Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 113 Zhuqing, listen to me to explain!

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!There are no less than 20 wanted orders from the Xiao organization on the recording board. If the recording board is not big enough, Ye Zhiqiu suspects that the Wuhun Temple can directly record all the members of the Xiao organization found so far.

What kind of grudge?

Don't I steal something from you as a clone?As for?

Flying Thunder God is in hand, you can't catch it even before running you?What's the use of making a wanted list?Disgusting person?

But having said that, one of my clones has become a holy child in the spirit hall, and the others are all wanted by the spirit hall...

Isn't it ironic that my deity is watching the show?

The corner of Ye Zhiqiu's mouth was slightly tilted, and it seemed that he had to take time to play in the Wuhun Hall, to replace his clone, it would be very interesting.

emmm...The time is set to go after the research of the broken soul bone is completed, and wait for the system update to end by the way.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiqiu looked around, and when he saw that no one was paying attention to him, the red light flashed in place, and he disappeared.

Tea money?

What tea money?

I do not know!


On the side of the Shrek Academy’s playground, Ye Zhiqiu moved a wicker chair, found a big shady tree, and lay down comfortably underneath.

The one-horned evil dragon's one-hundred-thousand-year soul bone was touched by Ye Zhiqiu from the black jade bracelet.

"External spirit bone...where to attach it..." Ye Zhiqiu looked at this huge spirit bone painfully, this thing was a circle thicker than his own thigh bone, and he really didn't dare to put it on himself casually test.

It's hard, Ye Zhiqiu tried to break it off, but he didn't move at all.

This should be the soul bone transformed from the unicorn on the evil unicorn dragon's head, and the unicorn is the hardest part of the evil unicorn dragon. Naturally, it cannot be destroyed so easily.

If the spirit bone that burst out of the arm is used for the arm, the spirit bone burst out of the head is used for the head.Then the soul bone that was transformed into a single horn, does it have to grow a horn before it can be used?

Ye Zhiqiu was a little confused.

Does Douluo Continent have this kind of soul bone?

There are six types of soul bones with both hands and leg bones, torso bones and head soul bones, and at most one additional soul bone, which is seven types of soul bones. Will this one have never appeared before in Douluo Continent? What about the eighth soul bone type?

After all, one hundred thousand year spirit bones, the total amount is only that small.Doesn't it mean that no new spirit bones will appear?

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes lit up, and he felt that he might have thought of a certain point.

How about... Try refining first?

Refining is different from directly integrating soul bone into the body.

For all spirit bones, the first step is to refine it first, and then melt the bone.Refining is almost equivalent to imprinting the magic weapon with its own brand in the world of immortality.

But Ye Zhiqiu, he only planned to complete the first step, and put the bones in the second step.

Just thinking about it, Ye Zhiqiu didn't hesitate. A faint spirit power wave filled his palm, and the small purple light spot slowly clung to the soul bone of the unicorn evil dragon, gradually surrounding the whole soul bone.

The process of refining was smooth, and it didn't take long to complete. For the soul master, melting bones was difficult.

Ye Zhiqiu fixedly looked at the soul bone in his hand, the one-horned evil dragon soul bone after refining, except for a faint connection with him, it seemed...nothing changed?

Is it...Do you really want to try melting bones?


"Melting the peat, you are really a chicken." Ye Zhiqiu angrily smashed the broken thing to the ground on the spot.

However... at the next moment, something that made Ye Zhiqiu's jaw dropping happened.

The soul bone of the one-horned evil dragon on the ground actually changed.

One end is slightly raised, forming a mushroom shape.

On the other end, it turned into two round eggs.

The middle part is smooth and round, like black crystals.The overall look is actually somewhat artistic, but it's a bit big.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the suddenly changed stuff in a daze, feeling that his whole person was a little bad.

But then I thought, emmm... that's a good thing.It shows that this stuff is still useful.

Thinking of this, Ye Zhiqiu's eyes lit up, and the spirit bone was picked up.

What did I just say that caused it to become like this?


If this can change, can it become something else?

The more Ye Zhiqiu thought, the brighter his eyes.This thing, he felt that it might be more useful than those spirit bones that needed to be installed on his body.

This is a special spirit bone. It hasn't ran away. It is impossible for it to change form, right?Can other swords and guns be changed?

Ye Zhiqiu, who thought about it more and more vigorously, smirked while holding this 100,000-year soul bone.

At this moment...

"what are you doing...?"

