Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 146 Xue Qinghe’s Suspicion [seeking Subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Inside the Tiandou Imperial City, on the large square at the entrance, a large circular pit with a diameter of more than two hundred meters was exposed at this time. The deepest part of the pit is more than 20 meters, and all the surrounding buildings in contact with the large pit are As if it had never appeared before, it just evaporated out of thin air.

At the edge of the big pit, countless soul masters looked sluggish, and deep in their eyes, there were luck and fear, and the joy of the rest of their lives. All kinds of tastes filled their hearts.

They are already a little scared. Is this really the power that people can use?

The imperial city that originally screamed for killing was silent at this moment, which formed a sharp contrast with before.

"Is this the real strength of the members of the Xiao organization..." Xue Qinghe stood at the top of his bedroom, looking at the terrifying pit in the distance, with a solemn expression.

At the top of a hall, four clones stood silently, and the clone of Reizura Yahiko looked at the ghost clone and said dissatisfied: "You have used a lot of strength and damaged several buildings, dozens of people, and that should be my line. "

"Don't care about these details..." The ghost ghost avatar grinned grinningly, and said: "Go to the direction of Emperor Xueye's bedroom, the deity's mission is the first. Now those spirit masters should have no guts to stop us."

The remaining three clones were silent, all using the means of repulsive force to float towards the position of Emperor Xueye's bedroom. The speed was not fast, and they didn't fly high, but as the ghost clone said, there is indeed no soul master. Dare to stop in front of them again.

These soul masters only dared to hang slowly behind them.

After all, no one spares their lives.Originally thought that there were too many people, even if they were dead, they would not necessarily die, and most of these Xiao Organization members just bounced people away, not to death. Under this circumstance, these empire-raised soul masters naturally dared to attack unscrupulously.

But after the ghost ghost clone used the spirit ability that could create a 200-large pit in diameter, all the spirit masters raised by the empire were shocked.

Right now, probably only the soldiers of the Royal Guard regiment, who dared to act boldly and fearlessly, were basically spirit masters of relatively low level, with passion and no softness.

The four of them flew unimpeded all the way to the sky outside the palace of Emperor Xueye, and stopped.

Jiao Du clone stepped forward in the void and said loudly, "Xue Ye Lao, you dare to place the wanted order against this uncle, and today I will take your dog's orders to respect the two monkeys, Jing Jing Wuhun Hall and Xing Luo Royal Family."

With the blessing of spirit power, the voice of Jiaodu spread far away, and the whole Tiandou City could hear it clearly.

The civilians and some spirit masters who watched the excitement outside the imperial city understood the cause and effect.

The Akatsuki members are just for this?Come to attack Heaven Dou Imperial City?It's too fierce...

Those spirit masters in the imperial city were also speechless for a while. If you guys stole things, wouldn't they be wanted?

It's too arrogant just because the wanted order will kill others...

But think about it carefully, Akatsuki really has the qualifications to be arrogant.

"Presumptuous, the culprits are arrogant."

In the distance, the three Heaven Dou Imperial College Contras headed by Mengshen Ji finally arrived, and the three turned into three streamers and were quickly approaching here.

Dugu Bo also came to the top of a nearby hall and stood with his hands behind.Opposite him, the Oshe Maru clone smiled coldly. The order he received was only to support Dugu Bo. At this time, Dugu Bo did not move, and he was naturally happy and relaxed.

Inside the palace, Ye Zhiqiu's mouth was slightly raised, and the spirit master with a certain status and status was almost the same, and the others were dispensable.

it's time...

Emperor Xue Ye, who was sitting quietly without a god, got up slowly under the influence of illusion and walked slowly towards the gate.

"Crunch~" The door of the bedroom opened, and Emperor Xue Ye, dressed in a gorgeous golden robe, walked out of it, holding a holy edict in his right hand.2018 novel www.2018xsxs.com

Because the Emperor Xue Ye had always kept his head down, no one saw his somewhat godless eyes, the Emperor Xue Ye who came to the door, opened the edict in his hand, his lips moved slightly, as if he wanted to speak.

