Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 120 Under the crown of the pope who makes people want to conquer [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"As expected, someone who can be the pope is really a good calculation." Ye Zhiqiu smiled lightly.

Had it not been for his own clone that also had teleporting spirit ability, and had disappeared like the clone of Xiao Organization, Wuhun Hall might have classified him as the next pope candidate.

After all, the effect of the spirit ability is so similar, this Saint Child clone is still somewhat suspicious.

The effects of his spirit skills revealed in the Wuhun Hall are:

First Spirit Ability: Stand-in

Second spirit ability: multiple shadow clones (maximum 10 people)

Third Spirit Ability: Teleport

Fourth Spirit Ability: Baili Perception

Ye Zhiqiu kept these news secretly in his heart, after all, he would have to play this role well for a while.

As for the purpose of Ye Zhiqiu's visit to the Martial Soul Palace, one of them was to come and play and understand the situation.

Secondly, there are two places where the gods are inherited. He is very curious about the gods.

After picking up the exclusive clothes of the Saint Child of the Martial Spirit Hall of the clone, Ye Zhiqiu found that there was still a token in the clothes.

I don't know what material the token is made of. The front is a sign of a seraph with arms stretched out, legs staggered, holding a scepter, and on the back is a holy character.

Ye Zhiqiu flipped it casually and put it into the Mo Jade Bracelet.

After that, he took off his coat and put on the special clothes for the Saint Child. The Wuhun Hall had strict rules. Although his clone was cold-tempered, he was very obedient and never broke the rules.

Clothes, pants, boots, etc. were very simple, but this Saint Child Crystal Crown was a little stumped for Ye Zhiqiu.

His hair has always been draped directly behind his head. Sometimes, he would take a hairband and tie it at will, and he has never tied it.

How did you wear it before your clone?Sister, I seem to classify that part of the memory as spam and selectively forget it?

"Fuck!" Ye Zhiqiu cursed secretly.

Don’t you just need to wear it?

After fiddling with the mirror for a long time, Ye Zhiqiu reluctantly carried the crystal hair crown crookedly on top of his head.

Looking at himself in the mirror, Ye Zhiqiu thought about the temperament of his clone before and began to try to straighten his face.

Generally speaking, it's not much different from my own clone, so I shouldn't be seen...

After finishing everything, Ye Zhiqiu went out. Although he was still a student of Wuhundian Academy, he was just named and didn't need to go to class. The cultivation of the Saint Child and Saint Woman was taught by the Pope himself.

Therefore, the place where Ye Zhiqiu lives is not the dormitory of Wuhundian Academy.

Like Hu Liena, he lives in Wuhun City, the east side hall of the Wuhun main hall. This is the privilege of the status of the saint son and saint woman of the spirit hall.

In addition to the two of them, Pope Bibi Dong also lives here.There should be another Qian Renxue, but she was not in Wuhun City at this time.

After leaving the door of his room, Ye Zhiqiu walked slowly towards the main hall of Wuhun. In the afternoon, he still had classes, and the place where he taught was in the square of the main hall of Wuhun.

Usually, Pope Bibi Dong teaches the actual combat class personally. If she has troubles, it will be Ju Douluo.135 Chinese www.135zwxs.com

Along the way, Ye Zhiqiu would encounter a small group of guard posts wearing armor and holding spears every dozens of steps.

When they met Ye Zhiqiu, they would stop, slam their guns on the ground, squeeze their fists on their left chest, bow their heads in salute.

There was no words, but from their uniform movements, Ye Zhiqiu could see the strict rules of the Spirit Hall.

Ye Zhiqiu learned the appearance of his avatar and didn't pay attention to it. As usual, he walked by with a cold face.

After passing through the halls, Ye Zhiqiu came to the entrance of the main hall square of Wuhun.

Stepping up the steps step by step, just ascending to the highest point, a slender figure with a lordosis rushed over.

She was about seventeen or eighteen years old, with short, orange-yellow hair, shoulder-length short hair, a melon-seeded face, curved eyebrows, and round red lips. Even if her martial soul was not revealed, she still had a hint of intrigue on her face.

From the moon-white dress robe studded with gold silk on her body, it can be seen that in the Martial Soul Palace, her status is not low.

This person, Ye Zhiqiu knows, or he knew Ye Zhiqiu's Saint Son clone, is Hu Liena.

Since Ye Zhiqiu became a holy son, she would wait here almost every day, and then go to the martial arts main hall square with Ye Zhiqiu to have classes.

It's just that Ye Zhiqiu's clone is a well-mannered, straight-and-steel man, who rarely pays attention to her.

"Little brother Qiu, if you don't hurry, you will be late. The teacher's punishment is very severe." As soon as Hu Liena pulled Ye Zhiqiu's hand, she quickly ran towards the square.

Because Ye Zhiqiu spent a long time doing a crystal crown in his room, they were indeed late, or in other words, they were already late.

The two hurried to the square. From a distance, Ye Zhiqiu had already seen a figure standing in the center of the square.

Is this Pope Bibi Dong?Ye Zhiqiu looked at it without showing a trace, the memory of watching the clone is like watching TV, and he must not have seen it clearly with his own eyes.

This is a mature and beautiful woman, just looking at her appearance, she is about twenty-five or sixteen years old. She is wearing the exclusive robe of the pope, wearing a nine-curved platinum crown, holding a little taller than her, symbolizing the pope Purple gold scepter of authority.

Originally, Ye Zhiqiu thought that there were enough spar pendants on his clothes, but after seeing Bibi Dong, he knew what it meant to be insignificant.

On her papal robe, the various spar pendants used for decoration are simply too terrifying. Just taking out this set of clothes will cost millions of gold soul coins to start.

When I came close, my appearance became more real.

The light pink long hair is coiled under the crown, revealing a smooth forehead. There are a few strands of hair hanging down on the temples. Corresponding to the hair color, she has a pair of beautiful eyebrows and pupils, which are also pale girlish pink. , But just in such pupils, there is a sense of majesty of a superior, which makes people afraid to look directly.

Her lips were thin, slightly pursed, and a faint luster reflected in the afternoon sun.

Under the pope's robe, a pair of straight and slender jade legs were exposed, and the translucent stockings couldn't block the visual enjoyment brought by her snow-white skin.

All kinds of beautiful words in the world, such as elegance and nobility, can be presented in her one by one.

Wearing high heels, she is half a head taller than Ye Zhiqiu, and a desire to conquer emerges involuntarily in people's hearts.

At this moment, Bibi Dong's brows were slightly frowning, and his eyes looked at Ye Zhiqiu and Hu Liena, who had hurriedly arrived in a hurry.



Two voices sounded at the same time, one with a slightly worried tone, and another with a calm and cold voice.

"In a hurry, what style? Have you forgotten your identity?"

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