Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 122 Bibi Dong's gentle side [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"Don't think about the elder hall." Bibi Dong looked at the elder hall in the distance, and a cold stern flashed in his pink eyes. When he looked down at Ye Zhiqiu, he softened again.

"Remember, you will always be my person." Bibi Dong bent over and stroked Xia Ye Zhiqiu's head. At this moment, she was not like the tall pope in the Spirit Hall, but rather like a gentle big sister.

I will always be your person?Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help but want to get crooked with such ambiguous words.

But from the information revealed in Bibi Dong's words, Ye Zhiqiu guessed something that her relationship with the Elder Palace might not be good.In other words, the relationship with some elders in the elders' hall is not good.

After Bibi Dong finished speaking, he leaned forward and half-bended to help Ye Zhiqiu tidy up the crystal crown on his head.

The crown is indeed very troublesome to wear. You need to arrange the long hair and twist it into one strand, then slowly stuff it through the middle of the crown, and finally fix it on the crown.Every step in the process takes a lot of time, and the unskilled ones will cause scalp pain.

Bibi Dong's hand movements were very gentle. Although he was not very skilled, Ye Zhiqiu didn't feel the pain of being pulled by his long hair.

At this moment Ye Zhiqiu understood. It turned out that Bibi Dong had let himself kneel down before, trying to help him organize his hair crown?

You said it earlier...

I thought you were going to pass the pope's broken position to me...

But also because of Ye Zhiqiu's misunderstanding, he seemed to be a blessing in disguise and completely gained Bibi Dong's trust?This is also the reason why he later noticed that Bibi Dong had changed his attitude.

After all, if he is the undercover agent of Akatsuki, shouldn't Bibi Dong preach him as the Pope in secret?How could it still refuse.

Ye Zhiqiu, who had figured out everything, was secretly relieved.Why is he hitting straight?

Perceiving Bibi Dong's patience on top of his head with a gentle movement, Ye Zhiqiu felt for the first time that under the crown of the Pope, it seemed that he was not as bad as the original novel.

Subconsciously, Ye Zhiqiu raised his head slightly and looked towards Bibi Dong's cheek. He wanted to see what Pope Bibi Dong looked like when he was tender.

However, with his head up, Bibi Dong's hair, which had been trimmed to half, collapsed in an instant, and the strands of hair slipped down.

Bibi Dong, who had a serious look on his face, immediately lowered his head and glared at Ye Zhiqiu. She is a pope who has given someone a hair crown. Others are not qualified, so her movements are naturally rusty. Now this technique is still used when she was a saint. Learned.

"Don't move." Bibi Dong stretched out his hand and pressed Ye Zhiqiu's head, slowly reaching out to help him gather the scattered strands of hair.

However, with Bibi Dong's press, Ye Zhiqiu suddenly realized that his eyes were going "blind"...

The collar of the Pope’s robe is V-shaped, and the sides extend high up to the stand-up collar that covers the neck.

The V-neck in the middle was originally a good fit, and if Bibi Dong stood up straight, he wouldn't be able to see anything.

But now, Ye Zhiqiu was half kneeling on the ground. She wanted to help Ye Zhiqiu tidy up her hair, so she naturally bent forward and leaned forward.

The current posture of the two of them happened to be that Bibi Dong's head was slightly above Ye Zhiqiu, and it was her chest that faced Ye Zhiqiu's face.

Beneath him, there were some generous and luxurious papal robes, which naturally sank.

All the beautiful scenery was directly exposed in front of Ye Zhiqiu.

Ye Zhiqiu: ...

Can't see?this is a problem.

At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu's mind seemed to have two voices reverberating. One of them told him that he was a beast when he saw you, and the other told him that it would be worse if he didn't look at you.

Is it better to be an animal or an animal?

Need to think about this problem?

Ye Zhiqiu decisively chose to be a beast.

His eyes stared unblinkingly at the white snow in front of him, and the two pink red beans on the snow-white mountains.

