Walk around Douluo with the Naruto system

Chapter 158 Honorary Grand Elderseeking subscription

You can search for the latest chapters in Baidu for "Go to Douluosou Novels with Hokage System (www.soxscc.com)"!Ye Zhiqiu looked at Qian Daoliu speechlessly.

"The great elder really has his word, and the younger generation admire it very much." Ye Zhiqiu faintly said as he looked at Qian Daoliu.

"I haven't finished talking yet." Qian Daoliu was mocked by Ye Zhiqiu. The old face was also slightly red, and he coughed lightly and continued, "Although I can't pass the position of the elder to you now, I propose to add a martial artist. The position of the Honorary Grand Elder of the Soul Hall. Although the status of the Honorary Grand Elder is equal to mine, he is famous but not entitled. This way, he has an explanation to the outside world. It will not lose the reputation of the Soul Hall. It can also highlight your presence in the Soul Hall. Status."

Ye Zhiqiu frowned and looked at Bibi Dong. He didn't care about himself. He liked being famous and not right. After all, he didn't have time to do things, and he didn't bother to do it.

"Yes." Bibi Dong almost agreed without hesitation.

Indeed, as Qian Daoliu said, if Qian Daoliu really passed the position of the Great Elder directly to Ye Zhiqiu, then Wuhun Hall would have to be gossiped by outsiders, after all, Ye Zhiqiu was too young.

As the Pope of the Spirit Hall, she would definitely not do things that have a negative impact on the Spirit Hall.

For her, Ye Zhiqiu was able to directly obtain the position of honorary elder, which is already a surprise. She originally thought that Qian Daoliu would expose the matter directly, or give something to compensate. .

Judging from the fact that Qian Daoliu didn't perfuse Ye Zhiqiu's words, and even added a position of honorary elder for the first time, Qian Daoliu also paid great attention to Ye Zhiqiu, the current Saint Child of Wuhun Temple.

Seeing that Bibi Dong agreed, Qian Daoliu also smiled slightly, and everyone was happy.

Afterwards, several people discussed some of the details in detail, such as the funeral of the two dead titled Douluo and Snake Lance Douluo, and the time when Ye Zhiqiu was announced as the honorary elder of the Wuhun Hall. Everything was discussed. After it was completed, everyone returned contentedly.


Inside Ye Zhiqiu's room in Dongbian Hall.

"Huh? I said Senior Sister, this is the reward you said?"

Ye Zhiqiu was naked, lying on the bed in a big font, a little speechless.

"Yeah." Hu Liena, who was sitting on Ye Zhiqiu's back and massaging him on his back, smiled slyly, tilted his head slightly forward, leaned to Ye Zhiqiu's ear, and spit out the scent, "Otherwise? Brother Qiu, you think you think What is the reward?"

Ye Zhiqiu whispered: "I thought I could sleep in a hug..."

The faintly heard Hu Liena immediately "chuckled" and chuckled, patted him on the back, and said coquettishly: "It's not impossible to sleep with the senior sister, wait for you to grow up."

"I'm already very big..." Ye Zhiqiu suddenly said with dissatisfaction.

"What do you want..." Rao is Hu Liena's boldness, and his face flushed ashamed by Ye Zhiqiu's words, "Senior Sister said age, don't you understand age?"

"Damn age..." Ye Zhiqiu murmured depressedly.

Speaking of age, Ye Zhiqiu had to feel uncomfortable.I feel that time is really slow. Under the age of 14, the concept of the highest death penalty starting in three years is still reminded in his mind, otherwise Ning Rongrong, who is closest to him, would have been wiped out. .

Suddenly miss that girl Rongrong a little bit, do you want to go back and have a look?I don’t know what they were like when they were educated by Madara’s clone...

"Sister, I plan to go out for a while tomorrow. You will ask the teacher for a vacation later." Ye Zhiqiu said while enjoying Hu Liena's small hand massage while lying on his stomach.

"Where are you going? Do you want to take me with Senior Sister?" Hu Liena said with a soft smile.Ranwen www.rwenw.com

Ye Zhiqiu glanced back at her and said sternly, "Sister, you are the future pope of Wuhun Hall, don't you learn something next to the teacher? I'm different. I'm all light and I can go wherever I want. . You won't be envious of it."

Hu Liena's face turned dark, and she looked at Ye Zhiqiu and snorted softly, "Just don't want to bring it, and give me an excuse. I think you just want to go and lie to the little sister secretly."

Ye Zhiqiu was shocked, hiss~ Is the sixth sense of women so accurate?

"How can it be! Where are the little sisters out there, seniors, are you so attractive?" Ye Zhiqiu quickly explained with a serious expression.

Well, not now, after all, the chest is not as big as you.Not necessarily in the future...

"Forget you can talk." Hu Liena chuckled lightly, "I'm leaving, the teacher's request for leave is covered by me. Do you remember to come back early and see if you don't."

"Understood." Ye Zhiqiu turned over and sat up, smiling and waving at Hu Liena.

One night, it slowly passed by as Ye Zhiqiu absorbed the green light cluster of the fairy human body.

It wasn't until the afternoon of the next day that there was a slight muffled noise in the bedroom, and Ye Zhiqiu slowly opened his eyes.

Soul power broke through, and finally reached level 46.

Moreover, the green light cluster of the fairy human body has been absorbed continuously after this period of time, and it has been completely absorbed just now.

Ye Zhiqiu's long black hair had indeed turned black and purple at this time. Unlike before, his hair color was already very purple at this time, and even his pupils revealed a hint of purple.

The skin on his body is also more fair and tender. Even if Ye Zhiqiu deliberately suppressed it, his unique temperament that is close to the world and nature seems to be affecting his surroundings all the time, making people and things feel good about him unconsciously.

Looking at his appearance in the mirror, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't help being speechless. Fortunately, his face didn't change much, otherwise his parents would not recognize him.

With purple hair and purple pupils, he guessed that it was due to the influence of his soul power. Fortunately, his soul power was not green, otherwise he would lose face and go out to meet people.

With emotion, a red light flashed in the bedroom, and Ye Zhiqiu's figure slowly disappeared.


In the cafeteria of Shrek Academy, Ye Zhiqiu first came here to drop a roast chicken. He was a little hungry.

While chewing on the roast chicken, Ye Zhiqiu walked slowly towards the playground.

Rongrong, they should be trained in the playground.

But when Ye Zhiqiu came to the playground, he didn't see the figure he expected. Instead, the playground seemed to have been bombed by a shell.

There are big pits everywhere, and at first glance, there is no complete piece of land on the playground.

Ye Zhiqiu: ...

He suddenly felt a little sad for Tang San's group of friends, wouldn't this be beaten out by his clone?After all, apart from his own clone, Ye Zhiqiu couldn't think of anyone else Shrek would destroy the playground like this.

It is estimated that Flander would have been sprayed to death.

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