Next to Ye Zhiqiu, a cold girl suddenly rang, her voice still slightly angry.

"What are you doing? Try the soul bone." Ye Zhiqiu knew that Zhu Zhuqing was coming. He was in a good mood and he forgot something. He held the soul bone in his hand and waved it at Zhu Zhuqing, and wanted to pass it up. Show her...

At a certain moment, Ye Zhiqiu looked at the right hand that he stretched out, and suddenly froze...

Also froze, there was Zhu Zhuqing opposite him.

In the scene at this time, a man and a woman are standing in the shade of the Shrek Academy playground, young handsome and attractive girls.

There was still a faint stiff smile on the boy's face, and he passed the big XX in his hand to the girl next to him to watch. The picture was really picturesque and "beautiful"!


who am I?where am I?What am i doing...

Ye Zhiqiu looked at Zhu Zhuqing dumbfounded. When did you come?Why are you here so coincidental?

Zhu Zhuqing looked at Ye Zhiqiu's face darker and darker, Zhu's lips lightly opened, and after cursing in shame, "Men are really scumbags", then turned away.

"..." Ye Zhiqiu.

"Wait, Zhuqing, listen to me to explain!" Ye Zhiqiu hurried to chase after crying without tears.

If you don't chase, what should Zhu Zhuqing do in case of chaos?Wasn't his fame all lost here?

The whole Shrek Academy was circulating the following day: Hey, have you heard that?Yesterday, Vice Dean Qiu smirked in the playground with a big XX.

Ye Zhiqiu shuddered even thinking about this kind of scene. Can he still mix in Shrek Academy in the future?

"What else can you explain?" Zhu Zhuqing stopped, his face glowing red, his teeth biting his lower lip.

God knows what ghost she saw just now, Zhu Zhuqing didn't hide her face on the spot and escaped.

"Cough cough..." Ye Zhiqiu scratched the back of his head a little embarrassedly, and said with a smile: "I really misunderstood just now. My soul bone became like this bird without knowing what happened. If you don't believe me, I will change it for you One...you wait..."

As Ye Zhiqiu spoke, he flipped his right hand and took out the soul bone hidden behind him.

Seeing this, Zhu Zhuqing glared at him fiercely, but this thing, when you look closely, it seems that it is indeed similar to the spirit bone that Ye Zhiqiu took out during breakfast before, and it is of the same material.

After all, the black crystal-like color is very conspicuous.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the shape of the soul bone in his hand, his face twitched, and he suppressed the depression in his heart and said, "Change a long sword."

As Ye Zhiqiu's voice fell, the soul bone in his hand changed under Zhu Zhuqing's shocked eyes.

The round bone body slowly became flat, one end condensed into a sword hilt, and the other end turned into a sword point.

It was almost just a breathing effort, and the soul bone had completely changed its shape.

A black crystal sword with a length of about one meter, three or four, was condensed in Ye Zhiqiu's hands. The blade was transparent and the hilt had fine texture, as if it were from a master swordsmith.

Zhu Zhuqing was surprised. The thing before, turned out to be so good-looking. Where is a sword, it is clearly a work of art, too delicate.

Ye Zhiqiu grabbed the hilt of the sword and put a sword flower in his hand, and smiled lightly: "How?"

"Not bad." Zhu Zhuqing's complexion slowly calmed down, and then returned to the cold appearance before.Happy novel www.kaixinxs.com

"But why did you turn your soul bone into... into that shameful shape?" Speaking of this, Zhu Zhuqing seemed to have thought of something again, and her pretty face blushed.

"That was an accident, do you understand?" Ye Zhiqiu smiled helplessly and explained the previous situation to Zhu Zhuqing, only to completely convince Zhu Zhuqing that he was not a pervert...

"By the way, during the trip to the Star Dou Great Forest, aren't you tired? Don't take a break and find something to do with me?" Ye Zhiqiu walked slowly back to the shade of the trees with Zhu Zhuqing, and on the way he followed the wicker chair next to the house.

After the two of them lay down leisurely under the shade of the tree, Zhu Zhuqing said embarrassedly: "I want to learn the trick you used in the previous battle with Teacher Zhao. What Rong Rong said is like... Bamen Dunjia? "

"Eight?" Ye Zhiqiu frowned.

"If it can't be spread out, it's just like I haven't said it." Zhu Zhuqing looked at Ye Zhiqiu's frowning brows and said hurriedly.

