Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 134 Danger Behind Youseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"Are you... okay...?" Ye Zhiqiu walked to the side of Xueqinghe lying on the ground and asked in a low voice.

Xue Qinghe: ...

Looking at Xue Qinghe, who was lying on his stomach and responding without saying a word, Ye Zhiqiu gave a light cough, and first stretched out his hand to help him gently pull the hem of his buttocks.

This caused Xue Qinghe, who hadn't moved for a long time, to hum lightly, and his body trembled, seemingly painful.

Then, Ye Zhiqiu stretched his hand under his armpit, thinking about helping him up first, and then speaking later.

With a light hold, Xue Qinghe slowly climbed up following Ye Zhiqiu's strength, but he kept his head down.

As soon as Xue Qinghe stood still, he suddenly raised his head, his eyes were a little moist, there were tear marks on Junxiu's cheeks, and his expression was a little distorted.

"Asshole, I'll kill you~" Xue Qinghe raised his fist frantically and carried the strong wind towards Ye Zhiqiu's eye sockets. This fist was powerful, and if it was blown to the point, Ye Zhiqiu's eyes would be blackened.

But Ye Zhiqiu's strength was there after all. Seeing Xue Qinghe's punch, the instinctive reaction of a master made his reflexive body slightly tilted, and the side of his head escaped by a tiny margin.

When the two attacked and dodged, they just happened in an instant, but they didn't notice each other's posture.

Ye Zhiqiu's right hand was originally placed under Xue Qinghe's armpit. Xue Qinghe and Ye Zhiqiu turned sideways slightly while offensive and defensive, and his hand ran from under his arm to his chest.

There was a soft touch, Ye Zhiqiu still squeezed in a daze, then he suddenly seemed to react, and quickly let go and backed away a few steps.

Xue Qinghe's expression was a little surprised at first, then a little panic and angry.

He was surprised that his identity might be exposed.

Angrily, this person squeezed after touching it.

Ye Zhiqiu calmed down, looked at Xue Qinghe's expression, and guessed what he was thinking about.

He couldn't help feeling his nose angrily, "His Royal Highness lacks exercise. How can a man's pectoral muscles be so soft? You have to remember to exercise in the future."

Xue Qinghe felt relieved after hearing what Ye Zhiqiu said. Fortunately, this bitch didn't seem to notice.

The fact that his identity was almost revealed caused Xue Qinghe a lot of attention, and the depression in his heart dissipated a little.

But it was obviously impossible to let things go like that. This bastard used such shameless moves, and until now he still feels a little pain behind him. It's okay to stand still, and it hurts like a stick.

Looking at Ye Zhiqiu, Xue Qinghe gritted his teeth, "Then I really should thank the son for reminding me."

"That's not necessary... it should be..." Ye Zhiqiu smiled and waved his hand.

[From Qian Renxue’s negative sentiment value plus 566...]

Do you really think I am thanking you?Xue Qinghe cursed in his heart, but his identity was destined to be unable to breathe fragrance.

"Then what, your Royal Highness, I should count as winning the bet? Three conditions..." Ye Zhiqiu smiled and rubbed his hands.

Xue Qinghe's cheeks twitched, and he was bullied like this. Are you still thinking about three conditions?I promise you a woolen thread...

Suddenly, Xue Qinghe seemed to have thought of something, and the corners of his mouth were slightly raised at this time.

Is he laughing?

Ye Zhiqiu is a little strange, is it possible that he was stabbed with a thousand-year-old trick?Thousands of novels www.77xs8.com

"Shengzi said before that one move can't defeat me, even if you lose, right?" Xue Qinghe said with a cold face.

Ye Zhiqiu pondered for a while, seemingly fine?Then he said: "That's right."

"Really?" Xue Qinghe even had a smile in his eyes this time, as if he had almost forgotten the unhappiness before, he slowly said: "If Shengzi really defeats me by one move, then Qinghe Naturally, he was willing to give up, but Shengzi seemed to have used two tricks."

Xue Qinghe had an inexplicable tone in his tone, with his head held up, like a rooster that had only won a fight, with some pride on his face.

Ye Zhiqiu:???

When did I use two tricks?

This time it was Ye Zhiqiu's turn that was a little confused.

You shit when you lose?

"I don't know when I used the two tricks? His Royal Highness might as well talk about it, so that the son can understand. Otherwise, the son may still think that some people can't afford to lose, and intend to play tricks. Ye Zhiqiu's reputation is not very good." Ye Zhiqiu looked at Xue Qinghe and said lightly.

Xue Qinghe smiled faintly, stretched out a finger, and then he seemed to want to take two steps, but the pain from the back of his butt distorted his face and suddenly dispelled the thought.

"The first move, if I guess it's correct, Shengzi used teleport." Xue Qinghe said to himself, and then he stood there, extending his second finger and said: "The second move, Shengzi used that The next three abusive moves. There are two moves in total, am I right?"

When talking about the words Sanlan, Xue Qinghe increased his tone and gave Ye Zhiqiu a hard look.

Is this two tricks?

Ye Zhiqiu looked at him speechlessly, how can you really count...

Generally speaking, this combination of attacks can only be counted as one move, which is the consensus of Douluo Mainland.

Can the spirit ability on the road be considered a trick?Can't it...

But Xue Qinghe counts it.

According to his algorithm, Ye Zhiqiu really used two tricks.

"Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness also mastered the essence of shamelessness, well, this saint son lost. Three conditions, don't violate my principles of life, just mention it." Ye Zhiqiu shook his head and gave a wry smile.

Xue Qinghe grinned and said with some pride: "Speaking of shamelessness, Qinghe is still inferior to the holy son. In this regard, Qinghe is willing to bow down."

"Mutual each other." Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes anger.

If it wasn't for you to have been pricked and cryed by a thousand-year-old trick before, your mentality collapsed if I was not correct.

In this regard, it doesn't matter to let a woman Ye Zhiqiu, he was originally here to help Qian Renxue ascend the position of God, only three conditions, it is estimated that it will soon run out.

Besides, if you really encounter something you don't want to do, is Ye Zhiqiu bound by this broken condition?I'm afraid I think too much.

"I would like to lose the gambling, your Royal Highness might as well talk about what you need to do with this holy son." Ye Zhiqiu returned to his previous lazy appearance, folded his hands on his chest, and said indifferently.

Xue Qinghe pondered for a while, and then said: "I'm level 60. I need a spirit ring between 40,000 and 50,000 years. The Star Dou Great Forest is just right. It's better to hit the sun if you choose another day. This soul The beast troubles the Son of God."

Xue Qinghe originally didn’t want to use one of the conditions on the hunting of soul beasts. After all, in his capacity, it was easy to ask some high-level soul masters to help him, but when he thought of Ye Zhiqiu’s loss of such a big loss before, he felt in his heart Frustrated, wanted to borrow the hand of the soul beast to teach this guy a lesson.

Forty to fifty thousand year old soul beasts are almost equivalent to the combat power of high-level soul sages, and even some weaker Title Douluo, the ninth spirit ring only has this age.

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