Bibi Dong didn't notice Ye Zhiqiu's movements, but Hu Liena, who was next to him, could see it clearly.

She couldn't help looking at Ye Zhiqiu with a weird expression in her eyes. If it weren't for Ye Zhiqiu's expressionless face from start to finish, she probably had already reminded her.

"That's right, the little brother Qiu is only twelve years old, and he is cold-tempered like a block of ice, what can he understand..." Hu Liena thought secretly.

As everyone knows, Ye Zhiqiu's expressionless face is because...

He was dumbfounded...Reading Book Pavilion www.kenshuge.org


"All right."

After a long while, Bibi Dong let out a long sigh of relief and straightened up.

Ye Zhiqiu got up with some regret in his heart, and handed the Pope's scepter back.

"Thank you, teacher."

"It's really rare to hear your little guy say thank you." Bibi Dong said with a faint smile, "Both of you are late today. The rules must not be broken. Go and run around Wuhun City ten times and return here before the evening See me, I can't finish it, and I will punish tomorrow. Remember, Son and Daughter, go and go together."

Hu Liena: ...

Ye Zhiqiu: ...


Wuhun City is so big, it is at least 200 miles away in a circle, right?Ten laps is 2000 miles...

This is still a conservative estimate.

At least 2000 miles away...

Now it's about two o'clock in the afternoon, and I'll be back before the evening, which is about five o'clock, and there are only three hours left.

Running for 2000 miles in three hours, even if you can use your soul power, you will probably be exhausted, right?

"Teacher..." Hu Liena showed a bitter face, and wanted to act like a baby and plead.

Bibi Dong looked sternly, "Go ahead."

Ye Zhiqiu and Hu Liena looked at each other, turned around reluctantly and ran in the direction outside Wuhun City.

After the two of them ran away, Bibi Dong smiled faintly and turned to leave.

With a distance of 2000 miles, even the Soul King might not be able to finish it in three hours, not to mention that Ye Zhiqiu and Hu Liena are two soul sects.

The three-hour rule also predestined that they had to use their soul power with all their strength, and the soul power of the two of them would be exhausted sooner or later.

The next road must rely on physical strength.

She gave the order that the saint son and saint must go and return together, which also meant for the two to cultivate feelings. After all, Ye Zhiqiu's attitude towards Hu Liena was too cold, which made her teacher a little worried.

If the Saint Child and Saintess of Wuhun Hall can't keep one mind, wouldn't it be a laughter to say it.

Only by experiencing hardships together and supporting each other is the fastest way to increase relationships.

I have to say that Bibi Dong resembles master Yu Xiaogang in some respects.


Outside Wuhun City, Ye Zhiqiu and Hu Liena ran side by side, both of them were very fast.

One person's purple soul power was boiling, and the other was pink soul power, leaving two long trails on the road he ran.

Hu Liena's spirit power, level 48.Two levels higher than Ye Zhiqiu, at her age, with this spirit power level in Douluo Continent, she was indeed counted as the proud girl of heaven.

If the seven monsters in the original book don't eat the fairy grass, their spirit power will never catch up with her.

At this time, she slowed down a bit and did not show her full strength.

Because Hu Liena was afraid that Ye Zhiqiu could not keep up with her speed.Although Ye Zhiqiu's spirit abilities are powerful, this kind of punishment is obviously not allowed to use spirit abilities.

Bibi Dong said that the Saint Child and Saint Daughter go home together, which can already explain a lot. She and Ye Zhiqiu are not stupid, and naturally they understand the meaning of Bibi Dong's dialect.

"Little brother Qiu, call her sister. After you call it, your sister will carry you on your back." Hu Liena ran, still in the mood to watch Ye Zhiqiu cover her mouth and laugh and tease, intriguing.

Ye Zhiqiu: ...

I don’t know where your self-confidence comes from. Who gave you the courage to say this?

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