Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 145 Feel the pain [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!"If the emperor's guess is correct, your Excellency should be the Saint Child of Wuhun Hall?" Emperor Xue Ye glanced at the Saint Child Crystal Crown on Ye Zhiqiu's head and said lightly.

"Yes." Ye Zhiqiu nodded indifferently, and continued: "I don't have much time. If you don't want to die too painful, please make a will. After you die, you will be succeeded by Prince Xue Qinghe."

The Great Xueye was stunned and showed a clear expression. With a wry smile, he took the rice paper and a pen from the desk next to him, and while writing the edict, he sighed and said: "That kid in Qinghe is indeed the emperor of a country. Material, cruel and decisive, and very keen on national affairs. Unfortunately, he was eager to achieve success, and he was afraid that he would become a chess piece in your Wuhun Hall." The Great Xue Ye shook his head and sighed with emotion.

Ye Zhiqiu rolled his eyes, you think so much.Forget it, for the sake of your cooperation, I won't hit you anymore, just let you think so...

If Ye Zhiqiu tells the truth to Emperor Xueye, it is estimated that he will not write this edict even in death. After all, Xueqinghe is still surnamed Xue, and the Tiandou Empire is still in their Xue family's hands. This gives Emperor Xueye a bit of comfort. .

If Ye Zhiqiu tells him that your son died early and his bones are gone, and now Xue Qinghe is the saint on the side of our Wuhun elder hall, then Ye Zhiqiu guesses he will have to spend some time using illusions.

After a long while, Emperor Xueye wrote down, stamped the emperor's seal on the rice paper, and sighed, "Before dying, I wonder if the holy son can solve the emperor's confusion?"

"Say." Ye Zhiqiu raised his eyelids and said lightly.

"Xiao Organization, isn't it the dark hand supported by your Spirit Hall?"

The Great Xue Ye seemed to let go, and when he was dying, there was no trace of fear in his eyes. Instead, he had a chat with Ye Zhiqiu, the holy son of the Spirit Hall who was going to kill him.

Ye Zhiqiu's mouth twitched slightly, and said: "The Xiao organization does not belong to any power, and no power is qualified to mobilize them. Not at the Hall of Martial Spirit, let alone the three empires including your two empires."

After Ye Zhiqiu finished speaking, Emperor Xueye was even more puzzled. After all, he felt that Ye Zhiqiu had no need to deceive himself, but if Xiao organization did not belong to the Spirit Hall, why would he listen to Ling Ye Zhiqiu, the saint son of the Spirit Hall?After all, he used a commanding tone to the soul master who was wearing a red cloud robe on the black bottom of the Xiao organization.

At this point, Xueye Great Emperor was sure he would not be wrong.

But for this question, Emperor Xue Ye was destined to be unable to come up with an answer.In the next moment, the Great Emperor Xueye felt that his consciousness began to be a little unconscious, as if he was about to fall asleep, his eyes were darkened in the dimness.

Ye Zhiqiu observed the godless emperor Xue Ye in front of him for a while, and after confirming that he was already in the midst of illusion, he stepped forward and took off the storage soul guide in his hand. It was a gold flower studded. The purple jade wrist looks very elegant.

The treasure house of the Heaven Dou Empire contained some ordinary treasures. Although the quantity was large, the truly valuable things, such as some soul guides and royal treasures, were all in the hands of the masters.

Not only the Tiandou Empire is like this, but basically some big families are like this.

The purple jade wrist that Ye Zhiqiu took from the hands of the Great Xueye contained the most valuable thing in the Heaven Dou Empire.

The space inside the purple jade wrist is about 20 cubic meters, which is half the size of the black jade bracelet. There are not many items stored. I don't see any gold soul coins. They are basically all kinds of soul guide objects.

Ye Zhiqiu also found a piece of black ten thousand years right leg spirit bone, whose function is temporarily unknown.

