Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 140 I don't want to be emperor anymore [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Ye Zhiqiu cast a faint glance below, as Xue Qinghe said, the holy light unicorn did wake up.

After all, the two of them talked for a long time above the head of the soul beast without any concealment. If the holy light unicorn had no such vigilant awareness, it would have become a dish for other soul beasts in this Star Dou Great Forest. Up.

"Sorry, borrow a spirit ring to use it." After Ye Zhiqiu murmured softly, his right leg stomped on the flying sword suddenly, and he leaped towards the holy light unicorn who was looking at him with a vigilant face. Ye Zhiqiu was in mid-air. Having opened six doors in a row, the speed suddenly increased, and the green light passed by. The Holy Light Unicorn had no time to react. It had already been kicked into the chest and hit the ground below with a "boom".

On the big branch where the Holy Light Unicorn had been staying, Ye Zhiqiu stood silently, with green energy surging all over his body, and his long clothes and hair fluttered.

The unicorn that was hit to the ground showed horror in its eyes, and its two-ribbed white wings fluttered, struggling to get up, and then turned around and ran.

It was originally not a warlike soul beast. What's more, it seemed to be unable to beat this little thing. It almost didn't kick itself off the back with a kick. A few bones in the chest were broken. Can wait to die.

After running for two steps, the Holy Light Unicorn flapped its wings, and its body began to lift off. The innate advantage of flight allowed it to avoid many attacks from other spirit beasts. Although that human being can also fly, this time It has no choice, it is always faster to fly than to run.

Ye Zhiqiu looked at the holy light unicorn who wanted to run away, and sighed. He stood there and raised his right hand slightly, and held it in the direction of the holy light unicorn. The big tree beside the holy light unicorn was at this moment. As if there was life, countless branches immediately rose into the sky, winding towards the holy light unicorn that had already flew nearly ten meters high.

This move was somewhat like Tang San's first spirit ability entanglement, but its power was not comparable to Tang San's move.

The thigh-thick branches flexibly formed a large net, sealing the way above the holy light unicorn, and the branches immediately below immediately swarmed up, entwining the holy light unicorn firmly.

These branches are extremely tough. If replaced with the previous ones, the light unicorns of this thickness can be broken by a shock, but the branches controlled by Ye Zhiqiu are very different. No matter how the light unicorns struggle, It didn't help. On the contrary, it was like countless boa constrictors. The tighter and tighter, the deeper and deeper, the Unicorn of Light felt that he could not breathe.

The green energy permeating Ye Zhiqiu's body dissipated at this moment, and Suibian also brought Xue Qinghe to his side, and then automatically flew back to the ink jade bracelet in his hand.

"One stroke is heavy, two strokes are alive. Holy Son is a good method." Xue Qinghe sighed. Now he is not surprised at Ye Zhiqiu's new method. This guy has too many secrets, and all kinds of new spirit skills seem to be unnecessary. Like the end, the same is revealed immediately afterwards, and it is still terrifying.

The two hundred thousand-year-old spirit rings on Ye Zhiqiu's body were said to have been hunted down by himself. The original Xue Qinghe didn't believe it, but now he believes it.

This little man, although a bit cheap.But it seems that there are countless secrets hidden. I don't know how many methods are not revealed. He hides too deeply.

Ye Zhiqiu just nodded indifferently to Xue Qinghe’s words of admiration, and pointed to the holy light unicorn that was entangled like a zongzi and dragged to the ground and said: “It’s yours. Be careful when absorbing the spirit ring. , If you die, I won't be able to go back and explain to the elder."

Xue Qinghe rolled his eyes madly, cursing others to death at every turn, and sooner or later he would be mad at you if he didn't die.

With a soft snort to Ye Zhiqiu, Xueqinghe leapt to the ground gently from the tree, and walked towards the holy light unicorn that was bound there without any haste. Seeing his walking posture, it seems that his butt does not hurt. Up?

Also... after so long, the soul master's resilience is still quite strong.

After Xue Qinghe came to Shengguang Unicorn, he did not know where to draw out a short sword, regardless of the begging eyes of Shengguang Unicorn, he stabbed a sword ruthlessly from its eye socket, and moved simply. neat.

Seeing this, Ye Zhiqiu secretly sighed, this girl is more cruel than himself... Home of Novels www.itxtbook.cc

In fact, Qian Renxue played His Royal Highness the prince for so many years, so how could she be able to rise in the wind of Tiandou Royal if she was not cruel, maybe she didn't know where she was squeezed by other royal children.

Ye Zhiqiu shook his head and sat down on the branches of the tree, leaning against the branches of the big tree, protecting Xueqinghe's method of absorbing the spirit ring.

For a 40,000-year spirit ring, it is still a bit difficult for an ordinary spirit master of level 60 to absorb.

The ten thousand year soul beast corresponds to the soul king, thirty thousand years corresponds to the soul emperor, fifty thousand years corresponds to the soul sage, and seventy thousand years corresponds to the Contra.Of course, there are no absolutes. Many Contras can't beat 70,000-year spirit beasts, so they can only charge forty-five thousand-year spirit rings.

These are just ordinary spirit masters, and Xue Qinghe is obviously not in this case.

The top martial arts spirit of the innate 20th level and Seraphim is destined to be non-ordinary. It is normal to absorb spirit rings over the age limit. For example, this 40,000-year-old holy light unicorn can be replaced by other 60-level spirit masters. , It will definitely not be better, maybe he will die suddenly in the process of absorbing the spirit ring.

But Xue Qinghe, who was sitting on the ground, had absorbed it, but his complexion was plain and he didn't seem to be struggling.

Time passed slowly, and after about two hours, a whitish white appeared on the horizon.

Before you know it, it's dawn.

Xue Qinghe, who had absorbed the spirit ring, slowly opened his eyes at this time. In addition to the five yellow, yellow, purple, and black spirit rings, a black ten thousand year spirit ring slowly rose.

Before he could get excited, Ye Zhiqiu was a Flying Thunder God who appeared next to him, pretending to arch his hands, "Tsk tsk, this spirit ring configuration seems to me a little worse, but compared to those civilian spirit masters, it is still considered Yes, congratulations to His Royal Highness for being promoted to Soul Emperor."

Listening to Ye Zhiqiu's ridiculous words, and thinking of Ye Zhiqiu's two hundred thousand-year-old spirit rings, Xue Qinghe suddenly realized that he didn't seem to be in that good mood...

His face also darkened unconsciously.

Ye Zhiqiu smiled inwardly, guarding you for two hours in vain, not getting angry at you, let's panic in your heart.

"I heard that the task that Shengzi took is to help me ascend the throne of God?" Xue Qinghe said lightly with a black face.

Ye Zhiqiu nodded suspiciously, didn't this have been mentioned before?

"Hehe..." Xue Qinghe smiled suddenly, "It seems that the mission of the Saint Child will not be completed. Suddenly, the prince does not want the emperor of the Tiandou Empire."

Ye Zhiqiu:???

"Ahem..." Ye Zhiqiu gave a dry smile: "I was joking before, so please don't be angry, your Royal Highness..."

Xue Qinghe had teasing in his eyes, "This prince is not kidding."

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