In Douluo Continent, it is a taboo to find out if someone else's own spirit abilities are taboo, Zhu Zhuqing is quite well-known. She will come to Ye Zhiqiu only because she wants to become stronger quickly.

Shrek currently has the lowest spirit power, she is only 27, which is one level lower than Ning Rongrong and Ma Hongjun. Although Zhu Zhuqing is also the youngest in the group, her arrogance makes her a little unbearable. The situation is like the tail of a crane.

The most important point is her sister.If she couldn't defeat her sister, she would have nothing but death to return to the Star Luo Empire.

The combination of these led to Zhu Zhuqing's idea to find Ye Zhiqiu to learn Bamen Dunjia. She just wanted to become stronger quickly, then defeat her sister and live on, nothing more.

"You don't need to be so nervous, and I didn't say that I can't teach you." Ye Zhiqiu lay on the wicker chair, shaking back and forth, while continuing to say indifferently: "Eight Door Dunjia, every time you open a door, your combat power is increased by multiples. But. At the same time, it puts a heavy load on the body. Myself, now it is estimated that I can barely open to the seventh door. If you change to your physique, it may be okay to open the first door, but it is estimated that the second door will suffer internal injuries. Are you sure you want to learn?"

Zhu Zhuqing hesitated and nodded firmly.

"Well, you don't have to regret it. I will teach you the first one tomorrow. Are you my apprentice? Why don't you come and rub your shoulders for the master?" Ye Zhiqiu squinted and smiled lightly.

Ye Zhiqiu is relatively indifferent to teaching the Eight Schools of Dunjia. Of course, it depends on who is taught.

Would you like to learn from someone else and see if Ye Zhiqiu teaches?

Ye Zhiqiu was still worried that Zhu Zhuqing would not be able to stand it physically. After all, he had a plug-in, Zhu Zhuqing didn't.

Opening eight doors, she will endure more pain than Ye Zhiqiu.

Therefore, Ye Zhiqiu intends to take his time to teach Zhu Zhuqing the Eight Schools of Dunjia, and she must put her physical training on the agenda.

In addition, the control of the soul power in the body is also the key.Otherwise, after opening eight doors, her meridians are likely to be damaged.

The damage to the meridians of the Douluo Continent was relatively serious. The spirit power here was not as calm and peaceful as Tang San's Xuantian Art, and had healing effects.

Without a healing spirit master, this kind of injury is very difficult to heal, and he can only wait for himself to recover slowly.

Oscar's recovery sausages will not have much effect on the damage of meridians.

Since Ye Zhiqiu wants to teach, she will naturally teach well, and all preparations must be considered for her.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't expect Ye Zhiqiu to think so much for her. She just felt that this person was so shameless. She hadn't taught herself anything, so she put on the air as a master!

The thoughts tangled in his mind, Zhu Zhuqing still did not resist the temptation to become stronger, and slowly got up, came behind Ye Zhiqiu, and placed his hands gently on his shoulders.

Zhu Zhuqing grew up so big, no matter where he pinched his shoulders, his movements are naturally a little strange.

Therefore, under the shade of the trees at this time, Ye Zhiqiu's reminder will sound from time to time.

"Heavier, stronger..."

"Aim at it..."

"Go up, eh...yes, that's it...comfortable."

"Click on your forehead... uh huh... uh huh... exciting!"




One morning passed and after lunch arrived, the rest of Shrek students discovered this strange scene on the playground.

Ma Hongjun and Oscar’s open-mouthed boss, Zhu Zhuqing, would an iceberg like this give people a massage?

Tang San and Xiao Wu looked gossips.

Dai Mubai felt a little green on her head...

Ning Rongrong was a little jealous and froze in place, almost writing on his face what you two bastards were doing.

Meng is still a little transparent, what are the seven monsters doing, she is doing it, and more often with Oscar.

Oscar now has a shaved beard and looks a lot more handsome. It should be the focus of everyone, but no one pays attention to him at this time...

At this time, Zhu Zhuqing's face was dark and red, because the guy lying on the chair fell asleep comfortably.

Originally, Ye Zhiqiu was awake, but she could ask Ye Zhiqiu to explain, how to fix it now, it's a bit embarrassing if I can't stop it...

"Bang" Zhu Zhuqing punched Ye Zhiqiu in the head.

"Fuck, who beat Lao Tzu?" Ye Zhiqiu suddenly woke up like a nightmare.

