Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 124 I'm not a dramatist [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!After Ye Zhiqiu put Hu Liena down, he staggered, showing an appearance of over-consuming and internally injured.

Excessive consumption is real, after all, after opening eight doors to the sixth door, and running six laps around Wuhun City with Hu Liena on his back, those who hit hard will also feel tired.

As for the internal injury, it was purely Ye Zhiqiu's own soul shock. He didn't want to hide his strength or something, he just wanted to tell the people in the Spirit Hall that my secret technique has sequelae, not so good, don't come to me want.

"Little brother Qiu..." Hu Liena found out that something was wrong at the moment when Ye Zhiqiu's steps were unstable, and quickly reached out to support him.

At this time, Ye Zhiqiu's face turned blue, and his lips were pale. In order to make the effect more realistic, he rolled his eyes and suddenly shocked Hu Liena.

She thought Ye Zhiqiu was going to belch like this.

Before he could think about it, Hu Liena carried Ye Zhiqiu on his back and quickly ran towards the square of the main hall of the Martial Spirit. She was a little flustered. The first thing she thought of was to find her teacher.

In the main hall of Wuhun, Ju Douluo had slipped back and was reporting the situation with Bibi Dong.

When he said that Ye Zhiqiu used the secret technique and ran ten laps with Hu Liena on his back, which seemed to be too exhausting and possibly injured, Bibi Dong couldn't listen anymore.

"Naughty, wouldn't you be there to stop it immediately?" Bibi Dong glared at Ju Douluo Yueguan angrily, and quickly walked to the outside of the palace.

Although she was impatient and hurried, her complexion was very calm. The elegant and noble temperament that was revealed invisibly seemed like she was born in nature, and everything could not shake her state of mind.

In other words, Bibi Dong hides it so well. The side that she uses to show others is always this attitude of being calm.

After Bibi Dong walked away, a gloomy hoarse voice sounded in the Pope's palace, with a ridiculous tone.

"Xiao Juju, you have been trained, don't you feel uncomfortable? Hey..."

This is a figure whose whole body is shrouded in a black robe, even the face is not real, only the ghostly green eyes are revealed.

If this person goes out to wander around at night, it may scare many people to death.

Next to him, there is a middle-aged man with long brown hair and shoulder-length hair, wearing brown soft armor with a sinister face. His face is like a woman, painted black eye shadow, and even his thin lips are smeared. The jet-black makeup red makes him look a little weird, coupled with his sharp voice, this alive and well-like figure of the ancestor master.

If Ye Zhiqiu were here, he would probably say, brother, don’t you buy women’s clothing?

These two people are Bibi Dong's confidants, Ghost Ju Double Douluo, both of them are of level 95 strength. Although they are named the Palace of the Elders, they only listen to Bibi Dong's dispatch.

"Old ghost, you have been taught less often? Are you still thinking about me?" Yueguan watched Ghost Douluo speak in a nasty voice. After speaking, Yueguan counterattacked somewhat proudly: "At least I Don’t stay with the pope who is in menopause, you are afraid that you will be more uncomfortable than me...?"

Ghost Douluo: MMP...


On the main hall of the Martial Spirit Hall, Hu Liena hurriedly ran over with Ye Zhiqiu on his back. From afar, he saw Bibi Dong standing there waiting for the two of them.

"Teacher, little brother Qiu is seriously injured..." The voice has arrived before the person arrives.Jiuliuwei Novel Network www.96wei.com

Hu Liena was indeed anxious, she wouldn't be so yelling, otherwise, if Bibi Dong saw her, it would be another reprimand.

Bibi Dong frowned and took a few steps forward, reached out to pick up Ye Zhiqiu from Hu Liena's back, bent his knees and squatted down, laying Ye Zhiqiu flat, letting Ye Zhiqiu's head rest on his chest.

He held Ye Zhiqiu's shoulder with his left hand, and put his right hand on Ye Zhiqiu's chest. The rich pink soul power filled her palm, and she looked into Ye Zhiqiu's body to check Ye Zhiqiu's injury.

At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu almost couldn't put it on anymore, the soft touch on his head made him a little fanciful.

Moreover, Bibi Dong's spirit power directly penetrated into his body, if she had a strange heart, she would not know how to die if she was afraid of death.

Ye Zhiqiu, who wanted to continue to pretend to be dizzy, immediately opened his eyes. The original deep and energetic eyes were a little gloomy at this moment. His injury was real, and the confusion in his body was also real. Naturally, his expression would not be too good.

"Teacher, I'm fine. It's fine to go back and rest for a day or two." Ye Zhiqiu struggled, trying to get out of Bibi Dong's arms.

"Don't move." Bibi Dong glared at Ye Zhiqiu, and then slowly said: "Fortunately, the injury is not serious, but the physical exhaustion is serious. I will help you regulate the spirit power in the meridian. You will not be so messy in the future."

"Oh..." Ye Zhiqiu responded weakly. He found that after Bibi Dong's spirit power had penetrated into his body, it was very gentle to help him adjust and calm the spirit power that was originally in the riot. The body was warm and comfortable.

He simply closed his eyes, arched his head on Bibi Dong's chest, found a comfortable posture, and regained his strength after sleeping.

Bibi Dong's face turned dark, almost unable to control the movement of his soul power.

After hearing Ye Zhiqiu's even breathing, Bibi Dong suppressed the urge to slap Ye Zhiqiu in his heart, and continued to help Ye Zhiqiu regulate the chaotic spirit power in the meridian.

Helping others to adjust their soul power is a meticulous job, and Rao Ibi Dong's strength is also a lot of effort.

After about half an hour.

"Okay, Nana, you send him back to rest. After he wakes up for a few days, he doesn't need to come to class anymore, so that he can take care of his health, so as not to have any sequelae." Bibi Dong supported Ye Zhiqiu's back and put Ye Zhiqiu on his back. Pushing into Hu Liena's arms, after giving a command, he turned and left.

Hu Liena nodded in response. Seeing that Ye Zhiqiu was fine, the big rock hanging in her heart was finally put down, and then Hu Liena carried Ye Zhiqiu on her back and walked towards the bedroom of the East Side Hall.

Ye Zhiqiu, who was lying on Hu Liena's back, slowly opened his eyes, with a faint smile in his eyes.

It's okay not to go to class, he has enough time to do what he wants to do.

For example, go to the place where the angel gods are inherited?

The land of the angel god inheritance seems to be guarded by the 99th-level limit Douluo Qian Daoliu, I don't know if there is a chance to sneak in.

Or go to the place of inheritance of the Raksha God, but I don’t know where it is...

Speaking of it, after coming to the Hall of Souls, Ye Zhiqiu felt that Bibi Dong and Hu Liena were both very good to him, and he couldn't bear to do things.

Is there any way for my dear teacher to take him to the place of inheritance of the gods...the assessment of gods is undoubtedly the fastest way to improve soul power.

Ye Zhiqiu didn’t want to inherit the god status, but he wanted the reward for the god status assessment. After all, the reward was too tempting. It could increase the spirit power level and increase the age of the spirit ring. It seemed that there might be a god bestowed spirit ring. Ye Zhiqiu felt that if If he could get a chance for a god bestowed spirit ring, that god would doubt life.

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