Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 136: Xue Qinghe is in danger? Subscribe

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"It's over, I'm waiting for death..." Xue Qinghe murmured, his eyes a little godless.

At this moment he thought of a lot of things, probably everyone will have this kind of memory before death...

I, Qian Renxue, was not ten years old, and I have been lurking in Heaven Dou Imperial City until now. I have tried my best to play the role of another person in my life. I have never been myself once, and these are just for the future grand plan of Wuhun Palace. .

Never thought, it was nothing in the end.

If God is giving me a chance to survive, I must cherish every minute of my time and live for myself...

The emotions in Xue Qinghe's eyes are complex, with various emotions of sadness, regret and regret.

If Ye Zhiqiu knew what he was thinking, according to his character, he might also sympathize with this poor baby, maybe he wouldn't tease him if his heart softened.

Unfortunately, Ye Zhiqiu didn't know.

So at this moment, Ye Zhiqiu still had a bad smile on his face. He looked at Xue Qinghe and said, "Eh? I said, your Royal Highness, you won't run?"

"Of course I have to run, and I will die behind you..." Xue Qinghe gave Ye Zhiqiu a faint glance, shaking his body, the martial arts behind him appeared, and the white swan energy wings popped out.

"You stay and wait for death..." Xue Qinghe gritted his teeth and said, suddenly his wings shook and rose to the sky.

If you run with two legs, it might not be so conspicuous, but the conditions at this time are not allowed. He is still hurting somewhere. How can he run fast with his legs?

Although Yongfei didn't have that kind of trouble, it was too conspicuous, and the White Tiger Soul Beast couldn't just watch him slip away under his nose.

Xue Qinghe knew that he might not be able to escape, and running in front of Ye Zhiqiu might also directly attract the attack of the White Tiger Soul Beast, but he had no choice.

After all, wouldn't you just die with Ye Zhiqiu, a bitch who stayed in place?If this were the case, Xue Qinghe estimated that he would not be stunned by death.

Ye Zhiqiu didn't move, but just stood there and shook his head. Are you looking for sin and suffering? If you want to fly at this time, I guess the white tiger won't agree.

Sure enough, just as Ye Zhiqiu expected, the White Tiger Soul Beast looked at Xue Qinghe ascended into the sky, with a playful look in his eyes.

At the moment when Xueqinghe rose into the sky, it ignored Ye Zhiqiu, who was standing there still, instead, its body suddenly leaped, and the tiger's claws protruded and drew towards Xueqinghe, which was already flying more than ten meters high.

A tiger palm as big as a water tank, if it were drawn without the slightest defense, it is estimated that even Ye Zhiqiu's strong physique would not be good, let alone Xue Qinghe?

The palm of the tiger carried the wind that was visible to the naked eye, and the space seemed to be torn apart by the force of a claw, with terrifying power.

Seeing this, Xue Qinghe's mouth showed a bit of bitterness. If you don't shoot this stupid one who is so big on the ground, why come to me...

In times of crisis, Xue Qinghe has no time to hide.33 Tingshu www.33tingshu.com

At this moment, his eyes condensed, his body was filled with a pale golden holy light, and a completely different aura filled his whole body.

Ye Zhiqiu, who originally wanted to go up to help, stopped his hand when he saw this scene.

This should be the use of Seraphim's ability. It is said that Seraphim is the strongest martial arts spirit in the mainland. I don't know what's special, Ye Zhiqiu watched with interest below.

The White Tiger Soul Beast didn't have as much as Ye Zhiqiu thought. Even though the little thing in front of him seemed to have improved a lot, it still seemed weak and pitiful.

Tiger Claw's momentum is unabated, and it is getting closer and closer to Xue Qinghe.

"The second spirit ability, the wings of nothingness."

After Xue Qinghe used the power of Seraphim's martial soul, it seemed that the whole temperament had become a little different, and the noble and holy aura permeated, facing the tiger claws drawn from him, his expression was always calm as usual.

The tiger's claws cracked through the air, and suddenly swept across Xueqinghe floating in the air. Unexpected blood splashing, Xueqinghe's whole person seemed to be in another time and space, and the tiger's claws didn't seem to touch his body at all?

Ye Zhiqiu was stunned. He found that this trick was a bit like a kaleidoscope of soil to write a wheel into nothingness, but the effect didn't seem so good.

Bringing soil can escape into nothingness anytime and anywhere, immune to most attacks.And Xue Qinghe's move didn't seem so abnormal. At this time, he just used such a spirit ability, and his face was already a little pale.

In fact, similar to Ye Zhiqiu’s guess, Xue Qinghe’s Wing of Nothingness can temporarily escape himself into a state of nothingness, but this is not true nothingness. He needs to use his soul power to offset the damage he should have received. When used, if it was hit by someone with the same spirit power as his, then it would definitely be regarded as a magical skill, innately invincible.

But if you encounter a titled Douluo above level 95, such as Sword Douluo, it is very likely that one move will cause him to drain his soul power and even die directly in nothingness.

Generally speaking, this is a soul skill used to save lives, and it is also very good.

Although Xue Qinghe used this trick to avoid the white tiger spirit beast's strenuous claw, he was obviously a little uncomfortable, and the spirit power in his body instantly dropped by nearly half.

Before he could think about it, Xue Qinghe took advantage of the white tiger spirit beast to take a claw in the air, and his figure was a little unstable. When he was falling, his wings flicked on his back, and his body immediately began to lift up quickly. As long as he was flying high enough, Bai Hu The wingless soul beast has nothing to do with him.

I have to say that Xue Qinghe really grasped the fighter plane very well. If Baihu didn't have the means of long-range attack, he would really escape this time.

However, does White Tiger really have no means of long-range attack?The White Tiger Martial Spirit inherited from the Dai family of the Xingluo royal family had many long-range attack methods, such as...Baihulie Guangbo.

The white tiger spirit beast that was falling realized that he had been played with by this little bit, and was immediately unhappy. It was still falling. Before the body became stable, it opened its mouth, like a milky white that could divide the space in half. The energy beam suddenly spouted from its hideous tiger's mouth, and blasted towards the Xueqing River, which had risen nearly 30 meters high.

This beam of light is more than two meters in diameter, enough to cover Xueqinghe's entire person.And this is not like a normal blow from a tiger claw. This is a spirit ability that is continuously output. Even if Xue Qinghe uses the life-saving spirit ability like Wings of Nothingness again, it is estimated that he will not be able to escape the situation of death. , The moment the beam of light appeared, was when he died.

"Still...can't you escape..." Xue Qinghe smiled miserably at the beam of majestic energy flowing towards him. The white glow from the beam reflected his paleness. At this moment, Xue Qinghe was actually He didn't think much about what he should have thought about, but instead he closed his eyes somewhat relieved.

After today, I probably don’t have to play another person all the time...

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