Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 144 Imperial City Chaosseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!When the two soldiers came to check, there was no figure of Ye Zhiqiu.

Inside the emperor Xueye’s bedroom, behind a worshipper, Ye Zhiqiu lowered his head like a ghost, and suddenly appeared silently. The first time he entered the bedroom, Ye Zhiqiu blocked the voice transmission in the bedroom with divine consciousness. , And then the changing sword in his hand swept across the consecrated neck that hadn't reacted to him with his back facing him without any hindrance.

A human head flew up, and the headless corpse twitched, and slowly fell to the ground...Blood gushing from the break in the throat like a small fountain.

The flying head's eyes were wide open, and there was some doubt in it.

The Eight Doors Dunjia and the Thunder God are blessed with two magical skills. Under Ye Zhiqiu's sneak attack, he instantly killed a more than 70-level soul saint.

The plain face of Emperor Xue Ye finally changed at this moment, and his instinct took a few steps backwards.

How did this person skip the hundreds of royal guards outside and suddenly appear?Emperor Xue Ye couldn't understand at all.

"Your Majesty, be careful~" The pupils of another enshrinement beside Emperor Xueye shrank, and after a loud shout, one side of his footsteps blocked the front of Emperor Xueye, and the pale golden light lingered around him, and a lion phantom stood Suddenly condensing behind him, seven spirit rings of yellow, yellow, purple, black and black rose from under his feet.

His reaction speed was very fast. Almost the moment when another worshiper was sneaked and killed by Ye Zhiqiu, he called out his martial soul and entered a state of combat. His shout also wanted to make the royal guards guarding the door notice. No, it means coming in to support, because from this young man, he perceives danger...

That feeling was very strong. Even though this young man had only four rings, the two shining one hundred thousand year spirit rings were very conspicuous, and the terrifying coercion exuded made him, the 79th-level spirit sage, a little breathing.

"It's a pity..." Ye Zhiqiu murmured slightly, and slowly raised his head, the hexagonal windmill in his eyes turned slightly.

The enshrining brow of the lion martial soul frowned, and he looked at the young man who appeared suddenly.


Above the main gate of Heaven Dou Imperial City, the five figures standing in the sky moved at a certain moment as if they had been ordered.

They spread apart like meteorites, and fell to the five places where spirit masters gathered the most in the lower imperial city.

"It's the culprit of Akatsuki..."

"That's Jiaodu, Lao Tzu was robbed of money by him, fuck..."

"Made's yin person is Dashewan..."

"Attack, attack..."

Numerous soul masters cursed, the colorful rays of light flashed at the gate of the city, and the surrounding area was much brighter.

Countless spirit abilities from bottom to top, smashed at the falling Xiao Organization five people, including the powerful spirit abilities of several high-level spirit masters.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!" The five voices spit out from the five people almost simultaneously.

The terrifying repulsion centered on them, erupting toward the surroundings, and the spirit abilities that attacked them were suddenly bounced away, and the five people were ten meters away from all things.

It was those spirit abilities that bounced back, and many spirit masters underneath smashed them in a rush to avoid.

One move to follow the other way, and even Shi Bi's body immediately caused these soul masters to suffer a lot.


The five explosions sounded at the same time, and the moment Xiao organized the five people to land, five big pits were smashed. There was no dust in the Heavenly Dou Imperial City. At this time, the battlefield was filled with dust and chaos.

In the chaos of form, no one noticed, one of the five members of Akatsuki's organization suddenly disappeared.7 questions novel www.7wxsxs.com


In the emperor Xue Ye's bedroom, the eternal kaleidoscope in Ye Zhiqiu's eyes slowly turned, looking a little strange.

The 79-level soul saint enshrined, staring at his blood-red eyes with some solemnity.

If someone who knows Hokage is here, he will definitely shout that you are really a Shabi, and dare to stare at the eternal kaleidoscope.

"It's a pity... originally you could live, who let you see what I looked like." Ye Zhiqiu smiled sadly, his eyes widened suddenly.

"Monthly reading."

This 79-level worshiper was unfamiliar with the kaleidoscope's ability to write round eyes, staring at Ye Zhiqiu's eyes, and was instantly hit.

Under the blood-colored world, this Heaven Dou Empire worshipper woke up, and when he found himself tied to the cross in a cruciform shape, he suddenly struggled violently.

This ordinary finger thick iron chain shouldn't be able to lock his soul sage at all, it can be broken easily.

But this time, no matter how hard he exerted his strength, the blood-colored iron chain remained motionless, as if it were made of the hardest substance in the world.

"Welcome to my world, where you will have three days of happy time, maybe only one day." Ye Zhiqiu's figure appeared in front of the Tiandou Empire worship, he smiled softly, like a simple boy .

The movement of his hand formed two extremes with the expression on his face, and the long sword that was transformed into it pierced the soul sage's chest inch by inch.

The pain is so obvious. The worshiper of the Heaven Dou Empire has his eyes wide open, and his consciousness is very clear, but it is because of his clear consciousness that he realizes the uncomfortable feeling that makes people want to die immediately. In the world of reading, death seems to have become a luxury.


Outside, at the moment when Ye Zhiqiu pulled into the world of moon reading, a middle-aged, long-haired man with a cold expression suddenly appeared here. He held a rapier similar to a grass pheasant sword in his hand. The consecrated head of the Heaven Dou Empire, who was still punished in the illusionist world, had no resistance at all.

When people die, the illusion is naturally relieved.

The two guards and offerings of the Tiandou Empire were all resolved. Only Xueye Great and Ye Zhiqiu were left on the scene, as well as a Dashewan clone called by Ye Zhiqiu to harvest.

"Good cooperation, there is a titled Douluo outside, it is Dugu Bo, you go and stop, be careful not to be poisoned." Ye Zhiqiu looked at the panicked Emperor Xue Ye with a calm expression, his head didn't turn. Said casually.

The Oshe Maru clone grinned, and several obedient Fei Lei Shen used them to intercept Dugu Bo who was rushing towards the palace at the top of a hall.

"This way is nowhere." The Obassilisk laughed, his voice a little hoarse.

Dugu Bo: ...


In Emperor Xue Ye's bedroom, Ye Zhiqiu frowned when he looked at the headless corpse lying on the ground.

The first time I killed someone by myself, I didn't expect it to be under this kind of occasion. I didn't feel much discomfort, but the headless corpse looked a bit disgusting.

After Ye Zhiqiu used Amaterasu to cremate both corpses and nearby bloodstains, he calmly walked to the side of Emperor Xueye, found a chair and sat down.

Emperor Xue Ye looked at the decisive young man next to him, and smiled bitterly. He knew that he would definitely not be able to live. Since he couldn't live, he might as well die decently.

Emperor Xue Ye's complexion also calmed down. After finishing his clothes, he sat down opposite Ye Zhiqiu.

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