Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 121 I'm Not the Pope! Subscribe

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Bibi Dong looked at the two, and the pale pink Liu Mei said: "How many times have you taught you, no matter when, you need to be calm and calm, and the landslides will not change your face, and the frizzy future will lead the Wuhun Hall. ."

"Yes..." Hu Liena lowered her head and stuck out her tongue mischievously.

Ye Zhiqiu held his face desperately, and looked at Bibi Dong calmly.

When Bibi Dong saw the crooked crystal crown on his head, he was slightly taken aback, and his brows suddenly tightened.

Ye Zhiqiu's face remained calm, and when Bibi Dong's eyes were clearly fixed on the top of his head, he suddenly cried out that it was not good, wouldn't it be broken?

I just came here!Don't be like this!

"Qiuqiu, do you know what the crystal crown on your head means?" Bibi Dong looked solemn, and Ye Zhiqiu felt a sense of majesty in her.

"Symbolizes the authority of the Saint Child of the Spirit Hall, and the face of the Spirit Hall." Ye Zhiqiu looked straight at Bibi Dong's eyes, and said lightly.

He didn't clean up this memory as rubbish, he could remember it clearly.That's what Bibi Dong said when he solemnly awarded him this crystal hair crown in the main hall of the Pope.

But what the hell is your special name Qiuqiu?Is this what I call it?Do I still have the majesty of the Saint Child of Wuhun Hall?expensive?

Ye Zhiqiu really didn't know this part of the memory, perhaps he had selectively forgotten it.

When Bibi Dong called out this name just now, Ye Zhiqiu almost couldn't hold his face, and planned to talk about it.

Oh, it's too hard to be a saint...

The thoughts in my mind have turned so much, but in fact it has only passed for a moment.

Bibi Dong looked at Ye Zhiqiu and nodded, "Since you remember, then you can explain to me why your crystal crown wears this way."

Ye Zhiqiu: ...

Can I say I don’t know how to wear it...

After all, I really want to collapse this time!

How to do?How to do?Very anxious...

At this moment, Hu Liena suddenly whispered: "Teacher, maybe I just ran with Brother Qiu and ran away..."

Ye Zhiqiu: ...


You are so right!!!

That's right!That's it!

It was all your fault, it was you who took me to run and ran away the crystal hair crown.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't reply, and tried to sullen his face to prevent him from smiling, looking at Bibi Dong calmly.

Bibi Dong looked at the two in silence, and sighed slightly, a little tired.

She didn't think about Ye Zhiqiu's transfer.

It's just that my two apprentices are both talented.But a character is not mature and stable, and his work is frizzy.A cold personality, always stern, as if everyone owes him money, and there is suspicion.

How would such two people manage the Wuhun Hall in the future?

The position of the pope, no matter who it is passed to, she will not rest assured.

"Come here." Bibi Dong said softly while looking at Ye Zhiqiu.

Ye Zhiqiu obediently took a few steps forward, keeping a two-step distance.In this position, if Bibi Dong suddenly attacked him, he could still taunt a wave and then calmly run away.

Looking at Ye Zhiqiu, who was not moving two steps away from him, Bibi Dong raised his eyebrows, and said again, "Come here."

This time, she spoke a lot more heavily.

Ye Zhiqiu hesitated for a while before moving forward.

Fuck, when I am afraid of you, do you do it directly?Ye Zhiqiu thought secretly in his heart, and after taking two steps in a row, he almost touched Bibi Dong's body directly, and the two were about to stick together.Biquge dm www.zhaidm.com

A very nice faint scent lingered on the tip of Ye Zhiqiu's nose for a long time, but he was not in the mood to enjoy a few more breaths.

At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu's body was a little tight, and he was so close to Bibi Dong that he was nervous.

If the two of them are fighting, they are probably going to fight personally.

Ye Zhiqiu and Bibi Dong looked at each other, no one was tall, he needed to look up slightly, his momentum suddenly became half short.

Ye Zhiqiu suddenly got so close, Bibi Dong was also stunned, but she didn't think much about it. In her eyes, Ye Zhiqiu and Hu Liena were just children.

That's why she called the two people Nana and Qiuqiu, and occasionally called Xiao Qiuqiu in private when they were in a good mood.

"Take it." Bibi Dong handed out the Pope's scepter in his right hand to Ye Zhiqiu.

Ye Zhiqiu subconsciously caught it in a daze.

It seems that Bibi Dong didn't mean to do it?Otherwise, why would he give himself the Pope Bar, which symbolizes the authority of the Pope,? Ye Zhiqiu felt a little at ease.

But... what is the purpose of giving me the Pope's Scepter?

Seeing that I am too handsome and excellent to preach me as the Pope?

Ye Zhiqiu's thoughts fluttered.

At this moment, Bibi Dong put two lush white jade hands on Ye Zhiqiu's shoulder and pressed them lightly.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't resist, so he squatted slowly in accordance with her strength, half kneeling on the ground.

Ye Zhiqiu:???

I rely on!Half-kneeling award?

Do you really preach me as the Pope?Ye Zhiqiu himself was a little dazed, it was too sudden.

I don't want to be the pope...

Dealing with so many things every day, I'm so annoying to death, whoever loves to do it, anyway, I'm wrong.

The thought ends here.

Ye Zhiqiu hurriedly said: "Teacher, I think you are still very young. It is not a problem to live for a thousand or eight hundred years. My qualifications are still low. Is it too early to pass on my position as the Pope?"

Ye Zhiqiu didn't think much, the thoughts in his heart suddenly blurted out, his face still showing a touch of disgust.

Hu Liena was stunned.

Bibi Dong, who was leaning forward with his hands on his shoulders, was also taken aback.

In the next moment, Bibi Dong stood up straight, sullen his face, looked at Ye Zhiqiu who was half-kneeling on the ground, and said lightly: "Oh? What if I have to pass it to you?"

Ye Zhiqiu: ...

what's wrong with you?I really don't want to be!

Ye Zhiqiu gritted his teeth and said, "That disciple will be passed on to Senior Sister Nana another day. Anyway, this pope is not for me."

Hu Liena looked at Ye Zhiqiu with weird eyes and mixed feelings.

There was no expression on Bibi Dong's face, but an imperceptible smile appeared in his eyes.

"Tell me why you don't want to be the pope." Bibi Dong said softly.

Ye Zhiqiu could feel that at this moment she seemed to have some changes in her attitude towards herself, or was she changing in a better direction?

Although the previous Bibi Dong had a good attitude towards Ye Zhiqiu's clone, it was the duty of a teacher, but this time, Ye Zhiqiu could clearly feel the intimacy in her tone, as if she had let go of something.

Ye Zhiqiu thought in his heart while looking at Bibi Dong’s pink eyes, "Teacher, the Pope has a lot of things and is busy every day. That is not the life that a disciple yearns for. Or you will be my son. Make me an elder of the Spirit Hall?"

Ye Zhiqiu looked at Bibi Dong cautiously in a negotiating tone.

Bibi Dong, who was not surprised at first, suddenly laughed after hearing Ye Zhiqiu's words this time, which was amazing.

Ye Zhiqiu stared blankly.

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