Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 138 I will cut your roots [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!The white tiger fierce light wave spit out by the white tiger spirit beast kept pushing Ye Zhiqiu's Xu Zuonenghu into the air nearly fifty meters high, and the momentum slowed down.

It's not that the white tiger doesn't want to push the purple giant higher. If it can, it wants to spray this thing into the sky as a star, but it really can't push it.

After the beam of light stagnated, the white tiger spirit beast spread its four feet and began to run frantically, looking at the direction it went, there was the core of the Star Dou Forest.

In this scene, Ye Zhiqiu and Xue Qinghe, both of whom were falling fast in the air, were slightly stunned.

Wasn't it pretty aggressive just now?Why did you run away suddenly?Running so fast?

"You want to run with a big move? Tiger is better than a cub, you can still run past me?" Ye Zhiqiu smiled, planning to use Suzuo Nenghu to teach this big white tiger, by the way, cut the root tiger whip, the age limit is so high The white tiger soul beast, that tiger whip soaking wine will definitely make up!

As for its small life, let it be saved first. When Dai Mubai is level 90, he will let him come and kill him. After all, this white tiger spirit beast is definitely the best spirit ring choice for Dai Mubai. .

I just don’t know if the spirit ring lacking Tiger Whip will have any negative effects if absorbed...

Seeing that Ye Zhiqiu actually intended to chase the soul beast, Xue Qinghe immediately discouraged him with some worry: "The age of the soul beast is too high. Even if it is killed, it will not be able to absorb the spirit ring. It is too much to please. What are you doing in the past? Forget it, let's not make trouble."

"His Royal Highness doesn't understand, right? Tiger whip soaking in wine is a big tonic. In the future, you will become the Emperor of Heaven Dou, but there will be a large group of women waiting for you to be lucky. Your small body will inevitably be overwhelmed. I will help now. You cut the tiger's whip and prepare. Whenever you feel that your kidneys are weak, drink a little whenever you want!" Ye Zhiqiu put his arms around Xue Qinghe's waist, smiled lightly, and said as if I were thinking about you again.

Ruoxue Qinghe is a man, so maybe she would really thank him.But Xueqinghe is a female...

[From Qian Renxue’s negative sentiment value plus 566...]

Xue Qinghe said with a black face: "This prince is in good health, and there is no need for tiger whips. Let's go back as soon as possible..."

Xue Qinghe hadn't finished speaking yet, Ye Zhiqiu took a few Fei Lei Shen with his arms around him, and instantly caught up with the white tiger who was running away.

Suzuo Nenghu couldn't teleport with Flying Thunder God originally, but if Ye Zhiqiu's hand was against the purple crystal wall of Suzuo's coat, it would be different.

Ye Zhiqiu tried to use Flying Thunder God with Suzuo Nenghu for some time before, but found that he was teleported away, and Suzuo Nenghu's huge coat, Temu, remained in place.

Later he developed this kind of teleportation method, as long as he puts his hand on the crystal wall of Suzuo Nohu, he can teleport at the same time.

While the two of them were talking, the White Tiger Soul Beast, who had run out hundreds of meters away, suddenly found that its tail was caught by something. It couldn't help but its steps were stagnant. If it hadn't stopped quickly, it might be the thickness of its thigh. The tiger's tail will be torn apart by this force.


Seeing that he couldn't run away, Bai Hu suddenly screamed, showing his fierceness, turned around and opened his mouth to bite towards Xu Zuo's coat, and his paws were also unambiguously lifted and slapped against Suzuo's coat.

However, before his head came close to Suzuo's coat, Ye Zhiqiu smiled, controlling Suzuo Nenghu's left arm up.

The White Tiger Soul Beast, who was less than ten meters tall, was suddenly picked up by Suzuo Nenghu by his tail. How heavy is the eight-meter-high and ten-meter-long white tiger?At this time, its four legs were suspended in the air, and the weight of its entire body was hanging from the thick thigh of the tiger's tail. If the white tiger had a strong physique, it is estimated that the tiger's tail would have been broken.

The white tiger spirit beast fluttered with its four claws for a while, and found that the harder it moved, the more painful its tail, and it suddenly quieted down wittily.Xuanxuan Book Bar www.xuanxuanbook.com

The white tiger soul beast, whose tail was lifted by Suzuo Nenghu, was hung in the air, and its lower body was naturally exposed in front of Ye Zhiqiu and Xue Qinghe.

Xue Qinghe gave a light sip, turning his head to not want to see this scene.

Ye Zhiqiu was smug, his eyes narrowed with a smile, "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, if I don't kill you, I will cut your roots, and forbearance will pass..."

Bai Hu still had this excitement when he heard the first half of the sentence. Originally, he thought it was over today and was dead, but he didn't expect to survive.

Hearing the second half of the sentence, his pair of tiger eyes instantly widened...

Peat!Are you talking about human words?What does it mean to cut your roots?It's like plucking your hair, I might as well die without a tiger whip...

After the White Tiger Soul Beast froze for a while, it struggled fiercely again. It didn't want the tail anymore. Now it just wanted to run quickly, and it didn't matter if the tail broke.

After all, the tail can still grow out. If the tiger whip is gone, you can grow one?

For the first time, Bai Hu felt that his tail is so strong, I have been struggling so hard, you still keep on?

Ye Zhiqiu didn't mean to sympathize with it. After all, this tiger had troubled them first, and it would be nice if he didn't kill it on the spot.

With a touch of his right hand on the black jade bracelet, black crystals suddenly appeared, condensed into a scimitar shape, controlled by Ye Zhiqiu's divine consciousness, and the speed was as fast as an electric flash, suddenly passing between the white tiger's legs.

The white tiger spirit beast only felt a cold between his legs, and then a heart-piercing pain instantly hit his forehead, and its face was distorted, and it gasped.

With the change, the moment the tiger whip was cut off, it transformed into the shape of a palm, grabbed the tiger whip that was falling in mid-air, and flew back slowly.

At the same time, Suzuo Nenghu casually threw the white tiger soul beast in his hand, and then slowly dissipated into the void inch by inch. Ye Zhiqiu glanced at a certain object brought back by the change, and tweeted a few times, tortoise, this It is three or four meters long, how much wine can be made.

It is estimated that if you take it back to Shrek Academy, Dai Mubai and Ma Hongjun can laugh out loud.

After Ye Zhiqiu took the big tiger whip back into the black jade bracelet with joy in his heart, he held it with his right hand, and his left hand hugged Xueqinghe for a few moments before disappearing.

There was only one giant white tiger weeping silently and lamenting the beast.


About a dozen miles away from here, and tens of meters high in the sky, Ye Zhiqiu was taking Xue Qinghe stepping on the long sword that turned out with changes and flew unhurriedly.

"Didn't you say that you have to wait until dawn for your teleporting spirit ability to use it. You have used it many times just now." Xue Qinghe said in dissatisfaction, but this time, there seemed to be no trace of what he wanted to kill Ye Zhiqiu in his tone. Hostility is just a common complaint, just like mutual inquiry between friends.

Ye Zhiqiu looked back at Xue Qinghe, who was behind him with a hand on his shoulder, "Yes, long-distance teleportation can only be used until dawn, short-distance, I can use it infinitely if I have spirit power."

Xue Qinghe: ...

Haha, want to fool me again.I believe you a ghost, you bastard is very bad, and you never make drafts.

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