You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System ("!Ye Zhiqiu looked at Xue Qinghe suspiciously, "It's not that I look down on you, you can absorb the soul ring of forty to fifty thousand years? Don't hold yourself to death at that time, I have to collect the body for you..."

Xue Qinghe's face turned dark, you really can't spit out ivory from the dog's mouth, you just want me to die, right?

"The matter of absorbing the spirit ring doesn't bother the saint son. You can help me find a 40,000-50,000-year-old soul beast of the light system to kill it." Xue Qinghe bit his silver teeth, forcibly calmed his heart, and said flatly. .

"Oh..." Ye Zhiqiu nodded lightly to indicate that he knew, and then he pointed his finger behind Xue Qinghe, "There is danger behind you."

Xue Qinghe:???

Do you want to lie to me?Haha, I believe you a ghost, what do you want to do?

Seeing Xue Qinghe's expression on his face that I will never be fooled, Ye Zhiqiu shook his head helplessly. He really didn't lie this time.

Behind Xueqinghe, a huge white tiger walked out of the woods silently. It is seven or eight meters high and nearly ten meters long. Although it is not as good as the Titan Great Ape we have seen before, it is definitely considered. It's a huge monster.

According to Ye Zhiqiu's understanding, this is a soul beast that is about seven to eighty thousand years old. Its pupils, which are as large as a pair of yellow lanterns, are staring at the two small dots standing on the ground.

Xue Qinghe didn't seem to be aware of the danger yet, and his eyes looked at Ye Zhiqiu faintly, and deep in his eyes there was a faint sense of guard against Ye Zhiqiu.

"Eh..." Ye Zhiqiu sighed, feeling anxious for Xue Qinghe's IQ.

At this time, the white tiger spirit beast behind Xue Qinghe seemed to be a little angry because it was ignored by Xue Qinghe. He slapped his nose, and two long air currents spurted from his nostrils.

Soul beasts also have dignity.How dare you ignore me?

The abnormal sound behind him shocked Xue Qinghe. No matter how slow he reacted, he knew that there was something behind him.

Xue Qinghe couldn't help but turned his head stiffly. After seeing Baihu's face, he suddenly felt a little ill...

This is a soul beast of at least seven to eighty thousand years!Still fierce tigers, tigers have always been the top group of soul beasts.

Strong attack, thick skin, great power.

"Guru~" Xue Qinghe swallowed hard. He felt that he was too difficult. Why did he let him meet Ye Zhiqiu, a bitch? Why did he follow him to this Star Dou Forest? It's all right now. I'm going to explain here...

The soul beast of seventy to eighty thousand years corresponds to a high-level soul beast, and even some weaker titled Douluo can only run when seeing such a soul beast. Even if Xue Qinghe is a top martial soul seraph, he I don't think I can escape to life under the hands of this terrifying soul beast.

Even if he could fly after driving the spirit, it is estimated that this spirit beast would not give him a chance.

Xue Qinghe froze for a while, and he dared not move when he stood there. He was afraid that if he moved, this giant white tiger would attack him.

As for Ye Zhiqiu, he had been selectively forgotten by Xue Qinghe. He didn't think Ye Zhiqiu, the soul sect, could do anything.

Maybe that mean bastard has already planned to run away with his teleport spirit...

Save yourself?Xue Qinghe had never thought about it. After all, this white tiger was too close to him. It is estimated that he could swallow him with a peek of his head. Ye Zhiqiu would have to take risks to save him.

At this moment, Ye Zhiqiu's ridiculous words sounded, "His Royal Highness, why are your legs shaking a little? Do you need help..."

Xue Qinghe froze in place and did not dare to speak. After hearing Ye Zhiqiu's voice, a surprise suddenly appeared in his heart. This bitch hadn't run yet, he hurriedly turned his head and winked at Ye Zhiqiu.Baihua Literature

Bastard, teleport and take me away...

There is still a glimmer of life in Teleport...

Ye Zhiqiu seemed to be unable to understand Xue Qinghe's expression. Instead, he smiled and said, "Have your Royal Highness ever heard a saying called Tiger poison not eating children?"

Xue Qinghe was startled, what are you talking about with me at this time?Isn’t escape the most important thing?

The huge white tiger beside it also showed an expression of interest in the huge eyes.

In fact, it didn’t mean to swallow these two human beings. After all, they were too young to stuff their teeth. He just heard a sound when passing by, so he ran over to play, after all, in this Star Dou In the big forest, except for the few hundred thousand year soul beasts at the core, it was almost a king, and it was boring all day.

These two little things, from its point of view, are quite interesting. Looking at the one who is close to him, his legs are shaking and they are almost unsteady.

what!I'm so powerful, no matter what creature sees me, I can only tremble, and the White Tiger Soul Beast thinks of narcissism.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled secretly looking at Xue Qinghe's crying expression.

You see, I just got retribution after I got three conditions...

"Hey, Your Royal Highness, as the saying goes, tiger poison can't eat seeds, I think if you don't want to be eaten, you can just accept it as a daddy..." Ye Zhiqiu grinned, shaking his head and shaking his head. Talk about the matter and advise him.

Xue Qinghe looked at Ye Zhiqiu's expression a little stunned, at this time, are you still in the mood to say cold words?Especially the person standing at the foot of this soul beast is not you, don't you panic at all?I feel that you are targeting me Xueqinghe.

[From Qian Renxue’s negative sentiment value plus 566...]

Even after the white tiger spirit beast heard what Ye Zhiqiu said, the huge tiger head was stunned. What is this little thing talking about?

He let another little thing recognize himself as a father?Stop eating him yourself?Little things, your idea is very unique...

Taking advantage of the moment that the soul beast seemed stunned behind him, Xue Qinghe gritted his teeth and rushed towards Ye Zhiqiu's side.

However, his movements looked a bit awkward, the span of his legs was very uneven, and his face was grinning.

I drop obediently...

Your desire to survive is a bit strong.

Chrysanthemum could still run after such a heavy blow.

Ye Zhiqiu felt a little pain for Xue Qinghe.

Although Xue Qinghe's movements changed a little, his speed was not slow. He came to Ye Zhiqiu's side in the blink of an eye, took the initiative to hold his hand, and urged anxiously: "Quick...telegate back..."

"Teleport back?" Ye Zhiqiu showed a bitter face, put on a tragic expression, and said: "No way, your Royal Highness, my teleportation spirit ability has a cooling time, at least it has to wait until dawn to activate it again... "

Xueqinghe, who originally thought he was about to escape from birth, suddenly seemed to be petrified in place like a clay sculpture of wood.

"Roar~" The white tiger screamed up to the sky, with a playful look in his eyes. These two little things are too funny, he decided to kill the time tonight.

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