In addition to these, when Ye Zhiqiu saw a light blue transparent small bowl, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

The vast sea universe cover, this thing is Ye Zhiqiu's goal, as for the ten thousand year soul bone, at most it can only be regarded as an extra joy.

After putting the purple jade wrist on the edge of the black jade bracelet and covering it with his sleeve, Ye Zhiqiu found a place to sit down and wait quietly.

He was waiting for his avatars to hit this side, and it would be best to attract everyone. At that time, he only needed to kill the Xueye Great Emperor in front of everyone by the avatars, and everything was almost done.

Tonight's Heaven Dou Imperial City is destined to not be peaceful.

In addition to the Osamaru clone of Akatsuki and Snake who entangled the poisonous Douluo Dugubo, the other four clones are Akatsuki Reizura Hikura, Akatsuki Suzaku·Itachi, Akatsuki Nandou·Kai, Akatsuki Beidou·du.4E Novel www.4exs.com

Although they bear the names of four people, except for Ling Zang's clone, the other clones have different abilities from the original owner. The identity is arranged like this only because of their similarities.

Without Title Douluo present, how could these spirit masters with the highest spirit power of more than 70 levels be able to withstand the attack of the four pairs of reincarnation eyes, the advantage of the large number of people was useless.

There are countless figures who have been destroyed by Shenluo Tianzheng. Outside the imperial city, you can hear the sound of killing and screaming.

"These little chicken cubs are too annoying, I want to use that trick!" Ghost shark clone, Shenluo Tianzheng, after clearing the surrounding ten meters into a clearing, complained to the Itachi clone not far from him.

Itachi glanced at him coldly, "Pay attention to control the power, don't destroy the imperial city."

The conversation between the two was not covered, and many spirit masters around had heard it.

Seeing that except for the ghost ghost clone, the other three Daoxiao organization figures teleported and disappeared, appearing quietly standing on the roof in the distance.

These spirit masters who were still in the same place suddenly had a bad premonition, and looked at this member of the Xiao organization who had a strange face with some horror.

"Hehe..." Ghost shark clone smiled treacherously, revealing its jagged fangs, making the hearts of many spirit masters chill, is this especially human?

After once again using Shenluo Tianzheng to flew the spirit abilities like his own attack, the ghost shark clone flew up into the air, raised his hands high, and laughed loudly, "Little grasshoppers, feel the pain."

Many soul masters:?

This guy...what is it going to do?

The ghost shark clone rose to a height of more than 30 meters, and then looked down at the spirit masters below, grinning, showing a terrifying smile.

"Shen Luo Tianzheng!"

Or this trick?Many soul masters felt relieved. This trick seems to have been used many times before. Although it is very powerful, it can fly anything, but it's a dead person who doesn't collapse!

We are so far apart, are you falling apart?

However, the next moment, these spirit masters showed horror in their eyes and paid the price for their ignorance.

Above the high altitude, a transparent wave of air, centered on the ghost shark clone, spread quickly to the surroundings.

Everything that he came into contact with was blown away by a huge force, and the buildings that were fixed in place were shaken into powder like tofu.

On the ground below the ghost shark clone's body, the imperial city's flat floor tiles seemed to be under some horrible pressure, instantly cracking, and the cracks spreading far away.

For the many soul masters who had gathered together, if they were lucky, they seemed to have been hit hard, but they were simply bombed and flew far away.

Those with bad luck, the dozens of people under the feet of the ghost shark clones, were squeezed into the ground below before they were bombed, their faces were distorted, and their bones were "popping" under the pressure of gravity. After a while, it burst into meat sauce, and in the end there was no bone left, and it was mixed with the soil.

The three Heaven Dou Imperial College Contra chiefs who were about to rush to the imperial city stopped on several rooftops outside the city.

Dugu Bo, who was entangled with the Osha Maru clone in the distance, his eyes contracted, and he felt retreat in his heart.

The deity Ye Zhiqiu who was in the bedroom had withdrawn his consciousness, and didn't want to see this cruel scene.

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