Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 114: Training of the Seven Monsters

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!After going to the cafeteria to have dinner at noon, Ye Zhiqiu greeted Ning Rongrong and went to the dormitory in Flanders.

"Bang Bang~" Ye Zhiqiu knocked on the door.

After a while, the wooden door opened, and behind the door was Yu Xiaogang's somewhat stiff face.

After seeing Ye Zhiqiu, Yu Xiaogang twitched at the corner of his mouth, "Xiao Qiu, what's the matter?"

While talking, Yu Xiaogang greeted Ye Zhiqiu into the door.

"There is indeed something, wait until you see Dean Flender together."

The two went up to the second floor together and sat down by the wooden table and chairs in the living room. After a while, Flander came out of the room with a blushing face.

He looked at Ye Zhiqiu and smiled, "Deputy Chief Qiu, if you have nothing to do, you won't run to me, what's your order?" Flender's attitude towards Ye Zhiqiu may seem strange to people who don’t know, and it will make people. Doubt who is the dean of Shrek Academy.

After all, when he was in front of Ye Zhiqiu, he always had a smile on his face, and he had never put on the dean's airs. Only when he was secretly, he would be called the Qiu boy.

Yu Xiaogang is very clear about the character of his old friend. As long as he pays a lot of money, he does everything that does not violate the principle. It is not surprising at this time, but his face is twitching and he feels a bit embarrassing.

"I can't talk about the order, Dean, can you be normal? Today I'm here to talk about business." Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes silently.

"Business?" Flender looked straight, sat down at the table, poured a cup of tea for Yu Xiaogang and Ye Zhiqiu, and then slowly said, "Let's talk about it."

Ye Zhiqiu pondered for a while, picked up the tea and was about to take a sip. When he saw the thick layer of tea foam floating on it, he put the tea down calmly.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the two of them lightly and said, "I plan to go to the Wuhun Hall in a few days. It may take a while to come back."

Flender and Yu Xiaogang frowned upon hearing Ye Zhiqiu's words.

"In a few days?" Flander asked.

"Three days."

Flender and Yu Xiaogang looked at each other, their faces were not very calm.

Yu Xiaogang said with some worry: "Is it going to deal with your clone? Although you have the teleport spirit ability, you must be careful. As far as I know, there are no less than five people in the Wuhun Hall. Title Douluo, if they know that you used your clone to play with them, they will definitely not let it go. This is a major event that damages the face of the Spirit Hall. You need to pay attention."

"Don't worry." Ye Zhiqiu smiled faintly, "Actually, I have something else to do when I came here today. Master, how did you arrange the training for the juniors and the others?"

Speaking of this, Yu Xiaogang got a little bit of interest, and he sat up straight. "First of all, I think the combination of food is reasonable. After all, they are all growing up now, including you."

"Secondly, I plan to develop a long-distance running plan in the morning to exercise my physical fitness. I practice meditation in the afternoon to restore my energy consumption in the morning, and I can also cultivate my soul power. At night, the Soto City Great Arena team fights souls between them. Cooperation."

"This is discussed together with Flanders, and basically used every minute and every second. What do you think?"

After Yu Xiaogang finished speaking, the corners of his mouth tugged stiffly. He felt that this plan was foolproof.

The only shortcoming is probably that Shrek Academy does not have a good mimicry practice environment.

Ye Zhiqiu nodded, making a careful plan, but if Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing want to learn Bamen Dunjia, this amount of training is not enough for them.

But at present, they have to get used to it slowly, and they can’t arrange the kind of brainless death training for them all at once. This kind of just right training happens to be very good at Yu Xiaogang, which can make Yu Xiaogang good at it. Lay the foundation for them both first.

For higher-intensity training, you can slowly consider it after you return from the Wuhun Palace.

But the soul power control must be put on the agenda, as for how to practice, Ye Zhiqiu already had plans.

"Master, let's add a tree-climbing lesson to a group of them tomorrow evening." Ye Zhiqiu seemed to think of something, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Climbing a tree...?"


In the early morning of the next day, students from Shrek, Tang San, were informed that they had come to gather outside Shrek Academy early. A group of people were talking and laughing. They didn’t realize how tragic they would experience later. The tempering.

Ye Zhiqiu was not with them, but moved a wicker chair and lay leisurely under a big parasol, playing with a few balloons filled with water in one hand, and in the other hand, the one-horned evil dragon's hundred thousand. The Nian soul bone is constantly changing its shape, sometimes turning into a sword, sometimes turning into a sword, and sometimes turning into a brick.

Ye Zhiqiu was thinking about other uses for this soul bone. After all, if it could only change shape, it would not be of great help to Ye Zhiqiu.