At this special moment, what does Emperor Xueye want to read?Everyone held their breath.

Smiling sinisterly, the avatar of Dashewan who seemed to be confronting Poison Douluo suddenly disappeared at this moment. Dugu Bo was taken aback, reacted instantly, and suddenly looked towards Emperor Xueye.

Behind Emperor Xueye, the Dashewan clone appeared suddenly with a grinning smile, and the pheasant sword in his hand pierced the Emperor Xueye's throat from behind without warning.

This scene happened too fast, and the fast people had no time to react.

The Great Emperor Xue Ye, whose throat was severed by a knife, naturally woke up from the illusion. He seemed to want to say something, but his throat could only make a sound of "he...he...".

Can you still speak?

Da She Wan's eyes were cold, the sharp sword in his hand turned, and he drew horizontally, sneered and drew back.

The throat of Emperor Xue Ye was almost cut off by this blow, leaving only a layer of skin attached to his head and body.

Blood gushed from the wound, and Emperor Xue Ye's eyes were dim, his body slowly fell, and the edict in his hand also fell to the ground.

This sudden change made everyone too late to react, and it was really a great opportunity created by Ye Zhiqiu.

Basically everyone is still waiting. When they want to see what Emperor Xueye wants to say, the avatar of Dashemaru suddenly teleports over and gives a knife...

This knife directly rewritten the pattern of the Heaven Dou Empire.

The emperor died like this?

The emperor of an empire, is life so fragile sometimes...

Before Meng Shenji and others roar in anger, the five clones disappeared at the same time, and one of the Thunder Gods disappeared. The anger that had just risen in the heart, at this time, there was not even a person who could vent. The three Meng Shenji The teaching of Tiandou Royal Academy couldn't help but feel tight in his chest.

Standing at the top of the sleeping hall silently looking at Xue Qinghe in the distance, Ye Zhiqiu silently appeared beside him, looking at everything that was making sounds in the distance like him.

"Here? Things are over?" Xue Qinghe didn't turn his head, as if he had known Ye Zhiqiu would come.

"Yeah..." Ye Zhiqiu nodded in confusion, Xue Qinghe seemed to have known that he would come?Is this deliberately waiting for yourself here?

"Your father is dead, don't you go and see it?" Ye Zhiqiu said lightly, as if the death of Emperor Xue Ye was just a trivial matter.

Xue Qinghe sighed slightly, turned his head slightly, and looked at Ye Zhiqiu calmly with his eyes, "Isn't his death in your arrangement, do you think it? Shengzi."

Ye Zhiqiu was taken aback, did Xue Qinghe discover something?

"His Royal Highness suspects that this sage is colluding with Xiao's organization to assassinate Xueye?" Ye Zhiqiu's eyes were calm, with a faint smile on his face, and he asked back.

Xue Qinghe stared at Ye Zhiqiu's eyes for a long time before turning his head leisurely, "Maybe, after all, it was a coincidence that Xiao organization came, and their purpose was too clear. When the Great Xueye died, he retreated directly. During this time, Sheng The son is missing again. After the matter is over, the son appears. Shengzi, say, should Qinghe suspect that all this is related to you?"

"Although the Wuhun Hall and Xiao Organization are not hostile, the relationship is not very good. How did Ye Zhiqiu say that I am also the son of the Wuhun Hall. It is not good for the Crown Prince to button his hat with such slander." Ye Zhiqiu squinted his eyes, faintly. Opened the mouth.

Xue Qinghe nodded, "In that case, Qinghe is suspicious. Now that Emperor Xueye is dead, the situation has become more complicated. It is true that the plan cannot keep up with the changes..."

Xue Qinghe sighed, revealing the Swan Martial Soul, and flew towards the direction of Emperor Xue Ye's palace.

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