Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 142 Eat more meat to grow your body [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Ye Zhiqiu slept beautifully until noon. If Xue Qinghe hadn't come back, he might still be able to sleep.

Xue Qinghe, who came back from the administration, looked for Ye Zhiqiu for a long time, and finally saw Ye Zhiqiu lying in his bed and sleeping so happily, his face turned black.

No other man has ever lay down in my old mother's bed. You are really familiar with it. You climbed up without saying hello...

"Get up..." Xue Qinghe said with a black face.

"I'm sorry..." Ye Zhiqiu murmured, turned over and continued to sleep on his stomach.

Xue Qinghe suddenly felt her chest hurt by anger. Do you really think of this place as your own home?

Seeing Ye Zhiqiu's slightly cocked butt, Xue Qinghe didn't even think about it, and directly slapped it up.

After the "pop", Ye Zhiqiu's sleepiness disappeared immediately, turning his head and squinting at Xue Qinghe.

For some reason, when Xue Qinghe saw Ye Zhiqiu's slightly narrowed eyes, he suddenly felt that something bad was going to happen...

Women’s hunches have always been very accurate.

The next moment, Ye Zhiqiu suddenly jumped out of the bed. Seeing that the situation was not good, Xue Qinghe was a little flustered and wanted to turn around and run, but didn't want to be lighter. The next moment Ye Zhiqiu fell on the bed.

When he tried to get up, Ye Zhiqiu was one step ahead of him and sat down on his back.

Xue Qinghe, who had just gotten up a little bit, was slumped back on his back by Ye Zhiqiu's ass. The upper body was bearing the weight of the two men, and half of his head was sunk in the soft bed.

Xue Qinghe's flustered hands slammed for a while, and almost didn't flash to his waist. His upper body was almost unable to move under the pressure of Ye Zhiqiu. Only his legs could flop a few times. He noticed the strength gap between the two sides, and he certainly didn't. With the opportunity to break free, Xue Qinghe couldn't help but looked a little nervous and said: "What are you doing, I tell you this is Heaven Dou Imperial City, I shout..."

"You yell ass." Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes, "I dare to spank Laozi's ass, I think you don't want your ass."

Ye Zhiqiuyin let out a weird laugh, and turned to look at Xue Qinghe's little butt, who was stuck in the soft bed because of his upper body, and slapped his backhand.

"Smack~" "I let you spank my ass."

"Smack~" "My mother hasn't spanked my ass before, so dare you ass beat?"

"Smack~" "I made you play tricks with me last night..."

"Papa~" "I think you just owe you..."


Almost every time Ye Zhiqiu slapped, he would mutter dissatisfiedly, and Xue Qinghe, who was sitting under him, was a little stunned.

I just slapped, and I didn’t use much strength. You’ve hit so many times and your butt is swollen...

My dignified prince does not want face?

"Asshole, let me go, or I'll call someone...I'm really calling someone..." Xue Qinghe turned his head and stared at Ye Zhiqiu in shame.

"Huh?" Ye Zhiqiu slapped his backhand again and smirked, "You shout, see if anyone can rescue you. Oh, forgot to say, this room has been sealed with my spirit. Living."

Xue Qinghe: ...

I'm just talking about it, I really don't dare to shout, why am I still alive when someone sees me?

Seeing that the hard is not good, Xue Qinghe can only come with a soft face, and said with a solemn expression, "Holy son, do you think we two big men are a bit inappropriate? After all, everyone doesn't have the Dragon Yang name, right? We all It is a person with status, and you need to pay attention to demeanor..." Shucang www.shucang.cc

After listening to Xue Qinghe's words, Ye Zhiqiu lowered his head and pondered for a while, as if thinking about whether it was inappropriate for the two of them.

A look of excitement appeared in Xue Qinghe's eyes, as if there was a scene... asshole, what else are you thinking about, let me go...

"Hehe..." Ye Zhiqiu looked at Xue Qinghe's expression that he was about to be saved, and suddenly gave a smirk. He decided to continue to tease the arrogant little saint of the Elder Palace.

Ye Zhiqiu lowered his head to reach Xue Qinghe's ear and whispered softly: "How did your Royal Highness know that this son is not as good as Longyang? Maybe there is?"

Xue Qinghe:???

Didn't expect you to be this kind of person?It's over, this prince... Bah... This saint seems to be playing big...

Today I won’t lose my virginity because of wrong words...

Seeing Xue Qinghe's somewhat collapsed look, Ye Zhiqiu gave a chuckle, got up and got out of bed.

"It's teasing you, so many beautiful women in the world are waiting for Ben Shengzi to pamper him, Ben Shengzi is not going to do something to you as a man without choosing food."

Ye Zhiqiu put on his shoes and walked out of the room after saying that he had fun. His spiritual consciousness had already seen a large table of food in the sleeping hall dining room. He hadn't eaten since last night and he was indeed a little hungry.

Your chastity is kept?

The ups and downs are really exciting...

Seeing Ye Zhiqiu walking out, Xue Qinghe grinned and rubbed her little butt. She also got up and walked out of the bedroom.

It's dinner now. He originally planned to ask Ye Zhiqiu to eat, but he searched the bedroom and finally found him in his bedroom.

By the time Xue Qinghe also came to the restaurant, Ye Zhiqiu had already cleaned up several dishes. Needless to say, the royal chefs made dishes that were naturally full of color, fragrance and flavor.

Xue Qinghe looked a little unnatural and wanted to sit down opposite Ye Zhiqiu. As soon as his buttocks touched the chair, there was a fiery pain, and he almost jumped up.

Xue Qinghe couldn't help but gave Ye Zhiqiu a look at the initiator.

Ye Zhiqiu seemed to have not seen it, and continued to eat and drink, but the smile in his eyes was a little bit unconcealable.

"Why does your Royal Highness stand and eat?" Ye Zhiqiu deliberately said with a surprised expression.

Xue Qinghe's face twitched, why don't you know why I was eating while standing?You have to piss me off after the fight, right?

"It's easy to eat while standing..." Xue Qinghe bit her silver teeth, took a bite of the fried greasy green vegetables, stuffed it into her mouth and chewed hard.

Treat this vegetable as a bastard, kill him, kill him...

"That's right. But His Royal Highness still eats more meat. How can you grow your body by only eating vegetables? It's not good for your pectoral muscles to be too soft." Ye Zhiqiu said deeply while eating.

Xue Qinghe's chewing on his upper and lower jaws became more vigorous, and Ye Zhiqiu heard a slight clash of teeth.

"Be careful to bite your tongue..." Ye Zhiqiu kindly reminded.

As soon as Ye Zhiqiu finished speaking, Xue Qinghe's tooth collision stopped abruptly, her mouth tightly pressed, her eyes a little moist.

Bastard... really bite... you crow's mouth...

Ye Zhiqiu stared at Xue Qinghe's expression, he just said casually, did not expect you to bite?

"What I said just now, I asked you to be careful not to listen." Ye Zhiqiu smiled and shook his head.

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