Beside Ye Zhiqiu, Yu Xiaogang was putting some adjusted brine into a large bowl on a long table.

After everything was ready, Yu Xiaogang held his hands and walked slowly towards Tang San who had already lined up.

When he arrived in front of a group of people, Yu Xiaogang twitched at the corner of his mouth, revealing a cold expression. Tang San and the others who were waiting for him to give the course instructions felt chills behind their backs, and the chrysanthemums tightened.

"In the morning class, Shrek Academy and Soto City go back and forth ten times, and no spirit power is allowed. Lunch will be eaten after running." Yu Xiaogang said coldly.

Tang San suddenly breathed a sigh of relief.

Harm, why the scary course.Isn't it a long-distance running? Although it may be a little tired, based on the physical quality of the soul master, it will not be too difficult to go back and forth ten laps. At most two auxiliary type soul masters will be a little tired.

After all, the distance between Shrek Academy and Soto City is about five miles away, a total of ten miles round trip, plus ten round trips, it is only a hundred miles away.

The next moment, Yu Xiaogang's slightly hoarse voice sounded: "The one on your back, there is a note for each of you, which has been divided." Yu Xiaogang pointed to the eight bamboo baskets side by side.

That's right, there are eight, and one of them is Xiao Transparent.

Tang San Dai Mubai and the others walked forward silently, their expressions stiffened after seeing the contents of the bamboo basket.

In these eight bamboo baskets, there are various kinds of stone rocks of various sizes, and in each bamboo basket there is a note with the name of one of the eight people.

Among them, Tang San and Dai Mubai had the most Shiyan, and the whole bamboo basket was almost full.

Followed by the five bamboo baskets of Ma Hongjun, Xiao Wu, Zhu Zhuqing, Oscar, and Meng, about two-thirds of the height of the bamboo basket is placed on the stone rock.

Ning Rongrong had the least, only one-third.

"Master is too cruel..." Ma Hongjun whispered depressed.

Running with a load and running without a load are completely two concepts. If they can use their spirit power, they won't be persuaded.

But when the use of spirit power is forbidden, running 100 miles with a heavy load is not so comfortable...

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, you won't have to eat lunch until you finish running." Dai Mubai didn't say a word, carrying his share of the bamboo basket and ran out first.

When the others saw this, they also picked up their bamboo baskets and followed behind him.

Yu Xiaogang looked at the eight figures that were gradually going away, her stiff face couldn't help showing a faint smile.

Tang San and the others estimated that it will take some time to come back. Naturally, Yu Xiaogang wouldn’t be silly waiting on the spot. He walked back in a few steps, learning like Ye Zhiqiu, sitting on the wicker chair under the big parasol. Lie down.

When Yu Xiaogang saw the unconscious movements of Ye Zhiqiu's hands next to him, he was a little puzzled: "Playing with balloons will help you study soul bones?"

Ye Zhiqiu, who was closing his eyes, was suddenly disturbed by Yu Xiaogang's sudden noise. The balloon in his right hand burst with a "poof" and the water inside flowed to the ground.

Don't get me wrong, he didn't practice the spiral pill, but he didn't control the rotation of his spirit power and directly punctured the balloon...

Ye Zhiqiu opened his eyes a little depressed. First he took out a water-filled balloon from the black jade bracelet and held it in the palm of his hand to play with. Then he looked at Yu Xiaogang and replied, "Master, what do you think your soul power lies in? Under the circumstances, can it condense into a spiral shape and present it in the palm of the hand and let it rotate on its own to form a cycle? Does it not dissipate?"

"?" Yu Xiaogang looked at Ye Zhiqiu in a daze, are you serious about this question?Isn’t it a consensus that soul power dissipates from the body?

Even if it is a powerful spirit ability, after being released by a spirit master, it will slowly calm down, because the energy escapes and returns to heaven and earth.

And Ye Zhiqiu's question obviously beats his theory.


Ye Zhiqiu looked at Yu Xiaogang's expression and knew that he probably couldn't help him.

Ye Zhiqiu, who originally thought that he knew the principle and that developing a spiral pill should be easy, found himself thinking about it too simple.

He could easily handle the spirit power spiral.But that is obviously not a spiral pill.

The real spiral pill, according to Ye Zhiqiu's understanding, should be after condensing, it looks like a coat on the outside, and the inside becomes a small world on its own. When the power of the spiral is completed, it can be endless without urging it.

When attacking others, the spiral coat first touches the target, then the coat shatters, and the spiral force inside bursts out to injure the enemy.

This is also the reason why sometimes people hit by the spiral pill will spin and fly out.

