to happen, so I will figure out how to solve it by myself. By the way, Master, you are more knowledgeable. Help me see which part of the soul bone this is."

Ye Zhiqiu peeked with his right hand, took out the one-horned evil dragon's one hundred thousand year soul bone from the black jade bracelet, and handed it to Yu Xiaogang.

When he first got this soul bone, he had studied it, and he didn't know which part of the body it was. At this time, he wanted to let Yu Xiaogang, a polymath in the world of soul masters, study it.

"Soul bone?" Yu Xiaogang took the long black crystal-like soul bone in Ye Zhiqiu's hand casually, and held his hands in front of him for a while and looked at it carefully. The next moment, his complexion was frozen.

"Xiao Qiu, if I'm right, your soul bone should come from a high-level soul beast?" Yu Xiaogang looked at Ye Zhiqiu, and said in a deep voice.

Ye Zhiqiu nodded, "That's right, from the one-horned evil dragon that I hunted before, Master, can you see where this soul bone is?"

"One hundred thousand years!" everyone exclaimed, their expressions hot when they looked at this long strip of soul bone.

In Douluo Continent, people who have seen one hundred thousand year old spirit bones can count them with one hand. They actually saw one hundred thousand year old spirit bones today, and they couldn't help but stare at them.

After Yu Xiaogang knew that he was holding a 100,000-year soul bone, his hands trembled a little...

He had seen the soul bone, but it was the first time he had seen a soul bone of 100,000 years.Although this thing looks a little strange, it is definitely priceless.

Yu Xiaogang couldn't help taking a closer look. With a hundred thousand years of soul bone for him to study and watch, he already felt that even if he belched now, he could die without regret.

This is probably the obsession of the first scientist in Douluo Continent.

After observing for a long time, Yu Xiaogang handed the soul bone back to Ye Zhiqiu with some dismay, and sighed: "The soul bone of a hundred thousand years is only seen in his life. There are too few materials to prove it. But it will definitely not be the limbs. And the head spirit bone, even the torso bone, is too thick and too long. If I have to give a conclusion, I think it should belong to the external spirit bone like the Eight Spider Lances Xiao San just showed me. The specific effect needs to be researched by yourself. After you have absorbed the spirit ring of the one hundred thousand year old spirit beast, you should be able to resonate with this spirit bone."

Ye Zhiqiu's face turned black, and he resonated.

The ability of the spirit ring to resonate with the spirit bone should be a trace of the spirit beast's consciousness remaining in the spirit ring.

And his spirit ring has a hammer consciousness.It is estimated that it either turned into a negative emotion value or was swallowed by the tail beast.

Ye Zhiqiu felt that the spirit bone attached to Yu Xiaogang was quite reasonable.But this stuff... where is it attached?

emmm...It's more than one meter long, how to attach it?

Attach a chicken!dry!


After eating breakfast, everyone went back to the dormitory to rest. After all, the trip to the Star Dou Great Forest was still very tiring for them.

And from tomorrow, Master Yu Xiaogang said that Shrek's training courses will be arranged by him.

Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but mourned for a second in advance for the Seven Monsters and Meng Wei and their group. As for himself, he would definitely not waste time doing the kind of heavy-duty long-distance running things, that would not help him much.

Ye Zhiqiu did not accompany Ning Rongrong to the dormitory to sleep and rest. Instead, a Flying Thunder God went directly to the dome hanging tower at the top of a tall building in Soto City. This place had his special recording of the Flying Thunder God seal. When coming to Soto City, Ye Zhiqiu will always appear here, just because of this, there will be no one.

He came to Soto City to see what his clone had done.

After arriving at the entrance of the Martial Soul Branch Hall of Soto City, Ye Zhiqiu was startled. Before the bulletin board, there were too many people. The three floors inside and outside three floors could not get in.

"What is the origin of this new saint son of the Wuhun Hall? Twelve-year-old three-ringed soul sovereign?"

"Are you blind? Didn't you see the latest information that was just recorded today? The three-ringed Soul Venerable went through the sunset forest alone and hunted down a 100,000-year soul beast. When he came out, he was already a soul sect, the soul ring was purple, black and red! Damn it."

"Nima, let me let me in..."

"Fuck, who touches my ass."

Ye Zhiqiu stroked his forehead speechlessly, went to find a tea shop next to him and sat down, ordering the most expensive tea and sipping slowly.

Then, he released his spiritual knowledge.

The bulletin board of the Wuhun Branch Hall was immediately clear.

There is a special recording board that can be disassembled, and the most conspicuous piece is written on it.

It's similar to what the master said, except that the above is more detailed, and Ye Zhiqiu's deeds from childhood to life are basically recorded.

After awakening from Wuhun, he entered Notting Junior College for the first time for one year, and Intermediate Notting College for five years. Then Su Yuntao, the deacon of Notting City Wuhun Branch, recommended him to Wuhundian College and so on.

Even Ye Zhiqiu saw the names of his parents, and some names he had never heard...

In the Wuhun Hall, did he record all the 18th generation names of his ancestors?

At the bottom of the recording board, the latest information is his return from slaying a 100,000-year soul beast through the sunset forest alone.

In addition to his own story board, Ye Zhiqiu also saw the wanted order issued by His Highness Wuhun.

Dawn's Reaching the Stars-Division, bounty 50 million gold soul coins.Charges: Stealing the Hall of Souls, the upper three sects, the lower four sects, and the two empires of Tian Dou Xing Luo, eight kingdoms under the empire, and more than twenty principalities.

Xiaozhi Beidou-du, bounty 10 million gold soul coins.Charges: Gambling in major casinos, winning by slapped butt and walking away, losing and lifting the table to steal money, countless people were robbed.


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