Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 141 I, Qian Renxue, want to be a queen [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"Why... when the emperor wakes up to the power of the world, doesn't it smell sweet?" Ye Zhiqiu was stunned. Although you are a woman, you can't be drunk, but it is still possible to wake up to the power of the world.

Xue Qinghe glanced at Ye Zhiqiu in surprise, "I can't see that although the character of the saint son is not very good, he can export as a chapter, his literary talent is brilliant."

Ye Zhiqiu's face turned black, are you harming me or complimenting me?

"This saint child's literary talent has always been brilliant, but you...this emperor is not good for you." Ye Zhiqiu looked at Xue Qinghe and said sternly.

"Oh? Why?" Xue Qinghe smiled lightly, and said with interest.

why?Is this still necessary?

If you think about it, you will wear a queen's robe and sit on the throne in the future. Isn't that much a desire for conquest?It is said that Qian Renxue is the number one beauty in Douluo Continent. She has such a good foundation, it's a shame not to wear a queen robe!When doing something in a queen robes, do you think about that scene?

I think so, and said that I definitely can't say that. Ye Zhiqiu is really afraid that he will suddenly put the burden on him and quit.

"Look, if you are not the emperor of the Tiandou Empire, the throne can only be inherited by the silly fork of Xue Beng. As for his IQ, you also know that it is a lot worse than you. If he inherits the throne, Isn’t the Tiandou Empire in chaos? When the Tiandou is in chaos, the Star Luo Empire will definitely take the opportunity to attack. By that time, the people under the world will be bored, tortured by the war, displaced, and homeless. As the prince of Tiandou, you bear to see this scene. Did it happen?" Ye Zhiqiu persuaded with all his heart, a look of compassion.

Seeing Ye Zhiqiu's reasoning and moving emotions, Xue Qinghe felt that if he didn't inherit the throne, he seemed to have really become a villain.

He couldn't help but lowered his head and thought for a while, feeling that what Ye Zhiqiu said also made sense.

I can't see that although this person is a bit cheap, he still has the common people in the world.Hey, people have to be in contact for a long time before they can understand the true qualities of a person.

I, Qian Renxue, bears an angel martial arts spirit that symbolizes light and goodness, and is the spokesperson of the angel god. Do I really want to live happily for myself, regardless of grandfather's orders and the life and death of the world?

No, no, I can't just for my own selfish desires, I can't ignore my grandfather's expectations and push the people of the world into the war between the two countries.

At this moment, Xue Qinghe's eyes were surprisingly firm, "Shengzi is right. Qinghe is disregarding the overall situation. I am really ashamed. Qinghe must be the emperor of the Heaven Dou Empire and will not let the words of the Shengzi become reality."

Ye Zhiqiu: ...

I just said that I didn't expect you to believe it. You are too foolish, right?

Hey, I, Ye Zhiqiu, especially like people like you who are fond of you.

Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, Ye Zhiqiu cautiously said: "It shouldn't be too late, let's go back now and secretly slaughter your old man, and then you will succeed to the throne as a matter of course, how does your Royal Highness feel."

Xue Qinghe frowned. He wanted to say that it was not my father. You said it as if I was a big villain who wanted to kill the father and usurp the throne...

But he can't say such things...

Xue Qinghe felt a little panicked in his heart, so he smiled bitterly: "This matter is really not yet in time. There are still many nobles in Tiandou now headed by Prince Xue Xing, who are on the side of Xue Beng, and Xue Beng The Star Prince seems to have a very good personal relationship with Dugu Bo, and if the Emperor Tiandou is dying now, and the throne will not be known, we still need to be prepared."

Ye Zhiqiu frowned. Originally, he had been surprised that Qian Renxue Mingming had been disguising Xue Qinghe for so many years. He had been conscientious and should have killed the Emperor Xueye himself to inherit the throne. It turned out that there was such a thing behind him.Reading Network www.dusuu.com

It seems that the cruel struggle of the children of the royal family is not as simple as talking about it.

There is Prince Xue Xing behind Xue Beng, and Dugu Bo has a personal relationship with Prince Xue Xing. This is equivalent to a Title Douluo standing behind Xue Beng. It seems really difficult to deal with?

If Xue Qinghe had not recognized Ning Fengzhi, the lord of the Seven Treasure Glazed Glass Sect, as a teacher, he might not have been able to compete with the Fourth Prince Xue Beng.

If Emperor Xue Ye died suddenly now and had not made a will, then the prince Xue Beng should also be eligible to inherit the throne.

So Xueqinghe can only be poisoned with chronic mixed poison?Planning to make Emperor Xueye realize that his body is not as good as one day, and establish Feng Xueqinghe's edict before his death?

With Ye Zhiqiu's brain and the insights brought by the 21st century, he basically understood these things at a glance.If this is the case, then it seems that Emperor Xueye really can't die right now, at least he will die after he has issued a will.

Or there is another way, Ye Zhiqiu surreptitiously killed the avalanche, this is undoubtedly the fastest.

But if this were the case, Xue Qinghe would definitely be the target of everyone's suspicion. Even if he was on the throne of Heaven Dou, he would probably be infamy of killing his father and brother.

"Fuck, it's really troublesome..." Ye Zhiqiu cursed secretly. He originally thought that this task should be completed easily. He didn't expect that there are so many ways in it, which is really a headache. He wants to carry the burden. Quit...

But when he thought of Qian Renxue's appearance in the imperial robe in the future, Ye Zhiqiu's expression struggled a bit, and he was motivated again.

No, no, he must find a way to send Qian Renxue to the throne...

Qian Renxue, who doesn't wear royal robes, has no soul...

Moreover, the old fellow Qian Daoliu dared to calculate himself, could Ye Zhiqiu bear it?I can't bear it!

What can I do if I can't bear it?Of course, the granddaughter will pay for the debts owed by the grandfather, and Ye Zhiqiu intends to soak up his granddaughter to see who suffers.

While Ye Zhiqiu was thinking about these things, Xue Qinghe looked up at the little halo shot down through the dense foliage, and whispered: "It's dawn, go back first."

Ye Zhiqiu nodded, stretched out his right hand on Xue Qinghe's shoulder, the third spirit ability Fei Lei Shen used, the red light flashed in place, and the two of them were gone.

There is only one holy light unicorn that has been dead for a long time, symbolizing that someone has been here.


Heaven Dou Imperial City, Xueqinghe's side palace bedroom.

As soon as the two of them emerged, Xue Qinghe hurriedly came to the front of the mirror, took care of the folds of clothing, and then walked out the door, leaving only one sentence, "I'm going to be in charge of politics, yourself Feel free to be careful not to reveal your identity."

Seeing Xue Qinghe walking away from the back, Ye Zhiqiu shrugged, and skillfully pushed open the bedroom door. When he took off his shoes and tilted his body, he lay down on the soft big bed, with his hands resting on his head and thinking about how it should be. Without affecting the reputation of Xueqinghe, let Emperor Xueye make a will, and then let Emperor Xueye pass away unknowingly...

Ye Zhiqiu was thinking, smelling the faint fragrance around him, and fell asleep leisurely.

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