Ye Zhiqiu is stuck at the step of the spiral coat now. There is no coat to protect the energy inside. Once he stops inputting the spirit power, he will dissipate on its own without letting it regenerate. Constantly rotating.

How did this coat come from?

Ye Zhiqiu threw the water ball aside with a headache and rubbed his head.

The development of the spiral pill is stuck, and it seems that I can only study this one hundred thousand year old soul bone first.

Ye Zhiqiu also discussed with Yu Xiaogang yesterday afternoon about his one-horned evil dragon 100,000-year soul bone. The appearance of the eighth type of soul bone in Douluo Continent shocked Yu Xiaogang, but he was also nothing. good idea.

The various theories studied by Yu Xiaogang seem to be inapplicable to Ye Zhiqiu.

In desperation, Ye Zhiqiu had to explore on his own.

The only thing he understands right now is that his soul bone can change, and it becomes hard, hard and abnormal.

Yesterday, he tried to open six doors, but he didn't break it deformed.

As for the change, you can control it by your own voice, or you can control it directly by giving orders from your divine sense.

Suddenly, Ye Zhiqiu seemed to have thought of something, and his eyes lit up.


He really has never tried to control this thing to fly with his spiritual sense. If he can fly, does it mean he can still be a sword fairy?Then this soul bone is much more useful!

With Ye Zhiqiu's thoughts moving, his divine sense controlled the two ends of the Black Crystal Sword, and the sword-shaped one-horned evil dragon's soul bone suddenly floated crookedly.

"Fuck..." Ye Zhiqiu's eyes were shining brightly as he watched the scene before him, and the joy on his face couldn't hide it.

It's really flying!

Ye Zhiqiu jumped up from the wicker chair and stepped on the sword with one foot.

"Crack~" The Sombra Sword that had just floated a little was stepped on the ground.

Ye Zhiqiu: ...

Can't the sense of mind hold its weight?Ye Zhiqiu frowned for a while and thought about it, and he quickly realized that he immediately increased the output of the divine sense. He could have escaped the 110-mile range of the divine sense. At this time, he was completely compressed to the blackness of this one hundred thousand year spirit ring. On Jingjian.

If he used his divine sense to lift the two ends of the sword before, it was like hanging the Sombra Sword with two silk threads.

Now, it was like wrapping the entire sword with thick and reinforced steel wires all over the place, and the blade, which was originally crooked and unstable, suddenly became stable.

The Black Crystal Sword was about one meter above the ground, floating steadily.

Ye Zhiqiu leaped slightly and stepped on the sword. The Black Crystal Sword didn't even sway, and it steadily carried his body weight.

It succeeded!

With a thought, the Sombra Sword rose slowly, nothing unusual, Ye Zhiqiu suddenly became bolder.

He began to control the Black Crystal Sword to fly slowly, and gradually disappeared from Yu Xiaogang's sight.

Only a jaw-dropping Yu Xiaogang is left in place, what is this operation?

At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu was flying with the sword about ten meters above the ground, and Tang San and his group could already be faintly seen not far in front.Hot e-book www.huoretxt.com

Ye Zhiqiu immediately lowered the height of the Black Crystal Sword, accelerated and flew past, slowly following aside at a speed similar to a few people.

"Yeah, running? Tired, do you want me to go to Soto City to buy you some melons?" Ye Zhiqiu controlled the Sombra Sword to fly around a group of people, jokingly.

[The negative sentiment value from Tang San adds 366...]

[From Dai Mubai’s negative emotion value plus 366...]

[From Zhu Zhuqing...]

A group of people stopped involuntarily, looking at Ye Zhiqiu in amazement, and then at the black crystal long sword stepped on his feet, a little dazed.

But for Ye Zhiqiu's cheating ridicule, several people hated it.

God knows how uncomfortable it is to run without spirit power with a large basket of stones on his back.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at a group of people with dark faces and couldn't help but laughed, "Come on, I'm going to Soto City soon, I'll take a step first."

As soon as the voice fell, Ye Zhiqiu's figure suddenly moved away like an arrow from the string, and he was gradually proficient in controlling the flight of the sword by the divine sense.

No wonder so many people like flying swords.

That feeling is unexpectedly cool!

Coming to the outside of Soto City, Ye Zhiqiu descended by a tree and stretched out his hand. The Sombra Sword flew into his hand as if it had eyes.

Ye Zhiqiu leaned the sword in front of him and muttered: "I thought you were useless, but I didn't expect it to be a spirit bone driven by divine consciousness (mental power). There is something! In that case, I can't bury you. , I have to give you a domineering name."

The sword body trembled slightly, as if it could feel the meaning of Ye Zhiqiu's words.

