Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 125 System Upgrade Completed in Advance [Request Subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!In Ye Zhiqiu's room, Hu Liena gently put him on the bed, took off his shoes and covered it with a thin blanket before turning and leaving.

"Bang~" after the sound of the door closing.

Ye Zhiqiu sat up from the bed hungrily.

He closed his eyes slightly, and his divine sense centered on his room, spreading towards the surrounding sky and earth.

Everything in Wuhun City can be seen immediately.

Hu Liena, who had just left the door, the group of soldiers patrolling in the city, Bibi Dong who was discussing the Pope’s Palace, and... the secret room under the Palace of the Elders, seemed to notice some inexplicable prying, and suddenly opened her eyes. A white old man with beard and hair.

This secret room was built about 20 meters deep below the ground, and the walls were inlaid with pearls emitting milky white light, reflecting the secret room transparently.

In the center of the secret room, there is a snow-white seraph statue more than ten meters high. I don't know what kind of stone it is made of, and a faint soft light escapes from the statue.

This underground secret room was not obviously dark, but revealed a faint breath of sacred light.

Before the angel statue, Qiandao Liu, with white beard and hair, sat on the futon, frowning and looking around.

For some reason, he always felt that someone was spying on himself, but he couldn't find out where that person was.

Could it be... Qian Daoliu looked at the angel statue behind him...

Ye Zhiqiu in his room smiled faintly, as he expected, without becoming a god, his spiritual power could never be transformed into a god consciousness.

Although Qian Daoliu could detect his prying with his powerful strength, he couldn't find out where he was at all.

As for Bibi Dong, who was discussing matters in the Palace of the Pope, as well as Ghost Douluo Ju Douluo and others, they didn't even notice that they were watching their every move.

The corner of Ye Zhiqiu's mouth twitched, trying to get close to Bibi Dong with his divine sense, and when the divine sense was about to touch her, Bibi Dong suddenly condensed his eyes and stood up.

A pair of beautiful eyes revealed their majesty, scanning the surroundings lightly, however, she found nothing.

Ye Zhiqiu’s divine consciousness has two forms. One is ordinary divine knowledge exuding. This divine knowledge is invisible and innocent. Unless someone also possesses divine knowledge, it is impossible for ordinary spirit masters to discover his location. He couldn't even spot him spying.

As for the powerful Title Douluo, at best, like Qian Daoliu, he sensed that someone was watching.

As for the other kind, it was like being at the bottom of the lake of life that day. The divine consciousness materialized and condensed another self. This divine consciousness is visible, but not an entity, and it is something like an energy body. This state of spiritual consciousness requires Ye Zhiqiu's full effort to condense it.

This time, Ye Zhiqiu mischievously condensed his divine consciousness into the shape of a finger, and gave Bibi Dong a light touch on his thigh.

Bibi Dong, who just sat down to calm her mood, almost jumped up, looking down and observing but she found nothing. This could not help making her a little nervous about whether it was helping Ye Zhiqiu to regulate the meridians and calm the spirit power. Up?I have hallucinations...

"Under the Pope's crown?" both Ghost Douluo and Ju Douluo looked at her with some doubts.

"It's okay, I'm too tired recently. I'll go back to the rest." Bibi Dong slowly walked out of the Pope Hall with a plain expression, and walked towards the Dongbian Hall's own room with a depressed mood.

Ye Zhiqiu laughed "hehe", he suddenly realized that the divine consciousness was really fun, and it was totally different from the effect of mental power.

Now I have found the place of inheritance of the Angel God, but it is a pity that Qian Daoliu is watching. This old man does not seem to be very easy to deal with...

Ye Zhiqiu frowned and thought. This old head used it as a bedroom. He probably didn't have the chance to engage in the inheritance of the angel gods.

Forget it, let's look for the inheritance place of the Rakshasa god again. After all, there should be no one guarded there. Bibi Dong is busy all day and rarely has time to go there.The first novel www.001zj.com

If you can find it by yourself, the Rakshasa God's assessment can go to play in advance.

Ye Zhiqiu thought about it for a while, and his divine thought continued to spread out, directly covering the entire Wuhun City, searching carefully.

"No?" Ye Zhiqiu frowned. He was about to spread beyond Wuhun City with his divine consciousness to continue to check. Suddenly he found Bibi Dong who was going to his room. He paused, and then walked towards his room. .


Ye Zhiqiu lay down and continued to pretend to sleep.

After a while, his room door was opened, and Bibi Dong walked slowly to the side of the bed, sat sideways on the side of the bed, and looked at Ye Zhiqiu's gaze with rare complications and doubts.

Ye Zhiqiu: ...

What is the situation with this look?Wouldn't you find me doing little tricks?No, Qian Daoliu didn't even notice the 99th-level limit Douluo, you guess it's not at level 95, right?

how can that be possible...


Seeing Ye Zhiqiu, who breathed evenly and seemed to fall asleep, Bibi Dong stretched out his hand and stroked his head, with a rare gentle expression in his eyes.

Afterwards, she wiped her right hand on her ring, and a bracelet made of three black gouyu appeared in her hand.

Bibi Dong struggled a bit, and put the bracelet on Ye Zhiqiu's right hand a little bit reluctantly. After a light sigh, he turned and left.

The door was closed again, Ye Zhiqiu opened his eyes, and looked at the inexplicable bracelet in his hand in confusion.

The three small gouaches are like obsidian, and the thin line in the middle is milky white. Ye Zhiqiu didn't see the material of the two things.

Just as Ye Zhiqiu was a little confused, a mechanical voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

[Bachiqiong Gouyu that does not meet the rules is detected and is being recovered...]

[Successful recovery, sufficient energy, system upgrade completed in advance.

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly cursed in a depressed voice. You took it back before Bibi Dong gave him something to warm up?

Seeing the bracelet suddenly disappearing from his wrist, Ye Zhiqiu was speechless.

However, some doubts also accompany him at this moment, appearing in his mind.

Why does Bibi Dong have Bachiqiong Gouyu?Isn't this something in Hokage?Does Douluo Continent also have this stuff?

And the system that was supposed to be upgraded tonight has been upgraded ahead of schedule?Just because you recycled this Bachiqiong Gouyu?

The more he thought about it, the more chaotic Ye Zhiqiu rubbed his temples with a headache.

Depressing other distracting thoughts, Ye Zhiqiu started to look through the upgraded system store with excitement. He didn't know what good things were added after the system was upgraded.

Is there a stronger ninjutsu?Whatever it is, it’s okay to come with equipment or something!

At least you have to return Bachiqiong Gouyu to me, otherwise Bibi Dong will ask me where the bracelet is tomorrow?How can I explain...

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