After seeing the expressions of everyone on the court, Ye Zhiqiu instantly guessed the cause of the incident. His face was so red that he couldn't help but quickly returned to normal. He said lightly: "Look at Mao, let me introduce you. The accepted apprentice, Zhu Zhuqing. Isn’t it normal for the apprentice to rub his shoulders for the master? What expressions do you look like when you look at it?"

After listening to Ye Zhiqiu's explanation, everyone who was already sluggish suddenly became more sluggish.

What the hell?When did Zhu Zhuqing become your apprentice?Can't find an excuse to be better?

However, among the Seven Monsters, probably only Ning Rongrong dared to contradict Ye Zhiqiu with one or two words. Other people, even Tang San, were a little bit embarrassed when they saw Ye Zhiqiu's face up. After all, Zao Wou-ki was pushed into the ground. Things, in retrospect, are still as if they happened yesterday, vividly.

Ning Rongrong walked to Ye Zhiqiu's side, looked at the two suspiciously, and asked a little bit coquettishly with his hands on his hips: "Say, what is the relationship between you two?"

"Master-disciple relationship..."

"Master-disciple relationship..."

Ye Zhiqiu and Zhu Zhuqing almost replied in unison, and the two of them immediately glanced at each other with some guilty conscience.

Ye Zhiqiu was okay, he couldn't tell from his expression.

Zhu Zhuqing is too tender. Although her head is lowered at this time, her cheeks are red. Although she has nothing to do with Ye Zhiqiu, why does she feel like being caught?

"The relationship between master and apprentice? I don't think it's that simple, right?" Ning Rongrong looked at Ye Zhiqiu and asked with a look that you don't treat me as a fool.

Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes and pressed Ning Rongrong on the spot. As soon as he sat down on the wicker chair behind him, he pressed her on his leg.

Then there was a crisp "pop" on the court.

Ye Zhiqiu tilted his head slightly, looked at Ning Rongrong, raised his eyebrows and asked, "I said it was a master-disciple relationship. Is there a problem?"

"No...no problem..." Ning Rongrong, who had originally looked savage and savage, was now chanting like a mosquito.Ye Zhiqiu held her ass and spanked in the crowd, her cheeks were already red as if blood was dripping.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled faintly, flipped his hands, and turned Ning Rongrong around, and a princess hugged her in his arms.

Then he sternly looked at Dai Mubai, Tang San and the others: "You haven't seen anything, understand?"

"Understand and understand..." Ma Hongjun was the first to turn around, and ran to the cafeteria with a "chipping".

"Ah, the sun is too dazzling today, I am blind." Oscar closed his eyes and wailed in pain, as if he was seriously injured, and ran away with Meng.

Tang San Xiaowu silently turned and left.

Dai Mubai hesitated for a while, but also turned around and left.

All of a sudden, Ye Zhiqiu, Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing were left on the court.

Ning Rongrong poked his head out of Ye Zhiqiu's arms, looked at Ye Zhiqiu, then at Zhu Zhuqing behind him, and asked again, "Are you really okay?"

"Why, do you still want to be spanked?" Ye Zhiqiu raised his eyebrows, he was not guilty at all, after all, it really didn't matter.

Between him and Zhu Zhuqing, they are innocent now.

Ning Rongrong noticed Ye Zhiqiu's hand on her hip, and he couldn't help but be surprised, and hurriedly said, "Okay, I believe it. But you said Zhu Qing is your apprentice, what are you going to teach her? ?"

Ye Zhiqiu walked to the cafeteria with Ning Rongrong in his arms, and said casually, "Bamen Dunjia, do you want to learn?"

Ning Rongrong's eyes lit up: "That's the move you used to show green light all over, right? Can I learn it as an auxiliary spirit master?"

"Of course you can, but you are an auxiliary soul master, with a weaker physique, and you may have to suffer more than Zhu Qing."

"Is that so..." Ning Rongrong hesitated for a moment, and said firmly in the next moment: "I want to learn, I want to break the common sense that auxiliary spirit masters cannot fight, and be the first auxiliary that can both fight and increase state. Soul master."

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned, and after a slight pause in his footsteps, he returned to normal.

Perhaps, after learning the Eight Door Dunjia as an auxiliary soul master, Ning Rongrong would really be stronger than a war soul master. After all, her Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda martial arts can also increase the effect on herself.

Eight doors plus Qibao increase?Tortoise... That scene, Ye Zhiqiu felt terrifying even thinking about it!I won’t lose weight in the future...

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