Ye Zhiqiu thought about it for a while, then smiled faintly: "Since you can change everything, just call you'change with you'. Is it very suitable for you?"



Ye Zhiqiu put away and changed, and after walking into Soto City to buy a few melons, he started to be completely inappropriate.

He stepped on the flying sword, and while eating melons, he followed Tang San Dai Mubai and others on the way back to the academy, and said from time to time, "Come on, we are almost at the academy, and we are about to finish a lap. ..."

The words that were supposed to be encouraging, were played by Ye Zhiqiu with a mocking effect.

Dai Mubai and Tang San and the others were suffering from physical torture while suffering from spiritual torment.

We were exhausted running, and you were eating melons and talking coldly, which is too much.

Can it make people exercise and complete the course?

Even Ning Rongrong wanted to take Ye Zhiqiu off the flying sword and beat him. This guy was obviously deliberate...

Ye Zhiqiu himself looked at the negative emotion values ​​that floated from time to time, and the system will be updated the day after tomorrow. Although he already has a lot of negative emotion values, he should be prepared for more.

It was not until he returned to the entrance of Shrek Academy that Ye Zhiqiu let a group of people off in a comfortable mood, and went back to lie down on the wicker chair.

A few small balloons filled with water were touched out by him again. The difference is that this time he was holding a sliced ​​watermelon in his left hand!

Tang San and the others looked at the melon in Ye Zhiqiu's hand, and at the large bowl of salt water in their hands, they were a little bit eager to cry.

I can't beat and beat, I don't dare to scold, I'm really angry!

A group of people swallowed the salt water with painful expressions, and started a new round trip between Shrek and Soto City.

Ye Zhiqiu also calmed down, and silently studied the changes in the spiral pill there.

With the passage of time, the scorching sun stood in the sky, and the air that had been cool in the morning had long since disappeared.

Tang San and the others, who had ran eight back and forth under the blazing sun, were all sweating, and everyone's breathing became difficult, and their lungs were burning like fire.

The clothes have long been soaked with sweat.

Zhu Zhuqing's black tights tightly clung to the delicate body at this time, drawing out an amazing curve.

It is a pity that the rest of the people have no energy to pay attention to this beauty, and they all ran back to the school gate out of breath.

The eighth lap is over... After drinking the warm salt water prepared by Yu Xiaogang, a group of people gritted their teeth and set off again in the direction of Soto City.

It was almost noon at this time.

Ye Zhiqiu's divine consciousness spread out, always observing the group of them. On the ninth lap, everyone except Tang San was almost at the limit.

Shi Yan behind Ning Rongrong and Oscar's two auxiliary spirit masters was also handed over to Tang San and Dai Mubai.

Zhu Zhuqing and Ma Hongjun didn't reach level 30 and consumed more, but they still persisted.

Until they ran back to Shrek Academy, everyone panted, taking a break by drinking warm salt water.

Ye Zhiqiu was no longer in the mood to tease them, and stood up and said with a serious face: "Rongrong and Zhuqing, if you still want to practice the Eight Doors Dunjia, stick to the full course, otherwise, you are not qualified to practice, I will teach you It's hurting you."

Ye Zhiqiu looked solemn when he said this, he had never been so serious.

"I...I rely on, Boss Qiu, you are... actually planning to give them a small stove, I also want to learn..." Ma Hongjun was as tired as a dead dog, his face was pale, but at this time he was still grinning. Said with a big grin and tongue.

"I'll finish it." Ning Rongrong gritted her silver teeth. Her condition is not much better than Ma Hongjun's. If it hadn't been for Tang San to help her share Shi Yan, she would have been lying down.

Zhu Zhuqing didn't say a word, and nodded indifferently. She was stubborn, and Shi Yan behind her had never given it to anyone.

She consumes more than Ma Hongjun.

"Okay, on the last lap, everyone, come on." Dai Mubai loudly encouraged. Even though he said that, the double pupil in his pupil was almost shrinking into one. He fought Tang San the most. He who is the most tired is none other than him.

On the last lap, although a group of people were lifting their legs with all their strength, their physical strength was too much, and they could no longer run, so they could barely move their steps.

Walking two miles away, Ma Hongjun, who was almost fainted, Shi Yan behind him reached the bamboo basket behind Tang San.

Walking four miles away, the stone behind Zhu Zhuqing reached the bamboo basket behind Xiao Wu.

Returning one mile, Dai Mubai almost fainted, supported by Tang San, Oscar took back his own share of Shi Yan.

Tang Sankang dropped Dai Mubai's share of Shi Yan.

Back in Sanli, a group of people have supported each other and supported each other.

