Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 152 Immortal Fa·True Thousands of Hands·Above the Buddha [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Hu Liena looked at the movements of the two, her complexion a bit dull, her eyes widened as bright as autumn water, what is her junior brother doing?

Molesting teacher...?

Bibi Dong was also shocked, rolled his eyes angrily, and slapped Ye Zhiqiu's hand away with a "pop", turned his head and walked a few steps, Bibi Dong paused, and turned his head slightly: "Remember If you lose, being a teacher will let you know what kind of punishment you will get if you are young or old. It will definitely make you unforgettable for a lifetime."

Ye Zhiqiu touched his nose angrily, still smiling, as if he didn't take Bibi Dong's words to heart.

"Teacher, there will be punishment for losing, then is there a reward for winning?" Ye Zhiqiu mischievously waved towards Bibi Dong's back and shouted.

"As long as it's not too much..." Bibi Dong's indifferent voice floated in the wind.

Is hugging sleeping too much?Ye Zhiqiu smiled and thought secretly, but he didn't dare to say such things, otherwise Bibi Dong would turn around and beat him up.

Hu Liena had weird eyes next to her, and she admired: "Little brother Qiu, even the teacher dared to molest you like this. What happened to Heaven Dou Imperial City? What changed you so much?"

Ye Zhiqiu smiled and said, "Guess."

"Forget it..." Hu Liena curled her lips, pretending that she was caring at all, but she reached out to hook Ye Zhiqiu's neck, pulled his head closer, and joked: "The formerly paralyzed junior can let I’m so worried, I’ll have to keep my current state well in the future. Understand, yeah, teacher, you dare to molest, why don’t you molest the senior sister? Isn’t the senior sister not charming?"

After speaking, Hu Liena blinked her eyes cutely at Ye Zhiqiu, showing a charming smile.

Ye Zhiqiu's mouth twitched, his eyes cast a glance, and he looked towards Hu Liena's chest, "Senior Sister, you are not as big as a teacher, so it's not attractive enough..." Ye Zhiqiu said in a serious manner.

Bibi Dong, who was walking away, staggered, turned his head and glared at Ye Zhiqiu viciously, and then left in a hurry.

Hu Liena didn't care much. After listening to Ye Zhiqiu's words, she covered her mouth and "chuckled" lightly and chuckled on his head lightly, "You are a kid who understands well, and you will remember to win later." ...If you lose, run first, don't try to be strong. If you win, Senior Sister will get a reward.

Ye Zhiqiu put his arms around his chest, raised his head slightly, and said proudly, "I won't lose. Sister, go and watch the game with the teacher. Remember to stay away. It will be dangerous to wait here."

Hu Liena smiled and nodded, and after running a few steps to catch up with Bibi Dong, she turned her head and clenched a fist to cheer him.

Looking at the two people who left, Ye Zhiqiu's hippie smile disappeared, and his expression became more serious.

He made that gesture, but he just didn't want to worry the two of them too much.

Not long after the two left, there was a "boom" from the horizon. A holy and peaceful white streamer was still in the distance just now. It didn't even breathe, and it was even closer.

Qian Daoliu arrived first, and he didn't even use Seraphim's Martial Spirit, so he left the rest of the Title Douluo far behind.

While in mid-air, Qian Daoliu glanced at Ye Zhiqiu with a calm expression, and then flew towards the hill where Bibi Dong and Hu Liena stood. It was a good viewing position, about one mile away from Ye Zhiqiu. Around the ground.

After Qian Daoliu, Jin Crocodile Douluo and others also arrived, like Qian Daoliu, took a look at Ye Zhiqiu in the air, and also fell towards the distant hill.32wx.net www.32wx.net

The audience was all in place, but the protagonist on the other side only arrived at one side, and everyone began to wait quietly.

Ye Zhiqiu guessed that the four of the porcupine Douluo would take some time to arrive, so he sat down and closed his eyes and thought.

He was thinking, what method should he use to beat those four shameless dishes to death?

Is it to teach them how to behave with a full body?Or use the wood of the immortal human body to transform into a big Buddha?Or come to an obstructive star, the world nuclear peace?If you don't need a thousand clones to come out and use personal sea tactics, it seems pretty good to sit and watch the play by yourself?

Hey, there are too many methods, and sometimes it is really an annoyance...

Ye Zhiqiu shook his head with emotion.

After Ye Zhiqiu was complacent for a long time, the four porcupine Douluo arrived late.

"I'm talking about four, your speed is too slow, wait for you for a long time. Eh..." Ye Zhiqiu slowly got up, his tone was a bit of contempt for people.

The porcupine Douluo four were not angry this time, they looked at Ye Zhiqiu with a sneer.In their hearts, Ye Zhiqiu was no different from the dead. Although Qian Daoliu and others were watching the battle, it was not easy for them to kill Ye Zhiqiu directly, but no one would say anything if he was destroyed.

Even if Bibi Dong came, she couldn't fault her, after all, it was Ye Zhiqiu who provoked first.

The Martial Spirit Hall will not raise the waste person, let alone recognize the status of a waste person's saint son. After that, how do they decide it is not up to them?

This was discussed on the road when the four Title Douluo came.

"Little Wawa, I don't know it until I die." Ghost Leopard Douluo gave a gloomy sneer.

Ye Zhiqiuhun took out his ears indifferently, and looked at the four people indifferently, "This is what I want to say to you. Recently, I created a new spirit ability, so I ask the four of you to taste better than Douluo. "

Ye Zhiqiu's eyes were cold, and he sneered and patted his hands.

At this moment, everyone's eyes were fixed on him, and they wanted to see, what would Ye Zhiqiu's own spirit ability be?

Could this be his confidence to challenge the four Title Douluo alone?

Among the people present, Hu Liena was probably the only one who was a little daunted. Her strength was too low to hear the conversation between Ye Zhiqiu and the porcupine Douluo in the distance. Only their mouths moved. The next moment , Ye Zhiqiu folded his palms on his chest.

"I said, let your hands and feet." Ye Zhiqiu smiled coldly, his eyes condensed suddenly, "Xianfa·True Thousands of Hands·Above the Buddha!"

At the moment when Ye Zhiqiu’s words fell, everyone present felt that the ground under their feet suddenly had a major earthquake at this moment. With Ye Zhiqiu’s location as the core, the surface was cracked, and the earth was surging like a huge wave, just like Something terrible is hidden below that will be born at this time.

Even Bibi Dong and others, who are one mile away, can clearly perceive the vibration that spreads. If you look at the sky, you can find that the cracks in the earth are continuously spreading far away. From time to time, I can see green objects surging like a big dragon.

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