Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 153 The Saint Son Will Never Be Back [seeking subscription]

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!When everyone looked shocked, what kind of soul ability would actually trigger such power.

On the surface behind Ye Zhiqiu’s body, countless giant hands are like angry dragons that first broke through the surface. Then, just below the ground on which Ye Zhiqiu’s feet stepped, the head of a giant Buddha statue with closed eyes was flying slowly among countless boulders. Slowly breaking out of the ground, the "rumbling" sound was like a muffled thunderstorm.

With his hands folded, the giant Buddha figure with kind eyebrows and benevolent eyes sits quietly on the lotus platform. At this moment, it quickly lifts up, taking Ye Zhiqiu's body all the way up.

The porcupine Douluo and the four were originally more than 20 meters away from Ye Zhiqiu, but at this time they were a little dazed to retreat and retreat. They discovered that the giant Buddha statue was intentionally repelling them. The four of them retreated to more than 500 meters away. , Then stopped slowly, if they didn't step back, they really couldn't see the whole picture of this thing.

Bibi Dong Qiandaoliu and others who watched the battle from a distance originally thought that one mile should be far enough, but they found that they seemed to be a little closer...

Thousands of hands, on top of the giant figure of Hua Buddha, broke through the smoke and dust set off on the surface, just like a sandstorm. If they hadn't used their own soul power to separate the smoke and dust, they would have been extremely embarrassed.

With their current distance, about a few steps forward, they can reach out and touch the base of the Buddha on top.

At this time, the real Buddha with thousands of hands on top has completely emerged from the surface. The huge body is more than 600 meters high. You can't see the top at a glance. Bibi Dong Qiandaoliu and others have to go all the way. Stepping back further, from behind Dingshang Huafo, came to the front side, otherwise the group of them would only see Dingshang Huafo's ass and the innumerable big hands, even Ye Zhiqiu could not be seen anywhere.

The four porcupine Douluo in front of the Buddha on the top, in addition to shock, they were shocked.

What is this thing?I have never seen such an outrageous spirit ability when I grow up so old...

The four porcupine Douluo, in front of the top Hua Buddha, are almost as big as a small ant.

After changing positions, Qian Daoliu Bibi Dong and others, who finally saw the true face of the Buddha on the top, were also dumbfounded.

Thousands of hands on top of the Buddha, watching it from the front is definitely more shocking than watching it from the back.

It is more than 600 meters high and 600 meters wide. A statue sits quietly on a lotus platform. Behind the benevolent Buddha statue is the endless hand. This scene is truly shocking.

Such a huge spirit ability has never appeared in the history of Douluo Continent. Not to mention its power, the visual impact it brings to people is terrifying.

Ye Zhiqiu said this was his own spirit ability?What kind of brains are you capable of creating this kind of spirit ability, is it really capable of being used by human power?

Above the Buddha's head, Ye Zhiqiu folded his chest with his hands and smiled faintly at the corners of his mouth. He looked down at the four porcupine Douluo in the distance, and said loudly, "Although my spirit ability is a bit big, it looks scary, but it's not very powerful Yes, the four of you don't need to show such expressions."

"Haha..." Snake Lance Douluo sneered stiffly, and looked at the other titled Douluo. "Everyone, although this wooden man looks scary, what's the use? Is it possible that it can survive? Jumping up and crushing us to death? This kid is just playing mystery. Don't let the elders be confused by him."

When he said this, Snake Lance Douluo himself didn't believe it, but at this time he had to send the arrow on the string.

After all, their four Title Douluo teamed up, so they couldn't see a huge wooden statue and were so scared that they didn't dare to do it?

"Snake Lance Douluo is right, it's nothing more than a larger piece of rotten wood. Do you think you can scare people when you make a portrait?" Ghost Leopard Douluo also sneered.

Is it really just a larger piece of rotten wood?Tower Novel www.taxiaoshuo.com

Bibi Dong, who was watching the battle from a distance, frowned. She knew Ye Zhiqiu a little bit. She didn't think Ye Zhiqiu would consume a lot of soul power, just to condense a giant wooden figure that seemed useless.

This wooden man must have other functions. Bibi Dong was convinced of this, but he didn't know the specific function.

"Everyone go up together, dismantle the broken wooden man, and abolish that kid." Ghost Leopard Douluo greeted with a sneer.That's what he said, but he didn't have a hint of care in his eyes. Instead, he was always on guard against this huge wooden figure. After all, this thing was too big, and it was no joke to be smashed down.

"Seventh Soul Ability, Martial Soul Real Body!" Shenglong Douluo roared first, and the khaki soul power on his body boiled. A nearly 15-meter long, twelve-three-meter-high iron armored earth dragon virtual image is Xu Zuo The energy armor of Nenghu is generally condensed from his body, enveloping him.

Although the iron armored earth dragon is only a subdragon species, it is not comparable to the pure dragon spirit of the blue electric tyrannosaurus, but the spirit power of the 92nd level of the Holy Dragon Douluo can be used to make up for its spirit quality. The gap is still impressive.

As Shenglong Douluo used the spirit body, the other three Title Douluo looked at each other and then roared likewise, and the seventh spirit ring lit up.

Outside of the porcupine Douluo, there is an ugly big fish nearly fifteen meters long. The back of the big fish is full of spikes and pustule-like green bumps, which looks a bit disgusting.

The Ghost Leopard Douluo was wrapped around a ten-meter-long, seven-to-eight-meter-high vigorous black panther. His spirit body looked the smallest, but his power was not inferior to the other titled Douluo.A faint black mist hovered around the ghost of the Ghost Leopard Martial Spirit's real body. Just looking at it in this way made people feel a sense of fear.

Snake Lance Douluo’s martial spirit body is not very eye-catching. The weapon spirit body can be big or small. At this moment, his snake spear spirit is like an ordinary spear, held in his hand. in.

After all, even if he turns his snake spear into the largest 20-meter long body, which seems to be a small toothpick for the giant wooden man not far away, he might as well save some soul power.

Title Douluo, there is still this combat experience.Although the corners of their mouths expressed disdain for Ye Zhiqiu's top Hua Buddha, they had almost revealed their trump cards before they formally confronted each other.

Martial Soul True Body is the most important soul ability for any soul master, and it can play a role in connecting the previous and the next.

A titled Douluo, behind Wuhunzhen, the power of the sixth spirit ability can sometimes even exceed the eighth spirit ability. This is the power of the Wuhunzhen body.

At the top of the Big Buddha, watching the four Title Douluo all use his seventh spirit ability, Ye Zhiqiu didn't panic at all. Instead, he smiled lightly: "This is a bit interesting, otherwise if the battle ends too quickly, it would be too boring. Don’t say I didn’t remind you, I’m going to make a move. As I said before, let your hands and feet, this son will never break his promise."

Ye Zhiqiu happily raised his head and laughed, and slowly raised his palm.

The head of the big Buddha at his feet, the eyes that were originally closed, slowly opened at this moment...

Nima?This huge wooden man actually came alive?The porcupine Douluo and others were a little stupid.

Bibidong Qiandaoliu and others who watched the battle from a distance also shrank their pupils. They had thought about the various functions of this giant wooden figure, the only thing they had not thought about was...Does this wooden figure seem to be alive?

The next moment, something that made them even more shocked happened.

They found that not only could the wooden man open his eyes, the large decorative hands behind the wooden man actually stretched out hundreds of them...

At this moment, they understood a little bit, what Ye Zhiqiu said to let you have hands and feet.

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