In the last few hundred meters, phantoms almost appeared in everyone's eyes. At this time, their bodies were completely supported by willpower to move forward. It was so difficult to move every step.

In the last 100 meters, Ning Rongrong almost completely hung on Zhu Zhuqing and Xiao Wu, and he lost the strength to even move them.

Standing on the far right of the group of people, Zhu Zhuqing gritted her teeth, her black pupils turned a little red. Not only did she have to bear her own weight, she had to bear half of Ning Rongrong's weight.

Eighty meters...

Fifty meters...

Thirty meters...

Seeing the demeanor of a group of people, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help being shocked. It turned out that a person's willpower can be so strong sometimes.

Breaking the limit is a genius.

Worthy of being the Seven Shrek Monsters in the original book, each one is excellent.

Even Meng was still, Ye Zhiqiu also saw the stubbornness in her eyes, she was desperately joining the group, she didn't want to be just a little transparent.

Sometimes, people can really infect each other. This long-distance load-bearing race is replaced by any one of the seven monsters. Under such physical exhaustion, it is impossible to persist, but they support each other and move forward. The whole process is over.

Although, it is now more than two o'clock in the afternoon, which is far from the completion of Yu Xiaogang before noon.

But no one will say that they are not doing well.

On the other hand, Ye Zhiqiu didn't think he could do better than them.

For the last ten meters, everyone was bent. If they hadn't put their hands on each other to support each other, everyone might have been lying on the ground. Behind them, even the mud road was muddy and dripping sweat. Wet the earth.

All are severely dehydrated.

Tang San and the others vaguely saw Master Yu Xiaogang smile at them, as if saying something, but they couldn't hear them with severe tinnitus.But Tang San knew that the master was complimenting him, and Tang San grinned, finally unable to hold on.

Tang San, who was among the crowd, fainted first, with bamboo baskets hanging from the front and back of his body, and Xiao Wu and Dai Mubai dragged to the left and right. It was a miracle that he could insist on reaching the end.

Tang San fell, and the others suddenly seemed to have a chain reaction, and they lost consciousness when they closed their eyes.

At the moment before Ning Rongrong and Zhu Zhuqing fell to the ground, Ye Zhiqiu suddenly appeared between them and hugged them with one hand on their waist.

"Master, I'll take these two away, and leave the rest to you."

As soon as Ye Zhiqiu's words fell, a God of Thunder disappeared.

Yu Xiaogang: ...

"Xiaogang, your training method is really ruthless, I Flander took it..." Flander smiled wryly, and walked out with a group of college teachers, including a woman hired from a nearby village.

"Don't talk nonsense, take them to the medicated bath." Yu Xiaogang's face was stiff and he couldn't breathe.

Numerous college teachers hurriedly removed the bamboo baskets from the fainted students and ran into the college holding them.

"Zhu Zhuqing was taken away by the Qiu boy?" Flender was stunned. He thought that Ye Zhiqiu would take at most Ning Rongrong, but he did not expect to take Zhu Zhuqing away.

"He told me that Zhu Zhuqing was his apprentice..." Yu Xiaogang was also speechless.

Flander suddenly had weird eyes, and said with emotion, "It's nice to be young."

Tang San and the others were sent to their respective rooms. The man took off his clothes directly by the college teacher and threw it into the tub, while the woman was a woman hired by the nearby village.

In Ye Zhiqiu's room, Ning Rongrong had been stripped naked by him and thrown into the tub. At this time, he was picking Zhu Zhuqing's clothes...

After a lot of effort, he took off Zhu Zhuqing's tights covered with sticky sweat and placed her next to Ning Rongrong.

This process!Cannot describe in words!

can only say...

emmm... Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. Mrs. too big!

And the buoyancy is super strong, half of the big ones are floating on the surface of the water, how can you not soak in the medicated bath?

Ye Zhiqiu immediately pressed it down, but unfortunately he didn't press it several times.

However, Zhu Zhuqing's complexion turned a little red, and he snorted softly.

"Cough cough..." Ye Zhiqiu touched his nose and sprinkled some rose petals on the surface of the water. Because Ning Rongrong especially likes to put these things in the bath, he also has stock in his black jade bracelet.

It was a pity to glance at the two of them, Ye Zhiqiu shook his head and went out directly.

When the seven monsters and one Meng were still running on the ninth lap, he faintly touched the cohesion method of the spiral pill. However, seeing a group of people who might faint at any time, he was a little worried, so he focused on research. lay down.

Watching them all the time, and preparing to use the Thunder God to respond remotely.

At this moment, when he was free, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but curiosity. He went straight to the dormitory and took out a balloon filled with water.

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