Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 137 You didn't ask either! Subscribe

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!When Xue Qinghe closed his eyes and waited for death.

Behind him, a somewhat awkward sound suddenly sounded, and then Xue Qinghe felt his waist tighten.

"Hey, hey, your desire to survive, your Royal Highness is not strong enough, are you giving up?"

Ye Zhiqiu, who appeared behind Xue Qinghe by Fei Lei Shen, joked with a smile.

When Ye Zhiqiu's voice fell, Xue Qinghe noticed a slight vibration. At this time, it should be the light beam of the white tiger soul beast that had attacked, but he seemed okay?

Xue Qinghe opened his eyes with some doubts. For the first time, he didn't notice Ye Zhiqiu who was holding his waist. Instead, he looked at the scene in front of him dumbfounded.

Bai Hu's beam of light was so close to him, it seemed that he could touch it with his hand, and he could even see that the space around the beam of light was distorted.

But the beam of destructive power was blocked?

Blocking it is a purple giant with a height of more than 20 meters and a muscular body.

The giant holds a purple round shield in his left hand, and a purple sword-like hilt in his right hand?

The beam of light spit out from the white tiger's mouth was blocked by this purple round shield.Whether it is the purple giant or the shield sword in its hand, it is translucent and does not affect visual observation.The purple giant didn't seem to have much defense, but the beam of light that the white tiger spit was blocked by something that didn't seem to have much defense. Except for the slight vibration, no energy was poured in. At this time, the giant Inside, it's like the safest place in the world.

Seeing Xue Qinghe's somewhat dull expression, Ye Zhiqiu's mouth curled up.

Suzuo can always be used to pretend to be so successful.

He is now using the third stage of Suzuo, the original third stage of Suzuo thought it would not be so easy to resist the attack of the white tiger spirit beast.

But Suzuo held the eight-foot mirror with the strongest defensive artifact in his left hand, which made the resistance against the white tiger's beam of light attack a little relaxed and flat.

That beam of light, except for the booming Suzuo Nenghu who rose slightly in the air, could not break the defense of the eight-foot mirror.

As for the hilt of Suzuo's right hand, it is the hilt of the Shiquan Sword. When you don't want to use the Shiquan Sword to attack, it is in this form, not only the Shiquan Sword, but also the eight-foot mirror.

Both artifacts are energy forms, and the eight-foot mirror can be ever-changing, and can even be directly outside of Susao Nohu, but the defense of the eight-foot mirror will be weaker, like the current round shield. Form is the strongest defensive posture of the eight-foot mirror.

Xue Qinghe, who had recovered from the sluggishness, suddenly realized that he was actually being held in his arms by that bastard. He had never been held so intimately before he grew up, and he suddenly struggled.

"Don't move, as soon as I let go, you will have to fall outside of Suzuo Nenghu. Do you want to be blasted into scum by this white tiger fierce light wave?" Ye Zhiqiu leaned in his ear and said softly.

The two were so close, they could feel each other's breathing, and a faint fragrance lingered around the tips of their noses.

"His Royal Highness, why do you use perfume as a big man? It's like a woman." Ye Zhiqiu controlled Xu Zuonenghu, and he didn't forget to tease Xue Qinghe.

The old lady is originally a woman...

Xue Qinghe's face was black. Although he didn't dare to move, he mocked with dissatisfaction on his mouth: "The holy son is really deep hidden. More than 70 levels say that he is more than 40 levels. People are not old-hearted. It's pretty wicked, this ability to play and applaud the whole world is really admirable."

Ye Zhiqiu stunned, "When am I over 70?" www.e5w.net

"The Martial Spirit body has come out, and it's boring for Shengzi to pretend now..." Xue Qinghe frowned.

Ye Zhiqiu suddenly rolled his eyes. How come anyone who saw his Suzuoneng thought he was Wuhun's real body?

This was the case of Zao Wou-ki at the beginning, and the same is true of Xue Qinghe now...

The question I am really not the real body of Wuhun...

His own martial arts spirit is a writing wheel, and his soul skills are also added by ninjutsu. Ye Zhiqiu himself doesn't know what his martial arts real body will look like in the future.

But he knew that his martial soul real body could never be as simple as Suzuo Nohu.

"Before I trouble you to make a conclusion, please see the number of my spirit rings, and then consider whether I am a real spirit body..." Ye Zhiqiu looked a little helpless.

"Also, your Royal Highness, I have saved you a small life. Three conditions should be offset by one. This requirement is not excessive."

There was no danger at this time, and Xue Qinghe didn’t panic too much. He turned around with a little golden pupil, and smiled inexplicably, “That’s not good. I didn’t let you save me. Naturally, you can’t count on saving yourself. A condition."

"Oh?" Ye Zhiqiu nodded clearly, "Well then, I will throw you out. If you are dead, those three conditions are gone... I'm also relieved."

Xue Qinghe: ...

[From Qian Renxue’s negative sentiment value plus 566...]

Xue Qinghe was shocked when he noticed that the arm on his waist was loosened. Bastard, are you really letting go?

Ye Zhiqiu squinted his eyes and smiled, tightening his left hand once again, and put Xue Qinghe back in his arms. He had a good time, but he almost didn't scare Xue Qinghe's soul away.

Xue Qinghe thought this bastard really wanted to throw himself out.

He turned his head and stared at Ye Zhiqiu fiercely, and said angrily: "Is it fun to play me? And before, you obviously can resist the attack of this soul beast, and you are still pretending to see if my embarrassed appearance is particularly interesting. ?"

Ye Zhiqiu tilted his head to think about it for a while, and then nodded with a certain face, "It's really interesting, eh, the chief prince, you are running around, you didn't ask me..."

[Add 566 to the negative sentiment value from Xueqinghe...]

Xue Qinghe's face was a bit flushed, he was not ashamed of being held in his arms by Ye Zhiqiu, but rather angry with this bastard.

He was so angry that he felt pain.

If it weren't for still in the sky, it is estimated that Xue Qinghe would hit Ye Zhiqiu in the face with another fist.

The two in the sky chatted happily, and the white tiger, who stood on the ground spraying a beam of light for a long time, was a little out of breath.

There was some horror in its pupils. What happened to this person, suddenly became so big, it felt like I couldn't beat it.In the spirit beast, although the strength is not divided by size, those who are super large will definitely not be weak.

The white tiger spirit beast has been spitting light, trying to spray the purple giant a little higher, so that it can give itself a little more time to run if it falls and can not die.

Yes, it is ready to run away.After all, it has lived for so many years and it is not stupid. The purple giant of its own Baihulie Guangbo can take it so easily. Why don't you run and wait to die?

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